15 research outputs found

    Ethnic differences in urinary calcium and phosphate excretion between Gambian and British older adults

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    Summary: Ethnic differences in renal calcium and phosphate excretion exist, which may depend on differences in their dietary intakes and regulatory factors. We report highly significant differences in urinary calcium and phosphate excretion between white British and Gambian adults after statistical adjustment for mineral intakes, indicating an independent effect of ethnicity.  Introduction: Populations vary in their risk of age-related osteoporosis. There are racial or ethnic differences in the metabolism of the bone-forming minerals calcium (Ca) and phosphate (P), with a lower renal Ca and P excretion in African-Americans compared to white counterparts, even at similar intakes and rates of absorption. Also, Africans in The Gambia have a lower Ca excretion compared to white British subjects, groups known to differ in their dietary Ca intake. Here, we report on differences in urinary Ca and P excretion between Gambian and white British adults while allowing for known predictors, including dietary intakes.  Methods: Participants were healthy white British (n = 60) and Gambian (n = 61) men and women aged 60–75 years. Fasting blood and 2-h urine samples were collected. Markers of Ca and P metabolism were analysed. Dietary intake was assessed with country-specific methods.  Results: White British older adults had higher creatinine-corrected urinary Ca and P excretion (uCa/uCr, uP/uCr) and lower tubular maximum of Ca and P compared to Gambian counterparts. The predictors of urinary Ca and P differed between groups. Multiple regression analysis showed that dietary Ca and Ca/P were predictors of uCa/uCr and uP/uCr, respectively. Ethnicity remained a significant predictor of uCa/uCr and uP/uCr after adjustment for diet and other factors.  Conclusions: Gambian older adults have higher renal Ca conservation than British counterparts. Dietary mineral intakes were predictors of the differences in urinary Ca and P excretion, but ethnicity remained a highly significant predictor after statistical adjustment. This suggests that ethnicity has an independent effect on renal Ca and P handling

    Clinical advantages and disadvantages of anabolic bone therapies targeting the WNT pathway

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    Diabetes mellitus: pathophysiological changes and therap

    Neurobiologia do transtorno de humor bipolar e tomada de decisĂŁo na abordagem psicofarmacolĂłgica

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    O Transtorno do Humor Bipolar (THB) caracteriza-se por oscilações do humor que causam prejuízos significativos no âmbito biopsicossocial. O interesse da comunidade científica por este transtorno vem aumentando nos últimos cinco anos em função de sua crescente prevalência associada ao refinamento diagnóstico, à ampliação do arsenal terapêutico e ao conhecimento dos avanços nas pesquisas da neurobiologia do transtorno. A presente revisão aborda questões diagnosticas e terapêuticas aplicadas à neurobiologia dos THB, relacionando-as diretamente à terapêutica dos quadros de mania, hipomania, estados mistos, depressão bipolar e ciclagem rápida, da infância à idade adulta. São revisados criticamente importantes estudos realizados com diferentes fármacos potencialmente eficazes como estabilizadores do humor, nos diversos subdiagnósticos do THB. São analisados fármacos, tais como o lítio, anticonvulsivantes, antipsicóticos, benzodiazepínicos, bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio e hormônio tireoideo, bem como as possíveis bases biológicas para seus efeitos terapêuticos. Em síntese, este trabalho aborda os avanços da psicofarmacologia cuja eficácia é comprovada nos subtipos do THB, procurando relacioná-los com a neurobiologia deste transtorno.Bipolar Disorder (BD) is characterized by mood swings that cause significant impairment in social, occupational, or other areas of functioning. During the last years, new insights have been provided in the diagnosis, etiology, neurobiological basis and treatment of bipolar disorder. This paper emphasizes recent studies related to some diagnostic and therapeutic aspects during manic episode, hypomanic, mixed episode, bipolar depression and rapid cycling, in children, adolescents and adults. Studies using proposed mood stabilizers, which present adequate metodological basis, including double–blind, controlled studies and which presented a significant number of patients were included and critically evaluated in this revision. Drugs such as the lithium, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, calcium channels blockers and thyroid augmentation are proposed to be effective in certain diagnostic profiles. The possible biological bases for these drugs therapeutic effects are also revised. In summary, this article focuses on recent and important psychopharmacological progresses on the treatment of BD subtypes. Furthermore, the revision presents possible biological basis to explain the therapeutic profile of these drugs