160 research outputs found

    Matematikkundervisning i skolen - Grunnskolelærerstudenters egne erfaringer som elev i skolen

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    Masteroppgave matematikkdidaktikk- Universitetet i Agder, 2015The purpose of this study has been to gain some insight into how pre-service teachers experienced mathematics and the teaching of mathematics from school age up until they meet the subject in their formal education. In order to be able to do more research into this topic, I have used collected data from a complete survey. The respondents were 105 pre-service teachers, some of who have mathematics as an obligatory subject (GLU 1-7), while the rest have mathematics as a chosen subject (GLU 5-10). The students were supposed to respond to different statements in the survey, regarding personal experiences from mathematics in school. The students' comments in this survey make qualitative analysis possible, while multiple choice questions and percentage-estimate questions make quantitative analysis possible, to a certain extent. The research questions of this study are as following: 1. How do the pre-service teachers remember their former mathematics teachers? 2. How do the pre-service teachers express self-concept in relation to mathematics? 3. What beliefs do they have about mathematics as a subject? 4. Are there any differences between how students express themselves based on their line of study, or which mathematical background they have from upper secondary school? I have used a grounded theory approach to analyze the statements from the students. This approach resulted in three main categories: (1) statements about the teacher, (2) statements about themselves and (3) statements about mathematics as a subject. Those are the categories I am doing further research on, as the main focus of my study. I have also made some quantitative calculations to further examine trends in the group of students. The theoretical framework of this study is highly related to beliefs, and how the beliefs of pupils and teachers are important to what goes on in the classroom. I am trying to clarify what is meant by self-concept and what a teacher of mathematics has to be capable of. I am also including prior research about pre-service teachers. The results from this study suggest that the pre-service teachers bring with them different experiences and beliefs from their own schooling. The pre-service teachers highlight the importance of a mathematics teacher’s solid mathematical and educational knowledge, as well as proper personal qualities. The pre-service teachers express self-concept by describing grades in mathematics and by comparing themselves to others. They stress the importance of rules and understanding as key features of mathematics. Quantitative analysis of the raw data suggest that there are some differences between the two groups of pre-service teachers, based on whether they are studying GLU 1-7 or GLU 5-10, and which level of mathematics they chose at upper secondary school

    På jakt etter en norsk ledelsesmodell

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    Hovedformålet med denne artikkelen er å forsøke å identifisere noe vi kunne kalle den norske ledelsesmodellen, hva den oppfattes å være, og om den kan overleve globaliseringsprosessens konvergerende krefter. Diskusjonen rundt disse spørsmålene er hovedsakelig basert på tidligere forskningsbidrag innenfor emnet krysskulturell ledelse og skandinavisk ledelse samt på mediegjengitte intervjuer med norske ledere. En forsiktig konklusjon innebærer at det er mulig å identifisere en norsk form for ledelse, tuftet på norske kulturverdier og et norsk institusjonelt rammeverk. Intervjuene med norske ledere i utlandet tyder videre på at den norske stilen beholdes, samt at den synes å gi resultater også i en unorsk kontekst

    Utilizing embedded machine learning as a conversion algorithm for converting sensor readings into sensor values on a bare metal embedded device

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    Even though artificial intelligence (AI) has been frequently used for decades, the number of applications utilizing AI are rapidly increasing. The technology is advancing fast, and its use is spreading to different and new fields. In this thesis, the goal is to further expand the use and value of AI, by utilizing machine learning (ML) as a conversion algorithm for converting raw sensor readings, into the intended measured component (e.g. CO concentrations from a gas sensor). Using machine learning for this purpose is not new, however previous research on this topic have not produced machine learning models designed for use on the edge where the sensor resides. Thus, in this thesis, the main focus is placed on developing a model that can be implemented on a bare metal embedded device.Selv om kunstig intelligens (AI) har blitt mye brukt i flere tiår, øker antallet applikasjoner som bruker AI raskt. Teknologien går fort fremover, og bruken sprer seg stadig til forskjellige og nye felt. I denne oppgaven er målet å utvide bruken og verdien av AI ytterligere, ved å benytte maskinlæring (ML) som en konverteringsalgoritme for å konvertere ubehandlet sensoravlesninger, til den tiltenkte målte komponenten (for eksempel CO-konsentrasjoner fra en gassensor). Å bruke maskinlæring for dette formålet er ikke nytt, men tidligere forskning på dette emnet har ikke produsert maskinlæringsmodeller designet for bruk ytters i nettverket, der sensoren befinner seg. Dermed er hovedfokuset i denne oppgaven å utvikle en maskinlæringsmodell som kan implementeres på en mikrokontroller.submittedVersionM-MP

    Hofstede Revisited: Is Making the Ecological Fallacy when Using Hofstede’s Instrument on Individual Behavior Really Unavoidable?

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    This paper suggests that avoiding the ecological fallacy is - under certain circumstances - possible. One problem in (cross-cultural) research is that there are often two levels of theorizing (individual and country) that needs to be taken into account when data are being analyzed and conclusions are drawn. Typically, as is the case with Hofstede's (1980) well-known research, cultural values are measured on country level. Consequently, researchers who make causal inferences from such group data to individual behaviors are making the ecological fallacy, i.e they (most often) wrongly assume that relationships observed for groups necessarily hold for individuals. If, however, a method could be found that could help determining how individuals behave from the study of aggregated data, the usefulness of Hofstede's research (and research on aggregated data in general) from a manager's point of view would definitely increase. In this paper the problem of the ecological fallacy, as well as different methods of avoiding it is discussed, and a particular solution of the problem is suggested

    The electrocatalytic effect of ruthenium

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