126 research outputs found

    Survey on HIV risk perception and sexual behaviours among seafarers

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    Because the nature of their work seafarers spend long periods of time away from their families and therefore represent a group at risk for sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection. This paper reports the results of a survey to evaluate awareness and knowledge of the risk of HIV infection among seafarers. Risky behaviours for HIV transmission were also assessed. The survey was conducted using anonymous questionnaires on 197 workers of 9 vessels and 26 office employees of an Italian shipping company (FINAVAL S.p.A., Rome). The respondents considered HIV/AIDS as one of the diseases with a high risk of transmission. Most respondents had a good general knowledge of HIV/AIDS and on the ways of its transmission. However, there is still lack of knowledge on the basics of this disease. On the other hand, in spite of knowledge and awareness about the risks of the disease, only 56.35% of the interviewed crewmembers used protection in sexual intercourse with occasional partners. Compared to data available in literature, the percentage of self-protecting people is increasing, but the number of seafarers exposing themselves to risky behaviours is still high. As expected, condoms are used with regular partners with lower frequency compared to occasional intercourse. The results of this survey indicate that adequate prevention campaigns and major attention paid to seafarers health is useful for stimulating responsible conduct for the prevention of infectious diseases, including HIV infection. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to increase information about the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and how to reduce it. (Int Marit Health 2011; 62, 2: 131–137

    Dental unit water content and antibiotic resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas species: a case study

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    Background Many studies consider the contamination of dental unit waterlines (DUWLs), but few of them have studied the possible presence of antibiotic resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the DUWLs. Aims Investigation of the presence of P. aeruginosa and Pseudomonas spp. strains in DUWLs and evaluation of their resistance to six antibiotics (ceftazidime, netilmicin, piperacillin/tazobactam, meropenem, levofloxacin, colistin sulfate) at a public dental clinic in Milan, Italy. Results Dental units were contaminated by P. aeruginosa with loads of 2-1,000 CFU/L and were mainly located on the mezzanine floor, with a range of 46-54%, while Pseudomonas spp. were primarily found on the first and second floors, ranging from 50 to 91%. P. aeruginosa was antibiotic resistant in 30% of the strains tested, andPseudomonas spp. in 31.8% . Cold water from controls was also contaminated by these microorganisms. Conclusion Monitoring antibiotic resistance in the water and adopting disinfection procedures on DUs are suggested within the Water Safety Plan

    Completion of death certificates in the aftermath of a hurricane

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    Death certificates are used widely for many critical uses. For example, families use them to close out estates as well as to reach emotional closure about the loss of their relative. Information from death certificates is also the fundamental source for official mortality statistics which are used to support statements such as \u201cThe impact of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season and the resulting death, injury, destruction, and population displacement were unprecedented in U.S. history.\u201d (CDC. MGuide: Hurricanes, accessed at http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/mguide_nd.html) and to more generally define the mortality scope and impact of particular events. Having more information about past events helps plan for future catastrophic storms.The medical examiner, coroner, or physician\u2019s primary responsibility in certifying or completing the death certificate is to provide a medical opinion on cause of death, that is, an etiological description of the order, type, and association of events resulting in death. In reporting the cause of death, any disease, abnormality, injury, or poisoning believed to have adversely affected the decedent should be reported as specifically and precisely as possible. He or she may also complete other legal and demographic items on the death certificate although normally a funeral director would complete this other information.200

    Metformin and Covid-19: a systematic review of systematic reviews with meta-analysis

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    : the COVID-19 infection, caused by severe Coronavirus 2 syndrome (Sars-Cov-2), immediately appeared to be the most tragic global pandemic event of the twentieth century. Right from the start of the pandemic, diabetic patients treated with metformin experienced a reduction in mortality and complications from COVID-19 compared to those with different treatments or no treatment. Objective The main objective of the study was to observe the effects of metformin in hospitalized subjects infected with COVID-19. Specifically, the outcomes of hospitalization in Intensive Care Units or death were examined. Materials and Methods A specific research PICOS was developed and the Pubmed, Embase and Scopus databases were consulted down to April 30, 2022. To estimate the extent of the metformin effect and risk of severity in SARS-CoV-2 infection, the Odd Ratio (OR) with 95% Confidence Interval (CI) published by the authors of the selected systematic reviews was used. Results from five systematic reviews 36 studies were selected. The final meta-analysis showed that thanks to treatment with metformin, DM2 patients affected by COVID-19 had protection against risk of disease severity, complications (ES 0.80; 95% CI) and mortality (ES 0.69; 95% CI). Conclusions More in-depth studies on the use of metformin, compared to other molecules, may be required to understand the real protective potential of the drug against negative outcomes caused by COVID-19 infection in DM2 patients

