24 research outputs found

    Experimental and clinical study of the efficacy of medicines containing omega-3 and 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases

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    Over the recent years, the attention of scientists regarding the search for alternative means of treatment, including local therapy, of inflammatory skin diseases, has been focused in recent years on medicines containing omega-3 and 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). To substantiate the feasibility of using medicines containing omega-3 and 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants in the treatment of inflammatory skin disease

    Comparative analysis of the DNA isolated from thyme leaves using different methods

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    Background. The base for a molecular analysis is DNA of high quality. For DNA isolation, different kits or classical methods are used. For mass analysis, isolation with kits is a very expensive process. So, the objective of our investigation was to find a cheap method for high-quality DNA isolation from leaves of various thyme cultivars.Materials and methods. Leaves cut from thyme accessions (Thymus mastichina L. cv. ‘Svetliachok’, T. striatus Vahl. cv. ‘Jubileiniy’, T. vulgaris L. cv. ‘Fantasia’, and T. vulgaris cv. ‘Jalos’.) maintained ex situ in the collection of the Nikita Botanical Gardens were used as the material for the analysis. Light microscopy was used to study leaf anatomy and localize essential oil on leaf cross sections. Essential oil was extracted on Ginsberg devices, and phenolic content was measured with The Folin–Ciocâlteu reagent (FCR). Commercial kits (DiamondDNATM, PureLink® Plant Total DNA Purification Kit) and classical methods (CTAB, CTAB with 2% polyvinylpyrrolidone) were used for DNA isolation. DNA quality was evaluated spectrophotometrically, with electrophoresis (horizontal, automated system Agilent 4200 TapeStation) and PCR.Results. The analysis showed that the leaf blade mesophyll of four thyme cultivars had inclusions with essential oil. The content of essential oil and phenolic compounds was measured biochemically. Since the plants were characterized by the presence of secondary metabolites, DNA was isolated by different methods. Spectrophotometry demonstrated that the classical CTAB method and CTAB with 2% PVP provided the best results. Using an automated electrophoresis system, the presence of high-molecularweight DNA (more than 52000 bp) in significant amounts was detected in the samples isolated with DiamondDNATM kit and CTAB + 2% PVP.Conclusion. Among the tested kits and methods, CTAB + 2% PVP provided thyme DNA suitable for PCR and, presumably, for genome library preparation. The low cost of reagents for this technique makes it applicable for future mass analysis of plant material

    Genome Characterization of a Pathogenic Porcine Rotavirus B Strain Identified in Buryat Republic, Russia in 2015

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    Citation: Alekseev, K.P.; Penin, A.A.; Mukhin, A.N.; Khametova, K.M.; Grebennikova, T.V.; Yuzhakov, A.G.; Moskvina, A.S.; Musienko, M.I.; Raev, S.A.; Mishin, A.M.; Kotelnikov, A.P.; Verkhovsky, O.A.; Aliper, T.I.; Nepoklonov, E.A.; Herrera-Ibata, D.M.; Shepherd, F.K.; Marthaler, D.G. Genome Characterization of a Pathogenic Porcine Rotavirus B Strain Identified in Buryat Republic, Russia in 2015. Pathogens 2018, 7, 46.An outbreak of enteric disease of unknown etiology with 60% morbidity and 8% mortality in weaning piglets occurred in November 2015 on a farm in Buryat Republic, Russia. Metagenomic sequencing revealed the presence of rotavirus B in feces from diseased piglets while no other pathogens were identified. Clinical disease was reproduced in experimentally infected piglets, yielding the 11 RVB gene segments for strain Buryat15, with an RVB genotype constellation of G12-P[4]-I13-R4-C4-M4-A8-N10-T4-E4-H7. This genotype constellation has also been identified in the United States. While the Buryat15 VP7 protein lacked unique amino acid differences in the predicted neutralizing epitopes compared to the previously published swine RVB G12 strains, this report of RVB in Russian swine increases our epidemiological knowledge on the global prevalence and genetic diversity of RVB

    Experimental and clinical study of the efficacy of medicines containing omega-3 and 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases

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    Over the recent years, the attention of scientists regarding the search for alternative means of treatment, including local therapy, of inflammatory skin diseases, has been focused in recent years on medicines containing omega-3 and 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). To substantiate the feasibility of using medicines containing omega-3 and 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants in the treatment of inflammatory skin disease

    An effectiveness study of Bariederm cream in combined therapy of dermatoses

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    Goal. The aim of the study is evaluation of the effectiveness of a barrier cream Bariederm in combined therapy of dermatoses. Materials and Methods. 3 groups of patients were examined: 32 patients with allergic contact dermatitis, 22 female patients with cold and wind induced dermatitis and 23 children aged 5 years and under with cutaneons mastocytosis. All of them were treated with Bariederm cream. Results. Including of Bariederm cream in combined treatment fetched to increase of clinical efficiency in treatment of dermatoses. Bariederm cream is also well tolerated

    Managing Iron and Steel Works Ore Base Formation Through Integration of the Blast-Furnace Process and Agglomerate Failure Models

