10 research outputs found

    Fluvial dynamics and watermills location in Basilicata (Southern Italy)

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    Watermills (grain mills, waulk mills, olive mills, sawmills and threshing machines) operated in the Basilicata Region from the Roman Period until the early decades of the twentieth century, representing an important feature of waterways that is today almost totally forgotten. Using documentary sources, ancient maps and field survey it is possible to catalogue and identify the location of these ancient hydraulic structures. Watermills were usually placed far enough away from the river to avoid inundation during floods, and near natural knickpoints or artificial steps in the river long profile that were created by mill engineers. Mill construction often had significant impacts on a rivers morphology, because it was necessary to divert the river discharge towards the mill wheel, to drive the grain-grinding mechanism. Watermill typological variations have been examined in relation to variations in river pattern to assess the ways in which the hydrographic and hydrological settings of the Basilicata Region have affected mill siting and operation. Most Basilicata watermills were built with a horizontal water-wheel and a tower. The characteristics of the tower and the associated hydraulic structures varied according to the environmental setting. Finally, mill positions define also the locations on the river system that have already been used to exploit hydraulic power and thus could be useful for future use in the micro-hydroelectric secto

    Palombari, cisterne e pozzi per l’approvigionamento idrico nei Sassi di Matera (Basilicata) / Underground cisterns and wells for water supply in the Matera town (South Italy)

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    L'obiettivo della ricerca è avviare uno studio sulla tecnologia idraulica antica della città di Matera, di cui non si ha un’ aggiornata conoscenza, nonostante cisterne, pozzi e canali abbiano contribuito all'iscrizione della città nella Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale dell’UNESCO nel 1993. Cisterne e pozzi, tipici di molte civiltà rupestri del Mediterraneo, sono stati studiati attraverso fonti bibliografiche e d’archivio. Le strutture idrauliche sono risultate strettamente correlate alle caratteristiche idro-geomorfologiche dei luoghi e rappresentano l’esempio di una profonda conoscenza del territorio e della sua gestione virtuosa. La relazione tra l'approvvigionamento idrico e il paesaggio (studiato da un punto di vista geografico, idrogeologico e litologico) ha permesso una lettura integrata delle forme naturali e antropiche delle antiche reti idriche. / The aim of the present research is the knowledge of the ancient hydraulic systems for water supply at the Materan Sassi in the Basilicata region (Southern Italy), before the advent of modern aqueduct. An up-to-date knowledge on Materan ancient hydraulic technology is not available, despite underground cisterns, wells and canals contributed to the city's inscription on the World Heritage List in 1993). Cisterns and wells, typical of many Mediterranean rock civilizations, are an example of a deep knowledge of the territory and its potential and virtuous management. In fact, the hydraulic structures differ according to the hydro-geomorphological characteristics of the places For this reason, the relationship between water supply and landscape (studied from a geographic, hydrogeological and lithological point of view) will be analyzed, to promote an integrated reading of the natural and anthropogenic forms of water networks

    Dehydroepiandrosterone Stimulates Glucose Uptake in Human and Murine Adipocytes by Inducing GLUT1 and GLUT4 Translocation to the Plasma Membrane

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    Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) has been shown to modulate glucose utilization in humans and animals, but the mechanisms of DHEA action have not been clarified. We show that DHEA induces a dose- and time-dependent increase in glucose transport rates in both 3T3-L1 and human adipocytes with maximal effects at 2 h. Exposure of adipocytes to DHEA does not result in changes of total GLUT4 and GLUT1 protein levels. However, it does result in significant increases of these glucose transporters in the plasma membrane. In 3T3-L1 adipocytes, DHEA increases tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 and IRS-2 and stimulates IRS-1- and IRS-2-associated phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase activity with no effects on either insulin receptor or Akt phosphorylation. In addition, DHEA causes significant increases of cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations and a parallel activation of protein kinase C (PKC)-β2. The effects of DHEA are abrogated by pretreatment of adipocytes with PI 3-kinase and phospholipase Cγ inhibitors, as well as by inhibitors of Ca2+-dependent PKC isoforms, including a specific PKC-β inhibitor. Thus, DHEA increases glucose uptake in both human and 3T3-L1 adipocytes by stimulating GLUT4 and GLUT1 translocation to the plasma membrane. PI 3-kinase, phospholipase Cγ, and the conventional PKC-β2 seem to be involved in DHEA effects

