77 research outputs found

    Dimorfismo sexual y la variabilidad interpoblacional de la carnicera inferior del oso de las cavernas, Ursus spelaeus Ros-Hein

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    [Abstract] A morphometric study on the lower carnassial (M1 of Ursus spelaeus from three european populations has been carried out. Multivariate statistic methods have been used for this purpose. It has been proved that the variability caused by the sexual dimorphism interferes to an important degree in the suposed interpopulational differences. Once the intrapopulational variability has been put aside, significative differences between the analized populations have been found. These differences are well-marked in the degree of development of the cusps, and specially in the metaconid.[Resumen] En este trabajo se realiza un estudio morfométrico de la carnicera inferior (M1) de Ursus spelaeus de tres poblaciones europeas, mediante métodos de estadística multivariante. Se comprueba cómo la variabilidad producida por el dimorfismo sexual enmascara en gran medida las posibles diferencias interpoblacionales. Una vez eludida esa variabilidad intrapoblacional, se han encontrado diferencias significativas entre las poblaciones analizadas, especialmente marcadas en el desarrollo de las cúspides, y principalmente en el metacónido

    Revisión del dimorfismo sexual del Oso de las Cavernas

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    [Abstract] In this paper the influence of sex dimorphism in the population of cave bears from Cova Eirós (Triacastela, Galicia, Spain) is reviewed. The study will be centred in the skull, jaw and teeth, and principally in those parts that are commonly considered as not markedly dimorphi

    Revision of the paleontological stocks of the Provincial Museum of Lugo: new data on quaternary fauna in Galicia

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    [Resumen] Se ha identificado e inventariado una colección de restos 6seos procedentes de diversas cavidades cársticas y de un castro de la provincia de Lugo, depositados en el Museo Provincial de Lugo. Los restos no fueron asignados en su momento a ningún contexto sedimentario o geomorfol6gico, ni tienen una cronología (absoluta o relativa). El interés de su estudio reside en que nos permite identificar en las asociaciones faunísticas estudiadas la presencia de algunas especies' no mencionadas hasta hoy en la literatura paleontológica cuaternaria de Galicia.[Abstract] An identification and inventory has been carried out on osseous remains (from various karstic cavitiesand from a castro in the province of Lugo) deposited in the Provincial museum of Lugo. At the time of their collection the remains were not assigned to any sedimentary or geomorphological context; neither do they possess a chronology (neither relative nor absolute). The study of the latter is interesting inasmuch as it permits us to identify, in the faunal associations studied, the presence of sorne species which up to now have gone unmentioned in the paleontological quaternary literature of Galici

    Morphologic study on the cheek teeth of cave bear (Ursus spelaeus Rosenmüller-.H einroth) from sorne european sites

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    [Resumen] Se realiza un estudio morfológico de los molariformes de siete poblaciones de Ursus spelaeus y una de Ursus deningen, utilizando una técnica de análisis de agrupamientos. El análisis se efectúa sobre los porcentajes de aparición de diversos morfotipos dentarios en cada población. Los dendogramas obtenidos difieren en cada molariforme estudiado, aunque un análisis de todas las piezas en conjunto muestra una tendencia al agrupamiento de las poblaciones según su proximidad geográfica[Abstract] A morphologic study on the cheek teeth of seven populations of Ursus spelaeus and other of Ursus deningen· has been carried out. A Cluster analysis on the percentages of occurrence of sorne dental morphotypes in each population has been used for this study. The tree diagrams obtained are different in each tooth, although an analysis using the complete dataset of every teeth shows a tendence of the populations to group according to their geographical proximit

    El problema del concepto de especie en la filogenia del Oso de las Cavernas

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    [Abstract] This a short review of a series of concepts daily used in palaentology, trying to connect them with their meaning in other fields of study in Biology. Firstly, it should be pointed out if the concept of species comes from an empiric reality or if it has arisen from the scientific need of assembling. The evolutive concept of speciation, as well as its "methods" seem to be based in the term population. Hence, as meaningful discussions on speciation require a common definition of its end result, namely species, a solution to the tricky issue of defining species probably lies in a deeper knowledge of the processes behind speciation itself

    Sorting the Riddle of the Neanderthal to Anatomically Modern Human Boundary in Sopeña (Asturias, Spain): New Dates and a Preliminar Bayesian Analysis

