2,241 research outputs found

    Implementing a Voluntary, Nonregulatory Approach to Nitrogen Management in Tampa Bay, FL: A Public/Private Partnership

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    Participants in the Tampa Bay Estuary Program have agreed to adopt nitrogen-loading targets for Tampa Bay based on the water-quality and related light requirements of underwater seagrasses. Based on modeling results, it appears that light levels can be maintained at necessary levels by “holding the line” at existing nitrogen loadings; however, this goal may be difficult to achieve given the 20% increase in the watershed’s human population and associated 7% increase in nitrogen loading that are projected to occur over the next 20 years. To address the long-term management of nitrogen sources, a nitrogen management consortium of local electric utilities, industries, and agricultural interests, as well as local governments and regulatory agency representatives, has developed a consortium action plan to address the target load reduction needed to “hold the line” at 1992 to 1994 levels. To date, implemented and planned projects collated in the Consortium Action Plan meet and exceed the agreed-upon nitrogen-loading reduction goal. An example of the success of the private partnership aspect of this program can be seen in three phosphate fertilizer mining and manufacturing companies with facilities located on Tampa Bay. These companies are participants in the Estuary Program and the Nitrogen Management Consortium to provide support and input for a program that advocates voluntary, nonregulatory cooperation to reach environmental goals

    Self-referenced characterization of space-time couplings in near single-cycle laser pulses

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    We report on the characterization of space-time couplings in high energy sub-2-cycle 770nm laser pulses using a self-referencing single-shot method. Using spatially-encoded arrangement filter-based spectral phase interferometry for direct electric field reconstruction (SEA-F-SPIDER) we characterize few-cycle pulses with a wave-front rotation of 2.8x?10^11 rev/sec (1.38 mrad per half-cycle) and pulses with pulse front tilts ranging from to -0.33 fs/um to -3.03 fs/um.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Life cycle energy efficiency in building structures: A review of current developments and future outlooks based on BIM capabilities

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    The continuous developments of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry supported by the advancements in material resourcing and construction processes could offer engineers the essential decision-making procedures to leverage the raising demands for sustainable structural designs. This article brings together the theory of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and the capabilities of BIM to survey the current developments in the energy efficiency of structural systems. In addition, the article explores the engineering dimensions of common decision-making procedures within BIM systems including optimisation methods, buildability and safety constraints and code compliance limitations. The research presents critical expositions in both engineering and sustainable energy domains. The article then argues that future innovations in the sustainable decision-making of buildings’ structures would require BIM-integrated workflows in order to facilitate the conflicting nature of both energy efficient and engineering performance indexes. Finally, the study puts forward a series of research guidelines for a consolidated decision paradigm that utilises the capabilities of BIM within the engineering and sustainable energy domains in a synergistic manner

    Reducing the energy consumption of heavy goods vehicles through the application of lightweight trailers: Fleet case studies

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    Reducing the empty weight of articulated heavy goods vehicle trailers is one avenue that needs to be explored in reducing the carbon footprint of the road freight industry as a whole. A statistical analysis of two heavy goods vehicle fleets operating in the United Kingdom has helped to identify double-deck trailers used in grocery haulage and 'walking-floor' trailers used in bulk haulage as two examples of trailers that can benefit significantly from lightweighting. Energy consumption of numerous articulated heavy goods vehicles is quantified through an idealised drive cycle analysis reflecting a long haul journey over a highway. This energy analysis allows for a mass energy performance index to be established. The analysis has shown that reducing the empty weight of trailers by 30% can cause reductions of up to 18% and 11% in mass energy performance index for double-deck trailers and 'walking-floor' trailers respectively. Using this approach, trailers that will benefit the most from weight reduction can be identified systematically, allowing for lightweighting strategies to be implemented more effectively. Strategies to reduce empty trailer weight and improve vehicle utilisation are also discussedThe authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from the members of the Centre for Sustainable Road Freight and from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant Reference EP/K00915X/1).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2015.09.01

    A non‐contact opto‐electronic sensing device for precision linear and angular positioning of robotic manipulators

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    A non‐contacting optical sensor is devised to monitor the position and orientation of a robot end‐effector or grasped object within fine limits of accuracy. This enables fine alignment of tools or parts with respect to assembly fixtures, thus rendering precision assembly tasks to be performed in a dexterous manner. The sensor is capable of detecting linear displacements of the order of 5 µm or better and angular misalignments down to 5 seconds of arc. The principle of differential detection is employed which reduces the undesired effects of noise and fluctuations in the source intensity

    Analysis and design of on-grade reinforced concrete track support structures

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    For the improvement of rail service, the Department of Transportation, Federal Rail Administration, is sponsoring a test track on the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway. The test track will contain nine separate rail support structures, including one conventional section for control and three reinforced concrete structures on grade, one slab and two beam sections. The analysis and design of these latter structures was accomplished by means of the finite element method, NASTRAN, and is presented

    BIM enabled optimisation framework for environmentally responsible and structurally efficient design systems

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    The present research investigates the potential for reducing the environmental impacts of structural systems through a more efficient use of materials. The main objective of this research is to explore and to develop a holistic and integrated methodology that utilises Building Information Modelling's (BIM) capabilities combined with structural analysis and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as well as a two-staged structural optimisation solver that achieves efficient and environmentally responsible steel design solutions. The implemented workflow utilises Autodesk Revit-BIM, Tally-LCA and Autodesk Robot-Structural Analysis. RobOpt is the plug-in that has been established using the Application Programming Interface (API) of Robot and the .NET framework of C?, and it inherits several structural functionalities based on Robot Finite Element Method (FEM) engine. The proposed RobOpt application can be accessed via a graphic user interface (GUI) within the Robot software. The developed BIM-enabled optimisation methodology could be utilised as a design tool to inform early stage structural design solutions. A prototypical steel framed structural system under certain loads has been explored. The resulting bespoke I-beam sections from the custom genetic algorithm (GA) optimisation demonstrate that significant savings-up to 21%-can be achieved in all tested environmental indicators when compared to the standard UK catalogue of steel sections. Considering all, the proposed framework constitutes a useful and an intuitive workflow, which aims to quantify the environmental savings of structural systems by utilising, advanced computational analysis and common construction techniques

    Modifying the Rebound: It depends! Explaining Mobility Behaviour on the Basis of the German Socio-Economic Panel

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    We address the empirical question to which extent higher fuel efficiency of cars affects additional travel and how this behavioural aspect is modified by additional variables. The data set used to estimate a theoretical model of the rebound effect covers two panel waves, 1998 and 2003, taken from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). To take full advantage of the information in the data available, and to avoid problems due to possible selection effects, we estimated an unbalanced two-wave random effects panel model. Our results suggest that in line with the rebound hypothesis, there is a negative effect of car efficiency on the kilometers driven. That is, the lower the fuel consumption, the larger the driven distance. However, contrasting recent empirical literature about the rebound effect in the transportation sector, this seems to be true only for cars with a consumption of more than roughly eight liters per hundred kilometers. In addition, we find a positive diesel effect, which implies that owning a diesel engined car, has a positive effect on the driven distance. Both effects can be interpreted as support for the rebound hypothesis, although not in a simple linear way. Moreover, it can be shown that some "soft" variables such as certain attitudes towards the environment tend to amplify this non-linear rebound effect. Our results support the general direction of the rebound effect on households travel activities. But because of the remaining political relevance of the rebound effect, they also highlight the importance of accounting for additional behavioural variables which tend to influence individual mobility behaviour. Hence, the classical interpretation of the rebound as a linear effect of advances in fuel economy on individual travel has to be questioned