842 research outputs found

    Les décisions pénales dans les causes d’homicide au tribunal de Montréal, de 1985 à 1989

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    This paper tries to shed a light on the attrition process and on the factors influencing the sentencing's decision making process, for criminal homicide cases prosecuted in Montreal between 1985 and 1989 inclusively. The results showed that unlike the police mainly laying murder charges, 55 % of the 142 sentenced were found guilty of manslaughter. Therefore a large number has less than eight years in prison to serve before eligibility to full parole. The accused who commited an homicide associated with another crime or a settling of accounts, who went through a trial, who had a criminal record and who killed a woman significantly encounter a greater possibility to be sentenced on a murder charge. Yet a sequence in the decision making process can be observed: once is settled the type of charge to be definitive at the end of the criminal process, the factors studied influence rather little the severity of the imposed sentence. Finally the author points out how the prosecution mode of these homicide cases played an important part on the two levels of decision

    Alien Registration- Grandmaison, Joseph A. (Madawaska, Aroostook County)

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    Évaluation des effets de la télé-surveillance sur la criminalité commise dans 13 stations du métro de Montréal

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    This paper provides an assessment of the impact ofCCTV cameras on the monthly incidence of crimes committed in Montreal's underground subway network. Since 13 of the 65 Montreal's underground stations were provided with such cameras (about 10 on average per target station) between August 1991 and January 1993, we examined the monthly volume of reported offenses in both target and control stations between January 1991 and December 1993. Our analyses have been unable to detect any overall impact of CCTV cameras on the behavior of offenders. And controlling for kinds of crime or for specific areas and places within subway stations (depending on the location of cameras) did not change or qualify the initial overall no-effect finding

    Les répercussions du plan Marshall sur les comportements économiques du Canada durant la période de l'après-guerre

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    La période de l’après-guerre posa d’importants défis commerciaux à l’économie canadienne. Les années entre 1945 et 1950 furent effectivement marquées par la rupture de son système commercial traditionnel et la recherche d’une stratégie alternative. Le pays dut composer avec un déficit commercial croissant à l’égard des États-Unis, ainsi qu’une chute de ses exportations à destination du Royaume-Uni, ruiné par les années de guerre. Ce déséquilibre commercial qui menaçait d’épuiser les réserves canadiennes de dollars américains reflétait l’écart entre les capacités productives des deux rives de l’Atlantique. Le programme de reconstruction des économies européennes, ou plan Marshall, fut accueilli avec enthousiasme à Ottawa puisqu’il devait non seulement rétablir les marchés du Vieux Continent, mais également faciliter la mise en place d’un réseau multilatéral d’échanges et la libéralisation du commerce international. Les tensions de la guerre froide limitèrent toutefois l’ouverture de ces marchés aux marchandises canadiennes, puisque l’endiguement du communisme commanda une consolidation européenne qui privilégia le démantèlement des entraves aux échanges intra-européens, aux dépens du commerce transatlantique. Les préoccupations de Washington en matière de sécurité collective devaient néanmoins laisser place à une stratégie alternative pour le Canada, en poussant la coopération économique des deux pays, dans le but d’optimiser une production de défense destinée aux pays membres de l’OTAN, dont la demande était soutenue par l’aide Marshall. L’incorporation du Canada dans ce dispositif de défense élargie à la communauté atlantique permit ainsi d’assurer un accès privilégié à ses marchandises sur le marché américain, et par conséquent de progresser vers l’équilibre commercial.The postwar years brought many challenges to the Canadian economy in terms of trade policies. Indeed, in the years between 1945 and 1950, Canada experienced growing trade imbalances as imports from the United States market reached new peaks and exports to the United Kingdom decreased dramatically due to financial exhaustion caused by the war. These developments soon raised concerns as the country was faced with the prospect of foreign reserves depletion, a situation mainly caused by the productivity gap existing between the economies of the two sides of the Atlantic. The American sponsored European Recovery Program or Marshall Plan was met with enthusiasm in Ottawa as it intended to restore economic viability of the European markets as well as to establish a multilateral trade system based on non-discriminatory trade practices. The international tensions of the nascent Cold War were to limit these achievements as the need for a strong Europe dictated the elimination of restrictive trade practices between European commercial partners without giving equal treatment to transatlantic trade relations. However, the conflictual Cold War context was to offer an alternative strategy to the Canadian’s quest for dollars, for Washington’s collective security concerns paved the way to closer economic cooperation and privileged access to Canadian exports of strategic materials and other defence related commodities in the American market. The Marshall Plan was a key element of the procurement mechanism of the NATO country whose demand alleviated the pressure on Canadian foreign reserves through greater exports to the United Stated

