169 research outputs found

    Litaniae Lauretanae

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    Peter Griesbacher\u27s opus 102, a Litany of Loreto for four voice parts (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass) with organ accompaniment.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/imri_sheetmusic/1062/thumbnail.jp

    Stabat Mater

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    Peter Griesbacher\u27s opus 208, Stabat Mater, arranged for solo voice with organ accompaniment.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/imri_sheetmusic/1064/thumbnail.jp

    Litaniae Lauretanae

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    Peter Griesbacher\u27s opus 225, a Litany of Loreto for four voice parts (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass) with organ accompaniment.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/imri_sheetmusic/1063/thumbnail.jp

    Kinin-B1 receptors in ischaemia-induced pancreatitis: Functional importance and cellular localisation

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    In this study we compare the role of kininB1 and B2 receptors during ischaemia/reperfusion of rat pancreas. Our investigations were prompted by the observation that infusion of a kininB2 receptor antagonist produced significant improvement in acute experimental pancreatitis. In an acute model with two hours of ischaemia/two hours of reperfusion, application of the kininB1 receptor antagonist (CP-0298) alone, or in combination with kininB2 receptor antagonist (CP-0597), significantly reduced the number of adherent leukocytes in postcapillary venules. In a chronic model with five days of reperfusion, the continuous application of kininB1 receptor antagonist or a combination of kininB1 and B2 receptor antagonists markedly reduced the survival rate. In kininreceptor binding studies kininB1 receptor showed a 22-fold increase in expression during the time of ischaemia/ reperfusion. Carboxypeptidase M activity was upregulated 10-fold following two hours of ischaemia and two hours of reperfusion, provided the appropriate specific ligand, desArg10-kallidin and/or desArg9-bradykinin, was used. The occurrence of kininB1 receptor binding sites on acinar cell membranes was demonstrated by microautoradiography. With a specific antibody, the localisation of kininB1 receptor protein was confirmed at the same sites. In conclusion, we have demonstrated the upregulation of the pancreatic acinar cell kininB1 receptors during ischaemia/reperfusion. The novel functional finding was that antagonism of the kininB1 receptors decreased the survival rate in an experimental model of pancreatitis

    Oscillatory Flow Bioreactor (OFB) Applied in Enzymatic Hydrolysis at High Solid Loadings

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    Within this study, an enzymatic hydrolysis process using α-cellulosic feedstock was performed in a specially designed plug-flow reactor, referred to as an Oscillatory Flow Bioreactor (OFB). The aims of this approach were to achieve intensification in terms of realising a more energy- and resource-efficient enzymatic hydrolysis, as well as to set the basis for continuous processes in such a reactor. The OFB performance was evaluated for high solid loadings of up to 15 %, and compared to the performance of a Stirred Tank Reactor (STR). Experimental results of the OFB operating at an oscillation frequency of 2 Hz and an oscillation amplitude of 10 mm exhibit better conversion efficiencies (+ 6.7 %) than the STR after 24 h, while requiring only 7 % of the STR power density (W m–3). Therefore, the OFB enables efficient, uniform mixing at lower power densities than STRs for applications with high solid loadings. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Prolactin receptor is a negative prognostic factor in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck

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    Background: The influence of human prolactin (hPRL) on the development of breast and other types of cancer is well established. Little information, however, exists on the effects of hPRL on squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck (SCCHNs). Methods: In this study, we evaluated prolactin receptor (PRLR) expression in SCCHN cell lines and assessed by immunohistochemistry the expression in 89 patients with SCCHNs. The PRLR expression was correlated with clinicopathological characteristics as well as clinical outcome. The effect of hPRL treatment on tumour cell growth was evaluated in vitro. Results: Immunoreactivity for PRLR was observed in 85 out of 89 (95%) tumours. Multivariate COX regression analysis confirmed high levels of PRLR expression (>25% of tumour cells) to be an independent prognostic factor with respect to overall survival (HR=3.70, 95% CI: 1.14–12.01; P=0.029) and disease-free survival (P=0.017). Growth of PRLR-positive cancer cells increased in response to hPRL treatment. Conclusion: Our data indicate that hPRL is an important growth factor for SCCHN. Because of PRLR expression in a vast majority of tumour specimens and its negative impact on overall survival, the receptor represents a novel prognosticator and a promising drug target for patients with SCCHNs

