6 research outputs found

    3DHIP-calculator-A new tool to stochastically assess deep geothermal potential using the heat-in-place method from voxel-based 3D geological models

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    The assessment of the deep geothermal potential is an essential task during the early phases of any geothermal project. The well-known "Heat-In-Place" volumetric method is the most widely used technique to estimate the available stored heat and the recoverable heat fraction of deep geothermal reservoirs at the regional scale. Different commercial and open-source software packages have been used to date to estimate these parameters. However, these tools are either not freely available, can only consider the entire reservoir volume or a specific part as a single-voxel model, or are restricted to certain geographical areas. The 3DHIP-Calculator tool presented in this contribution is an open-source software designed for the assessment of the deep geothermal potential at the regional scale using the volumetric method based on a stochastic approach. The tool estimates the Heat-In-Place and recoverable thermal energy using 3D geological and 3D thermal voxel models as input data. The 3DHIP-Calculator includes an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) for visualizing and exporting the results to files for further postprocessing, including GIS-based map generation. The use and functionalities of the 3DHIP-Calculator are demonstrated through a case study of the Reus-Valls sedimentary basin (NE, Spain)

    Creaci贸 de recursos digitals per a la innovaci贸 docent en geologia estructural i tect貌nica

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    Aquest projecte consisteix en l'elaboraci贸 d'una s猫rie de recursos did脿ctics en format digital per a l'ensenyament de les mat猫ries de Geologia Estructural i de Tect貌nica en titulacions relacionades amb les Ci猫ncies de la Terra. L'objectiu 茅s la millora de la formaci贸 i del rendiment dels estudiants mitjan莽ant l'elaboraci贸 d'activitats de suport no presencials que fomentin l'autoaprenentatge i l'autoregulaci贸 per part de l'estudiant. Les activitats intenten aprofitar les noves eines inform脿tiques disponibles i fomentar-ne l'acc茅s mitjan莽ant la xarxa. El material que s'elabora en el marc del projecte consisteix en: 1) un fons documental d'imatges relacionades amb la Geologia Estructural i la Tect貌nica amb explicaci贸, disponibles en xarxa i accessibles mitjan莽ant motors espec铆fics de cerca, 2) un conjunt d'exercicis i casos pr脿ctics, alguns dels quals resolts, i 3) sortides de camp virtuals a una regi贸 geol貌gica que permeten proposar activitats pr猫vies a una pr脿ctica presencial de camp o desenvolupar la pr脿ctica de manera completament aut貌noma.Este proyecto consiste en la elaboraci贸n de una serie de recursos did谩cticos en formato digital para la ense帽anza de las materias de Geolog铆a Estructural y Tect贸nica en titulaciones relacionadas con las Ciencias de la Tierra. El objetivo es la mejora de la formaci贸n y del rendimiento de los estudiantes mediante la elaboraci贸n de actividades de apoyo no presenciales que fomenten el autoaprendizaje y la autorregulaci贸n por parte del estudiante. Las actividades intentan aprovechar las nuevas herramientas inform谩ticas disponibles y fomentar el acceso mediante la red. El material que se elabora en el marco del proyecto consiste en: 1) un fondo documental de im谩genes relacionadas con la Geolog铆a Estructural y la Tect贸nica con explicaci贸n, disponibles en red y accesibles mediante motores espec铆ficos de b煤squeda, 2) un conjunto de ejercicios y casos pr谩cticos, algunos de ellos resueltos, y 3) salidas de campo virtuales de una regi贸n geol贸gica que permiten proponer actividades previas a una pr谩ctica presencial de campo o desarrollar la pr谩ctica de forma completamente aut贸noma.This project consisted of developing a series of teaching resources in digital format to teach the subjects of Structural Geology and Tectonics in degree programmes related to the Earth Sciences. The goal was to improve students' training and performance by developing out-of-classroom support activities that foster independent learning and self-regulation on the part of the students. The activities aim to take advantage of the new IT tools available and to foster their access via the Web. The material that was developed in this project consisted of: 1) a documentary collection of images related to Structural Geology and Tectonics with explanations, available on the Web and accessible from specific search engines, 2) a series of exercises and practical case studies, some of them already solved, and 3) virtual field trips to a geological region that enabled us to propose activities prior to a visit to the field or to develop the practice totally independently

    Estructures tect貌niques i la seva relaci贸 amb la vorticitat cinem脿tica : casos reals i models /

