243 research outputs found

    From Minimal Strings towards Jackiw-Teitelboim Gravity: On their Resurgence, Resonance, and Black Holes

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    Two remarkable facts about JT two-dimensional dilaton-gravity have been recently uncovered: this theory is dual to an ensemble of quantum mechanical theories; and such ensemble is described by a random matrix model which itself may be regarded as a special (large matter-central-charge) limit of minimal string theory. This work addresses this limit, putting it in its broader matrix-model context; comparing results between multicritical models and minimal strings (i.e., changing in-between multicritical and conformal backgrounds); and in both cases making the limit of large matter-central-charge precise (as such limit can also be defined for the multicritical series). These analyses are first done via spectral geometry, at both perturbative and nonperturbative levels, addressing the resurgent large-order growth of perturbation theory, alongside a calculation of nonperturbative instanton-actions and corresponding Stokes data. This calculation requires an algorithm to reach large-order, which is valid for arbitrary two-dimensional topological gravity. String equations -- as derived from the GD construction of the resolvent -- are analyzed in both multicritical and minimal string theoretic contexts, and studied both perturbatively and nonperturbatively (always matching against the earlier spectral-geometry computations). The resulting solutions, as described by resurgent transseries, are shown to be resonant. The large matter-central-charge limit is addressed -- in the string-equation context -- and, in particular, the string equation for JT gravity is obtained to next derivative-orders, beyond the known genus-zero case (its possible exact-form is also discussed). Finally, a discussion of gravitational perturbations to Schwarzschild-like black hole solutions in these minimal-string models, regarded as deformations of JT gravity, is included - alongside a brief discussion of quasinormal modes.Comment: 107 pages, 50 plots in 25 figures, 2 tables, jheppub-nosort.sty; v2: minor corrections/typo

    Resurgent large genus asymptotics of intersection numbers

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    In this paper, we present a novel approach for computing the large genus asymptotics of intersection numbers. Our strategy is based on a resurgent analysis of the nn-point functions of such intersection numbers, which are computed via determinantal formulae, and relies on the presence of a quantum curve. With this approach, we are able to extend the recent results of Aggarwal for Witten-Kontsevich intersection numbers with the computation of all subleading corrections, proving a conjecture of Guo-Yang, and to obtain new results on rr-spin and Theta-class intersection numbers.Comment: 47 pages, 7 figure

    Resurgent Asymptotics of Jackiw-Teitelboim Gravity and the Nonperturbative Topological Recursion

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    Jackiw-Teitelboim dilaton-quantum-gravity localizes on a double-scaled random-matrix model, whose perturbative free energy is an asymptotic series. Understanding the resurgent properties of this asymptotic series, including its completion into a full transseries, requires understanding the nonperturbative instanton sectors of the matrix model for Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity. The present work addresses this question by setting-up instanton calculus associated to eigenvalue tunneling (or ZZ-brane contributions), directly in the matrix model. In order to systematize such calculations, a nonperturbative extension of the topological recursion formalism is required -- which is herein both constructed and applied to the present problem. Large-order tests of the perturbative genus expansion validate the resurgent nature of Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity, both for its free energy and for its (multi-resolvent) correlation functions. Both ZZ and FZZT nonperturbative effects are required by resurgence, and they further display resonance upon the Borel plane. Finally, the resurgence properties of the multi-resolvent correlation functions yield new and improved resurgence formulae for the large-genus growth of Weil-Petersson volumes.Comment: 63 pages, 52 plots in 16 figures, jheppub-nosort.sty; v2: minor corrections/typo

    Personal values in mental disorders: an exploratory analysis

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    AbstractPersonal values have increasingly become central in socio-psychological research. However, the relationships between values and psychopathological variables have been scarcely investigated, with mixed results. This study aimed to explore potential differences in value orientation in a sample of people with psychotic disorders and mood disorders compared to a non-clinical sample using the Schwarz's values framework. A clinical sample of 162 subjects (92 subjects with psychotic disorders and 70 with mood disorders) and a non-clinical sample of 217 subjects completed the self-report measures of affective states (PANAS) and personal values (PVQ). Irrespective of the diagnostic group, the clinical sample showed higher expression of Conservation values (i.e., Tradition, Conformity, Security). Conservation and Self-enhancement values positively correlated with PANAS-positive affectivity in the clinical sample; in the non-clinical sample, Self-enhancement values only correlated with PANAS-positive affectivity. The expression of Conservation values in individuals with a mental disorder could reflect an orientation toward Conformity underlying fundamental affiliative goals. The complex relationship between personal values and clinical constructs should be further investigated, with important theoretical and clinical implications in mental health

    Simulations of distributed systems in a computing centre

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    Modern computing centres addressed to High Energy Physics user communities have to deal with rapidly hard- ware and software systems evolution. These centres normally face a variety of problems associated with the dimensioning and configuration of several services which must satisfy per- formance targets under different usage patterns. Therefore, the identification of key variables and the estimation of their impact on services performances is challenging. For example, given an hardware-software configuration for a considered service, how will service performance vary in relation to user dependent settings? Will it be able to support a certain number of requests per minute over the common parameter ranges? In addition, it is difficult to generalize the impact of same settings over different usage scenarios. Therefore, the design of a mathematical model able to relate services performance to key variables in the user computing patterns under common hardware-software settings can help to optimize the exploitation of computing resources. In the present work, starting from the analysis of a typical job of ATLAS as representative HEP user communities, we focus on how local data movement operations use hardware- software resources of INFN-CNAF computing centre and which variables affect data movement performances. As a result of this framework analysis we identify GridFTP protocol and GPFS data storage as core services whose performance to study in depen- dancy of typical user defined variables. We therefore decompose data movement commands in operations of increasing complexity i.e., cp, globus-url-copy with and without network, and after defining the mean throughput per file per unit size as target metric, we conduct a quantitative analysis of the contribution and relevance of considered variables across explored usage scenarios. Finally, we conduct a qualitative fit analysis of the behaviour of chosen throughput metric as a function of relevant user dependent variables. For each scenario and for each variables a best fit model function is selected according to R-square goodness of fit index

