22 research outputs found

    Lokale marine Ressourcen zur Herstellung von Alleinfuttermitteln für die Regenbogenforelle (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Seit Jahrtausenden nutzt der Mensch die Meere zum Nahrungsgewinn. Überfischung ist eine der Folgen, und Aquakultur soll zuküftig eine Antwort auf den weiter steigenden Proteinbedarf sein. Eine nachhaltige Aquakultur muss die Ressource Fischmehl minimieren. Daher wurden in einem Fütterungsexperiment mit Regenbogenforellen verschiedene potentielle Futterorgenismen (Alge, Muschel und Wurm), die in deutschen Küstengewässern heimisch sind, analysiert und als Futtermittelkomponente im Vergleich mit konventionellem Futter getestet. Wurm und Muschel konnten ohne Leistungsverlust eingesetzt werden

    Intravenous and intramyocardial injection of apoptotic white blood cell suspensions prevents ventricular remodelling by increasing elastin expression in cardiac scar tissue after myocardial infarction

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    Congestive heart failure developing after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Clinical trials of cell-based therapy after AMI evidenced only a moderate benefit. We could show previously that suspensions of apoptotic peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) are able to reduce myocardial damage in a rat model of AMI. Here we experimentally examined the biochemical mechanisms involved in preventing ventricular remodelling and preserving cardiac function after AMI. Cell suspensions of apoptotic cells were injected intravenously or intramyocardially after experimental AMI induced by coronary artery ligation in rats. Administration of cell culture medium or viable PBMC served as controls. Immunohistological analysis was performed to analyse the cellular infiltrate in the ischaemic myocardium. Cardiac function was quantified by echocardiography. Planimetry of the infarcted hearts showed a significant reduction of infarction size and an improvement of post AMI remodelling in rats treated with suspensions of apoptotic PBMC (injected either intravenously or intramoycardially). Moreover, these hearts evidenced enhanced homing of macrophages and cells staining positive for c-kit, FLK-1, IGF-I and FGF-2 as compared to controls. A major finding in this study further was that the ratio of elastic and collagenous fibres within the scar tissue was altered in a favourable fashion in rats injected with apoptotic cells. Intravenous or intramyocardial injection of apoptotic cell suspensions results in attenuation of myocardial remodelling after experimental AMI, preserves left ventricular function, increases homing of regenerative cells and alters the composition of cardiac scar tissue. The higher expression of elastic fibres provides passive energy to the cardiac scar tissue and results in prevention of ventricular remodelling

    "Europa" im Ostblock: Weiße Flecken in der Geschichte der europäischen Integration

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    Die Spaltung Europas im Kalten Krieg hatte zur Folge, dass sich westlich und östlich des Eisernen Vorhangs unterschiedliche Vorstellungen über "Europa" entwickelten. Während in Westeuropa die europäische Einigung zu einem festen Referenzrahmen wurde, der über die Jahre ein mehr oder weniger homogenes Europabild generierte, gab es einen solchen Rahmen innerhalb des Ostblocks nicht. "Europa" war dort Chiffre diverser offizieller wie inoffiziell-oppositioneller Diskurse. Dies reichte von der Verteufelung der "europäischen Integration" als eines imperialistischen Bündnisses in den 1950er-Jahren über die Wiederkehr "Europas" während des KSZE-Prozesses (der auf sowjetischer Seite allerdings eine antiamerikanische Stoßrichtung zugrunde lag) bis hin zu den positiven Europa-Bezügen der Dissidenten in den 1980er-Jahren, als die Selbstidentifikation mit Europa der Abgrenzung gegenüber Russland und dem Kommunismus diente.As a consequence of Europe’s division during the Cold War the societies east and west of the Iron Curtain developed different ideas about "Europe". Whereas in Western Europe the European integration became a permanent point of reference that gene-rated over the years a more or less homogenous idea of Europe, such a framework did not exist in the East. Within the Eastern Bloc "Europe" was the code of various official and non-official, oppositional discourses. This included the demonization of the "European Integration" as an imperialistic alliance in the 1950s, the return of "Europe" during the CSCE process (but with an anti-American undertone on parts of the Soviets), or the positive references to Europe among the dissidents of the 1980s, when the self-identification with Europe was a way to dissociate from Russia and Communism

    Wroclaw and the myth of the multicultural border city

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    After the collapse of the communist power block in 1989, capital cities such as Budapest, Prague and Warsaw had the best starting positions for the development of their own distinctive post-socialist variant of the international market economy. Since then, however, smaller cities, such as Wroc aw the fourth largest city in Poland in terms of population have been more creative in devising economic and cultural initiatives and strategies to position the city in both and Eastern and the Western European landscape in a recognizable fashion. One of the themes by means of which Wroc aw presents itself is that of a European multicultural border city. The issue concerns the extent to which the myth of a richly stratified multicultural history does justice to the reality of the city s recent turbulent and violent past.

    Hapless Imperialists and Resentful Nationalists: Trajectories of Radicalization in the Late Ottoman Empire

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    Helpless Imperialists examines the relation between imperial exposure, fear, radicalization and violence by shedding light on moments of peripety bringing imperialist grandeur to collapse

    Helpless imperialists: introduction

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