22,765 research outputs found

    Understanding the local livelihood system in reosurce management: the pelagic longline fishery in Gouyaye, Grenada

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    ABSTRACT There is a need to include social objectives in fisheries management, and this paper focuses on one set of social considerations, those regarding livelihood. We pay particular attention to sustainable livelihood strategies, the importance of commercial pelagic longline fishing for the entire community livelihood system, and implications for management. Field data were obtained between December 2002 and March 2004 in Gouyave, Grenada, using participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and a quantitative survey. The economic base (fishing and agriculture) of the community is both unpredictable and seasonal, therefore individuals and households engage in diverse strategies to secure their livelihood. Three livelihood strategies were deemed important: 1) livelihood diversification, developing additional sources of income from agriculture, wage labor, and trade work, 2) fishing diversification, learning to switch to alternative gear and species, and 3) the availability of an informal "social security net" involving cash and in-kind assistance. These strategies help to spread the flow of income and food during lean times and across seasons. A major management implication is that fishery managers need to pay attention to the multi-species nature of fisheries and to the importance of livelihood diversification, including reliance on other economic sectors. RESUMEN Existe la necesidad de incluir objetivos sociales en el manejo de la industria pesquera y este artículo se focaliza en un grupo de consideraciones sociales, las que se refieren al sustento. Prestanos particular atención a las estrategias de los sustento sostenibles, la importancia de la pesca pelágica comercial para el sustento de toda la comunida y las implicaciones para su manejo. Los datos de campo fueron obtenidos entre Diciembre del 2002 y Marzo del 2004 de Gouyave, Grenada a través del estudio de los participantes, entrevistas semi-estructuradas y un examen cuantitativo. La base económica (pesca y agricultura) de la comunidad es tanto impredecible como variable, por lo tanto individuos y hogares adoptan estrategias diversificadas para logar la seguridad del sustento. Tres estrategias de sustento fueron consideradas importantes: 1) diversificación de las actividades para sustento desarrollando fuentes de ingresos adicionales en agricultura, labor pagada y trabajo de obrero, 2) la diversificación de la pesca aprendiendo a utilizar hacia equipos y especies alternativas, y 3) la disponibilidad de una red de seguridad social que incluye asistencia monetaria y en especie. Estas estrategias diversificadas ayudan a distribuir el flujo de ingresos y alimentos a través de las estaciones. Un mayor involvcramiento en el manejo implica que los gerentes pesqueros presten mayor cuidado a la naturaleza multi-especies de la pesca y a la importancia de la diversificacion del sustento, incluyendo la confianza en otros sectores económicos

    Characterization of the residual stresses in spray-formed steels using neutron diffraction

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    Neutron diffraction was used to characterize the residual stresses in an as-sprayed tube-shaped steel preform. The measured residual stress distributions were compared with those simulated using finite element method by taking into account the effects of the thermal history, porosity and different phases of the sprayed preform. The porosity was measured using X-ray microcomputed tomography. The study revealed for the first time the correlation between the distribution of porosity and residual stress developed in the as-sprayed preform

    'HeART of Stroke (HoS)', a community-based Arts for Health group intervention to support self-confidence and psychological well-being following a stroke: protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility study

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    Introduction Over 152 000 people in the UK have strokes annually and a third experience residual disability. Low mood also affects a third of stroke survivors; yet psychological support is poor. While Arts for Health interventions have been shown to improve well-being in people with mild-to-moderate depression post-stroke, their role in helping people regain sense of self, well-being and confidence has yet to be evaluated. The main aim of this study is to explore the feasibility of conducting a pragmatic multicentre randomised controlled trial to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an Arts for Health group intervention (‘HeART of Stroke’ (HoS)) for stroke survivors. HoS is a 10-session artist-facilitated group intervention held in the community over 14 weeks. It offers a non-judgemental, supportive environment for people to explore sense of self, potentially enhancing well-being and confidence. Methods and analysis Sixty-four people, up to 2 years post-stroke, recruited via secondary care research staff or community stroke/rehabilitation teams in two UK centres will be randomised to either HoS plus usual care or usual care only. Self-reported outcomes, measured at baseline and approximately 5 months postrandomisation, will include stroke-related, well-being, mood, self-esteem, quality of life and process measures. Analyses will focus on estimating key feasibility parameters (eg, rates of recruitment, retention, intervention attendance). We will develop outcome and resource use data collection methods to inform an effectiveness and cost-effectiveness analysis in the future trial. Interviews, with a sample of participants, will explore the acceptability of the intervention and study processes, as well as experiences of the HoS group. Ethics and dissemination National Health Service (NHS), Research and Development and University ethical approvals have been obtained. Two peer-reviewed journal publications are planned plus one service user led publication. Findings will be disseminated at key national conferences, local stakeholder events and via institutional websites.This paper presents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) Programme (Grant Reference Number PB-PG-0212-27054)

    Chabauty-Coleman experiments for genus 3 hyperelliptic curves

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    We describe a computation of rational points on genus 3 hyperelliptic curves CC defined over Q\mathbb{Q} whose Jacobians have Mordell-Weil rank 1. Using the method of Chabauty and Coleman, we present and implement an algorithm in Sage to compute the zero locus of two Coleman integrals and analyze the finite set of points cut out by the vanishing of these integrals. We run the algorithm on approximately 17,000 curves from a forthcoming database of genus 3 hyperelliptic curves and discuss some interesting examples where the zero set includes global points not found in C(Q)C(\mathbb{Q}).Comment: 18 page

    Construction of 3D wormhole supported by phantom energy

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    In this article, we have found a series solution of 3D Einstein equations describing a wormhole for an inhomogeneous distribution of phantom energy. Here, we assume equation of state is linear but highly anistropic.Comment: 9 papge, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Physica Script