419 research outputs found

    Le geste du conteur et son image

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    Remarques sur le mécanisme du sacrifice Dogon (Soudan français)

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    Les Dogons conçoivent le sacrifice comme un moyen pour les hommes de se mettre en communication avec les puissances surnaturelles. Ils lui ont donnĂ© de multiples formes allant de la simple libation Ă  l’immolation d’animaux (et anciennement d’ĂȘtres humains) suivie de consommation. À ces formes correspondent des buts trĂšs divers. Pourtant, sous ces apparences variĂ©es, le sacrifice, chez les Dogons, a un effet constant qui est d’actionner le nyama des ĂȘtres en cause dans un sens voulu par l’homme.The Dogon (Mali) understand sacrifice to be a way whereby people establish communication with supernatural powers. They have given sacrifice several forms ranging from libations to the immolation of animals (and, in yesteryear, of human beings) that are then consumed. These forms correspond to quite diverse purposes. Under these varied appearances however, sacrifice among the Dogon has a constant effect, namely to activate the life-force (nyama) of the beings involved in accord with what people are seeking

    Margarita Xanthakou, Identités en souffrance, Une ethnologie de la GrÚce

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    Margarita Xanthakou nous offre ici un de ses livres les plus beaux et les plus poignants. Dans son exploration du Magne, cette rĂ©gion qui constitue un des « doigts » de cette espĂšce de main Ă©voquĂ©e par la carte du PĂ©loponnĂšse et dont elle nous a rapportĂ© tant de magnifiques descriptions et tant d’histoires dramatiques et violentes, elle a recueilli de nombreux rĂ©cits de vies, le plus souvent confiĂ©s par des vieilles femmes demeurĂ©es solitaires aprĂšs des destinĂ©es de souffrance. Ces rĂ©cits son..

    La calebasse brisée

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    Le conte des « Deux Filles » (T 480) est prĂ©sent dans la littĂ©rature orale de nombreuses cultures. Cet article tente de dĂ©montrer, Ă  partir de l’analyse d’un conte dogon du Mali recueilli en 1969 et de quelques autres exemples, que le problĂšme fondamental posĂ© par ces contes est celui de la succession des gĂ©nĂ©rations et des conflits qu’elle engendre. Le passage de l’enfance Ă  l’ñge adulte et les conflits qu’il provoque sont une prĂ©occupation importante dans de nombreuses sociĂ©tĂ©s. Les jeunes doivent conquĂ©rir leur propre fĂ©conditĂ© et les plus ĂągĂ©s doivent y renoncer. La quĂȘte initiatique entreprise par les jeunes gens et les Ă©preuves qu’ils y subissent ont pour but de les aider Ă  devenir des adultes et Ă  jouer leur rĂŽle dans la sociĂ©tĂ©. Dans ce conte, il s’agit plus spĂ©cialement de l’initiation fĂ©minine et les Ă©preuves symboliques subies par les hĂ©roĂŻnes se rapportent Ă  la fĂ©conditĂ©. Comme dans tous les contes de ce type, la « bonne » fille rĂ©ussit et la « mauvaise » Ă©choue. Une comparaison avec un conte bambara et le conte de Grimm montre la constance des motifs symboliques.The tale “The Kind and Unkind Girls”(T 480) has been collected in numerous cultures. Based on the analysis of a Dogon tale collected in Mali in 1969 and several other examples, this article demonstrates that these tales basically revolve around the succession of life stages and the conflicts that arise. The passage from childhood to adulthood is an important preoccupation in many societies. Young people must take control of their own fertility while those who are older must let it go. The initiatory journey undertaken by young people and the trials they endure are designed to help them become adults and play their role in society. The Dogon tale specifically deals with female initiation and the symbolic tests all center on fertility. As in all the tales that fall under this type, the “kind” girl succeeds and the “unkind” girl fails. A comparison with a Bambara version and the Grimm tale demonstrates that the symbolic motifs are constant

    Margarita Xanthakou, Identités en souffrance, Une ethnologie de la GrÚce

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    Margarita Xanthakou nous offre ici un de ses livres les plus beaux et les plus poignants. Dans son exploration du Magne, cette rĂ©gion qui constitue un des « doigts » de cette espĂšce de main Ă©voquĂ©e par la carte du PĂ©loponnĂšse et dont elle nous a rapportĂ© tant de magnifiques descriptions et tant d’histoires dramatiques et violentes, elle a recueilli de nombreux rĂ©cits de vies, le plus souvent confiĂ©s par des vieilles femmes demeurĂ©es solitaires aprĂšs des destinĂ©es de souffrance. Ces rĂ©cits son..