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    Consultable des del TDXT铆tol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaAquest estudi es centra en temes cl脿ssics de la geologia estructural com s贸n el plegament de capes i la din脿mica de part铆cules a茂llades; malgrat la gran quantitat de treballs sobre aquests temes, mai s'ha plantejat un estudi sobre la mec脿nica de la transici贸 geom猫trica entre capes de gruix homogeni i cossos a茂llats. Aquesta transici贸 pot ser visualitzada mitjan莽ant capes amb distribuci贸 de gruix no homogeni. El focus principal d'aquest estudi 茅s identificar els factors que controlen el plegament de capes amb gruix no homogeni i la relaci贸 entre l'asimetria d'aquests plecs i la cinem脿tica de la deformaci贸. La metodologia de treball consisteix en una combinaci贸 entre estudis de detall de camp d'aquestes estructures i la seva simulaci贸 mitjan莽ant models te貌rics, num猫rics i anal貌gics. Cadascun d'aquests m猫todes t茅 les seves avantatges i desavantatges, i en conjunt aporten dades diferenciades per貌 compatibles entre elles. La definici贸 original del treball neix per a donar una explicaci贸 coherent a un conjunt d'observacions de camp de la fase de deformaci贸 D2 del Varisc de Cap de Creus (Est dels Pirineus). En aquesta zona s'observa una aparent contradicci贸 entre el sentit de cisalla dedu茂t mitjan莽ant els indicadors cinem脿tics i l'inferit mitjan莽at l'evoluci贸 de les bandes d'elevada deformaci贸 i/o l'orientaci贸 dels marcadors planars. Un d'aquests indicadors cinem脿tics s贸n un conjunt venes de quars d'gruix molt irregulars i plegades durant la D2, anomenats sigmoidal quartz-rods. Quin 茅s el significat d'aquestes estructures, i com reconciliar la contradicci贸 entre els sentits de cisalla s贸n uns dels darrers objectius de l'estudi. Primerament 茅s fa una introducci贸 dels aspectes principals de la mec脿nica de medis continus, juntament amb les teories de plegament i de din脿mica de part铆cules a茂llades. Aquests conceptes s贸n claus per a una comprensi贸 correcte dels aspectes desenvolupats al llarg de tot el treball. Despr猫s, es realitza una descripci贸 detallada tant de la geometria de les estructures de camp com del seu context estructural, que ens defineixen el marc d'inspiraci贸 de la modelitzaci贸. Aquesta s'ha realitzat amb un increment progressiu de l'escala d'estudi: des de la geometria dels l铆mits de capa fins a sistemes amb m煤ltiples pertorbacions, passant per a situacions amb un 煤nica pertorbaci贸 a茂llada. Les variables independents del sistema b脿sicament es troben relacionades amb aspectes de la geometria inicial, aspectes lligats a les propietats mec脿niques del medi i aspectes de la cinem脿tica de les condicions de contorn dels models. La investigaci贸 s'ha basat en l'an脿lisi tant de la variaci贸 de les geometries com de la distribuci贸 de les components de la cinem脿tica dins i al voltant de les pertorbacions. Aquests resultats ens han perm猫s establir la viabilitat de la transici贸 mec脿nica entre estructures de plegament i din脿mica de part铆cules. Aquesta 茅s abrupte i asim猫trica, amb un domini pels processos de buckling de capes. Els resultats s贸n utilitzats per a definir tres nous m猫todes d'an脿lisi de la deformaci贸 i del grau de no coaxilitat mitjan莽ant dades de camp. Aquests es basen en la combinaci贸 de par脿metres geom猫trics simples com s贸n l'angle d'inclinaci贸 dels flancs, dels boudins o de la foliaci贸 externa. Els m猫todes s贸n aplicats a l'脿rea d'estudi obtenint resultats similars per a tots ells. S'han contrastat els resultats mitjan莽ant altres m猫todes d'estimaci贸 basats en la geometria de plecs. Els resultats de camp s贸n compatibles amb les interpretacions pr猫vies d'un r猫gim transpressiu de la deformaci贸 D2, per貌 s'observa un car脿cter variable del grau de no coaxilitat de la deformaci贸 entre zones de baixa i alta deformaci贸. Finalment, el conjunt de resultats obtinguts s贸n un pas endavant cap una possible unificaci贸 de les teories de din脿mica de part铆cules a茂llades i de plegament.This study is concerning classical themes of structural geology as the folding of competent single-layers and the dynamics of isolated particles. However the large number of previous studies related to these topics, never has been investigated the mechanics of the geometrical transition between layers with homogeneous thickness and isolated inclusions. This transition can be visualized through layers with non homogeneous distribution of the thickness. The major focus of this study is addressed to recognize the mean factors that govern the folding mechanics of layers with unequal thickness. A second objective is to identify the relationship between fold asymmetry and the kinematics of the deformation. The working methodology consists in a combination between detailed field study of these structures and their simulation using theoretical, numerical and analogue modelling. These methods have advantages and disadvantages and altogether contribute to solve the problem with differentiated data but compatible among them. The initial definition of this work rise to provide a coherent interpretation to a set of field data associated to the main Variscan phase (D2) of the Cap de Creus (East of Pyrenees, Spain). In this zone, it is possible to observe an apparent contradiction between shear sense deducted from kinematics indicators and the shear sense inferred from the evolution of high strain bands and/or reorientation of structural planar markers (foliations). One of the kinematics indicators used are a set of quartz veins with irregular thickness layer and folded during the D2, called sigmoid quartz-rods. Which is the significance of these structures and how does it reconcile with the apparent contradiction between shear senses are the ultimate purposes of this study. First of all, the basic concepts of the continuum mechanics are introduced, following with a brief of layer folding and particle dynamic theories. These concepts are fundamentals for a correct acknowledgement of the mean features developed along this thesis. After, an introduction to the field structural geology and a detailed description of the geometry of sigmoidal quartz-rods structures are exposed. These observations represent the reference frame of the subsequent modelling. A progressive dimensional scale of the effects has been used in the simulations: from the geometry of the layer interfaces to systems with a central isolated perturbation, finishing in the interaction of multiple perturbations. The independent variables of the models are the initial geometry of the layers, the mechanical properties of the medium and the kinematics of the boundary conditions. The study is based on the analysis of variation of fold geometry and the variation of the distribution of the kinematics components inside and around flow perturbations. Results have validated the viability of a mechanical transition between folded structures and particle dynamics. This transition is sharp and asymmetric, and is widely dominated by buckling process. Three new methods for analysis of strain and kinematical vorticity number from field data have been proposed. These methods are based on the combination of simple geometrical parameters as the fold limb angle, the boudin angle or the orientation of the foliation. The methods have been applied to the field area, obtaining for all methods similar results. The validity of these results has been contrasted with other strain methods based on fold geometry. Field results are compatible with previous interpretation of D2 deformation as a transpressive strain regime with vertical extension, horizontal area reduction and NNW-SSE bulk shortening. But, deformation has a non-steady character, with variable degree of non-coaxility between low and high strain zones. Finally, these results represent a forward step to a viable unified theory between classical theories of folding and particle dynamics

