3,027 research outputs found

    Studying the Perturbative Reggeon

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    We consider the flavour non-singlet Reggeon within the context of perturbative QCD. This consists of ladders built out of ``reggeized'' quarks. We propose a method for the numerical solution of the integro-differential equation for the amplitude describing the exchange of such a Reggeon. The solution is known to have a sharp rise at low values of Bjorken-x when applied to non-singlet quantities in deep-inelastic scattering. We show that when the running of the coupling is taken into account this sharp rise is further enhanced, although the Q^2 dependence is suppressed by the introduction of the running coupling. We also investigate the effects of simulating non-perturbative physics by introducing a constituent mass for the soft quarks and an effective mass for the soft gluons exchanged in the t-channel.Comment: LaTeX, 21 pages, 16 figure

    Evidence for a high accretion rate as the defining parameter of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies

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    X-ray spectral features which are unusually strong in many Narrow-Line Seyfert galaxies are found to be consistent with reflection from strongly ionized matter, providing further evidence of a high accretion rate in these objects and offering a unique signature of that key parameter in future observations.Comment: Contributed talk presented at the Joint MPE,AIP,ESO workshop on NLS1s, Bad Honnef, Dec. 1999, to appear in New Astronomy Reviews; also available at http://wave.xray.mpe.mpg.de/conferences/nls1-worksho

    Factors controlling lava dome morphology

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    Research suggests that variations in lava dome morphology on different planets will depend much more critically on local gravity and the style of eruption than on the magma composition, ambient temperature, or the relative roles of convective and radiative cooling. Eruption style in turn reflects differences in tectonic conditions and the ability of magma to exsolve volatiles. Observed crude correlations between silica content and calculated yield strengths for terrestrial lava flows and domes probably are do to differences in extrusion rate and volatile solubility, rather than intrinsic rheological properties. Thus, even after taking the known effect of gravity into account, observed differences in gross dome morphology on different planets cannot by themselves be directly related to composition. Additional information such as the distribution of surface textures and structures, or spectroscopic data will be needed to conclusively establish dome compositions

    Invasion percolation on the Poisson-weighted infinite tree

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    We study invasion percolation on Aldous' Poisson-weighted infinite tree, and derive two distinct Markovian representations of the resulting process. One of these is the σ→∞\sigma\to\infty limit of a representation discovered by Angel et al. [Ann. Appl. Probab. 36 (2008) 420-466]. We also introduce an exploration process of a randomly weighted Poisson incipient infinite cluster. The dynamics of the new process are much more straightforward to describe than those of invasion percolation, but it turns out that the two processes have extremely similar behavior. Finally, we introduce two new "stationary" representations of the Poisson incipient infinite cluster as random graphs on Z\mathbb {Z} which are, in particular, factors of a homogeneous Poisson point process on the upper half-plane R×[0,∞)\mathbb {R}\times[0,\infty).Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AAP761 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Equidistributing grids

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    Turbulent Convection Insights from Small-Scale Thermal Forcing with Zero Net Heat Flux at a Horizontal Boundary

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    A large-scale circulation, a turbulent boundary layer, and a turbulent plume are noted features of convection at large Rayleigh numbers under differential heating on a single horizontal boundary. These might be attributed to the forcing, which in all studies has been limited to a unidirectional gradient over the domain scale. We instead apply forcing on a length scale smaller than the domain, and with variation in both horizontal directions. Direct numerical simulations show turbulence throughout the domain, a regime transition to a dominant domain-scale circulation, and a region of logarithmic velocity in the boundary layer, despite zero net heat flux. The results show significant similarities to Rayleigh-Bénard convection, demonstrate the significance of plume merging, support the hypothesis that the key driver of convection is the production of available potential energy without necessarily supplying total potential energy, and imply that contributions to domain-scale circulation in the oceans need not be solely from the large-scale gradients of forcing

    Ablation of sloping ice faces into polar seawater

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    The effects of the slope of an ice–seawater interface on the mechanisms and rate of ablation of the ice by natural convection are examined using turbulence-resolving simulations. Solutions are obtained for ice slopes , at a fixed ambient salinity and temperature, chosen to represent common Antarctic ocean conditions. For laminar boundary layers the ablation rate decreases with height, whereas in the turbulent regime the ablation rate is found to be height independent. The simulated laminar ablation rates scale with , whereas in the turbulent regime it follows a scaling, both consistent with the theoretical predictions developed here. The reduction in the ablation rate with shallower slopes arises as a result of the development of stable density stratification beneath the ice face, which reduces turbulent buoyancy fluxes to the ice. The turbulent kinetic energy budget of the flow shows that, for very steep slopes, both buoyancy and shear production are drivers of turbulence, whereas for shallower slopes shear production becomes the dominant mechanism for sustaining turbulence in the convective boundary layer.Computations were carried out using the Australian National Computational Infrastructure, through the National Computational Merit Allocation Scheme supported Ablation of a sloping ice face 569 by the Australian Government. This work was supported by Australian Research Council grants DP120102772 and DP120102744. B.G. was supported by ARC DECRA Fellowship DE140100089 and an Australian Antarctic Division RJL Hawk Fellowship to B.G

    Linear theory of the effect of a sloping boundary on circulation in a homogeneous laboratory model

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    Griffiths and Veronis (1997) reported observations of the effect of a sloping boundary on the circulation in a sliced-cylinder model of wind-driven circulation in which the flow is driven by the relative rotation of the top lid. A summary of observations for the nearly linear case is given here along with the linear analysis based on the theory of a rotating homogeneous fluid. Good agreement between the two is obtained, and the (straightforward) physics of the system is described

    A laboratory study of the effects of a sloping side boundary on wind-driven circulation in a homogeneous ocean model

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    A laboratory model is used to investigate the effects of sloping boundaries on homogeneous wind-driven β-plane circulation. The very gentle slopes of real oceanic boundaries raise the possibility that dissipation by lateral diffusion of vorticity to the boundary is largely removed, leaving dissipation only in bottom Ekman layers. The laboratory model is a modification of the rotating ‘sliced-cylinder’ introduced by Pedlosky and Greenspan (1967) and Beardsley (1969) and in which flow is driven by a differentially rotating lid. The vertical wall is replaced with a side wall having a uniform 45° slope around the entire perimeter. This sloping boundary, like a continental slope, tends to steer the flow along the slope. In the geometry chosen for this study it also provides closed potential vorticity contours through every point in the basin, thus removing the blocked contours of the experiments with a vertical wall and the open contours of ocean basins that approach the equator. For cyclonic forcing there is a northward (Sverdrup) flow in the interior superimposed on a zonal flow so that a particle starts out at the southwest, enters the slope region in the northwest, circles cyclonically along a circle of constant radius (and depth) to a point on the southeast where it crosses constant depth contours and rejoins the original point. The direction of flow is reversed for anticyclonic forcing. The main dissipation of vorticity takes place in the southeast where the flow crosses constant depth contours. For cyclonic forcing the flow is stable and steady under all conditions achieved. For anticyclonic forcing the laboratory flow is unsteady under all conditions attainable and unstable to eddy shedding at sufficiently large Rossby or Reynolds numbers. At large Ekman numbers the onset of instability corresponds to shedding of cyclonic eddies in the region where the boundary current enters the interior, whereas at small Ekman numbers it corresponds to periodic breakup of an anticyclonic gyre in the ‘northwest’ and the formation of anticyclonic eddies. Eddies of both sign are shed when the forcing is sufficiently supercritical and the Ekman number small. A simple, qualitative argument explains why the cyclonic flow is stable and the anticyclonic flow is unstable when the system is nonlinear
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