291 research outputs found

    Next-generation sequencing analysis of the Tineola bisselliella larval gut transcriptome reveals candidate enzymes for keratin digestion

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    The clothes moth Tineola bisselliella is one of a few insects that can digest keratin, leading to the destruction of clothing, textiles and artwork. The mechanism of keratin digestion is not yet fully understood, partly reflecting the lack of publicly available genomic and transcriptomic data. Here we present a high-quality gut transcriptome of T. bisselliella generated from larvae reared on keratin-rich and keratin-free diets. The overall transcriptome consists of 428,221 contigs that were functionally annotated and screened for candidate enzymes involved in keratin utilization. As a mechanism for keratin digestion, we identified cysteine synthases, cystathionine ÎČ-synthases and cystathionine Îł-lyases. These enzymes release hydrogen sulfite, which may reduce the disulfide bonds in keratin. The dataset also included 27 differentially expressed contigs with trypsin domains, among which 20 were associated with keratin feeding. Finally, we identified seven collagenases that were upregulated on the keratin-rich diet. In addition to this enzymatic repertoire potentially involved in breaking down keratin, our analysis of poly(A)-enriched and poly(A)-depleted transcripts suggested that T. bisselliella larvae possess an unstable intestinal microbiome that may nevertheless contribute to keratin digestion

    Förster Resonance Energy Transfer between Core/Shell Quantum Dots and Bacteriorhodopsin

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    An energy transfer relationship between core-shell CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) and the optical protein bacteriorhodopsin (bR) is shown, demonstrating a distance-dependent energy transfer with 88.2% and 51.1% of the QD energy being transferred to the bR monomer at separation distances of 3.5 nm and 8.5 nm, respectively. Fluorescence lifetime measurements isolate nonradiative energy transfer, other than optical absorptive mechanisms, with the effective QD excited state lifetime reducing from 18.0 ns to 13.3 ns with bR integration, demonstrating the Förster resonance energy transfer contributes to 26.1% of the transferred QD energy at the 3.5 nm separation distance. The established direct energy transfer mechanism holds the potential to enhance the bR spectral range and sensitivity of energies that the protein can utilize, increasing its subsequent photocurrent generation, a significant potential expansion of the applicability of bR in solar cell, biosensing, biocomputing, optoelectronic, and imaging technologies

    Association between C-reactive protein with all-cause mortality in ELSA-Brasil cohort

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    Background: High-sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) has been proposed as a marker of incident cardiovascular disease and vascular mortality, and it may also be a marker of non-vascular mortality. However, most evidence comes from either North American or European cohorts. The present proposal aims to investigate the association of high-sensitive C-reactive protein with the risk of all-cause mortality in a multi-ethnic Brazilian population Methods: Cohort data from baseline (2008–2010) of 14 792 subjects participating in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health were used. HsCRP was assayed with Immunochemistry. The association of baseline covariates with all-cause mortality was calculated by Cox regression for univariate model and adjusted for different confounders after mean follow-up of 8.0 ± 1.1 years. The final model was adjusted for age, sex, self-rated race/ethnicity, schooling, health behaviours and prevalent chronic disease. Results: The risk of death increased steadily by quartiles of hsCRP from 1.45 (95% Confidence Interval: 1.05, 2.01) in Quartile 2 to 1.95 (1.42, 2.69) in Quartile 4 compared to Quartile 1. Furthermore, the persistence of a significant graded association after the exclusion of deaths in the first year of follow-up suggests that these results are unlikely to be due to reverse causality. Finally, the hazard ratios were unaffected by the exclusion of participants that had self-reported past medical history for diabetes, cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Conclusions: Our study shows that hsCRP levels is associated with mortality in a highly admixed population, independently of a large set of lifestyle and clinical variables