    Recumbent folding in the Upper Cretaceous Eaux-Chaudes massif : a Helvetic-type nappe in the Pyrenees?

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    We describe a singular structure in Upper Cretaceous rocks of the Eaux-Chaudes massif of the western Pyrenees, consisting of a kilometre-scale fold nappe with a sheared overturned limb. High ductile strain attests a deformation style rarely reported for the alpine Pyrenees, and peak temperature in Upper Cretaceous carbonates is estimated by Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material palaeothermometry in the lower greenschist facies (>300掳C). The normal fold limb retains the original sedimentary textures, while the overturned limb shows calcite crystal-plastic deformation and dynamic recrystallization, with crystallographic preferred orientation. The observed ductility and metamorphic temperature bear similarities with the lower Helvetic nappes of the Alps, suggesting deep burial and/or possibly high geothermal gradient in this part of the Pyrenees

    Insights to controls on dolomitization by means of reactive transport models applied to the Benic脿ssim case study (Maestrat basin, E Spain)

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    Partially dolomitized carbonate rocks of the Middle East and North America host large hydrocarbon reserves. The origin of some of the dolomites has been attributed to a hydrothermal mechanism. The Benic脿ssim area (Maestrat basin, E Spain) constitutes an excellent field analogue for fault-controlled stratabound hydrothermal dolomitization: dolostone geobodies are well exposed and extend over several kilometers away from seismic-scale faults. This work investigates the main controls on the formation of stratabound vs. massive dolomitization in carbonate sequences by means of 2D reactive transport models applied to the Benic脿ssim case study. Simulation results suggest that the dolomitization capacity of fluids is maximum at temperatures around 100潞C and minimum at 25潞C. It takes on the order of hundreds of thousands to millions of years to completely dolomitize kilometer-long limestone sections with solutions flowing laterally through strata at velocities of meters per year. Permeability differences of two orders of magnitude between layers are required to form stratabound dolomitization. The kilometer-long stratabound dolostone geobodies of Benic脿ssim must have formed under a regime of lateral flux higher than meters per year during about a million years. As long-term dolomitization tends to produce massive dolostone bodies not seen at Benic脿ssim, the dolomitizing process there must have been limited by the availability of fluid volume or the flow driving mechanism. Reactive transport simulations have proven a useful tool to quantify aspects of the Benic脿ssim genetic model of hydrothermal dolomitization