    Lifestyles and discomfort in a sample of young Romanian students

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    Introduction. The 40.3% of the Romanian youth population is at risk of poverty or social exclusion, and, in addition, the abuse of substances increases. It was interesting to evaluate the attitudes shared by pupils as well as their knowledge of these substances with a view to analyzing causes and types of risky behaviour in young people. Methods. This is an observational study on the harassment influence in the lifestyle of a sample of Craiova high-school students The Fagerstr\uf6m Test was applied to evaluate the degree of nicotine dependence, and the data processed to assess the Odds Ratio. Results. The sample was composed by 1,980 students with an average age of 17, of which 1,727 correctly responded to the questionnaire. The 37.4% of students admit to smoke, and the 67% to drink alcohol. The Fagerstr\uf6m test showed that the 68.2% of respondents are not highly addicted to smoke while the 31.8% was associated with a middle-to-high addiction level. A worrying weekly consumption of beer has been registered in the students. Regarding psychological distress caused by harassment a high Odds Ratio was recorded between the smokers and the drug users. Conclusions. More than half of students did not know about the health consequences of smoking, and the same result was recorded about the consumption of alcohol. A special attention should be done to the understanding of harassment problem in the young people. In fact, almost all the respondents declared to have suffered abuse and admits to use drug and cigarettes

    Use of an Online Platform to Evaluate the Impact of Social Distancing Measures on Psycho-Physical Well-Being in the COVID-19 Era

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    Background: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) and the worldwide health crisis have significantly changed both people's habits and lifestyles. Most of the studies found in the literature were carried out on specific professional categories in the socio-health sector, taking into consideration psychological disorders in relation to work. The purpose of this study was to analyze the psychological impact on a portion of the normal population subjected to lockdown. Methods: A questionnaire was distributed in the period between 23 March 2020 and 18 May 2020 (during Italian lockdown) using an online platform. The scales GAD-7, IES-r, PHQ-9 and MANSA were used to investigate the level of anxiety, the presence of post-traumatic stress disorder, the severity of depression and the perceived quality of life, respectively. Results: Four hundred and eight Italian subjects responded. Females and younger people were more affected by anxiety and depression. Post-traumatic stress disorder affected about 40% of the population sample, significantly young people and women, thus attesting to an important psychopathological response. About one-fifth of the sample population recorded an unsatisfactory quality of life. Conclusions: The results highlight the need to set up preventive interventions (primary and secondary), trying to focus on the most fragile group of subjects from a psychosocial point of view, in order to obtain a significant reduction in psychophysical damage in terms of relapses and outcomes


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    INTRODUZIONE Esiste una differenza rilevante tra l'insorgenza di problemi di salute a bordo delle navi piuttosto che a terra, il tutto dovuto anche alla difficoltà di fornire un trattamento medico adeguato e rapido durante la navigazione, in particolare quando si considerano le navi da carico. In particolare, per quanto concerne la ristorazione, la salute di queste comunità è molto legata alle corrette operazioni di manipolazione, cottura, conservazione degli alimenti. Da qui la necessità di valutare il livello di conoscenza della sicurezza alimentare del personale dei servizi di ristorazione di tali navi. METODI La raccolta dei dati è stata effettuata attraverso un questionario anonimo autosomministrato contenente domande specifiche circa l'igiene e la sicurezza alimentare. RISULTATI Sono stati compilati 51questionari. La percentuale di risposte corrette è stata del 62,1%. Punteggi elevati sono stati ottenuti nella sezione di igiene personale (80%) e di prevenzione contaminazioni crociate (70,3%). I lavoratori che avevano seguito un corso di formazione hanno ottenuto un più alto punteggio totale rispetto ai lavoratori non specificamente addestrati (p<0.05). Una differenza significativa è stata osservata anche nel punteggio totale ottenuto dai cuochi rispetto al personale di supporto (53,6 vs 50,7; p<0.05). CONCLUSIONI E’ preoccupante che una rilevante percentuale degli intervistati non conosca correttamente alcuni aspetti relativi sia alla manipolazione degli alimenti che ad eventuali problemi di sicurezza alimentare. Sarebbero auspicabili iniziative ed interventi specifici atti a migliorare le conoscenze del personale del servizio di ristorazione (lifelong learning e monitoraggio continuo). Creando più consapevolezza sull’importanza del ruolo ricoperto da tali figure professionali e fornendo educazione continua, si può ottenere una più appropriata conoscenza nel settore dell’igiene degli alimenti necessaria al raggiungimento di un elevato livello di salute. Parole chiave: igiene degli alimenti; conoscenze; servizio ristorazione; navi da caric