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    Background:Medication adherence in the GLORIA trial, among elderly patients with rheumatoid arthritis, is measured with caps that register openings of the medication bottle. At each study visit, one or two medication bottles with cap (kits) are dispensed, each containing 90 capsules. Multiple steps are needed to come to a workable dataset to describe adherence.Objectives:To describe the steps that are needed to come from raw data to a workable dataset to analyze adherence data that are recorded by electronic caps.Methods:The medication bottle contains a cap with the ability to register cap openings. The raw dataset from the caps consist of an excel file with one opening event per row, recorded as date and time. One cap yields approximately 90 rows. First, the kit numbers were matched to the corresponding patient numbers, that are recorded in another excel file. Instances where two kits were dispensed were recorded with two kit numbers in one cell and need to be copied to two cells with one kit number. Second, the VLOOKUP function was used to combine dates and kit numbers. One row now contains all openings from one kit. Then, the number of days between first opening and each next opening date was calculated. A range of 90 days was made to calculate how many times the bottle was opened on each day of the 90-days period. The results were color-coded to visualize instances of zero, one or ≄two openings on a day.Results:The colored calendar matrix (Figure 1) can now be used to categorize adherence patterns.Conclusion:A monitoring cap seems a simple instrument to measure adherence. However, multiple steps and a lot of time are needed to come to a workable dataset for the study of adherence patterns.Acknowledgments:The GLORIA project is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the topic "Personalizing Health and Care'', grant agreement No 634886.Disclosure of Interests:Linda Hartman: None declared, Elisa Alessandri: None declared, Reinhard Bos: None declared, Daniela Opris-Belinski Speakers bureau: as declared, Marc R Kok Grant/research support from: BMS and Novartis, Consultant of: Novartis and Galapagos, Hanneke Griep-Wentink: None declared, Ruth Klaasen: None declared, Cornelia Allaart: None declared, George Bruyn: None declared, Hennie Raterman Grant/research support from: UCB, Consultant of: Abbvie, Amgen, Bristol-Myers Sqibb, Cellgene and Sanofi Genzyme, Marieke Voshaar Grant/research support from: part of phd research, Speakers bureau: conducting a workshop (Pfizer), Nuno Gomes: None declared, Rui Pinto: None declared, Thomas Klausch: None declared, WIllem Lems Grant/research support from: Pfizer, Consultant of: Lilly, Pfizer, Maarten Boers: None declare

    Uso combinado de modelos de estresse no trabalho e a saĂșde auto-referida na enfermagem

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar combinaçÔes de dois modelos do estresse psicossocial do trabalho em equipes de enfermagem e sua associação com a saĂșde auto-referida. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com trabalhadoras de trĂȘs hospitais pĂșblicos do MunicĂ­pio do Rio de Janeiro, RJ (N=1307). Foi aplicado questionĂĄrio multidimensional que incluiu duas escalas de estresse no trabalho (modelo demanda-controle e desequilĂ­brio esforço-recompensa) em 2006. Foram considerados o modelo demanda e controle parcial e completo (inclui apoio social no trabalho), assim como o esforço e recompensa parcial e completo (inclui excesso de comprometimento com o trabalho). Modelos de regressĂŁo mĂșltipla foram utilizados para estimar razĂ”es de chances ajustadas e seus respectivos intervalos com 95% de confiança. RESULTADOS: As dimensĂ”es de ambos os modelos estiveram independentemente associadas Ă  situação de saĂșde, com odds ratios entre 1,70 e 3,37. O modelo parcial demanda-controle mostrou-se menos associado Ă  saĂșde (OR = 1,79; IC95% 1,26;2,53) quando comparado ao de desequilĂ­brio esforço-recompensa (OR=2,27; IC95% 1,57;3,30). A incorporação do apoio social e do excesso de comprometimento com o trabalho aumentou a força de associação dos modelos demanda-controle e desequilĂ­brio esforço-recompensa, respectivamente. Foi observado aumento na força de associação quando os dois modelos parciais foram combinados. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados indicam melhor desempenho do modelo desequilĂ­brio esforço-recompensa para este grupo especĂ­fico e para o desfecho avaliado e vantagem do uso de modelos completos ou do uso combinado em modelos parciais.OBJETIVO: Identificar combinaciones de dos modelos de estrĂ©s psicossocial del trabajo en equipos de enfermerĂ­a y su asociaciĂłn con la salud auto referida. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal con trabajadoras de tres hospitales pĂșblicos del Municipio de Rio de Janeiro, Sureste de Brasil, (N=1307). Se aplicĂł cuestionario multidimensional que incluyĂł dos escalas de estrĂ©s en el trabajo (modelo demanda-control y desequilibrio esfuerzo-recompensa) en 2006. Se consideraron el modelo demando y control parcial y completo (incluye apoyo social en el trabajo), asĂ­ como el esfuerzo y recompensa parcial y completo (incluye exceso de compromiso con el trabajo). Se utilizaron modelos estadĂ­sticos mĂșltiples para estimar razones de probabilidades ajustadas y sus respectivos intervalos con 95% de confianza. RESULTADOS: Las dimensiones de ambos modelos estuvieron independientemente asociadas con la salud autoreferida, con odds ratios entre 1,70 y 3,37. El modelo parcial demanda-control se mostrĂł menos asociado a la salud (OR=1,79; IC 95% 1,26;2,53) al compararlo con el desequilibrio esfuerzo-recompensa (OR=2,27; IC 95% 1,57;3,30). La incorporaciĂłn del apoyo social y del exceso de compromiso con el trabajo aumentĂł la fuerza de asociaciĂłn de los modelos demanda-control y desequilibrio esfuerzo-recompensa, respectivamente. Se observĂł aumento en la fuerza de asociaciĂłn al combinarse los dos modelos parciales. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados indican mejor desempeño del modelo desequilibrio esfuerzo-recompensa para este grupo especĂ­fico y para el resultado evaluado y ventaja en el uso de modelos completos o del uso combinado en modelos parciales.OBJECTIVE: To identify combinations of two models of psychosocial stress at work among nursing teams and their associations with self-rated health. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study among workers at three public hospitals in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil (N = 1307). In 2006, a multidimensional questionnaire including two scales for measuring stress at work (demand-control and effort-reward imbalance models) was administered. Partial and complete (including social support at work) demand-control models were considered, along with partial and complete (including excessive commitment to work) effort-reward models. Multiple logistic regression models were used to estimate adjusted odds ratios and their respective 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: The dimensions of both models were independently associated with self-rated health, with odds ratios between 1.70 and 3.37. The partial demand-control model was less associated with health (OR = 1.79; 95%CI 1.26;2.53) than was the partial effort-reward imbalance model (OR = 2.27; 95%CI 1.57;3.30). Incorporation of social support and excessive commitment to work increased the strength of the demand-control and effort-reward imbalance models, respectively. Increased strength of association was observed when the two partial models were combined. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that the effort-reward imbalance model performed better for this specific group and for the outcome evaluated, and that there was an advantage in using complete models or combinations of partial models

