Soluţii ecologice privind monitorizarea poluării atmosferice urbane cu ajutorul arborilor bioindicatori pe aliniamentele stradale principale din municipiul Iaşi


Recent data underline that the evolution of the urban environment in Iaşi was mostly based ondeveloping the street system infrastructurein detriment of the urban green areas, what ledinevitablyto the intensification of traffic and holding back the interest for developing in a sustainable mode a network ofurban green areas.In many European countries a program of monitoringinvolving bioindicating trees is already implemented, based on the response of these ”sentinel trees” to harsher life conditions of the intensetraffic and poluted streets compared to the rest of the green areas.The present study aims the importance of dendrological street plantations through their positive impact on the fight against direct pollution toward the pedestrian traffic.The observations were conducted in alignmentsplantations from three main boulevards in Iaşi, underlining the insufficiencyof woody vegetation, the precarious health state of most of the mature specimens, caused by improperly branch cutting, discontinuity of the greenvegetation lines or the lack of them. The paper will propose solutions and landscaping measures meant to improve the quality and safety of the pedestrian traffic along the considered boulevards

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