39 research outputs found

    Experimental platform for development and Evaluation of hybrid generation systems based on fuel cells

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    An experimental hybrid power generation platform for the design and assessment of advanced control systems has been developed. It is specifically intended as a flexible development tool for the implementation and refinement of real-time novel control algorithms, aimed to maximize energy efficiency and optimize the electrical power management of hybrid generation systems based on fuel cells. The platform consists of two generation modules and storage module. The main one is based on a PEM fuel cell stack. The second one, implemented with a programmable electronic source, allows to emulate an alternative energy module, particularly a wind energy generation system. The storage module is built with Supercapacitors. Finally, a variable electronic load represents the lumped energy demand, with profiles that can be programmed in accordance with the user requirements. All modules of the system are connected to a common DC bus through intermediary electronic converters, which are controlled by a dedicated digital signal processor. The complete system is supervised through a Personal Computer, resulting into a highly versatile platform. Experimental results are presented to validate the whole system performance.Fil: Talpone, Juan Ignacio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Electrotecnia. Laboratorio de Electrónica Industrial, Control e Instrumentación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Puleston, Pablo Federico. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Electrotecnia. Laboratorio de Electrónica Industrial, Control e Instrumentación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Moré, Jerónimo José. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Electrotecnia. Laboratorio de Electrónica Industrial, Control e Instrumentación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Griñó, R.. Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya; EspañaFil: Cendoya, Marcelo Gustavo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Electrotecnia. Laboratorio de Electrónica Industrial, Control e Instrumentación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentin

