277 research outputs found

    Taking out the jacks : issues of jetty jack removal in bosque and river restoration planning

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    This professional project report presents a history of jetty jacks from the 1940s to the present and offers some comments and recommendations on what the future has in store for jetty jacks based on the past. This history will trace how: • jetty jacks contributed to the success of the massive human undertaking of re-shaping the Rio Grande for the protection of property, levees, and riverbanks from flooding; • the expande role of jetty jacks in the establishment of a straight channel in the Middle Rio Grande Valley; • loss of function of jetty jacks in a post-dam era, and finally • how present-day managers are grappling with balancing past technology with present demands. End-users of a jetty-jack analysis value information relating to their specific mission. To provide context for that edification, this paper reviews not only the history of jetty jacks and their role in flood and erosion control, but also discusses the issues surrounding their former usefulness and present redundancy as well as potential stumbling blocks to their removal based on varying positions of the resource agencies. This paper is qualitative, to be used as a starting point for further discussion. I will look at three restoration projects that are in either the study or implementation phase and that include jetty jack removal, a prism through which a sharper picture will hopefully be illumined

    The Design and Analysis of a Wireless LAN Relayed Frame Protocol Extension

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    Computing stations networked on wireless LANs (wLANs) typically have a limited range of mobility: the station must always be within an access point’s coverage area. If a station moves outside of that area, and if it is unable to locate another base station within its range to perform a handover of communication connectivity responsibility, then it will ex perience a disruption in network services until it migrates into the coverage area of another wLAN. Typical causes for such losses of service include station migration to outside of the wLAN’s coverage area, changing environmental conditions, and “holes” within the cumu lative cell coverage area of multiple access points. There could be several mobile stations simultaneously sharing the network in a wLAN. Each station may be stationary or in motion for part or all of its service life. How ever, in order to use the wLAN, it must be within service range of a access point. Theoreti cally, if a station is outside the access point’s coverage area, yet its own radio signal is within range of one of the stations which has connectivity with an access point, the isolated station could relay its network negotiations and traffic through a relay station which has direct communication with the access point. Therefore, the station nearer to the base sta tion acts as a relay point for the isolated station out of the access point’s range. In this thesis, the author proposed, the design of a MAC Frame Relaying Protocol Extension which enables this type of dynamic relaying of network frames between stations in wLANs. It requires additional logic in the networking process on both the access point and the stations involved (both relay station and the isolated station) to support the bidirec tional forwarding of network traffic, and the definition of several new message types to support relay connection setup and data exchange. Both cryptography and digital signature concepts are employed to make secure the process of establishing of a relayed network session, and the exchange of data between the end stations. To verify the validity of the protocol extension and to measure its performance, the protocol extension was implemented into an existing and widely accepted wireless network standard, IEEE 802.11. To study its effectiveness and impact on the wLAN protocol, the network simulation software, OPNET, was used. An existing model of IEEE 802.11 was enhanced with the additional logic introduced by the protocol extension. Through simulation, it is proved that the logic presented by the protocol extension is able to function. In addition, the impact to overall network performance, and the quality of service the isolated station experiences during a relayed network session were quantita tively analyzed. Through the OPNET simulation, it was found that overall wLAN perfor mance diminished a moderate amount, while the isolated station experienced a far smaller level of throughput when engaged in a relayed network session, than it did in a normal network session

    The late Hanseatic Seafaring in the North Atlantic between the 15th century and the 17th century. The maritime-archaeological potential of Hanseatic trading places at the Shetland Islands, Faroe Islands and Iceland based on archaeological and contemporary sources

