364 research outputs found

    Angular distributions for the inverse photonuclear process in Si28 in the eigenchannel reaction theory

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    Using the eigenchannel reaction theory we performed coupled-channel calculations for Si28 and computed the differential cross section for Al27(p, &#947;0)Si28 over the energy range 6 MeV<Ep <16 MeV. The obtained angular distributions are nearly constant over the whole energy range and agree with the experiment in that they are almost isotropic. Thus, it seems that in this framework we can give a natural explanation for the peculiar behavior of the Al27(p, &#947;0)Si28 cross section

    Physics of high-energy heavy-ion collisions

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    This a review of the present status of heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies. The main goal of heavy-ion physics in this energy regime is to shed some light on the nuclear equation of state (EOS), hence we present the basic concept of the EOS in nuclear matter as well as of nuclear shock waves which provide the key mechanism for the compression of nuclear matter. The main part of this article is devoted to the models currently used for describing heavy-ion reactions theoretically and to the observables useful for extracting information about the EOS from experiments. A detailed discussion of the flow effects with a broad comparison with the avaible data is presented. The many-body aspects of such reactions are investigated via the multifragmentation break up of excited nuclear systems and a comparison of model calculations with the most recent multifragmentation experiments is presented

    Intermediate mass fragment emission in Fe + Au collisions

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    Experimental results are presented on the charge, velocity, and angular distributions of intermediate mass fragments (IMFs) for the reaction Fe+Au at bombarding energies of 50 and 100 MeV/nucleon. Results are compared to the quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) model and a modified QMD which includes a Pauli potential and follows the subsequent statistical decay of excited reaction products. The more complete model gives a good representation of the data and suggests that the major source of IMFs at large angles is due to multifragmentation of the target residue

    Interference contributions to gluon initiated heavy Higgs production in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model

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    We discuss the production of a heavy neutral Higgs boson of a CP-conserving Two-Higgs-Doublet Model in gluon fusion and its decay into a four-fermion final state, gg(→VV)→e+e−μ+μ−/e+e−νlνˉlgg (\rightarrow VV) \rightarrow e^+e^-\mu^+\mu^-/e^+e^-\nu_l\bar\nu_l. We investigate the interference contributions to invariant mass distributions of the four-fermion final state and other relevant kinematical observables. The relative importance of the different contributions is quantified for the process in the on-shell approximation, gg→ZZgg\rightarrow ZZ. We show that interferences of the heavy Higgs with the light Higgs boson and background contributions are essential for a correct description of the differential cross section. Even though they contribute below O(10%)\mathcal{O}(10\%) to those heavy Higgs signal cross sections, to which the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider were sensitive in its first run, we find that they are sizeable in certain regions of the parameter space that are relevant for future heavy Higgs boson searches. In fact, the interference contributions can significantly enhance the experimental sensitivity to the heavy Higgs boson.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures; minor clarifications, updated references, matches published versio

    3- continuum states of O16 in the eigenchannel reaction theory

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    The complete 3- part of the S matrix for O16 has been computed in the one-particle, one-hole approximation. In the continuum states the isospin invariance is totally broken; analogous partial cross sections for protons and neutrons show large differences

    Continuum nuclear structure of O16 in the Eigenchannel reaction theory

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    The total particle-particle SJ matrix of O16 for spin J=1- and excitation energies between 15 and 27 MeV has been calculated in the eigenchannel reaction theory for several parameters of the Saxon-Woods potential and the two-body force. The many-body problem has been treated in the 1-particle-1-hole approximation. The photon channels have been included by perturbation theory. Surprisingly, the most important structure of the experimental cross sections is reproduced quite well in this simple approximation

    Continuum structure of Ca40

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    The total S1- matrix of Ca40 has been calculated for excitation energies between 11 and 28 MeV. As typical results, the (&#947;, p0) and the total absorption cross sections are shown and compared with experiments. It is shown that the proper treatment of the one-particle, one-hole shell-model continuum accounts for most of the observed structures

    Molecular particle-core model and its application to 13C-13C scattering

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    On the basis of the two-center shell model a theory is developed for the excitation of loosely bound nucleons in heavy ion collisions. These nucleons move in the two-center shell model potential generated by all the nucleons and are described by molecular wave functions. The model is applied to calculate the cross sections for the elastic and inelastic 13C-13C scattering. The cross sections show intermediate structures caused by the excitation of quasibound resonances in the molecular nucleus-nucleus potential. NUCLEAR REACTIONS 13C(13C,13C) molecular wave functions, dynamical two-center shell model, quasimolecular resonances, radial and Coriolis coupling, coupled channel calculations for &#963;(&#952;)

    Importance of momentum dependent interactions for the extraction of the nuclear equation of state from high-energy heavy ion collisions

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    We demonstrate that momentum-dependent nuclear interactions (MDI) have a large effect on the dynamics and on the observables of high-energy heavy-ion collisions: A soft potential with MDI suppresses pion and kaon yields much more strongly than a local hard potential and results in transverse momenta intermediate between soft and hard local potentials. The collective-flow angles and the deuteron-to-proton ratios are rather insensitive to the MDI. Only simultaneous measurements of these observables can give clues on the nuclear equation of state at densities of interest for supernova collapse and neutron-star stability

    Collective treatment of the giant resonances in spherical nuclei

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    In a collective treatment the energies of the giant resonances are given by the boundary conditions at the nuclear surface, which is subject to vibration in spherical nuclei. The general form of the coupling between these two collective motions is given by angular-momentum and parity conservation. The coupling constants are completely determined within the hydrodynamical model. In the present treatment the influence of the surface vibrations on the total photon-absorption cross section is calculated. It turns out that in most of the spherical nuclei this interaction leads to a pronounced structure in the cross section. The agreement with the experiments in medium-heavy nuclei is striking; many of the experimental characteristics are reproduced by the present calculations. In some nuclei, however, there seem to be indications of single-particle excitations which are not yet contained in this work
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