732 research outputs found

    Escape and Mrs. Dalloway as representatives of modernism

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    Modernizam je, kao i svaka promjena u stilu književnosti prije njega, bio revolucija u malom, a točne je razloge najbolje potkrijepiti književnim djelima koja nisu mogla nastati prije te književne epohe. Tako su dva djela, jedno iz hrvatske te jedno iz šire svjetske književnosti, Bijeg Milutina Cihlara Nehajeva te Gospođa Dalloway Virginije Woolf, predstavljeni kao reprezentativni primjeri, možda ne najranijeg, no svakako zrelog, punokrvnog modernizma, jer u njima pronalazimo karakteristična svojstva ove epohe; psihološka dubina te nijansiranost likova, kroz prizmu nesvjesnoga, individualnoga i impulzivnoga, zatim subjektivno poimanje vremena, koje svatko drugačije percipira i proživljava, izvan onog znanstvenog poimanja vremena kao koncepta u fizici mjerljivoga satom, te zapravo sveopći odmak od strogo obilježenog stila kakav je to bio realizam prije njega te prethodni pravci prije realizma, kroz prihvaćanje stilističkog pluralizma, a što je rezultiralo dotad neviđenom kompleksnošću i dubinom književnih djela, i što bi se moglo nazvati svojevrsnom kulminacijom književnosti kao izražajne forme, vrhuncu iz kojega se još uvijek djeluje, istražuje i gradi.Modernism, like every shift in literary style before it, was a revolution in its own right, of which the best confirmation can be found in works of literature that could not exist before this particular movement. By taking two literary works as examples, one from Croatia and one from a wider world literature, namely Milutin Cihlar Nehajev's Escape and Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway, as a pair of – if not the earliest than at the very least – representative works of a mature, fully developed modernism, that becomes evident by their characteristic features: the characters' psychological depth and nuance, by way of the unconscious, individual and impulsive; the subjective notion of time, beyond the scientific concept found in physics that is measurable in hours, but perceived and lived through differently by everyone; and in fact by a wider-ranging break from the strictly formed style of realism before it and other movements before that one, by embracing a stylistic pluralism, which in turn resulted in a previously unseen level of literary complexity and depth, and which could easily be considered a kind of culmination of literature as a form of expression, an apex which we still operate from, further explore and build upon

    Note sul commercio del libro universitario a Bologna nel Due e Trecento

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    Il saggio intende fornire un contributo concreto alla conoscenza del commercio del libro universitario, limitando l’attenzione ad un’area precisa (Bologna) in un arco di tempo sufficientemente ampio per potere cogliere eventuali mutamenti, ma soprattutto utilizzando tutta una serie di fonti alquanto eccezionali per completezza e omogeneità. Si tratta di fonti in senso lato "notarili" (formulari, contratti, registrazioni di contratti) in parte edite e in parte inedite