    QUADERNO DI CONSERVAZIONE PROGRAMMATA del Tempietto di San Gerardo a Potenza. Ricerca storica, analisi diagnostiche e proposta di una metodologia conservativa

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    Tesi di laurea triennale in Restauro Architettonico- Lo studio si è svolto attraverso numerose indagini: l’analisi storica, l’esame diagnostico visivo, la documentazione fotografica (e macrofotografica su alcune aree campione), la caratterizzazione minero-petrografica dei materiali e la definizione delle forme di alterazione e degrado dei materiali, riportate su un rilievo grafico. I risultati delle indagini, descritti dettagliatamente nei capitoli del lavoro, sono poi stati resi in forma sintetica, nelle schede del Quaderno di conservazione programmata. La compilazione di due schede per ciascun elemento del Tempietto di San Gerardo ha garantito la creazione di uno strumento efficace, che contiene informazioni distinte e relative alle caratteristiche di ogni singolo elemento tecnologico. La specificità dei dati è indispensabile per il corretto funzionamento della conservazione programmata: è solo dal confronto con uno stato di conservazione precisamente descritto che si possono apprezzare e valutare le trasformazioni, nella consapevolezza scientifica che nulla può conservarsi immutato a tempo indeterminato. Il lavoro ha avviato un processo conoscitivo metodologicamente predisposto ad essere arricchito e approfondito, sfruttando nella fase di monitoraggio tecnologie innovative non invasive, scientificamente affidabili, di facile esecuzione e possibilmente a basso costo

    Fonti cartografiche per l’analisi del paesaggio fluviale e dei mulini ad acqua in Basilicata: criticità e vantaggi della Carta Idrografica del Regno d’Italia

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    Lo studio del paesaggio storico-rurale e dei relativi contesti fluviali della Basilicata è stato condotto attraverso l'analisi e l'interpretazione di fonti cartografiche e documentarie. Un’approfondita analisi della cartografia storica e recente ha permesso di geolocalizzare gli opifici idraulici storici sul territorio regionale. Tali opifici, che caratterizzavano l’economia della regione fino al primo ventennio del XX secolo, sfruttavano l’energia idrica principalmente per la macinatura dei cereali e per la battitura della lana (gualchiere). La maggior parte di essi erano localizzati nei valloni, distanti dalle strade principali, ma nel contempo comportavano una modifica nella dinamica fluviale locale dovuta alla deviazione del corso d’acqua. Tra tutte le fonti cartografiche studiate, in questo contributo viene discusso l’utilizzo della Carta Idrografica del Regno di Italia, la più completa, “recente” e poco studiata testimonianza grafica sul tema, mettendo in luce i punti di forza e di debolezza, di cui tener presente nell’utilizzo dei numerosi dati che essa offre, soprattutto nelle relazioni tecniche allegate.A study of the historic-rural landscape and fluvial evnvironment of the Basilicata (southern Italy) has been carried out by analysis and intepretation of the cartographic, bibliographic and archive sources. Water-mills data have been organized in a GIS database, thanks to the study of a lot of ancient and modern cartographies. Different water-mills, which were very important for the rural economy, until the 20th century, were powered by water to grinding grain and to fulling wool fibres (waulking mills). Most watermills were usually placed along the slope of V-shaped valley, far away from the main roads, but at the same time, they entailed a change to in the local river dynamics due to the deviation of the watercourse. Among all the cartographies considered, in this paper we discuss about the Hydrographic Map of the Italian Kingdom, published in 1890s, the most complete, “recent” and not much studied document about watermills. All the data, that are collected in a relation associated to the Hydrographic Map of the Italian Kingdom, have been discussed, enphasizing errors to be taken into account

    La conservazione preventiva, programmata e partecipata dei beni culturali in ottica circolare. Casi studio e sfide aperte nel progetto Basilicata Heritage Smart Lab / Preventive, planned and participatory conservation of cultural heritage in a circular perspective. Case studies and open challenges in the Basilicata Heritage Smart Lab project

