799 research outputs found

    Insurance Law—Statements of Good Health

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    Bronx Savings Bank v. Weigandt, 1 N. Y. 2d 545, 136 X. E. 2d 848 (1956)

    Insurance Law—Cooperation with Fire Insurer

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    Happy Hank Auction Co. v. Amertcan Eagle Fire Ins. Co., 1 N. Y. 2d 534, 136 N. E. 2d 842 (1956)

    Legal Issues in Higher Education: Annual Review of Court & Administrative Developments (CLE)

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    Cilj ovog rada je izrada informacijskog i komunikacijskog sustava za pohranu i obradu medicinskih podataka. U prvom dijelu rada dan je pregled računarstva u oblaku kao tehnologije te na koji način se može koristiti računarstvo u oblaku. Zadatak rada je izgraditi informacijski i komunikacijski sustav stoga je u drugom poglavlju dana definicija informacijskih sustava. Opisan je primjer jednog informacijskog sustava koji se koristi u medicini u Republici Hrvatskoj. Drugi dio rada započinje pregledom tehnologija koje su korištene za izradu cijelog sustava. Detaljno je opisana arhitektura i dizajn cijelog sustava kroz opis svrhe, opće prioritete i skicu sustava. Načini korištenja dodatno su objašnjeni kroz dijagrame razmještaja i aktivnosti. Aplikacija se temelji na modelu repozitorija podataka i koristi dvije baze podataka. Jedna baza podataka je SQL dok je druga NoSQL. Baze se kao i aplikacija nalaze u računalnim oblacima. Zadnje poglavlje opisuje implementaciju rješenja i pokretanje sustava. Korisničke upute napisane kroz ulogu administratora i korisnika. Računalni oblak kao tehnologija pruža na ekonomski prihvatljiv način brojne mogućnosti za razvoj sustava te različite načine korištenja vlastitih i tuđih sustava.The goal of this thesis is to make information and communication system for storage and processing of medical data. The first part gives an overview of cloud computing as a technology and how it can be used. The task is to build an information and communication system therefore in the second chapter contains the definition of information systems in general. Described is an example of an information system which is used in medicine in the Republic of Croatia. The second part starts with an overview of technologies that are used to create the entire system. A detailed description of the architecture and design of the entire system through a description of the purpose , the general priorities and outline of the system. Uses are further explained through diagrams and deployment activities. The application is based on the model repository of data and uses two databases. One database is SQL and the other NoSQL. Databases and applications are available in the cloud. The last chapter describes the implementation of the solution and the system. User guide written by the role of administrators and users. Cloud technology provides an economically efficient for the development of systems and different ways of using their own and other people's systems

    Criminal Law—Jury

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    People v. Winship, 309 N. Y. 311, 130 N.E. 2d 634 (1955)

    Municipal Corporations—Powers of Town Trustees

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    Knapp v. Fasbender, 16. 1 N. Y. 2d 212, 134 N. E. 2d 482 (1956)

    Criminal Law—Evidence

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    People v. Travato, 309 N. Y. 382, 131 N. E. 2d 557 (1955); People v. Namer, 309 N. Y. 458, 131 N. E. 2d 734 (1956)

    Civil Procedure And Evidence—Municipal Corporations—Notice of Claim

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    Rosenberg v. City of New York, 309 N.Y. 304, 130 N.E. 2d 629 (1955)

    Insurance Law—Presumption Against Suicide

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    Begley v. Prudential Ins. Co. of America, 1 N. Y. 2d 530, 136 N. E. 2d 839 (1956)

    Insurance Law—Third Party Practice—Cooperation

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    Am. Surety Co. of N.Y. v. Diamond, 1 N. Y. 2d 594, 136 N. E. 2d 876 (1956)
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