    Escape and Mrs. Dalloway as representatives of modernism

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    Modernizam je, kao i svaka promjena u stilu književnosti prije njega, bio revolucija u malom, a točne je razloge najbolje potkrijepiti književnim djelima koja nisu mogla nastati prije te književne epohe. Tako su dva djela, jedno iz hrvatske te jedno iz šire svjetske književnosti, Bijeg Milutina Cihlara Nehajeva te Gospođa Dalloway Virginije Woolf, predstavljeni kao reprezentativni primjeri, možda ne najranijeg, no svakako zrelog, punokrvnog modernizma, jer u njima pronalazimo karakteristična svojstva ove epohe; psihološka dubina te nijansiranost likova, kroz prizmu nesvjesnoga, individualnoga i impulzivnoga, zatim subjektivno poimanje vremena, koje svatko drugačije percipira i proživljava, izvan onog znanstvenog poimanja vremena kao koncepta u fizici mjerljivoga satom, te zapravo sveopći odmak od strogo obilježenog stila kakav je to bio realizam prije njega te prethodni pravci prije realizma, kroz prihvaćanje stilističkog pluralizma, a što je rezultiralo dotad neviđenom kompleksnošću i dubinom književnih djela, i što bi se moglo nazvati svojevrsnom kulminacijom književnosti kao izražajne forme, vrhuncu iz kojega se još uvijek djeluje, istražuje i gradi.Modernism, like every shift in literary style before it, was a revolution in its own right, of which the best confirmation can be found in works of literature that could not exist before this particular movement. By taking two literary works as examples, one from Croatia and one from a wider world literature, namely Milutin Cihlar Nehajev's Escape and Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway, as a pair of – if not the earliest than at the very least – representative works of a mature, fully developed modernism, that becomes evident by their characteristic features: the characters' psychological depth and nuance, by way of the unconscious, individual and impulsive; the subjective notion of time, beyond the scientific concept found in physics that is measurable in hours, but perceived and lived through differently by everyone; and in fact by a wider-ranging break from the strictly formed style of realism before it and other movements before that one, by embracing a stylistic pluralism, which in turn resulted in a previously unseen level of literary complexity and depth, and which could easily be considered a kind of culmination of literature as a form of expression, an apex which we still operate from, further explore and build upon

    Note sul commercio del libro universitario a Bologna nel Due e Trecento

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    Il saggio intende fornire un contributo concreto alla conoscenza del commercio del libro universitario, limitando l’attenzione ad un’area precisa (Bologna) in un arco di tempo sufficientemente ampio per potere cogliere eventuali mutamenti, ma soprattutto utilizzando tutta una serie di fonti alquanto eccezionali per completezza e omogeneità. Si tratta di fonti in senso lato "notarili" (formulari, contratti, registrazioni di contratti) in parte edite e in parte inedite

    Reactions between 1-Methyl-2-phenyl-3-nitrosoindole, Activated with Benzoyl Chloride, with Indole and Indolizine Derivatives as Nucleophiles: a Case of 1,3-Migration.

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    2-Phenyl-3-nitrosoindole activated with PhCOCl reacts with indoles and indolizines (NuH) affording products of 1,2-addiction which undergo 1,3-nucleophilic migration in acid media

    Porti fluviali e ponti in età medievale. Il Po e l’area padana

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    During the Middle Ages the Po Valley garantees the continuity of trade and the progress of the economy of northern Italy. The sources tell us that many river ports and docks were useful to the manors of monasteries and churches, holders of public rights. These sources also allow to identify some significant trends: the progressive expansion of a modular system of waterways, even if the navigation is impossible today (see the case of Bologna), and the growing involvement of the neighboring towns into the river system (Pavia, Piacenza, Cremona, Mantova and so on). Outside the cities, the castles and the parish churches on the river ports attest that the ports attract settlements and territorial powers (Canossa). Furthermore, the coincidence of ports and ponti (i.e. ferries for river crossings) promotes the vitality of the roads; the stretch of the river between Cremona and Parma, for example, is an important meeting point between Po river and the road of Monte Bardone, which was the favourite road for the Lombards to reach Tuscany through the Appennines

    Porti fluviali e ponti in età medievale. Il Po e l’area padana

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    During the Middle Ages the Po Valley garantees the continuity of trade and the progress of the economy of northern Italy. The sources tell us that many river ports and docks were useful to the manors of monasteries and churches, holders of public rights. These sources also allow to identify some significant trends: the progressive expansion of a modular system of waterways, even if the navigation is impossible today (see the case of Bologna), and the growing involvement of the neighboring towns into the river system (Pavia, Piacenza, Cremona, Mantova and so on). Outside the cities, the castles and the parish churches on the river ports attest that the ports attract settlements and territorial powers (Canossa). Furthermore, the coincidence of ports and ponti (i.e. ferries for river crossings) promotes the vitality of the roads; the stretch of the river between Cremona and Parma, for example, is an important meeting point between Po river and the road of Monte Bardone, which was the favourite road for the Lombards to reach Tuscany through the Appennines