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    La conservazione preventiva e programmata (CPP) dei Beni Culturali risponde a molti dei principi dell’economia circolare, primo tra tutti l’allungamento del ciclo di vita, e può contribuire efficacemente alla definizione di nuove azioni di sviluppo e gestione sostenibile del patrimonio, dei territori e delle comunità. Sostanziandosi nella programmazione di attività di monitoraggio, manutenzione e miglioramento delle condizioni ambientali, attraverso l'efficientamento energetico e climatico degli edifici storici, la CPP è in grado di risolvere in ottica sostenibile numerose sfide, non solo di conservazione, ma anche di gestione e valorizzazione del patrimonio, fino a conseguire il riuso di strutture dismesse, diminuendo sia l’utilizzo di nuovo suolo da destinare al patrimonio costruito, sia l’utilizzo di risorse economiche legate a interventi di restauro, scollegati da una programmazione strategica di medio-lungo periodo. Questo contributo presenta in maniera integrata, interdisciplinare e sistemica, alcune sperimentazioni del progetto Basilicata Heritage Smart Lab sulla conservazione di siti rupestri e l’attivazione delle comunità territoriali nei processi di co-governance di un edificio pubblico nel sito UNESCO dei Sassi di Matera: due aspetti solo apparentemente distanti, che è necessario connettere per garantire una corretta attuazione della CPP.Preventive and planned conservation (PPC) responds to many of the principles of the circular economy, first of all the extension of the life cycle, and can effectively contribute to the definition of new sustainable development actions of the heritage, territories, and communities. By substantiating itself in the planning of monitoring, maintenance and improvement activities of environmental conditions, through the energy and climate efficiency of cultural heritage and historic buildings, the PPC is able to solve numerous challenges from a sustainable perspective, not only of conservation, but also management and valorisation of the heritage, to the point of achieving the reuse of abandoned structures, reducing both the use of new land to be allocated to the built heritage and the use of economic resources linked to restoration interventions not linked to strategic planning. This contribution presents in an integrated, interdisciplinary, and systemic way, some experiments of the Basilicata Heritage Smart Lab project on the conservation of rock sites and the activation of communities in the co-governance processes of a public building in the UNESCO site of the Sassi di Matera: two aspects that are only apparently distant, which must be connected to ensure correct implementation of the CPP

    Effects of Cytokine Exposure on the Proteome of Human Islets as Evaluated by Shotgun and 2DE Analysis

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    Pro-inflammatory cytokines (CYT) lead to several changes in human islet (HI) protein expression, but few data are available on CYT-induced alterations at the whole proteome level, including post-translational modifications (PTM). We used label-free shotgun analysis (SG) and bi-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) to explore how CYT modify the proteome of isolated HI. For this purpose, HI were isolated from the pancreas of 5 nondiabetic organ donors (age: 74±6 years; gender: 3M/2F; BMI: 27.9±3.6 kg/m2) and then cultured for 48h in the presence of 50 U/ml interleukin (IL)-1β + 1000 U/ml interferon (IFN)-γ. Then, 40 or 250 μg protein extracts were used respectively for SG or 2DE (to assess lysine-acetylation) analysis, with the SG mass spectrometry data acquired by nano-liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. SG identified around 3000 proteins, of which 286 were differentially expressed after CYT exposure. Of these, 176 were upregulated and 110 downregulated. Among the former, we found mediators of inflammation, proteins of the ER and the immunoproteasome system and oxidative stress modulators (e.g., CXCL2, CXCL10, PSMB8, PSMB9, PSMB10, SOD2). Among the downregulated proteins, there were cathepsins, antioxidant molecules and enzymes of glycolysis and Krebs’ cycle (e.g., CTSH (a candidate gene for T1D), PRDX2, MDH). Ingenuity Pathway Analysis indicated that several upstream regulators were predicted to be differentially affected. Of them, 118 were presumably activated, including STAT1 and STAT2, NF-κB, JAK1, IRF1, HMGB1 and 36 inhibited, such as ACKR2, TRIM24, MAPK1, SUMO3. Bi-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed 151 spots that were lysine-acetylated, of which 2 were upregulated (PRDX3 and SOD1) and 4 downregulated (GDH, CTSD, ACAD9 and EIF4A1) by CYT. The present study shows novel proteomic changes, including specific PTM, induced in human islets by cytokine treatment that could play a role in beta cell dysfunction and demise and be the target for specific treatments