569 research outputs found

    The (Non)threat to Croatian Christian and Ecclesial Roots in the European Union?

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    Kršćanski i crkveni korijeni koji su oblikovali etos hrvatskog naroda kroz povijest sve do današnjih dana dadu se promotriti na više razina. Prva razina je individualna i osobna svijest većine hrvatskih građana koji su svoju religioznost, crkvenost i pripadajuću etiku živjeli dosljedno, prkoseći svim izazovima vremena. Druga razina kršćanskih i crkvenih korijena jesu svi oni izvedeni oblici života koji su zaživjeli u tradiciji, kulturi, umjetnosti i folkloru. Treća je razina strukturalna, tj. oživotvorenje individualnih vjerskih i etičkih načela pojedinaca u strukturama društva i zajednice, počevši od obitelji preko struktura šire društvene zajednice pa sve do najviše zakonodavne razine države. Ti će kršćanski i crkveni korijeni ulaskom Hrvatske u Europsku uniju doživjeti velike preinake. To, međutim, ne znači da će samim time biti ugroženi. Problem (ne)ugroženosti kršćanskih korijena nije samo i prvenstveno pitanje očuvanja »kršćanske duše« hrvatskih građana. Na prvoj razini ova je »duša« već poprilično nagrizena procesima globalizacije koji su zahvatili hrvatsko društvo. Za to ima bezbroj primjera kako na planu prakticiranja vjere kultom tako i na planu osobnog morala. Isto tako ne može se očekivati da će kršćanski korijeni na drugoj razini pretrpjeti veliku štetu. Ti oblici religioznosti na planu tradicije, kulture i folklora, koji su tijekom povijesti postali gotovo mitološki, bit će svakako oslabljeni, ali to i ne mora predstavljati veliku opasnost za život hrvatskih građana, njihovu religioznost i Crkvu. Problem je uvidjeti jesu li ugroženi oni kršćanski i crkveni korijeni koji su u hrvatskom narodu povijesno bili u temeljima nekih struktura i koji su nadahnjivali rješenja na političkom, gospodarskom, socijalnom i kulturnom planu. Drugim riječima, ključno pitanje (ne)ugroženosti odnosi se na problem hoće li religiozni korijeni u svijesti hrvatskih građana unutar Europske unije moći biti dovoljno jaki da utječu na strukture društva i države, na zakonodavstvo, politiku i gospodarstvo. Valja npr. sagledati mogućnost ugroženosti kršćanskih korijena na području socijale ukoliko se socijalna problematika svede samo na problem financiranja i potpuno odvoji od principa solidarnosti koji je temelj kršćanske socijalne politike. Svakako će nova situacija utjecati na odnos vjerskog identiteta i onoga nacionalnog. No, može se očekivati da će ulazak u Uniju pospješiti stvaranje društvene solidarnosti i ostalih društvenih kreposti kao što su tolerancija, transparentnost, supsidijarnost, ali i pospješiti razvoj javnog mnijenja u Crkvi. Konačno, važno je razmotriti kako ulazak u Europsku uniju može pružiti veliku pastoralnu korist našoj domovinskoj Crkvi na raznim područjima njezina djelovanja.Christian and ecclesial roots that shaped the ethos of the Croatian people throughout history to this day can be observed at several levels. The first level concerns the personal awareness of the majority of Croatian citizens who have lived their religiousness, their membership in the Church, and congruous Christian morals, in spite of the challenges of the times. The second level of Christian and Church roots are those derived forms of life that have taken roots in tradition, culture, art, and folklore. The third level is structural, that is, the one that concerns vivifying the personal religious and ethical principles of the individual in social structures and the community, starting from the family and on to the wider community and to the highest governmental levels of the state. These Christian and Church roots in Croatia will experience major changes once Croatia joins the European Union. However, this does not necessarily mean that they will be threatened. The problem of (non)threat to Christian roots does not concern only and primarily the preservation of the »Christian soul« in Croatian citizens. On the first level, this »soul« has already entered the process of its demise due to the processes of globalisation which have had impact on Croatian society. There are numerous examples of this in, for example, the way the faith is practiced as a cult as well as in personal morals. Similarly, one should not expect that the Christian roots observed at the second level will be damaged. These forms of religiousness in tradition, culture and folklore that have become through passage of time almost mythological, will surely be weakened but this does not need to be seen as a danger to the lives of Croatian citizens, their religiousness and their Church. The problem consists mainly in detecting whether there is a threat to those Christian and Church roots which have been historically inbuilt into some fundamental structures of Croatian society and that have inspired good decisions on the political, economic, social and cultural level. In other words, the key issue concerning the (non)threat is related to the problem whether religious roots of the awareness of Croatian citizens within the European Union will be sufficiently strong to have an impact on the structure of society and the state, and its legislation, policies and economy. It would be worthwhile, for example, to reflect on the possibility of a threat to Christian roots in the field of social welfare and if that issue will become merely a matter of financing, while no attention will be paid to the principle of solidarity, which is constitutive of the foundations of Christian social policy. The new situation will surely impact relations between the religious and the national identity. However, one can expect that joining the Union could improve social solidarity and other social values in Croatia, such as tolerance, transparency, subsidiarity and also the development of public opinion in the Church. Finally, it is important to point out that Croatia\u27s accession to the EU could offer major pastoral benefits for our homeland Church at various levels of its activities