    Why the Drug War Endures: Local and Transnational Linkages in the North and Central America Drug Trades

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    Despite the well-documented human costs of the war on drugs, and the growing evidence of the environmental impacts of illicit economies, the militarized repression of the illicit drug trade remains a central hemispheric security and cooperation strategy in Northern and Central American countries. Through a multi-disciplinary dialogue that combines history, sociology, anthropology, economics, and political science, this Special Issue critically interrogates why despite these failures the war on drug endures. Together, the contributors challenge explanations focused on state absence, weakening of the state, and ungoverned spaces and instead propose a research agenda that sheds light on the long-lasting, structural effects of the capitalistic integration of the region within the economy of illicit drugs. In particular, the Special Issue contributes to three existing and interconnected debates: First: the role of drug economies and illicitness on state formation, social inequalities, and development in Mexico and Central America. Second: the impact of illicit economies on local populations, and the connections between the licit and the illicit, margins and centers, and political orders and violence. Third: the variety of stakeholders that benefit from the war on drugs and that link the United States, Mexico, and Central America in licit and illicit fashions

    Comparação de quantitativos de concreto levantados a partir de projetos 2D e modelo 3D

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Engenharia Civil.Dentre as etapas que precedem a construção de um edifício, destaca-se a relevância da orçamentação e como o levantamento de quantitativos pode influenciá-la. O processo tradicional de levantamento, realizado através de projetos 2D pode acarretar em erros humanos no resultado final e possui um fluxo de trabalho lento e trabalhoso. O objetivo do trabalho é comparar o método de levantamento manual com um realizado através do software QiVisus, através de modelos tridimensionais e paramétricos. Foi realizado um estudo de caso voltado para a etapa de levantamento de quantitativos de concreto, com foco em apresentar o potencial de integração e extração automatizadas do QiVisus e comparando-se as diferenças entre o método convencional e o método assistido pelo software BIM. Em conclusão, a aplicação da metodologia BIM nos projetos desse estudo apresentou diversos benefícios em relação aos projetos em CAD, como ganho de precisão em levantamento de quantitativos e sincronia entre modelo BIM e orçamento

    Développement d’un test d’analyse auditive en français : normes et validation de construit

