8 research outputs found

    Amenajarea spaÅ£iilor verzi urbane ā€“impactul psihologic şi social asupra locuitorilor din Iaşi

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    It is well known in history that the rapid development of culture, civilization, technology and industry of the population from certain areas of the globe has been favored by a favorable environment,either geographically and climate or from the perspective of the absence of internal or external conflicts, by the presence on their territories of mineral or flora and fauna resources, or even their own human resource. Extrapolating the idea above, this paper seeks, at the smaller scale of a city nowadays, how the environmentally arranged landscape can beneficially influence the overall development of the urbanarea, but especially of its inhabitants, from the point of view of physically-psychological-sanogenic, but also socially and culturally, with examples from the city of Ias

    EvoluÅ£ia metodelor de construcÅ£ie cu pămĆ¢nt

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    Human kind history bring testimonies about using earth or clay as building materials on territories of ancient civilisations. According to some populations tradition of earth building, architects and construction engineers of our days have used this common material for modern solutions of buildings or in organic composition of new materials with improved properties. The paper ilustrate evolution of earth building methods and also highlighting modern constructive and architectural solutions involving this materia

    Oraşe ecologice şi autosustenabile ā€“o abordare sistemică din punct de vedere al disciplinelor peisagistice

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    Eco-urbanism involves a series of concepts and principles of planning, implementation and use of the elements of the system called City, generically called green technologies. These include: intelligent management of all urban utilities networks, wastedwater management and solid waste recycling systems andmanagement, passive energy building technology, clean energy technologies (solar, wind, hydropower or biogas technologies, etc.), rehabilitation and revitalization of depreciated or abandoned urban spaces, food and consumable objects production in a sustainable way.The present paper illustrates the importance of the fact that the city planning and the landscape planning involves knowledge applied from several areas listed above or not mentioned yet, which implies an overview of landscape architects onall these areas and the connections between them,both in territorial and urban planning, as well at the scale of the detailed landscape design

    Amenajarea peisageră a spaÅ£iilor verzi aferente construcÅ£iilor spitaliceşti ā€“ tendinÅ£e actuale

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    Nature has been venerated since ancient times for its beneficial effects on human health from a holistic point of view. With the progress of science and technology, man has forgotten to look for healing in nature, sanitary facilities evolving in to a real industrial plant for health, the rigour of medical procedures and specialty of pharmaceutical synthesis products exclude almost brutal in most cases anything can we called healing effect of nature through what she gives us. Studies on the subject have demonstrated curative role of landscape and gave a new direction on designing medical centers. According with that, recently appeared so-called ā€žtherapeutic gardensā€ and ā€žhealing gardensā€. This paper illustrates this tendency of returning to the therapeutic effects of the nature and compares the achievements of international medical centers with the first steps taken in the same direction in Romania

    Relaţia dintre urbanism şi peisagistică

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    From the simplest forms of habitation organization to the most complex human settlements, it can be seen how nature was or was not integrated into urban space. A human settlement cannot be reduced to a simple accumulation of construction. The outer space or the space between constructions has specific functions and is governed by specific laws. The importance of this space in the complex structure of human settlements can be highlighted by reviewing the history of urbanism. In this process of evolution of the spatial component, an important role is played by the passageways or the urban transition areas. These areas are those where green spaces and/or landscaped zones are gradually emerging, increasingly performing more and more important functions. Why in this early age of the new millennium landscaping process has become an extremely effective tool of the urban science? Because in the context of accelerated pollution and degradation of the Earth, the urban regeneration is possible by interfering the urban and landscaping means of action, through functional solutions stemming from the real needs of the environment and inhabitants

    Soluţii ecologice privind monitorizarea poluării atmosferice urbane cu ajutorul arborilor bioindicatori pe aliniamentele stradale principale din municipiul Iaşi

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    Recent data underline that the evolution of the urban environment in Iaşi was mostly based ondeveloping the street system infrastructurein detriment of the urban green areas, what ledinevitablyto the intensification of traffic and holding back the interest for developing in a sustainable mode a network ofurban green areas.In many European countries a program of monitoringinvolving bioindicating trees is already implemented, based on the response of these ā€sentinel treesā€ to harsher life conditions of the intensetraffic and poluted streets compared to the rest of the green areas.The present study aims the importance of dendrological street plantations through their positive impact on the fight against direct pollution toward the pedestrian traffic.The observations were conducted in alignmentsplantations from three main boulevards in Iaşi, underlining the insufficiencyof woody vegetation, the precarious health state of most of the mature specimens, caused by improperly branch cutting, discontinuity of the greenvegetation lines or the lack of them. The paper will propose solutions and landscaping measures meant to improve the quality and safety of the pedestrian traffic along the considered boulevards

    Acoperişul verde ā€“ soluÅ£ie estetică de reabilitare a clădirilor

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    n recent decades, the green roof is a modern system and environmentally friendly of coating buildings, partially or completely, with soil and vegetation. This particular type of landscaping allows vegetation to grow harmoniously upon considerable areas which is why architects, builders and urban planners around the world have begun to turn to green roofs not for aesthetic reasons, a concern rather secondary, but for their practical nature and the ability to alleviate environmental extremes specific to conventional roofs. Therefore this paper aims to present some of the most suitable solutions presenting the rehabilitation of a buildingsin the area of Podu Ros-Iasi, Romania

    SoluÅ£ie practică de realizare a unui sector utilitar Ć®n cadrul unei grădini private

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    This paper presents the solution of setting up a utility sector grown with traditional and exotic vegetables, but also aromatic and pharmaceutical utilitarian plants, necessary for the use of a household. The style of arran-gement of the utility sector is the English one, following the classic pattern of vegetable gardens, with well-defined geometric shapes, but which, in addition to the utilitarian role, also serve as a relaxation space. Thus the sector is provided with a small square in the center, with seating, a vessel of water for birds in the center and an ornamental brick wall with a waterfall in the form of a curtain. In the center of the arrangement, but also on the alley, were placed pots with flowering plants but also exotic tree species such as lemons, oranges, mandarins, etc. The utility sector will have a fence consisting of a white picket of 70 cm high that has not only an aesthetic but also a functional role, stopping the access of pets in the area. The entrance to this sector will be made through a vault with a gate, on which specimens of honeysuckle will be erected, and behind the arrangement, next to the ornamental wall with water and pool, two triads have been proposed that create an intimatebut also aestheticen-vironment, opting for their coverage with the help of specimens of improved ivy. The vegetal material is assumed to be planted in raised layers (cofferdams), made entirely of built bricks, as well as the pavement and the ornamental wall.The paper presents both the planning stage and the execution stages of this utility sectorwithin a private property in Focşani, Vrancea, during May-August 2019