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    Die vorliegende Dissertationsschrift ist eine umfassende und kritische Darstellung der aktuellen geschichtswissenschaftlichen und archäologischen Erkenntnisse über die Entwicklung und Strukturierung des hansischen Schiffsverkehrs mit den Shetland Inseln, den Färöer Inseln und Island während der Späthansezeit. Ein Fokus liegt im Allgemeinen auf der Darlegung und Analyse der hansischen Nordatlantikfahrt sowie des dazugehörigen Handels mit seinen Gütern, Teilnehmern und seiner Organisation. Im Speziellen wird die Bremische und Hamburgische Nordatlantikfahrt vom 15. bis zum 17. Jahrhundert ausgewertet und analysiert. Ebenso wird erstmalig eine kombinierte Betrachtung und Auswertung landarchäologischer sowie submariner Funde bzw. Befunde vorgestellt. Diese Kombination ist eine Vorrausetzung für sowohl eine umfassende und ganzheitliche historische als auch archäologische Aufarbeitung der Hansezeit im Nordatlantik. Daher stellt die Dissertationsschrift eine Grundlagenarbeit zu diesem Thema dar. Ziel der kombinierten Analyse ist es das maritim-archäologische Potential submariner Bereiche auf den Inseln herauszustellen und somit eine theoretische sowie praktische Basis zu schaffen um weiterführende unterwasserarchäologische Untersuchungen vornehmen zu können. Mit der vorliegenden Studie wird schlussendlich nicht nur eine aktuelle Darstellung der bisherigen archäologischen und geschichtswissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zur hansischen Schifffahrt im nordatlantischen Raum vorgelegt, sondern auch eine erste wissenschaftliche Bewertung des hansischen sowie nicht-hansischen maritim-archäologischen Potenzials der nordatlantischen Inseln der Späthansezeit erstellt.This investigation presents a comprehensive and critical description of current historical and archaeological knowledge about the development, structure and composition of late Hanseatic seafaring associated with the Shetland Islands, the Faroe Islands and Iceland. The connections of Bremen and Hamburg, as the Hanseatic cities with the highest trade volume on theses North Atlantic islands from the 15th to the 17th centuries, are analysed in an exceptional view. The present study represents a combined and integrated evaluation and analysis of terrestrial and maritime archaeological finds of this period, including an integration of contemporary written sources, and provides groundwork for this theme. It is a current, critical and comprehensive evaluation concerning the archaeological and historical perceptions about seafaring, especially Hanseatic seafaring, from the 15th to the 17th century around the Shetland Islands, Faroe Islands and Iceland

    Violência verbal e argumentação em democracias

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    Argumentation in public spaces of deliberation in open societies implies responsibility. The non-observance of the so-called “rules of the debate” would thus be an example of the irresponsible public use of word, hindering criticism. One questions if, regarding the vote of Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment in the Chamber of Deputies (analyzed by the transcript of the institution’s shorthand department), these basic rules of argumentation would have been neglected, with regard specifically to the style of approach. It is also questioned how this may have compromised the democratic debate, having as theoretical framework authors such as Angenot (2008) and Danblon (2004). Besides, with the help of categories such as those proposed by Brown and Levinson’s (1987) face theory, inspired by Goffman (1974), the research pointed out that deputies, regardless of their cultural and political orientation, tended to disregard the rules inherent in the debate, and the Parliament, understood as the public sphere of deliberation, revealed itself to be characteristic of dogmatic societies.A argumentação nos espaços públicos de deliberação das sociedades abertas implica a responsabilidade de quem toma a palavra. A inobservância das chamadas “regras do debate” seria, assim, um exemplo do uso público da palavra irresponsável, obstaculizando a crítica. Pergunta-se, com efeito, se, no que diz respeito à votação do impeachment de Dilma Rousseff na Câmara dos Deputados (analisada pela transcrição do departamento de taquigrafia da instituição), essas regras básicas da argumentação teriam sido negligenciadas, tratando especificamente do estilo da abordagem. Indaga-se também como isso pode ter comprometido o debate democrático, tendo como marco teórico autores como Angenot (2008) e Danblon (2004). Além disso, com o auxílio de categorias como as propostas pela teoria das faces de Brown e Levinson (1987), com inspiração em Goffman (1974), a pesquisa apontou no sentido de que, uma vez que os deputados, independentemente de sua orientação cultural e política, tenderam, em sua maioria, a desprezarem regras inerentes ao debate, o Parlamento, entendido como a esfera pública de deliberação, revelou-se próprio das sociedades dogmáticas