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] Sopeña is a limestone shelter in the northern slopes of the Cantabrian range of mountains of northern Spain. A long sequence of in situ nearly undisturbed archaeological strata has been documented there, including seven Gravettian, four Early Upper Palaeolithic and a minimum of four Mousterian levels, and bedrock has not been reached. Dating the last occupations by Neanderthals and their substitution by modern humans in northern Spain is a currently debated issue, made difficult by the scarcity of sites bearing those levels and able to produce reliable dates. Earlier work in Sopeña pointed to a disappearance of the Mousterian that was later than proposed by other authors on other sites of what is known as Cantabrian Spain, a mountainous fringe facing the Bay of Biscay. Here we present 11 new dates, corresponding to Gravettian, Early Upper Palaeolithic and Mousterian levels, and some of these new dates are ultrafiltered. It is concluded that although the earliest Sopeña Gravettian dates are older than those proposed elsewhere in the region, we do not have still enough information to produce a definite model for the Gravettian of this site. Furthermore, a Bayesian model is produced for the interpretation of the dates obtained for the earliest Upper and the latest Middle Palaeolithic, and it is concluded that the disappearance of the Mousterian in Sopeña is indeed a few millennia later than currently proposed by others in the region, while that available dates cannot shed unquestionable light on the existence or not of a hiatus between the dismissal of Neanderthals and the earliest arrival othe Upper Palaeolithic technocultures at the site.The dating of the new bone samples from Sopeña was made possible thanks to the financial support of the PalArq Foundation (https://fundacionpalarq.com/). Funding for open access: Universidade da Coruña/CISU

    Estudio paleontológico de los restos de "Ursus spelaeus" Rosenmüller-Heinroth 1794 (Mammalia, Carnivora, Ursidae) de Cova Eirós (Triacastela, Lugo, NW de la Península Ibérica)

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    [Resumen] En este trabajo se realiza un estudio paleontológico de los restos oseos de ursus spelaeus de Cova Eiros (Lugo). El estudio sedimentológico y tafonómico del yacimiento permite afirmar que se trata de un deposito de origen no antrópico. Los restos estudiados se encuentran encima de una colada estalagmítica, cuya datación absoluta da una edad de 28.233+-5.027 años b.p. El estudio morfométrico desvela una importante influencia del dimorfismo sexual en la caracterización de la población. Esta influencia alcanza un grado diferente en cada parte del esqueleto. Se realiza tambien un estudio comparativo de la poblacion de Eiros con otras peninsulares y una de Europa del este, para lo cual se emplean diversos métodos de estadística multivariante. Mediante esta comparación se observa como las poblaciones que presentan mayor afinidad son las más cercanas geográficamente. También se observa que el desarrollo de las cúspides dentarias es el criterio que mejor define cada población, una vez que las diferencias de tamaño producidas por el dimorfismo sexual se han desligado del estudio

    Una aproximación paleobiológica a los Osos de las Cavernas de Liñares y Eirós (Galicia, España)

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    [Abstract] The sites of Liñares and Eirós are closely situated in the NW of Spain and both contains a large number of Ursus spelaeus remains. However, the chronology of these sites is different and correspond to different climatic conditions. Once considered the effects of the preservational biass in the deposit, the demographic particularities of each population can be explained in terms of the different climatic conditions suffered by the studied cave bear populations

    Data about Cervus elaphus (Cervidae, Artiodactyla, Mammalia) in carstic caves from Galicia (NW Spain)

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    [Abstract] A review of the data about Cervus elaphus from galician caves is carried out in this paper. Some of these caves present a deposit of bone remains with anthropic origin, but one of them does not seen to have been originated by the human action. The abundance and the good preservation of the material in this cave allow to study the structure of the population of Cervus elaphus

    Estudio poblacional del Oso de las Cavernas (Ursus spelaeus Rosenmüller-Heinroth) de cuevas gallegas, NW de la Península Ibérica

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    [Abstract] A population study of two contemporary sites of Ursus spelaeus from Serra do Courel (Galicia, NW of Iberian Peninsula) has been carried out. The different morphology of the sites, as well as the taphonomical processes that affected the deposits produce a biased preservation of the bone remains that is interpreted in this paper