    Tools for teaching digital control in engineering degrees

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    [EN] This work describes a set of teaching materials that have been developed to support the learning of digital control. In particular, it presents a set of interactive tools and the project Duino-Based Learning (DBL) that has been designed to develop experimental practices of digital control using Arduino. In addition, the paper depicts the contents of a digital control course, taught in the framework of an industrial engineering degree, and how the developed tools are used in its teaching.[ES] En este trabajo se describen un conjunto de materiales pedagógicos que han sido desarrollados para dar soporte a la docencia del control digital. En particular, se presentan un conjunto de herramientas interactivas y el proyecto Duino-Based Learning (DBL) pensado para desarrollar prácticas experimentales de control digital utilizando Arduino. Además, se describe el contenido de un curso de control digital, que  se imparte en el marco de una titulación de ingeniería industrial, y como se utilizan las diferentes herramientas desarrolladas en su docencia.El trabajo de E. Lerma ha sido financiado por la donación de Mathworks UPC-I-01523. El trabajo de R. Griñó ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Gobierno de España a través de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación Proyecto DPI2017-85404-P, la Generalitat de Catalunya a través del Proyecto 2017 SGR 872 y la donación de Mathworks UPC-I-01523. El trabajo de R. Costa-Castelló ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Gobierno de España a través de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación Proyecto DOVELAR ref. RTI2018-096001-B-C32 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) y “María de Maeztu Seal of Excellence to IRI” (MDM-2016-0656), la Generalitat de Catalunya a través del Proyecto 2017 SGR 482 y la donación de Mathworks UPC-I-01523.Lerma, E.; Costa-Castelló, R.; Griñó, R.; Sanchis, C. (2021). Herramientas para la docencia de control digital en grados de ingeniería. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 18(2):193-203. https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2020.13756OJS193203182Barber, R., Horra, M., Crespo, J., 2013. Practices using simulink with arduino as low cost hardware. IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (17), 250 - 255. https://doi.org/10.3182/20130828-3-UK-2039.00057Basañez, L., Caminal, P., 2002. Control digital: problemas. Edicions UPC.Basañez, L., Costa, R., Fossas, E., Mañanas, M. A., Puig, V., Riera, J., Rosell, J., Villà, R., 2013. Treballs pràctics de control digital (in Catalan). CPDA.Candelas, F., García, G., Puente, S., Pomares, J., Jara, C., Pérez, J., Mira, D., Torres, F., 2015. Experiences on using arduino for laboratory experiments of automatic control and robotics. IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (29), 105 - 110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.11.221Costa Castelló, R., Fossas, E., 2014. Sistemes de Control en Temps Discret. Edicions UPC, ISBN: 978-84-9880-492-8.Diaz, J. M., Costa-Castelló, R., Dormido, S., Oct 2019. Closed-loop shaping linear control system design: An interactive teaching/learning approach [focus on education]. IEEE Control Systems Magazine 39 (5), 58-74.Dormido, S., Dormido-Canto, S., Dormido, R., Sánchez, J., Duro, N., 2005. The role of interactivity in control learning. Int. J. Eng. Educ. 21 (6), 1122-1133.Guzmán, J.L., Costa Castelló, R., Berenguel, M., Dormido, S., 2012. Control automático con herramientas interactivas. Pearson. ISBN: 9788483227503Guzmán, J. L., Costa-Castelló, R., Dormido, S., Berenguel, M., Feb 2016. An interactivity-based methodology to support control education: How to teach and learn using simple interactive tools [lecture notes]. IEEE Control Systems 36 (1), 63-76. https://doi.org/10.1109/MCS.2015.2495092Jury, E., 1958. Sampled-data Control Systems. John Wiley and Sons.Jury, E., 1973. Theory and Application of the z-Transform Method. Krieger Pub. Co.Kuo, B., 1995. Digital Control Systems. Oxford University Press.Lerma, E., Griñó, R., Costa-Castelló, R., Sanchis, C., 5-7 de Septiembre de 2018. Implementación de controladores en arduino mediante simulink. In: EXTREMADURA, U. D. (Ed.), Actas de las XXXVIII Jornadas de Automática. CEA, Badajoz, pp. 158-164.Longchamp, R., 2006. Comande Num'eriques de Syst'emes Dynamiques. Cours d'Automatique. Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes.Ogata, K., 1994. Discrete-time Control Systems. Prentice Hall.Ogata, K., 2015. Modern Control Engineering. Pearson India.Phillips, C., Nagle, T., Brickley, J., Chakrabortty, A., 2014. Digital Control System Analysis & Design. Pearson Education Ltd.Piguet, Y., 2018. Sysquake Pro User Manual. Calerga Sarl, Lausanne, Switzerland.Rubio, J., García, E., Aquino, G., Aguilar-Ibáñez, C., Pacheco, J., Meda-Campaña, J.A., 2019. Mínimos cuadrados recursivos para un manipulador que aprende por demostración. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial 16, 147-158. https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2019.8899Ruiz, A. P., Rivas, M. A., Harbour, M. G., 2019. Aplicaciones ada en android con requisitos de tiempo real. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial 16 (3), 264-272. https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2019.10604Sobota, J., PiSl, R., Balda, P., Schlegel, M., 2013. Raspberry pi and arduino boards in control education. IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (17), 7 - 12. https://doi.org/10.3182/20130828-3-UK-2039.00003Tou, J., 1959. Digital and Sampled-data Control Systems. McGraw-Hill Inc

    Structural and functional characterization of (110)-oriented epitaxial La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 electrodes and SrTiO3 tunnel barriers

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    La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (LCMO) films have been deposited on (110)-oriented SrTiO3 (STO) substrates. X-ray diffraction and high-resolution electron microscopy reveal that the (110) LCMO films are epitaxial and anisotropically in-plane strained, with higher relaxation along the [1¿10] direction than along the [001] direction; x-ray absorption spectroscopy data signaled the existence of a single intermediate Mn3+/4+ 3d-state at the film surface. Their magnetic properties are compared to those of (001) LCMO films grown simultaneously on (001) STO substrates It is found that (110) LCMO films present a higher Curie temperature (TC) and a weaker decay of magnetization when approaching TC than their (001) LCMO counterparts. These improved films have been subsequently covered by nanometric STO layers. Conducting atomic-force experiments have shown that STO layers, as thin as 0.8 nm, grown on top of the (110) LCMO electrode, display good insulating properties. We will show that the electric conductance across (110) STO layers, exponentially depending on the barrier thickness, is tunnel-like. The barrier height in STO (110) is found to be similar to that of STO (001). These results show that the (110) LCMO electrodes can be better electrodes than (001) LCMO for magnetic tunnel junctions, and that (110) STO are suitable insulating barriers