    Termites, mud daubers and their earths: a multispecies approach to fertility and power in West Africa

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    The termites and mud-dauber wasps of West Africa build earthen structures in which their eggs and larvae develop. This paper examines how these insect earths are understood and used in West Africa, focusing on their direct consumption (geophagy) and medicinal qualities. Existing research reveals these earths to be enriched in minerals otherwise lacking in the diets of the region, and suggests that insects may also introduce anti-microbial properties into them. The paper examines the place of these earths in the lives of those who use them and through a 'multispecies' approach provides new insights into the ecological dimensions to 'religious' thought and practice, and of the respect that these insects command

    Dites-le avec des gestes

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    L’auteur raconte ici comment, partant d’une Ă©tude de la langue dogon, elle s’est spĂ©cialisĂ©e en ethnolinguistique (ethnographie de la parole et littĂ©rature orale). Son intĂ©rĂȘt pour la gestuelle date de son arrivĂ©e au Sahel nigĂ©rien et de sa rencontre avec un jeune conteur touareg particuliĂšrement expressif. Au dĂ©but elle s’efforçait seulement de dĂ©crire les gestes, qu’elle lui demandait de refaire en reprenant chaque phrase du texte, ce qu’il faisait facilement ; ils sont en effet mĂ©morisĂ©s en mĂȘme temps que le conte. Plus tard, aprĂšs avoir travaillĂ© de la mĂȘme façon avec des vieilles femmes du groupe ethnique des Isawaghen et un forgeron, elle a commencĂ© Ă  photographier les conteurs, puis des films ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s avec le concours d’un collĂšgue. Cette Ă©tude a permis de constater la quasi-immuabilitĂ© des gestes et leur rĂŽle essentiel dans la narration, rĂŽle dont les usagers ont parfaitement conscience.The author explains how, based on her study of the Dogon language, she specialized in ethnolinguistics (ethnography of speaking and oral literature). Her interest in gestures dates from the beginning of her arrival in the Nigerian Sahel where she encountered an especially expressive, young Tuareg tale teller. At first, she only tried to describe the gestures by asking him to repeat them as she reiterated each passage concerned. He did this very easily for, indeed, the gestures are memorized at the same time as the text. After having used the same technique with a blacksmith and several elderly Isawaghen female tellers, she photographed and filmed their performance. This study allowed her to notice the quasi-immutability of the gestures and their crucial role in the act of narration, role the tellers were perfectly aware of

    A Case of Cultural Misunderstanding: French Anthropology in a comparative perspective

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    This paper offers a study of French anthropological tradition in a comparative perspective. It focuses on French anthropologists’ writing practices and, in particular, on a strikingly recurrent phenomenon: that French ethnographers, in addition to their scholarly work, often write a ‘second book,’ a literary account of their experience in the field. The study of the divide between these two books allows for a comparison with other national anthropological traditions, particularly the American one. It sheds light on some difficulties in cultural and intellectual translation between national traditions in social sciences

    Companions of Stars: From Other Stars to Brown Dwarfs to Planets: The Discovery of the First Methane Brown Dwarf

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    The discovery of the first methane brown dwarf provides a framework for describing the important advances in both fundamental physics and astrophysics that are due to the study of companions of stars. I present a few highlights of the history of this subject along with details of the discovery of the brown dwarf Gliese 229B. The nature of companions of stars is discussed with an attempt to avoid biases induced by anthropocentric nomenclature. With the newer types of remote reconnaissance of nearby stars and their systems of companions, an exciting and perhaps even more profound set of contributions to science is within reach in the near future. This includes an exploration of the diversity of planets in the universe and perhaps soon the first solid evidence for biological activity outside our Solar System.Comment: 31 pages, 13 figure