    Extended criteria donor lung reconditioning with the organ care system lung: a single institution experience

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    Lung transplantation is a life-saving procedure limited by donor's availability. Lung reconditioning by ex vivo lung perfusion represents a tool to expand the donor pool. In this study, we describe our experience with the OCS\u2122 Lung to assess and recondition extended criteria lungs. From January 2014 to October 2016, of 86 on-site donors evaluated, eight lungs have been identified as potentially treatable with OCS\u2122 Lung. We analyzed data from these donors and the recipient outcomes after transplantation. All donor lungs improved during OCS perfusion in particular regarding the PaO2/FiO2 ratio (from 340 mmHg in donor to 537 mmHg in OCS) leading to lung transplantation in all cases. Concerning postoperative results, primary graft dysfunction score 3 at 72 h was observed in one patient, while median mechanical ventilation time, ICU, and hospital stay were 60 h, 14 and 36 days respectively. One in-hospital death was recorded (12.5%), while other two patients died during follow-up leading to 1-year survival of 62.5%. The remaining five patients are alive and in good conditions. This case series demonstrates the feasibility and value of lung reconditioning with the OCS\u2122 Lung; a prospective trial is underway to validate its role to safely increase the number of donor lungs. \ua9 2018 Steunstichting ESO

    New professions for academic research libraries

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    La sezione "Note e discussioni" di questo numero di AIB studi offre una prima riflessione sui profili professionali emergenti nella biblioteca accademica di ricerca. I quattro contributi di Sada, Sirito e Gregori, Morando, Minsenti e Gargiulo – preceduti da una nota introduttiva di Maria Cassella sul nuovo ruolo della biblioteca accademica di ricerca – esplorano alcuni di questi profili professionali a partire dagli interventi presentati in occasione di un seminario di studio organizzato a Roma nel novembre 2012.Ellis Sada, Liliana Gregori e Paolo Sirito affermano la necessità che gli operatori di biblioteca a tutti i livelli non si limitino più soltanto a un ruolo passivo nel ciclo della conoscenza (selezione, acquisizione e distribuzione dei contenuti) ma diventino parte attiva del ciclo stesso. Maddalena Morando analizza la figura del repository manager, il cui compito consiste nella pianificazione e gestione dell'Institutional Repository (IR) come vetrina della produzione scientifica di ateneo, e cerca di calare le buone pratiche internazionali nella realtà universitaria italiana. Pierfranco Minsenti ci parla invece del coordinatore dei servizi informativi online (o responsabile della gestione di un portale). Il portale, inteso non come semplice piattaforma tecnologica ma come servizio, presuppone infatti una nuova e più stretta integrazione tra attività di back-office (gestione dei sistemi, creazione di metadati, gestione delle risorse elettroniche ecc.) e di front-office (fornitura di documenti, assistenza nell’accesso alle risorse elettroniche). Per finire, Paola Gargiulo delinea le competenze umane e professionali richieste all'electronic resources librarian, il bibliotecario addetto all'acquisizione, gestione, manutenzione, organizzazione e accesso delle risorse informative elettroniche.The Note e discussioni's section of the journal's current issue focuses on the new professional profiles for academic research libraries. All the papers included in this section were presented during a workshop held in Rome in November 2012, and are introduced by a preliminary note by Maria Cassella on the new role of academic research library.Ellis Sada, Liliana Gregori and Paolo Sirito claim the necessity, for information professional, to be no longer passively engaged in the cycle of knowledge (e.g. by the mere selection, acquisition and distribution of content) but to became an active part of the very same cycle too. Maddalena Morando analyses the repository manager's professional profile, whose job is the planning and management of the Institutional Repository (IR) as a showcase of the university's scientific production. She also tries to imagine which good practices could be adapted from the existing literature to the context of Italian universities. Pierfranco Minsenti gives an effective account of what a coordinator of online information services (i.e. the person in charge of the web-based library portal) does: the management of a library portal – not just a technological platform, but an actual service – requires improved synergies among back-office activities (such as systems management, metadata creation, electronic resources management) and front-office activities (such as document delivery and assistance in accessing electronic resources). Finally, Paola Gargiulo describes the core competencies and abilities of the electronic resources librarian, who covers all the activities related to the acquisition, licensing, management of ER

    SWIPE: a bolometric polarimeter for the Large-Scale Polarization Explorer

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    The balloon-borne LSPE mission is optimized to measure the linear polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background at large angular scales. The Short Wavelength Instrument for the Polarization Explorer (SWIPE) is composed of 3 arrays of multi-mode bolometers cooled at 0.3K, with optical components and filters cryogenically cooled below 4K to reduce the background on the detectors. Polarimetry is achieved by means of large rotating half-wave plates and wire-grid polarizers in front of the arrays. The polarization modulator is the first component of the optical chain, reducing significantly the effect of instrumental polarization. In SWIPE we trade angular resolution for sensitivity. The diameter of the entrance pupil of the refractive telescope is 45 cm, while the field optics is optimized to collect tens of modes for each detector, thus boosting the absorbed power. This approach results in a FWHM resolution of 1.8, 1.5, 1.2 degrees at 95, 145, 245 GHz respectively. The expected performance of the three channels is limited by photon noise, resulting in a final sensitivity around 0.1-0.2 uK per beam, for a 13 days survey covering 25% of the sky.Comment: In press. Copyright 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibite
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