    Work-related injuries in young workers: an Italian multicentric epidemiological survey

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    Emergency departments records from 33 hospitals were reviewed to disclose work-related injuries occurred in teen-subjects living in 14 Italian cities. During January-June 2000, 317 work-related injuries were reported. Male subjects, 17 year old, working in the industrial field, resulted the most affected, probably due to the fact that among young workers this sex and age class is the most represented one. Cluster analysis identified two groups of work-related injuries: one includes mainly transportation injuries causing lower extremities or multiple body sites traumas. The other is more strictly related to specific working tasks and includes mostly traumas and cut wounds in hand/wrist and head, together with eye lesions. A more intensive supervision on the use of protective equipment, a more appropriate training in hazard recognition and safe work practices, including operation of vehicles in the work site, must be implemented to reduce work-related injuries

    Work-related injuries in young workers: an Italian multicentric epidemiological survey.

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    Emergency departments records from 33 hospitals were reviewed to disclose work-related injuries occurred in teen-subjects living in 14 Italian cities. During January-June 2000, 317 work-related injuries were reported. Male subjects, 17 year old, working in the industrial field, resulted the most affected,probably due to the fact that among young workers this sex and age class is the most represented one. Cluster analysis identified two groups of work-related injuries: one includes mainly transportation injuries causing lower extremities or multiple body sites traumas. The other is more strictly related to specific working tasks and includes mostly traumas and cut wounds in hand/wrist and head, together with eye lesions. A more intensive supervision on the use of protective equipment, a more appropriate training in hazard recognition and safe work practices, including operation of vehicles in the work site, must be implemented to reduce work-related injuries

    Pro-environmental behaviors: Determinants and obstacles among italian university students

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    none31The awareness of citizens concerning the health risks caused by environmental pollution is growing, but studies on determinants of pro-environmental behaviors have rarely examined health-related aspects. In this study, we investigated these determinants using data from a large survey among Italian university students (15 Universities: 4778 filled questionnaires). Besides the health-related aspects, represented by environmental health risk perception and functional health literacy, we considered social and demographic characteristics (gender, area of residence, sources of information, trust in institutional and non-institutional subjects, and students’ capacity of positive actions, indicated as internal locus of control). The attitudes towards pro-environmental behaviors were positive for more than 70% of students and positively related with health risk perception, internal locus of control, and health literacy. The correspondence between the positive attitudes towards pro-environmental behaviors and the real adoption of such behaviors was approximately 20% for most behaviors, except for the separate collection of waste (60%). Such a discrepancy can be attributable to external obstacles (i.e., lack of time, costs, lack of support). The health-related aspects were linked to the pro-environmental attitudes, but to a lesser extent to pro-environmental behaviors, owing to the complexity of their determinants. However, they should be taken in account in planning education interventions.openCarducci A.; Fiore M.; Azara A.; Bonaccorsi G.; Bortoletto M.; Caggiano G.; Calamusa A.; De Donno A.; De Giglio O.; Dettori M.; Di Giovanni P.; Di Pietro A.; Facciola A.; Federigi I.; Grappasonni I.; Izzotti A.; Libralato G.; Lorini C.; Montagna M.T.; Nicolosi L.K.; Paladino G.; Palomba G.; Petrelli F.; Schiliro T.; Scuri S.; Serio F.; Tesauro M.; Verani M.; Vinceti M.; Violi F.; Ferrante M.Carducci, A.; Fiore, M.; Azara, A.; Bonaccorsi, G.; Bortoletto, M.; Caggiano, G.; Calamusa, A.; De Donno, A.; De Giglio, O.; Dettori, M.; Di Giovanni, P.; Di Pietro, A.; Facciola, A.; Federigi, I.; Grappasonni, I.; Izzotti, A.; Libralato, G.; Lorini, C.; Montagna, M. T.; Nicolosi, L. K.; Paladino, G.; Palomba, G.; Petrelli, F.; Schiliro, T.; Scuri, S.; Serio, F.; Tesauro, M.; Verani, M.; Vinceti, M.; Violi, F.; Ferrante, M
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