89 research outputs found

    Fundamentação téorica do modelo matemático para previsão de escorregamentos rasos Shallow Stability

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    Em áreas tropicais, escorregamentos são fenômenos comuns principalmente durante fortes chuvas que acontecem freqüentemente no verão. No Brasil, vários escorregamentos catastróficos vêm acontecendo em diversas regiões, principalmente nas três últimas décadas, devido à ocupação humana em escarpas íngremes. Com intuito de prever as porções da paisagem susceptíveis a ocorrência desses fenômenos, o modelo SHALSTAB (Shallow Stability) foi desenvolvido combinando um modelo hidrológico com um modelo de estabilidade de encosta, a partir de modelos digitais de terreno.Isto permite determinar a razão entre a quantidade de chuva e a transmissividade necessária para desestabilização da encosta, baseada na área de contribuição,declividade, ângulo de atrito, densidade e coesão do solo. Dentro deste contexto este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever esta metodologia demonstrando os fundamentos utilizados para o desenvolvimento do modelo de predição. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTIn tropical areas, landslides are common phenomena especially durin gstrong rainfall that took place frequently in the summer. In Brazil, many catastrophic and slides occurred in many regions, mainly in the three last decades, due to humano ccupation in steep slope areas. In order to predict the landscape portions susceptibleto occurrence of these phenomena the SHALSTAB model was developed combininga hydrological model with the infinite slope stability model from digital elevation model. This allow to calculate the ratio of the steady state rainfall to soil transmissivityneeded to trigger slope failure based on drainage area, local slope, bulk density, frictionangle and soil cohesion. Thus, the present work has aim to describe SHALSTAB showing the fundaments used to develop the predict model

    Obtaining, Processing, and Constructing English: Blogging in the ESL Classroom

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    The nature of miniature melanocytes in murine epidermis

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    In the epidermis of PET/Wmr mice the population of melanocytes reaches a peak and begins to decline during the first postnatal week, and has disappeared within four weeks. During this period a small number of weakly DOPA reactive miniature melanocytes are seen dispersed among the generally large, highly DOPA reactive melano­cytes typical of the animal. These miniature melanocytes appear early, are among the last to disappear, and their population remains relatively constant against the drastically changing population of typical melanocytes. In attempts to determine the nature of the miniature melanocytes, heterologous grafting was employed whereby the melanocytes were subjected to morphogenetic impacts. The evidence suggests that these miniature melanocytes are relatively resistant to transformation into typical melanocytes, and may constitute a distinct cell type

    2004 Report on Illinois Poverty: Breaking the Cycle of Poverty for Illinois Teens

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    This report provides data on the status of poor and at-risk teens in Illinois and highlights the intersection of issues that put them at risk of physical, social, and financial harm. While teenagers face enormous challenges and pressures, they have tremendous potential. Effective prevention and comprehensive intervention efforts with vulnerable youth can break the cycle of poverty for Illinois teens, diverting individuals from a path toward a lifetime of poverty and onto a path toward a productive, healthy future

    Policy Innovation for Children and Families

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    This Perspective presents remarks delivered by Acting Assistant Secretary Mark H. Greenberg during Social Innovation for America’s Renewal, a September 2016 policy conference of the Grand Challenges for Social Work initiative. The conference was organized by the Center for Social Development at Washington University in collaboration with the American Academy of Social Work & Social Welfare


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    Expectation shortfall is a common occurrence in outsourcing. Prior literature suggests that strategies such as strict contract terms and proper evaluation of the vendor capabilities are adopted to avoid expectation shortfall. However, in the case of highly specialised technical products custom made to vendor requirements (i.e., B2B IT innovation), traditional strategies in managing outsourcing projects may not work as expected. This is mainly due to the complexity of the product requirements and the inability to assess the scope of the project in depth at the beginning. In this research, we adopt the vendor’s perspective to better understand how organizations in the highly specialized B2B IT innovation handle outsourced projects to avoid expectation shortfall. We uncover a dynamic innovation process which the client and the vendor go through. In addition, we suggest strategies to achieve B2B IT innovation in a win-win scenario while elucidating reasons of failure

    Signatures of Drug Sensitivity in Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer

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    We profiled receptor tyrosine kinase pathway activation and key gene mutations in eight human lung tumor cell lines and 50 human lung tumor tissue samples to define molecular pathways. A panel of eight kinase inhibitors was used to determine whether blocking pathway activation affected the tumor cell growth. The HER1 pathway in HER1 mutant cell lines HCC827 and H1975 were found to be highly activated and sensitive to HER1 inhibition. H1993 is a c-MET amplified cell line showing c-MET and HER1 pathway activation and responsiveness to c-MET inhibitor treatment. IGF-1R pathway activated H358 and A549 cells are sensitive to IGF-1R inhibition. The downstream PI3K inhibitor, BEZ-235, effectively inhibited tumor cell growth in most of the cell lines tested, except the H1993 and H1650 cells, while the MEK inhibitor PD-325901 was effective in blocking the growth of KRAS mutated cell line H1734 but not H358, A549 and H460. Hierarchical clustering of primary tumor samples with the corresponding tumor cell lines based on their pathway signatures revealed similar profiles for HER1, c-MET and IGF-1R pathway activation and predict potential treatment options for the primary tumors based on the tumor cell lines response to the panel of kinase inhibitors

    Public and Private Sources of Assistance for Low-Income Households

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    This study examined the types and combinations of public and private assistance received by three types of low-income households, including those with children, without children, and elderly without children. Using data from the 1996 and 2001 panels of the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), the results indicate that a large percentage of low-income households rely on public assistance, and receipt of private assistance is much less common. Approximately 7% of the sample use both types of assistance. The findings highlight differences in combinations of public and private assistance used by different household types. Wealsofound some significant differences in thefactors that determine receipt of public and private assistance. Practice and policy implications are discussed

    Driving Employee Engagement: Contemporary Trends in Engagement

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    Employee engagement is an important concept in today\u27s workforce. Engaged employees work harder and more efficiently, while disengaged workers may in fact work against the company\u27s mission. Employee engagement can be increased with a number of different interventions and initiatives. Internal social media platforms promote communication and collaboration among employees. Employees who have had additional training and development are more engaged, as well as employees who receive feedback from managers. Promoting a balance between work and life also leads to more engaged employees, as well as recognizing employees for the work they do. Managers can also learn ways to increase engagement. When considering initiatives to increase employee engagement, leaders must asssss the company\u27s readiness to change, and the measurements they will use to evaluate engagement. They must be ready to invest in the program, ffid follow through with re-evaluation