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    Ter uma estrutura de governança de qualidade é sinônimo de solidez. Neste artigo é avaliada a estrutura de governança do Sicredi Noroeste RS, considerando o funcionamento das auditorias internas e externas, e as atribuições estatutárias e algumas características dos conselhos fiscal e de administração, bem como da Diretoria Executiva. Para isso, realizou-se uma pesquisa quali-quantitativa (quanto à abordagem); descritiva (quanto aos objetivos); e bibliográfica, documental, de levantamento e participante (quanto aos procedimentos técnicos). Para interpretação dos dados foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo, congregando a revisão da literatura e as avaliações da estrutura de governança e das características dos conselhos de administração e fiscal; além da triangulação dos dados qualitativos com os quantitativos. Constatou-se que a estrutura de governança do Sicredi está condizente com a literatura pesquisada; e que as características dos conselhos estão se aprimorando ao longo dos anos e evidenciam possibilidades de melhoria contínua. Considerando a limitação decorrente da investigação de apenas alguns mecanismos de controle da cooperativa de crédito, recomenda-se a realização de estudos futuros relacionados a essas questões. Esses estudos são sugeridos pela importância dos referidos mecanismos e da boa governança para essas organizações; bem como da cooperativa pesquisada, para o desenvolvimento regional

    Risk assessment of war wrecks – a comprehensive approach investigating four wrecks containing munitions in the German Bight/North Sea

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    Shipwrecks and dumped munition continue to be a major hazard, both in the North Sea but also on a global scale. Research within the EU Interreg project North Sea Wrecks (NSW), in cooperation with the German Aerospace Centre, Institute for the Protection of Maritime Infrastructures (DLR), is generating new insights into the status of wrecks, the potential leakage of pollutants from remaining munitions loads and the effects of contamination on exposed marine organisms in the North Sea environment. Further, historical documents are generated from archives to describe ship’s history and sinking scenario. These historical findings were compared to models and images of the visual inspections of the wrecks. Further, samples of water, sediment and organisms are being analysed for traces of explosives. Combining the results of these different fields of research allows for a better understanding of the environmental risks deriving from these wrecks. This process is shown below by focusing on the wreck of the German light cruiser SMS MAINZ, which sank in 1914. Data were compared to three additional wrecks situated also within the southern German Bight. Available data about the wrecks were preliminary assessed using a wreck risk model. Finally, wrecks were ranked according to their potential environmental risk

    Multimodal freight transportation: sustainability challenges

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    Due to globalization in trade, the development of multimodal cargo shipments and the related transport needs have created a range of challenges. Interestingly, sustainability of multimodal freight transportation is still subject to minor consideration, on the grounds that economic interests are frequently positioned much higher than social or environmental objectives. This proposed research plan is needed to assess whether and to what extent the multimodal freight system is achieving the results in the sustainability dimensions: economic, social and environmental. Thus, it will carry out a critical appraisal of the multimodal freight transportation sector to provide an up-to-date knowledge on the sustainability challenges and the potential solutions through doctoral research. This paper structured to present a review of existing literature on freight transportation and multimodal freight transport highlighting the sustainability concerns with multimodal freight transport systems. It also highlights the gaps in knowledge with a justification on the need to address these gaps for the system to function optimally. It also covers the methodology that would be applied and the sources of data that would be reviewed to ensure the aim and objectives are clearly addressed. The paper concludes by discussing the significance of the expected findings in the light of sustainability in multimodal freight transport to the academia, policy makers and the freight transportation industry
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