    Neuregulin signaling on glucose transport in muscle cells

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    Neuregulin-1, a growth factor that potentiates myogenesis induces glucose transport through translocation of glucose transporters, in an additive manner to insulin, in muscle cells. In this study, we examined the signaling pathway required for a recombinant active neuregulin-1 isoform (rhHeregulin-β1, 177-244, HRG) to stimulate glucose uptake in L6E9 myotubes. The stimulatory effect of HRG required binding to ErbB3 in L6E9 myotubes. PI3K activity is required for HRG action in both muscle cells and tissue. In L6E9 myotubes, HRG stimulated PKBα, PKBγ, and PKCζ activities. TPCK, an inhibitor of PDK1, abolished both HRG- and insulin-induced glucose transport. To assess whether PKB was necessary for the effects of HRG on glucose uptake, cells were infected with adenoviruses encoding dominant negative mutants of PKBα. Dominant negative PKB reduced PKB activity and insulin-stimulated glucose transport but not HRG-induced glucose transport. In contrast, transduction of L6E9 myotubes with adenoviruses encoding a dominant negative kinase-inactive PKCζ abolished both HRG- and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. In soleus muscle, HRG induced PKCζ, but not PKB phosphorylation. HRG also stimulated the activity of p70S6K, p38MAPK, and p42/p44MAPK and inhibition of p42/p44MAPK partially repressed HRG action on glucose uptake. HRG did not affect AMPKα1 or AMPKα2 activities. In all, HRG stimulated glucose transport in muscle cells by activation of a pathway that requires PI3K, PDK1, and PKCζ, but not PKB, and that shows cross-talk with the MAPK pathway. The PI3K, PDK1, and PKCζ pathway can be considered as an alternative mechanism, independent of insulin, to induce glucose uptake

    "Invisible burials" and fragmentation practices in Iron Age Europe:Excavations at the Monte Bernorio Necropolis (Northern Spain)

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    The scarcity of burial remains in large parts of Iron Age Europe, particularly in the Atlantic regions, has often led scholars to discuss the apparent “invisibility” of graves. This paper presents the results from several excavation campaigns at Monte Bernorio, one of the most important sites of the 1st millennium b.c. on the Iberian Peninsula. The fieldwork and post-excavation work carried out in the area of the necropolis have identified numerous burial pits, with complex ritual activities characterized by fragmentation and the practice of the pars pro toto. In addition, evidence for later rituals in some of the graves can be linked to ancestor worship. The results provide important insights into funerary practices in Late Iron Age Europe, leading us to rethink the very meaning of cemeteries in the study area and beyond.- Burial Traditions in Iron Age Europe - The Monte Bernorio Archaeological Zone - The 2007–2008 Necropolis Excavations - The 2015–2016 Necropolis Excavations - Post-Excavation Work and Interpretation: The Faunal and Human Remains - Structure and Chronology of Monte Bernorio Area 7 - Destruction of the Body, Commemoration in the Absence of a Corpse, and Visibility of the Mortuary Rite

    Bones pràctiques en atenció compartida: recomanacions per a una gestió òptima dels PIIC

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    Bones pràctiques; Presa decisions; Plans d’intervenció individualitzats i compartitsBuenas prácticas; Toma de decisiones; Planes de intervención individualizados i compartidosGood practices; Decision making; Individualized and shared intervention plansAquest document és un instrument per a professionals de l'atenció sanitària per posar al dia els criteris de bon ús dels PIIC respecte a la revisió que es va publicar l’abril de 2015