1,112 research outputs found

    Comment on "Quantum diffusion of 3-He impurities in solid 4- He"

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    In this comment I show that the experimental data on quantum diffusion of 3-He impurities in solid 4-He can be explained using the adopted quasiparticle theory. The contention by E.G. Kisvarsanyi and N.S. Sullivan (KS) in Phys.Rev.B v. 48, 16557 (1993) as well as in their Reply (ibid. v. 55, 3989 (1997)) to the Grigor'ev's Comment (Phys.Rev. B v. 55, 3987 (1997)) that "Pushkarov's theory of phonon scattering fails to fit the data by very large factors" is groundless and may result from their bad arithmetical error. This means that the phonon-impurity scattering mechanism of diffusion is consistent with experiment and its neglecting by KS makes their results questionable.Comment: RevTex, 5 pages, no figures, to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Representations of reductive normal algebraic monoids

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    The rational representation theory of a reductive normal algebraic monoid (with one-dimensional center) forms a highest weight category, in the sense of Cline, Parshall, and Scott. This is a fundamental fact about the representation theory of reductive normal algebraic monoids. We survey how this result was obtained, and treat some natural examples coming from classical groups.Comment: 10 pages. To appear in a volume of the Fields Communications Series: "Algebraic Monoids, Group Embeddings, and Algebraic Combinatorics," edited by Mahir Can, Zhenheng Li, Benjamin Steinberg, and Qiang Wan

    Study of buccal epithelium as a method of diagnosis of uterine myoma

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    Uterine myoma is one of the reasons that lead to infertility and a number of serious complications during pregnancy. Relevant is to find methods for early diagnosis of this disease. At the same time research buccal epithelium has several advantages because of its painless and informative, and is characterized by ease of collection of material for research. Below you will see the results of the study nuclei of buccal epithelium in patients with uterine cancer compared with the control group. For a group of patients diagnosed with uterine fibroids detected buccal epithelium following characteristics: shape core spindle and uncertain; membrane nucleus split evenly thick, sealed, reinforced sides and loosened; color core dark, dark to a mirror, with grain sizes.Миома матки является одной из причин, приводящих к бесплодию и ряду серьезных осложнений во время беременности. Необходимо найти методы ранней диагностики этого заболевания. В то же время исследование буккального эпителия имеет ряд преимуществ из-за его безболезненности, информативности и простоты сбора материала для исследования. В статье приведены результаты изучения ядер буккального эпителия у пациентов с раком матки по сравнению с контрольной группой. У пациентов с миомой матки были выявлены морфо-структурные изменения ядер клеток буккального эпителия по сравнению с контрольной группой.Міома матки є однією з причин, що призводять до безпліддя і ряду серйозних ускладнень під час вагітності. Необхідно знайти методи ранньої діагностики цього захворювання. У той же час дослідження буккального епітелію має ряд переваг через його безболісність, інформативність та простоту збору матеріалу для дослідження. У статті наведені результати вивчення ядер букального епітелію у пацієнтів з раком матки в порівнянні з контрольною групою. У пацієнтів з міомою матки були виявлені морфоструктурні зміни ядер клітин букального епітелію в порівнянні з контрольною групою

    Fraction-free algorithm for the computation of diagonal forms matrices over Ore domains using Gr{\"o}bner bases

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    This paper is a sequel to "Computing diagonal form and Jacobson normal form of a matrix using Groebner bases", J. of Symb. Computation, 46 (5), 2011. We present a new fraction-free algorithm for the computation of a diagonal form of a matrix over a certain non-commutative Euclidean domain over a computable field with the help of Gr\"obner bases. This algorithm is formulated in a general constructive framework of non-commutative Ore localizations of GG-algebras (OLGAs). We split the computation of a normal form of a matrix into the diagonalization and the normalization processes. Both of them can be made fraction-free. For a matrix MM over an OLGA we provide a diagonalization algorithm to compute U,VU,V and DD with fraction-free entries such that UMV=DUMV=D holds and DD is diagonal. The fraction-free approach gives us more information on the system of linear functional equations and its solutions, than the classical setup of an operator algebra with rational functions coefficients. In particular, one can handle distributional solutions together with, say, meromorphic ones. We investigate Ore localizations of common operator algebras over K[x]K[x] and use them in the unimodularity analysis of transformation matrices U,VU,V. In turn, this allows to lift the isomorphism of modules over an OLGA Euclidean domain to a polynomial subring of it. We discuss the relation of this lifting with the solutions of the original system of equations. Moreover, we prove some new results concerning normal forms of matrices over non-simple domains. Our implementation in the computer algebra system {\sc Singular:Plural} follows the fraction-free strategy and shows impressive performance, compared with methods which directly use fractions. Since we experience moderate swell of coefficients and obtain simple transformation matrices, the method we propose is well suited for solving nontrivial practical problems.Comment: 25 pages, to appear in Journal of Symbolic Computatio

    The Horizontal Component of Photospheric Plasma Flows During the Emergence of Active Regions on the Sun

