777 research outputs found

    Performance-related Funding of Universities – Does more Competition Lead to Grade Inflation?

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    German universities are regarded as being under-financed, inefficient, and performing below average if compared to universities in other European countries and the US. Starting in the 1990s, several German federal states implemented reforms to improve this situation. An important part of these reforms has been the introduction of indicator-based funding systems. These financing systems aimed at increasing the competition between universities by making their public funds dependent on their relative performance concerning different output measures, such as the share of students obtaining a degree or the amount of third party funds. This paper evaluates whether the indicator-based funding created unintended incentives, i.e. whether the reform caused a grade inflation. Estimating mean as well as quantile treatment effects, we cannot support the hypothesis that increased competition between universities causes grade inflation.Grade inflation; higher education funding; university competition

    Representation of probabilistic scientific knowledge

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    This article is available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund. Copyright © 2013 Soldatova et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.The theory of probability is widely used in biomedical research for data analysis and modelling. In previous work the probabilities of the research hypotheses have been recorded as experimental metadata. The ontology HELO is designed to support probabilistic reasoning, and provides semantic descriptors for reporting on research that involves operations with probabilities. HELO explicitly links research statements such as hypotheses, models, laws, conclusions, etc. to the associated probabilities of these statements being true. HELO enables the explicit semantic representation and accurate recording of probabilities in hypotheses, as well as the inference methods used to generate and update those hypotheses. We demonstrate the utility of HELO on three worked examples: changes in the probability of the hypothesis that sirtuins regulate human life span; changes in the probability of hypotheses about gene functions in the S. cerevisiae aromatic amino acid pathway; and the use of active learning in drug design (quantitative structure activity relation learning), where a strategy for the selection of compounds with the highest probability of improving on the best known compound was used. HELO is open source and available at https://github.com/larisa-soldatova/HELO.This work was partially supported by grant BB/F008228/1 from the UK Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council, from the European Commission under the FP7 Collaborative Programme, UNICELLSYS, KU Leuven GOA/08/008 and ERC Starting Grant 240186

    Antibacterial Drugs Prescribed for Dogs and Cats in Sweden and Norway 1990–1998

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    The usage of veterinary antibacterial drugs in dogs and cats in Sweden and Norway for the period 1990–1998 was investigated by use of drug wholesalers' statistics. Additionally, usage of human antibacterial drugs in these species in Sweden was investigated by use of prescription data for the period 1996–1998. On average, more than 50% of the prescribed veterinary antibacterials in Sweden were beta-lactam antibiotics. In Norway, about 75% of the preparations prescribed for dogs and cats contained sulfonamides and trimethoprim. Furthermore, the prescription data from Sweden showed a reduced usage of human antibacterials prescribed for dogs and cats since the beginning of the 1980s. Approximately 20% of the prescribed packages for dogs in the years 1996–1998 were human approved drugs. The corresponding figure for cats was 13%. The differences between the countries in the choice of antibacterial drugs can be explained by differences in the availability of approved preparations during the study period. The consumption of veterinary antibacterials in dogs and cats in Sweden during the period was in the range of 3% to 8% of the total use of veterinary antibacterials. The corresponding figures in Norway were in the range of 3% to 7%. It is of vital importance to study usage patterns of antibacterial drugs in dogs and cats in surveillance and control of bacterial resistance, but also in discussions of therapeutic appropriateness. Therefore, further research is needed in this area

    The ionizing sources of luminous compact HII regions in the RCW106 and RCW122 clouds

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    Given the rarity of young O star candidates, compact HII regions embedded in dense molecular cores continue to serve as potential sites to peer into the details of high-mass star formation. To uncover the ionizing sources of the most luminous and compact HII regions embedded in the RCW106 and RCW122 giant molecular clouds, known to be relatively nearby (2-4 kpc) and isolated, thus providing an opportunity to examine spatial scales of a few hundred to a thousand AU in size. High spatial resolution (0.3"), mid-infrared spectra (R=350), including the fine structure lines [ArIII] and [NeII], were obtained for four luminous compact HII regions, embedded inside the dense cores within the RCW106 and RCW122 molecular cloud complexes. At this resolution, these targets reveal point-like sources surrounded by nebulosity of different morphologies, uncovering details at spatial dimensions of <1000AU. The point-like sources display [ArIII] and [NeII] lines - the ratios of which are used to estimate the temperature of the embedded sources. The derived temperatures are indicative of mid-late O type objects for all the sources with [ArIII] emission. Previously known characteristics of these targets from the literature, including evidence of disk or accretion suggest that the identified sources may grow more to become early-type O stars by the end of the star formation process

