129 research outputs found

    Enhancing PLM Performance on Labour Market Tasks via Instruction-based Finetuning and Prompt-tuning with Rules

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    The increased digitization of the labour market has given researchers, educators, and companies the means to analyze and better understand the labour market. However, labour market resources, although available in high volumes, tend to be unstructured, and as such, research towards methodologies for the identification, linking, and extraction of entities becomes more and more important. Against the backdrop of this quest for better labour market representations, resource constraints and the unavailability of large-scale annotated data cause a reliance on human domain experts. We demonstrate the effectiveness of prompt-based tuning of pre-trained language models (PLM) in labour market specific applications. Our results indicate that cost-efficient methods such as PTR and instruction tuning without exemplars can significantly increase the performance of PLMs on downstream labour market applications without introducing additional model layers, manual annotations, and data augmentation.Comment: accepted for publication at RecSys in HR 202

    Improving automated segmentation of radio shows with audio embeddings

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    Audio features have been proven useful for increasing the performance of automated topic segmentation systems. This study explores the novel task of using audio embeddings for automated, topically coherent segmentation of radio shows. We created three different audio embedding generators using multi-class classification tasks on three datasets from different domains. We evaluate topic segmentation performance of the audio embeddings and compare it against a text-only baseline. We find that a set-up including audio embeddings generated through a non-speech sound event classification task significantly outperforms our text-only baseline by 32.3% in F1-measure. In addition, we find that different classification tasks yield audio embeddings that vary in segmentation performance.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to ICASSP202

    Career Path Recommendations for Long-term Income Maximization: A Reinforcement Learning Approach

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    This study explores the potential of reinforcement learning algorithms to enhance career planning processes. Leveraging data from Randstad The Netherlands, the study simulates the Dutch job market and develops strategies to optimize employees' long-term income. By formulating career planning as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and utilizing machine learning algorithms such as Sarsa, Q-Learning, and A2C, we learn optimal policies that recommend career paths with high-income occupations and industries. The results demonstrate significant improvements in employees' income trajectories, with RL models, particularly Q-Learning and Sarsa, achieving an average increase of 5% compared to observed career paths. The study acknowledges limitations, including narrow job filtering, simplifications in the environment formulation, and assumptions regarding employment continuity and zero application costs. Future research can explore additional objectives beyond income optimization and address these limitations to further enhance career planning processes.Comment: accepted for publication at RecSys in HR '23 (at the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems

    Recipient Recommendation in Enterprises using Communication Graphs and Email Content

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    ABSTRACT We address the task of recipient recommendation for emailing in enterprises. We propose an intuitive and elegant way of modeling the task of recipient recommendation, which uses both the communication graph (i.e., who are most closely connected to the sender) and the content of the email. Additionally, the model can incorporate evidence as prior probabilities. Experiments on two enterprise email collections show that our model achieves very high scores, and that it outperforms two variants that use either the communication graph or the content in isolation


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    DEVELOPING SKILLS TO SOLVE TRIGONOMETRICAL PROBLEMS IN STUDENTS OF SECOND CYCLE OF THE ANGOLAN SECONDARY EDUCATIONRESUMENEn este artículo se emprende el tratamiento a las habilidades para la resolución de problemas trigonométricos con estudiantes de segundo ciclo de la enseñanza secundaria angoleña. Esto se hace a partir del estado real y potencial de los alumnos de onceno grado de la Escuela Secundaria 4 de Abril en Caála, Huambo, una de las provincias angoleñas, que limitan el rendimiento académico en la asignatura Matemática. La esencia radica en la propuesta de un sistema de problemas organizados en tres tipos que propicia el aumento gradual del grado de dificultad, como condición necesaria para la formación sistemática de habilidades y para asegurar que los estudiantes logren buenos resultados y sientan satisfacción por ello. Igualmente se presentan consideraciones teóricas que sustentan la propuesta, ejemplos de ejercicios e indicaciones para implementarlos. Además, se presenta un análisis de la pertinencia y factibilidad de la alternativa propuesta, que muestra las posibilidades reales de generalización en la Enseñanza Secundaria angoleña.PALABRAS CLAVE: Matemática; resolución de problemas; trigonometría.ABSTRACTThis article deals with the development of skills to solve trigonometrical problems in students through the teaching-learning process of Mathematics in the second cycle of the Angolan Secondary Education. This is done from the actual and potential status of eleventh graders from the school 4 de Abril en Caála, Huambo, one of the Angolan provinces, that limit academic achievement in that subject. The essence lies in a system of problems organized in three types which favors the gradual increase of the level of difficulty, as a necessary condition for the systematic formation of skills and to assure that the students achieve good results. Equally theoretical considerations underlying the proposal, examples of exercises and recommendations to implement them are presented. In addition, it is presented an analysis of the relevance and feasibility of the proposed teaching alternative, which shows the real possibilities of generalization in Angolan Secondary Education.KEYWORDS: Mathematics; problem solving; trigonometry