    Moving a robot arm by exploiting its complex compliant morphology

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    The vision of morphological computation proposes that the complexity of compliant bodies of biological systems is not accidentally, but rather that it can contribute to the computations, which are needed for a successful interaction with the environment. We demonstrate in a simulation that a compliant, highly nonlinear body (simulated as a random network of masses and springs) can serve as a computational resource, which allows the end-effector of a two-link robot arm to move autonomously on a complex trajectory. Remarkably, simple linear and static feedback loops from the state of the compliant structure back to the robot arm torques suffice. This suggests that by outsourcing parts of the nonlinear and dynamic computation to the compliant morphology the remaining computational task is much simpler and can be even represented by some static, linear weights

    Heat stress effects on reproductive success and phenology in two different forest types near „Thermenlinie“ in Austria

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    Verschiedene Untersuchungen weisen darauf hin, dass eine globale Erhöhung der Temperatur unterschiedlich große Effekte auf Regionen in dem nächsten Jahrhundert haben wird. In Europa wird bis Ende dieses Jahrhunderts mit einem Temperaturanstieg von bis zu 5.5°C gerechnet, was zu schwer abschätzbaren ökologischen Folgen führen wird. Viele wissenschaftliche Arbeiten haben sich mit diesem Thema, vor allem im globalen Kontext, auseinander gesetzt. Wie die ökologischen Folgen für Regionen sind, wurde bisher jedoch nur spärlich behandelt. Für die Wiener Umgebung gab es Anfang dieses Jahrhunderts besonders trockene Jahre, mit hohen Temperaturen und wenig Niederschlag, was manche Arten an den Rand ihrer Dürrehärte gedrängt hat. Welchen Impakt extreme Trockenheit und Hitze auf vegetative und reproduktive Teile von Pflanzen haben, ist auf lokaler Ebene nicht ausreichend erforscht. Um mehr Erkenntnisse dieser Auswirkungen für die Wiener Umgebung zu erfahren, wurden in den Jahren 2015 und 2016 phänologische Daten gesammelt. Dafür wurden zwei Waldflächen mit unterschiedlicher Exposition aber ähnlicher Artenzusammensetzung ausgewählt und der vegetative und generative Verlauf jeder Art und in weiterer Folge im Zusammenhang mit den Faktoren Temperatur und Niederschlag ausgewertet. Für die Versuchsflächen konnte gezeigt werden, dass in dem heißen Jahr 2015 im Sommer blühende Arten Probleme hatten, funktionsfähige Diasporen auszubilden (Früchte, Samen). Im Frühling blühende Arten hingegen reagierten tendenziell auf die wärmeren Tage im Winter damit, dass der Blühzeitpunkt nach vorne verschoben war. Sehr hohe Temperaturmaxima während der Jahre führten dazu, dass die Blätter mancher Pflanzenarten frühzeitig vergilbten bis hin zu einem total Blattabwurf im Sommer, andere Arten konnten keine funktionsfähigen Samen ausbilden was ebenfalls auf den großen Hitzestress deutet. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Arten mit einer Präferenz für kühlere und/oder feuchtere Habitate, besonders häufig entweder früh blühten oder Probleme hatten ihren generativen Zyklus zu schließen. Diese Erkenntnisse werfen die Fragen auf, ob bei weiterer Temperaturerhöhung und häufigeren extremen Maximaltemperaturen Pflanzengesellschaften noch stärker reagieren, gewisse Arten verdrängt werden und sich womöglich die Artenzusammensetzung ändert.Global warming does not affect the different parts of the world in the same intensity. For Europe a projection of up to 5.5°C till the end of this century is expected, leading to yet unknown ecological responses and consequences. A considerable amount of scientific research was conducted already about this topic on global scale, however, local scale observations are lacking for many areas. Extraordinary high temperatures around Vienna in the early years of this century pushed some species to a threshold of their heat tolerance. To get an overview if drought events affect vegetative and reproductive performance of plants, in this work the vegetative and generative course as well as species performance of two similar forest communities was evaluated. For this purpose, in the years 2015 and 2016 data of two plots with different aspects in the Vienna Woods, close to the south-western border line of Vienna, were recorded and analysed. For the local scale at least, it could be shown that in the year 2015 summer flowering species had problems to build normally developed reproductive organs (seeds, fruits). Further-on, in the following year 2016, spring flowering species showed tendencies to start flowering earlier than expected.. Elevated temperatures through the year led to early yellowing and leaf dropping in some species, others seemed not to be able to withstand heat peaks, mounting in problems in building normally developed seeds. Species with both, conspicuous vegetative and generative responses showed a general preference to colder and/or more humid habitats raising the question whether in further scenarios plant community changes might happen on local scale

    Dynamics of agricultural land-use change and rural livelihoods in Southern Bhutan : local perspectives from Tashithang village

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    Lukas GriesbacherAlpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Masterarbeit, 2017(VLID)441305
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