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    Deux études ont permis de développer, en français, un instrument qui sert à mesurer les habiletés de segmentation des mots prononcés en leurs éléments sonores, chez des enfants de la maternelle à la sixième année, habiletés jugées cruciales pour l'apprentissage de la lecture. Une première étude qui portait sur un large échantillon d'items (n = 70) a servi à la création de deux listes de 42 items chacune, formant deux versions d'un même test, pour une deuxième étude. Les résultats des deux études montrent que les caractéristiques psychométriques - fidélité et validité - de l'instrument développé sont très élevées. De plus, dans la deuxième étude, la performance des sujets ne différait pas selon la version du test. Ces résultats appuient l'utilisation de ce test dans les milieux scolaires pour l'identification de troubles d'analyse auditive chez les enfants qui ont des problèmes de lecture.This article reports on two studies used to develop a French language test to measure oral word-segmentation ability in children from Kindergarten to Grade 6; this ability being considered important in learning to read. The first study of a large sample of items (n = 70) was used to create two lists of 42 items each, to form equivalent versions of the same test, and then used in a second study. The results of the two studies show that the psychometric characteristics of the instrument, that of reliability and validity, are very high. As well, it was found that performance of subjects did not differ with the test version used. These results support use of this test in school settings to identify auditive analysis difficulties in children who have reading difficulties.Dos estudios, han permitido crear un instrumento en francès, para medir la habilidad de los nifios para separar las palabras en fonemas. Esta habilidades considerada importante en el proceso del aprendizaje de la lectura. El instrumento puede aplicarse a nifios disde la escuela de parvulos hasta el 6° ano de primari. El primer estudio comprendié un gran numéro de cuestiones (n = 70) y sirvio para la confection de dos listas de 42 preguntas cada una; se obtuveron asi dos versiones de un mismo test que constituyeron la base del segundo estudio. Los resultados de los dos estudios muestran que las caractensticas psocométricas - fidelidad y validez - del instrumento son bastante elevadas. Ademâs, en el segundo estudio se destaca que el resultado obtenido por no deflene mucho entre las dos versiones. Creemos que esos resultados avalan la utilizaciôn de este test en el medio escolar para identificar problemas de analisis auditivo en nifios con dificultades en el aprendizaje de la lectura.Zwei Studien haben erlaubt, fur die franzôsische Sprache ein Instrument zu entwickeln zur Messung der Fâhigkeit, gesprochene Worter in ihre Lautelemente zu zerlegen, und zwar bei Kindern von der Vorschule vis zur 6.Volksschulklasse. Dièse Fâhigkeit gilt als àuÊerst wichtig fur das Lesenlernen. Eine erste Untersuchung iiber eine grofie Anzahl von Einheiten (n = 70) fiihrte zur Erstellung zweier Listen mit je 42 Einheiten, welche zwei Versionen des gleichen Tests darstellten fiir eine zweite Untersuchung. Die Ergebnisse der beiden Studien zeigen, dass die psychometrischen Qualitâten, nâmlich Genauigkeit und Giiltigkeit, des entwickelten MeCinstrumentes sehr hoch sind. Aufierdem war die Leistung der Versuchspersonen in den beiden Tests nicht verschieden. Dièse Ergebnisse sprechen fur die Anwendung dieses Tests im Schulmilieu, um Schwierigkeiten in der Lautanalyse bei Kindern mit Leseschwierigkeiten zu identifizieren

    The international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the forensic pathologist: ethical considerations.

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    International audienceSince 1991, war crimes in the former Yugoslavia have been the subject of several international medico-legal investigations of mass graves within the framework of inquiries led by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). Forensic pathologists involved in the ICTY missions could be subjected to ethical tensions due to the difficulties of the missions, the emergent conflicts between forensic scientists of the investigating teams and the original nature of the ICTY proceedings. In order to study the nature of such ethical tensions, we sent a questionnaire to 65 forensic pathologists who have been involved in the ICTY missions. The rate of response was 38%. The majority of forensic pathologists questioned (n=18) did not know how the medico-legal data was exploited by the ICTY. Three of them have been subjected to pressures. Three of them were aware of mass grave sites knowingly not investigated by the ICTY. Fifteen considered that the ICTY respected the elementary rules of the law and four of them questioned the impartiality of the justice led by the ICTY. Two conflicting types of ethics can be drawn from these results: conviction ethics, which are shared by most of the forensic pathologists questioned, and responsibility ethics. In the former, the forensic pathologist completely agrees with the need for an international war crimes tribunal, even if such justice can be challenged regarding the respect of human rights and impartiality. In the latter, he or she needs to conduct him or herself in ways that do not infringe impartiality. As medical deontology duty requires impartiality ethics, discursive ethics are needed to ease ethical tensions and to suggest ethical guidelines. Alternatives to international justice, through a truth and reconciliation commission and by way of humanitarian missions combining victims' identification with forensic investigations for historical purposes, could be considered
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