    Advances in surface EMG signal simulation with analytical and numerical descriptions of the volume conductor

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    Surface electromyographic (EMG) signal modeling is important for signal interpretation, testing of processing algorithms, detection system design, and didactic purposes. Various surface EMG signal models have been proposed in the literature. In this study we focus on 1) the proposal of a method for modeling surface EMG signals by either analytical or numerical descriptions of the volume conductor for space-invariant systems, and 2) the development of advanced models of the volume conductor by numerical approaches, accurately describing not only the volume conductor geometry, as mainly done in the past, but also the conductivity tensor of the muscle tissue. For volume conductors that are space-invariant in the direction of source propagation, the surface potentials generated by any source can be computed by one-dimensional convolutions, once the volume conductor transfer function is derived (analytically or numerically). Conversely, more complex volume conductors require a complete numerical approach. In a numerical approach, the conductivity tensor of the muscle tissue should be matched with the fiber orientation. In some cases (e.g., multi-pinnate muscles) accurate description of the conductivity tensor may be very complex. A method for relating the conductivity tensor of the muscle tissue, to be used in a numerical approach, to the curve describing the muscle fibers is presented and applied to representatively investigate a bi-pinnate muscle with rectilinear and curvilinear fibers. The study thus propose an approach for surface EMG signal simulation in space invariant systems as well as new models of the volume conductor using numerical methods

    Negative life events and migraine: a cross-sectional analysis of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) baseline data

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Stress is a typical migraine trigger. However, the impact of negative life events on migraine activity is poorly studied. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between negative life events and migraine using data from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) baseline assessment.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud ELSA-Brasil is a multicenter cohort study conducted in six Brazilian cities. Baseline assessment included validated questionnaires for headache classification and the occurrence of five pre-specified negative life events (financial hardship, hospitalization other than for childbirth, death of a close relative, robbery and end of a love relationship), focusing on a 12-month period before evaluation. We built crude and adjusted logistic regression models to study the association between the occurrences of negative life events and migraine diagnosis and activity.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud We included 4,409 individuals with migraine and 4,457 participants without headache (reference). After adjustment for age, sex, race, income and educational level, we found that the occurrence of a negative life event (Odds ratio = 1.31; 95% confidence interval = 1.19 – 1.45) was associated with migraine. However, after stratifying with subgroup analyses, only financial hardship (Odds ratio = 1.65; 95% confidence interval = 1.47 – 1.87) and hospitalization (Odds ratio = 1.47; 95% confidence interval = 1.25 – 1.72) were independently associated with migraine. Further adjustment for a current major depression episode and report of religious activity did not significantly change the results. Considering migraine frequency as (a) less than once per month, (b) once per month to once per week, or (c) more than once per week, financial hardship and hospitalization remained significantly associated with migraine in all episode frequency strata, with higher odds ratios for higher frequencies in adjusted models. We also observed a significant association between the death of a close relative and the highest migraine frequency stratum (Odds ratio = 1.38; 95% confidence interval = 1.09 – 1.75) in full-adjusted model.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud The occurrence of financial hardship and hospitalization had a direct and independent association with migraine diagnosis and frequency. The death of a close relative was also independently associated with the highest migraine frequency stratum.Brazilian Ministry of Health (Science and Technology Department)Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology (Financiadora de Estudos e\ud Projetos and CNPq National Research Council) (grants 01 06 0010.00 RS, 0106 0212.00 BA, 01 06 0300.00 ES, 01 06 0278.00 MG, 01 06 0115.00 SP, 01 060071.00 RJ