    Affine LIBOR models with multiple curves: theory, examples and calibration

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    We introduce a multiple curve framework that combines tractable dynamics and semi-analytic pricing formulas with positive interest rates and basis spreads. Negatives rates and positive spreads can also be accommodated in this framework. The dynamics of OIS and LIBOR rates are specified following the methodology of the affine LIBOR models and are driven by the wide and flexible class of affine processes. The affine property is preserved under forward measures, which allows us to derive Fourier pricing formulas for caps, swaptions and basis swaptions. A model specification with dependent LIBOR rates is developed, that allows for an efficient and accurate calibration to a system of caplet prices.Comment: 42 pages, 11 figures. Updated version, added section on negative rates and positive spread

    Information, no-arbitrage and completeness for asset price models with a change point

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    We consider a general class of continuous asset price models where the drift and the volatility functions, as well as the driving Brownian motions, change at a random time τ\tau. Under minimal assumptions on the random time and on the driving Brownian motions, we study the behavior of the model in all the filtrations which naturally arise in this setting, establishing martingale representation results and characterizing the validity of the NA1 and NFLVR no-arbitrage conditions.Comment: 21 page

    Parsevalovi bazni okviri Hilbertovih prostora

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    U ovom radu najprije izlažemo neke osnovne pojmove i rezultate iz teorije normiranih prostora koji će se koristiti tijekom daljnjeg proučavanja. Nakon toga uvodimo pojmove Besselovog niza i baznog okvira, pojmove koji će biti središnji dio naših promatranja. Poseban naglasak imaju Parsevalovi bazni okviri. Opisuju se njihova osnovna svojstva te veze između navedenih pojmova. Poseban dio posvećen je dualnim baznim okvirima te njihovoj karakterizaciji pomoću ograničenih operatora koji posjeduju lijevi inverz. Zatim definiramo viškove baznih okvira, navodimo neka svojstva, te naposljetku pomoću istih dolazimo do karakterizacije baznih okvira koji posjeduju Parsevalov dual. Nadalje, opisujemo Besselove nizove koji dopuštaju konačno proširenje do baznog okvira. Za sam kraj rada izlažemo i kratko komentiramo fundamentalnu jednakost za Parsevalove bazne okvire.In this thesis we first give some of the fundamental terms and results from the theory of normed spaces which will be used during further study. Afterwards, we introduce Bessel sequences and frames, terms which will be central part of our study. Special emphasis is put on Parseval frames. We describe their properties and the connections between aforementioned terms. Special part is dedicated to dual frames and their characterization using bounded operators which possess left inverse. Next we define excesses of frames, state some of their properties, and finally give a characterization of frames that possess Parseval dual by using excesses of frames. Furthermore, we describe Bessel sequences that allow finite extension to a frame. In the last part we give a fundamental identity for Parseval frames, as well as a brief discussion considering this identity

    Eighty Years of Pulmonology at the Sestre Milosrdnice University Hospital

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    Endoscopic transfer and automorphic L-functions: the case of the general spin group and the twisted symmetric and exterior square L-functions

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    The endoscopic classification and the Langlands spectral theory are two approaches to the discrete spectrum of the group of adèlic points of a reductive linear algebraic group defined over a number field. The two points of view on the same object yield interesting consequences. In this paper, the case of the general spin group is considered. In that case, it is shown how the comparison of the two approaches implies that the twisted symmetric and exterior square complete automorphic L-functions associated to a cuspidal automorphic representation of the general linear group are holomorphic in the critical strip