685 research outputs found

    The ionizing sources of luminous compact HII regions in the RCW106 and RCW122 clouds

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    Given the rarity of young O star candidates, compact HII regions embedded in dense molecular cores continue to serve as potential sites to peer into the details of high-mass star formation. To uncover the ionizing sources of the most luminous and compact HII regions embedded in the RCW106 and RCW122 giant molecular clouds, known to be relatively nearby (2-4 kpc) and isolated, thus providing an opportunity to examine spatial scales of a few hundred to a thousand AU in size. High spatial resolution (0.3"), mid-infrared spectra (R=350), including the fine structure lines [ArIII] and [NeII], were obtained for four luminous compact HII regions, embedded inside the dense cores within the RCW106 and RCW122 molecular cloud complexes. At this resolution, these targets reveal point-like sources surrounded by nebulosity of different morphologies, uncovering details at spatial dimensions of <1000AU. The point-like sources display [ArIII] and [NeII] lines - the ratios of which are used to estimate the temperature of the embedded sources. The derived temperatures are indicative of mid-late O type objects for all the sources with [ArIII] emission. Previously known characteristics of these targets from the literature, including evidence of disk or accretion suggest that the identified sources may grow more to become early-type O stars by the end of the star formation process

    The sequence of low- and high-mass star formation in the young stellar cluster IRAS 19343+2026

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    BVRIJHK photometry, Spitzer-GLIMPSE photometry and HK-band spectroscopy were used to study the stellar content of IRAS 19343+2026, a (proto)star/cluster candidate, located close to the Galactic plane. The data suggest that IRAS 19343+2026 is a rich cluster associated with a massive protostar of 7.6 M⊙ with an age of ∌105 yr. Three point sources in the vicinity of the far-infrared peak are also found to be early B-type stars. The remaining (predominantly low mass) members of the cluster are best represented by a 1–3 Myr pre-main-sequence (PMS) population. HK-band spectra of two bright and five faint point sources in the cluster confirm that the results obtained from the photometry are good representations of their young stellar object (YSO) nature. Thus, IRAS 19343+2026 is a young cluster with at least four early B-type stars classified as young (104–105 yr), that are surrounded by a somewhat older (1–3 Myr) population of low-mass YSOs. Together, these results argue for a scenario in which low-mass stars form prior to massive stars in a cluster forming environment. We compute the initial mass function (IMF) for this cluster using the K-band luminosity function; the slope of the IMF is shallower than predicted by the Salpeter's mass function. The cluster mass, Mtotal, is estimated to be in the range ∌307 M⊙ (from the data completeness limit) to 585 M⊙ (extrapolated down to the brown dwarf limit, assuming a certain IMF)

    The social determinants of polymorphous prejudice against lesbian and gay individuals: the case of Portugal

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    In the present article, we analyze polymorphous prejudice against lesbians and gays according to a sample of Portuguese heterosexual individuals. We tested the differential importance of demographic-, ideological-, and psychological-level variables to predicting this phenomenon. Our results show that male, Catholic, right-wing respondents with fewer lesbian and gay (LG) friends prove the group exhibiting the highest levels of polymorphous prejudice. Furthermore, the introduction of psychological-level variables into the regression models increased the explained variance in polymorphous prejudice, above and beyond the remaining predictors. Additionally, we report different patterns of results when deploying regression analyses at the level of the sub-scales of polymorphous prejudice. We discuss our results within the light of contemporary sexual prejudice frameworks before reviewing the utility of results to interventions targeting discriminated LG individuals.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Molecular hydrogen jets and outflows in the Serpens south filamentary cloud

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    We aimed to map the jets and outflows from the Serpens South star forming region and find an empirical relationship between the magnetic field and outflow orientation. Near-infrared H2 v=1-0 S(1) 2.122{\mu}m -line imaging of the \sim 30'-long filamentary shaped Serpens South star forming region was carried out. K s broadband imaging of the same region was used for continuum subraction. Candidate driving sources of the mapped jets/outflows are identified from the list of known protostars and young stars in this region, which was derived from studies using recent Spitzer and Herschel telescope observations. 14 Molecular Hydrogen emission-line objects(MHOs) are identified using our continuum-subtracted images. They are found to constitute ten individual flows. Out of these, nine flows are located in the lower-half(southern) part of the Serpens South filament, and one flow is located at the northern tip of the filament. Four flows are driven by well-identified Class 0 protostars, while the remaining six flows are driven by candidate protostars mostly in the Class I stage, based on the Spitzer and Herschel observations. The orientation of the outflows is systematically perpendicular to the direction of the near-infrared polarization vector, recently published in the literature. No significant correlation was observed between the orientation of the flows and the axis of the filamentary cloud.Comment: Accepted by A&A for publication. 7 pages, 5 figure

    G0^0 Electronics and Data Acquisition (Forward-Angle Measurements)

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    The G0^0 parity-violation experiment at Jefferson Lab (Newport News, VA) is designed to determine the contribution of strange/anti-strange quark pairs to the intrinsic properties of the proton. In the forward-angle part of the experiment, the asymmetry in the cross section was measured for e⃗p\vec{e}p elastic scattering by counting the recoil protons corresponding to the two beam-helicity states. Due to the high accuracy required on the asymmetry, the G0^0 experiment was based on a custom experimental setup with its own associated electronics and data acquisition (DAQ) system. Highly specialized time-encoding electronics provided time-of-flight spectra for each detector for each helicity state. More conventional electronics was used for monitoring (mainly FastBus). The time-encoding electronics and the DAQ system have been designed to handle events at a mean rate of 2 MHz per detector with low deadtime and to minimize helicity-correlated systematic errors. In this paper, we outline the general architecture and the main features of the electronics and the DAQ system dedicated to G0^0 forward-angle measurements.Comment: 35 pages. 17 figures. This article is to be submitted to NIM section A. It has been written with Latex using \documentclass{elsart}. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment In Press (2007

    Spitzer-IRAC GLIMPSE of high mass protostellar objects. I Infrared point sources and nebulae

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    The GLIMPSE archive was used to obtain 3.6--8.0micron, point source photometry and images for 381 massive protostellar candidates lying in the Galactic mid-plane. The colours, magnitudes and spectral indicies of sources in each of the 381 target fields were analysed and compared with the predictions of 2D radiative transfer model simulations. Although no discernable embedded clusters were found in any targets, multiple sources or associations of redenned young stellar objects were found in many sources indicating multiplicity at birth. The spectral index (α\alpha) of these point sources in 3.6--8.0mum bands display large values of α\alpha=2--5. A color-magnitude analog plot was used to identify 79 infrared counterparts to the HMPOs. Compact nebulae are found in 75% of the detected sources with morphologies that can be well described by core-halo, cometary, shell-like and bipolar geometries similar to those observed in ultra-compact HII regions. The IRAC band SEDs of the IR counterparts of HMPOs are best described to represent YSOs with a mass range of 8--20\msun in their Class I stages when compared with 2D radiative transfer models. They also suggest that the high α\alpha values represent reprocessed star/star+disk emission that is arising in the dense envelopes. Thus we are witnessing the luminous envelopes around the protostars rather than their photospheres or disks. We argue that the compact infrared nebulae likely reflect the underlying physical structure of the dense cores and are found to imitate the morphologies of known UCHII regions. Our results favour models of continuuing accretion involving both molecular and ionised accretion components to build the most massive stars rather than purely molecular rapid accretion flows.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted by A&