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    The dynamics of horizontal plasma flows during the first hours of the emergence of active region magnetic flux in the solar photosphere have been analyzed using SOHO/MDI data. Four active regions emerging near the solar limb have been considered. It has been found that extended regions of Doppler velocities with different signs are formed in the first hours of the magnetic flux emergence in the horizontal velocity field. The flows observed are directly connected with the emerging magnetic flux; they form at the beginning of the emergence of active regions and are present for a few hours. The Doppler velocities of flows observed increase gradually and reach their peak values 4-12 hours after the start of the magnetic flux emergence. The peak values of the mean (inside the +/-500 m/s isolines) and maximum Doppler velocities are 800-970 m/s and 1410-1700 m/s, respectively. The Doppler velocities observed substantially exceed the separation velocities of the photospheric magnetic flux outer boundaries. The asymmetry was detected between velocity structures of leading and following polarities. Doppler velocity structures located in a region of leading magnetic polarity are more powerful and exist longer than those in regions of following polarity. The Doppler velocity asymmetry between the velocity structures of opposite sign reaches its peak values soon after the emergence begins and then gradually drops within 7-12 hours. The peak values of asymmetry for the mean and maximal Doppler velocities reach 240-460 m/s and 710-940 m/s, respectively. An interpretation of the observable flow of photospheric plasma is given.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables. The results of article were presented at the ESPM-13 (12-16 September 2011, Rhodes, Greece, Abstract Book p. 102, P.4.12, http://astro.academyofathens.gr/espm13/documents/ESPM13_abstract_programme_book.pdf

    Periodic electron motion in the field of intensive plane light wave

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    Results of integration of the Lorentz-Dirac equation for electron motion in the field of intensive light wave are given in this work. Diagrams and parameters, which characterize the periodic motion of a relativistic electron, are shown. Formulas of the spectral-angular distribution of the electromagnetic field irradiated by a relativistic electron, moving towards electromagnetic wave, were obtained

    The Relationship Between Plasma Flow Doppler Velocities and Magnetic Field Parameters During the Emergence of Active Regions at the Solar Photospheric Level

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    A statistical study has been carried out of the relationship between plasma flow Doppler velocities and magnetic field parameters during the emergence of active regions at the solar photospheric level with data acquired by the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). We have investigated 224 emerging active regions with different spatial scales and positions on the solar disc. The following relationships for the first hours of the emergence of active regions have been analysed: i) of peak negative Doppler velocities with the position of the emerging active regions on the solar disc; ii) of peak plasma upflow and downflow Doppler velocities with the magnetic flux growth rate and magnetic field strength for the active regions emerging near the solar disc centre (the vertical component of plasma flows); iii) of peak positive and negative Doppler velocities with the magnetic flux growth rate and magnetic field strength for the active regions emerging near the limb (the horizontal component of plasma flows); iv) of the magnetic flux growth rate with the density of emerging magnetic flux; v) of the Doppler velocities and magnetic field parameters for the first hours of the appearance of active regions with the total unsigned magnetic flux at the maximum of their development.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. The results of article were presented at the ESPM-13 (12-16 September 2011, Rhodes, Greece, Abstract Book p. 102-103, P.4.13, http://astro.academyofathens.gr/espm13/documents/ESPM13_abstract_programme_book.pdf

    Center-limb dependence of photospheric velocities in regions of emerging magnetic fields on the Sun

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    We investigate the ratio of the vertical and horizontal velocities of the photospheric plasma flows in the region of emerging magnetic fields on the Sun. We carried out a study of photospheric velocities during the first hours of the appearance of 83 active regions with magnetic flux more than 10^21 Mx with data acquired by the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The emerging magnetic fluxes under investigation were isolated from extended concentrations of existing magnetic fields; they have different spatial scales and are located at different distances from the solar disk center. We found that the values of maximum negative Doppler velocities that accompany the emergence of active region magnetic fields during the first 12 hours increase nonlinearly with the heliocentric angle. This result shows that the horizontal photospheric velocities of plasma outflows are higher than the vertical ones of the plasma upflows during the first hours of the emergence of active regions. The horizontal velocity component at the site of emerging active regions exceeds that of convective flows in the quiet Sun. A comparison between the velocities and the maximum value of the total magnetic flux has not revealed any relation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted in A&

    Судебная патентно-техническая экспертиза

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    The article provides recommendations based on the author’s personal experience on conducting patent and technical forensic examination of inventions and utility models. It complements the recently published educational and methodological manual, which highlights the legal norms and practical aspects of patent and technical expertise. The main sections of the article are devoted to the prevention of procedural violations, ensuring the sustainability of conclusions and are accompanied by a number of practical examples.В статье представлены основанные на личном опыте автора рекомендации по проведению судебной патентно-технической экспертизы изобретений и полезных моделей. Публикация дополняет учебно-методическое пособие «Судебная патентно-техническая экспертиза по установлению факта использования изобретения или полезной модели» 2020 года, в котором освещены правовые нормы и практические аспекты данной экспертизы. Основные разделы статьи посвящены предотвращению процессуальных нарушений, обеспечению устойчивости выводов и сопровождаются рядом примеров из практики

    Практические критерии достоверности судебных экспертиз в статистических значениях

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    The article presents a scientific and practical analysis of ensuring the accuracy of forensic experts’ opinions. It is shown that Russian substantive and procedural legislation needs improvements in the part of the inclusion of the criteria for assessing expert opinions’ accuracy. It has become necessary to develop more explicit criteria for the appointment of additional and re-examinations. New legal definitions are required to establish the cases when probabilistic and evaluative characteristics may be the ground for doubts in the accuracy of an expert’s opinions. Basing on the official statistics of expert errors ascertained by justice, the author proposes to define the criteria of expert opinions’ accuracy in the legislation.Приведены результаты научно-практического анализа обеспечения достоверности заключений эксперта. Показано, что российское материальное и процессуальное законодательство нуждается в усовершенствовании в части включения в него критериев оценки достоверности заключений эксперта. Назрела выработка более четких критериев для назначения дополнительной и повторной экспертизы. Требуются новые юридические определения того, в каких случаях вероятностные и оценочные характеристики могут служить основаниями для сомнений в достоверности заключений эксперта. На основе данных государственной статистики экспертных ошибок, констатированных правосудием, автор предлагает сформулировать в законодательстве критерии достоверности заключений эксперта