    La variaciĂłn en los cuartetos de Haydn

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    Es una traducciĂłn de: Floy Grave y Margaret Grave: “Variation”, del libro de los mismos autores titulado The String Quartets of Joseph Haydn, cap. 6, pp. 96-115, Nueva York/ Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2006.Juan Carlos Lores Gil (traductor).La tĂ©cnica de la variaciĂłn ocupa un lugar de primer orden entre los procedimientos compositivos de Haydn. En particular, los movimientos en forma de variaciĂłn se encuentran en toda su producciĂłn cuartetĂ­stica e incluso a veces tuvieron una influencia importante en su evoluciĂłn. Lejos de limitarse a explotar las formas de variaciĂłn de manera convencional, Haydn las combinĂł, enriqueciĂł y modificĂł e incluso llegĂł a desarrollar estructuras de variaciĂłn originales de gran complejidad. En el artĂ­culo se pasa revista a cada una de las cuatro formas de variaciĂłn principales –de repeticiĂłn variada, estrĂłficas, ternarias y en alternancia– y se estudia su evoluciĂłn y su papel en los cuartetos

    Bei der Bestattung des Herrn-Collegien Raths Dr. David Hieronymus Grindel am 16. Januar 1836 gesprochen

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    The sequence of low- and high-mass star formation in the young stellar cluster IRAS 19343+2026

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    BVRIJHK photometry, Spitzer-GLIMPSE photometry and HK-band spectroscopy were used to study the stellar content of IRAS 19343+2026, a (proto)star/cluster candidate, located close to the Galactic plane. The data suggest that IRAS 19343+2026 is a rich cluster associated with a massive protostar of 7.6 M⊙ with an age of ∌105 yr. Three point sources in the vicinity of the far-infrared peak are also found to be early B-type stars. The remaining (predominantly low mass) members of the cluster are best represented by a 1–3 Myr pre-main-sequence (PMS) population. HK-band spectra of two bright and five faint point sources in the cluster confirm that the results obtained from the photometry are good representations of their young stellar object (YSO) nature. Thus, IRAS 19343+2026 is a young cluster with at least four early B-type stars classified as young (104–105 yr), that are surrounded by a somewhat older (1–3 Myr) population of low-mass YSOs. Together, these results argue for a scenario in which low-mass stars form prior to massive stars in a cluster forming environment. We compute the initial mass function (IMF) for this cluster using the K-band luminosity function; the slope of the IMF is shallower than predicted by the Salpeter's mass function. The cluster mass, Mtotal, is estimated to be in the range ∌307 M⊙ (from the data completeness limit) to 585 M⊙ (extrapolated down to the brown dwarf limit, assuming a certain IMF)

    Flexural deformation and basin-mountain coupling in the northern Kyrgyz Tien Shan: transition from the Issyk-Kul basin to the Kumtor plateau

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    During the late stage of the India-Asia collision, deformation propagated northwards into the Asian foreland. North of the stable Tarim plate, the Tien Shan range – an old Palaeozoic fold belt – was strongly reactivated. It now accommodates more than one third of the total shortening rate between Stable Eurasia and the Indian continent.In the northern part of the Kyrgyz Tien-Shan Range, the 600 m deep Lake Issyk-Kul occupies a lense-shaped tectonic depression elongated in an E-W direction and bordered on its northern and southern sides by high mountain ranges (> 4000 m high). To the north, the Kungey Alatau range has the structure of an active positive flower structure with the Chon-Kemin – Chilik fault in its middle (location of several Ms > 8.0 historic earthquakes). To the south, the Terskey range forms the frontal scarp of the high and relatively flat Kumtor Plateau whose surface is undulating between 3800 and 5200 m high.Multidisciplinary investigation was performed during several summer campaigns, involving structural geology, paleostress reconstructions, tectono-stratigraphy and paleoseismology in the mountain ranges and lake shore, as well as high-resolution seismic profiling and heat flow measurements in Lake Issyk-Kul. Investigations included also the seismotectonics analysis of a large number of earthquake focal mechanisms determined from the local seismic network.All the results are best integrated in a model of lithospheric deformation by flexural folding and basin-mountain coupling. The Issyk-Kul basin probably formed as a flexural downwarp of the lithosphere rather than as a symmetric ramp basin, as once proposed. South of the Issyk-Kul depression, the Kumtor plateau still show large remains of the pre-Cainozoic flat erosion surface that is widespread in the Central Asia, now strongly uplifted and slightly undulating. Deformation at mountain-basin interface occurs mainly by tilting around a horizontal axis of the pre-Cainozoic basement (up to 60°from the horizontal), and top-to-the south reverse faulting at the southern margin of the basin (basin towards the range), in an opposite sense to what could be expected in the case of a ramp basin. The focal mechanism of a recent earthquake along the southern mountain-basin interface confirms this interpretation (25 December 2006 Ms 5.8)
