252 research outputs found

    Sabino Ordás: entre la reivindicación y el trauma

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    This article constitutes an approximation to the socio-political and traumatic aspects of the figure of Sabino Ordás. Our objective has been to determine the relationship between the socio-political and cultural claim, on the one hand, and, on the other, the traumatic casuistry or affective structure that impelled Ordás’ writing process. In this way, the first prologue of Los caminos del Esla by Ordás is analysed taking into account the most political formulation of the affective turn and different notions about the traumatic phenomenon. Thus the discourse on Ordás’ work is renewed, contributing to the study of the relationship between body, mind and writing. The apocryphal figure is brought to light as well as a textual instance that had been born of plurality and was a product of hybridization and migration, swinging between emotions such as sadness, resignation and joy of life.El presente artículo constituye una aproximación a las vertientes reivindicativa y traumática de la figura de Sabino Ordás, con el objetivo de determinar la relación entre la cuestión sociopolítica y cultural, por un lado, y la casuística traumática o estructura afectiva que impelía el proceso de escritura de Ordás. De este modo, tomando en consideración el giro afectivo – en su línea más vinculada a lo político –, así como diferentes nociones acerca del fenómeno traumático, se analiza el primer prólogo de Los caminos del Esla, firmado por Ordás. Con ello se renueva el discurso sobre la obra de Ordás y se contribuye al estudio de las relaciones entre cuerpo, mente y escritura, sacando a la luz el apócrifo como una instancia textual nacida de la pluralidad, producto de la hibridación y la migración, que bascula además entre emociones como la tristeza, la resignación y la alegría vital

    Foreign Bodies Causing Asphyxiation in Children: The Experience of the Buenos Aires Paediatric ORL Clinic

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    Inhalation or aspiration of a foreign body (FB) occurs relatively frequently in young children. The size, shape, type and site of arrest of the FB lead to variability in the clinical picture. The present study included data from 65 cases of FB inhalation presenting over 1 year at the Children's Hospital Gutierrez, Buenos Aires, Argentina, compared with information from four well-known published case series chosen as representative of other cultural and geographical backgrounds: the USA, Europe, North Africa (Egypt) and Asia (India). The mean age of children studied was 4.03 years. Injuries happened mainly at home (53 cases [81.54%]) and under adult supervision (59 cases [90.77%]). The most frequently inhaled FB was nuts, however, in contrast to previous reports, the majority of incidents involved inhalation of an inorganic, rather than an organic (food) FB. Complications included pneumonia (three cases), atelectasis (two cases) and pneumonitis (one case). No deaths were recorded. These data suggest that children play with objects inappropriate for their age, such as pins and nails, that adults may not be aware of the choking risks, and that more effort is required in educating caregivers about these risks


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    O presente estudo buscou identificar alguns fatores determinantes para que hajasucesso nas micro e pequenas empresas, relacionando as necessidades e dificuldadesna gestão de custos de suas empresas para um grupo de empreendedoresno município de Silveira Martins, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Para tanto foielaborado um questionário com o objetivo de traçar o perfil do empreendedor esuas necessidades no que se refere ao processo de tomada de decisões relacionadasa gestão de custos. Os dados coletados apontam para a necessidade de ummaior conhecimento sobre os custos envolvidos na gestão das pequenas empresas.O resultado disso é que 55% das empresas desconhecem a composição deseus custos e que 25%, formam seus preços unitários seguindo a concorrência.Corroborando com isso somente 5% das empresas da pesquisa utilizam algumsistema informatizado, o restante ainda utiliza anotações manuais para controlede seus custos

    Volatile organic compounds detection by electrical sensors using polyalkylthiophene-based Langmuir–Blodgett films

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    Despite their environmental and health hazards, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are present in our everyday life (e.g., fuels and solvents). Their detection is of paramount importance for environmental and occupational hazards monitoring. Among other technologies, semiconducting polymers show good capabilities in VOCs detection and identification, thanks to the variation of their electronic properties upon VOC exposure. We fabricated and characterized VOCs sensors depositing thin films of regioregular poly(3-alkylthiophene) derivatives (rr-P3ATs) and stearic acid (SA) onto gold interdigitated electrodes by Langmuir–Blodgett technique. Poly(3-butylthiophene) and poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) were mixed with SA at different ratios, and their electrical conductivity was used to optimize the film composition. We characterized the optoelectronic and morphological properties of these films, as well as their electrical response to dichloromethane (DCM), tetrahydrofuran and toluene VOC exposure. Both P3AT sensors showed distinct and characteristic responses, highlighting their ability to recognize different VOCs. Moreover, we investigated the sensors saturation and sensitivity to different VOCs. The sensors were still able to detect the VOCs after six cycles, with P3HT remarkably showing no saturation at all for DCM, and the characteristic single VOC response for subsequent exposure to the different VOCs

    Undetected burden of tuberculosis in a low-prevalence area

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    Relearning the lesson – amelanotic malignant melanoma: a case report

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    Although not as common as the other melanomas, amelanotic melanoma often evades diagnosis by masquerading as other pathology. A high index of suspicion is therefore required for early and appropriate intervention. We present a patient who was diagnosed and managed as having paronychia of the middle finger while in actual fact he had a subungual amelanotic melanoma. By the time of his referral to the orthopaedic team it had progressed to an advanced stage. Our case underlies the importance of early recognition and referral of this rare but malignant lesion by primary care physicians
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