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    В статье рассмотрены проблемы, связанные с формированием рудной базы металлургического предприятия. Показано, что при непостоянстве рудной сырьевой базы предприятия оценка полезности агломерируемого сырья с позиции барабанного индекса холодной механической прочности TI может не обеспечить достижение оптимальных экономических показателей аглодоменного производства. Для учета индивидуальных особенностей влияния агломератов из различного сырья на производительность доменного процесса предложен способ интеграция модели доменного процесса с моделью разрушения металлургического агломерата, основанной на комбинированном использовании модели напряженного состояния твердого включения в матрице и модели разрушения на основе закона Риттингера. Рассмотрены алгоритмические сложности организации интеграции и поиска решения. Приведены результаты расчетов изменения производительности доменной печи при разрушении агломератов из различных рудных материалов, обладающих различной прочностью при испытании, на барабанный индекс прочности TIThe paper addresses the issue of optimizing ore feedstock base to operate iron and steel works. It is shown that fluctuating ore feedstock base assessed on the basis of drum cold mechanical strength index TI can result in falling short in achieving the optimal economic values of agglomeration and blast-furnace process. A method of combined use of the stress model of solid inclusion in matrix and the failure model based on the Rittinger’s law is suggested to account for effects of varying feedstock agglomerates on agglomeration and on efficiency of the blast-furnace process. The metallurgic agglomerate failure model also accounts for combined use of the stress model developed for solid inclusions in matrix. The algorithmic issues dealing with complex models integration are addressed. The calculation results are provided to estimate the change in the blast furnace production efficiency when agglomerates made of various ore materials are used. The comparison of agglomerates having different strength expressed through TI index is mad

    Managing Iron and Steel Works Ore Base Formation Through Integration of the Blast-Furnace Process and Agglomerate Failure Models

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    В статье рассмотрены проблемы, связанные с формированием рудной базы металлургического предприятия. Показано, что при непостоянстве рудной сырьевой базы предприятия оценка полезности агломерируемого сырья с позиции барабанного индекса холодной механической прочности TI может не обеспечить достижение оптимальных экономических показателей аглодоменного производства. Для учета индивидуальных особенностей влияния агломератов из различного сырья на производительность доменного процесса предложен способ интеграция модели доменного процесса с моделью разрушения металлургического агломерата, основанной на комбинированном использовании модели напряженного состояния твердого включения в матрице и модели разрушения на основе закона Риттингера. Рассмотрены алгоритмические сложности организации интеграции и поиска решения. Приведены результаты расчетов изменения производительности доменной печи при разрушении агломератов из различных рудных материалов, обладающих различной прочностью при испытании, на барабанный индекс прочности TIThe paper addresses the issue of optimizing ore feedstock base to operate iron and steel works. It is shown that fluctuating ore feedstock base assessed on the basis of drum cold mechanical strength index TI can result in falling short in achieving the optimal economic values of agglomeration and blast-furnace process. A method of combined use of the stress model of solid inclusion in matrix and the failure model based on the Rittinger’s law is suggested to account for effects of varying feedstock agglomerates on agglomeration and on efficiency of the blast-furnace process. The metallurgic agglomerate failure model also accounts for combined use of the stress model developed for solid inclusions in matrix. The algorithmic issues dealing with complex models integration are addressed. The calculation results are provided to estimate the change in the blast furnace production efficiency when agglomerates made of various ore materials are used. The comparison of agglomerates having different strength expressed through TI index is mad

    Efficiency of industrial crossing of meat, dairy and combined cattle

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    The scientific article presents the results of a scientific experiment conducted to study the quality indicators of beef obtained from interbreeding of cattle of meat, dairy and combined breeds in the conditions of the Volgograd agricultural enterprise JSC "Berdievsky Elevator". The resulting crossbred bulls at the age of 9 months were divided into 4 groups of 10 heads each according to the principle of pairs of analogues: I experimental group of ½ crossbreed (Kazakh white-headed x Russian brown), II experimental group of ½ crossbreed (Kazakh white-headed x Aberdeen-Angus), III experimental group of ½ crossbreed (Aberdeen-Angus x red steppe), IV experimental group of ½ crossbreed (Simmental x red-mottled). The formed groups of animals were put on fattening up to 16 months of age. The growth dynamics of bulls and the qualitative characteristics of beef were evaluated

    Hypophosphatemic osteomalacia induced by FGF23-secreting tumor of the left femur

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    Tumor-induced hypophosphatemic osteomalacia is a rare disease and its diagnosis presents certain difficulties. This is primarily due to small tumor size and to the absence of local clinical symptoms. Adult-onset newly diagnosed hypophosphatemia concurrent with hyperphosphaturia is a sign of tumor-induced hypophosphatemic osteomalacia. The paper describes a female patient with fibroblast growth factor 23-secreting tumor of the upper third of the femur. After tumor removal, pharmacological treatment involves prescribing calcium supplements and active vitamin D metabolite until normal bone mineral density is restored