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    The present research responds to a real problem related to the inadequacies in the resolution of problems related to the subject of Trigonometry of the students of the 4th of April Secondary School in Caála, Huambo, Angola, which limit the development of skills in the resolution of trigonometry problems. There are limitations in the treatment of skills for solving trigonometric problems, which are linked to the lack of motivation to assimilate mathematical knowledge with the independence that students have acquired in the process of teaching-learning mathematics, which affects their preparation for life. Through the contribution that consists of a system of exercises with trigonometric problems for the development of skills that has been elaborated and put into practice, the Mathematics subject of the eleventh grade, allows the preparation of students in the teaching-learning process of this subject, where the student's learning context is taken into account, which favors their learning. The assessment of the relevance and feasibility of a system of exercises with trigonometric problems, allows to increase the academic achievement of 11th grade students in the subject of Mathematics, its applicability and possibilities of generalization.Este trabajo se refiere al tratamiento de un artículo para resolver problemas de trigonometría, graduado en la enseñanza secundaria en Angola. Esto se hace a partir de la situación real que presentan los alumnos de 11º grado en la resolución de problemas de trigonometría en la escuela 4 de Abril del municipio de Caála, provincia de Huambo, Angola. Eso limita el rendimiento académico en matemáticas. La esencia radica en la propuesta de un sistema organizado en tres tipos de problemas I, II y III que aumentan gradualmente el grado de dificultad como condición necesaria para el entrenamiento sistemático de las habilidades y para asegurar que los estudiantes logren buenos resultados y se sientan satisfechos por el proceso de aprendizaje. También se presentan las consideraciones teóricas en que se basa la propuesta, ejemplos de ejercicios e instrucciones para llevarlos a la práctica. Además, se presenta un análisis de la pertinencia y viabilidad de la propuesta alternativa, que muestra las posibilidades reales de generalizar la enseñanza secundaria angoleña

    Mannan Molecular Substructures Control Nanoscale Glucan Exposure in Candida

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    Cell wall mannans of Candida albicans mask β-(1,3)-glucan from recognition by Dectin-1, contributing to innate immune evasion. Glucan exposures are predominantly single receptor-ligand interaction sites of nanoscale dimensions. Candida species vary in basal glucan exposure and molecular complexity of mannans. We used super-resolution fluorescence imaging and a series of protein mannosylation mutants in C. albicans and C. glabrata to investigate the role of specific N-mannan features in regulating the nanoscale geometry of glucan exposure. Decreasing acid labile mannan abundance and α-(1,6)-mannan backbone length correlated most strongly with increased density and nanoscopic size of glucan exposures in C. albicans and C. glabrata, respectively. Additionally, a C. albicans clinical isolate with high glucan exposure produced similarly perturbed N-mannan structures and elevated glucan exposure geometry. Thus, acid labile mannan structure influences the nanoscale features of glucan exposure, impacting the nature of the pathogenic surface that triggers immunoreceptor engagement, aggregation, and signaling. Graus et al. find that N-mannan structural features regulated by Candida mannosyltransfersases control glucan exposure. Loss of mannan increased the frequency and size of glucan exposures and changed multivalent receptor engagement. Changes to mannan structure in a bloodstream isolate are associated with elevated glucan exposure at the nanoscale

    Propuestas técnicas para el diseño y construcción de losas en dos sentidos

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    En la presente investigación se analizan tres tipos de losas, losas macizas en dos direcciones, losas aligeradas en dos direcciones y losas BubbleDeck. Como parte del análisis de cada una de ellas, se parte de la definición y composición de cada losa. Luego, el análisis tomará en cuenta tres aspectos importantes para poder observar las principales ventajas y desventajas que tiene cada tipo de losa. En primer lugar, se estudia el comportamiento estructural, donde con un caso ejemplo se observa el desempeño de cada losa para dos condiciones, losas sin vigas y losas con vigas. En segundo lugar, la constructabilidad toma en cuenta diferentes aspectos tales como, proceso constructivo, materiales y tiempo de construcción. En tercer lugar, el costo se calculará por metro cuadrado dependiendo de los dos aspectos mencionados y extrayendo datos del mercado nacional e internacional. Cuando se finaliza el análisis de los tres aspectos, se procederá a seleccionar una para un caso de estudio de un colegio ubicado en el distrito de Puente Piedra. La elección de la losa tomará en cuenta los límites económicos establecidos, además de los tres aspectos analizados. Finalmente, se escoge la losa más conveniente para el presente caso, se describen las ventajas y desventajas de cada losa, ya sea sin vigas o con vigas, y se realizan los comentarios finales que alienten la búsqueda de nuevas tecnologías que pueda mejorar el aspecto económico del sector construcción en el Perú