497 research outputs found

    Maritime Insurgency and the Law of the Sea: An Analysis Using the Doctrine of Distress

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    This Comment examines the international legal implications of an insurgent warship operating on the high seas. The author specifically addresses the rights of insurgents to conduct maritime operations and the right of third States to deny use of the high seas to these insurgents. The author argues that these claims may be provided an adequate forum under the doctrine of distress, or force majeure. The author examines potential arguments that an insurgent warship is a private vessel, and is stateless, but concludes that an insurgent is neither. The author further concludes that an insurgent warship is not generally subject to lawful interference on the high seas by third States

    Itinéraire de deux traducteurs en SARL

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    Jérôme Richard et Pierre Le Grand sont associés depuis 2006 dans la SARL eXceLingua. Nous les avons interrogés sur leur pratique de la traduction en équipe et les modalités de leur collaboration. Réponses croisées. Présentez-nous votre société en quelques mots. Jérôme Richard : eXceLingua propose des services linguistiques dans les couples de langues anglais-français et allemand-français. Notre société se compose de deux traducteurs expérimentés qui ont décidé d’unir leurs compétences. Nous a..

    New approaches to the restoration of shallow marginal peatlands

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    ArticleGlobally, the historic and recent exploitation of peatlands through management practices such as agricultural reclamation, peat harvesting or forestry, have caused extensive damage to these ecosystems. Their value is now increasingly recognised, and restoration and rehabilitation programmes are underway to improve some of the ecosystem services provided by peatlands: blocking drainage ditches in deep peat has been shown to improve the storage of water, decrease carbon losses in the long-term, and improve biodiversity. However, whilst the restoration process has benefitted from experience and technical advice gained from restoration of deep peatlands, shallow peatlands have received less attention in the literature, despite being extensive in both uplands and lowlands. Using the experience gained from the restoration of the shallow peatlands of Exmoor National Park (UK), and two test catchments in particular, this paper provides technical guidance which can be applied to the restoration of other shallow peatlands worldwide. Experience showed that integrating knowledge of the historical environment at the planning stage of restoration was essential, as it enabled the effective mitigation of any threat to archaeological features and sites. The use of bales, commonly employed in other upland ecosystems, was found to be problematic. Instead, ‘leaky dams’ or wood and peat combination dams were used, which are both more efficient at reducing and diverting the flow, and longer lasting than bale dams. Finally, an average restoration cost (£306 ha-1) for Exmoor, below the median national value across the whole of the UK, demonstrates the cost-effectiveness of these techniques. However, local differences in peat depth and ditch characteristics (i.e. length, depth and width) between sites affect both the feasibility and the cost of restoration. Overall, the restoration of shallow peatlands is shown to be technically viable; this paper provides a template for such process over analogous landscapes.South West WaterUniversity of ExeterTechnology Strategy BoardNERCKnowledge Transfer Partnership programm

    Localization of Double-Strand Break Repair Proteins to Viral Replication Compartments following Lytic Reactivation of Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus

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    ABSTRACT Double-strand breaks (DSBs) in DNA are recognized by the Ku70/80 heterodimer and the MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 (MRN) complex and result in activation of the DNA-PK and ATM kinases, which play key roles in regulating the cellular DNA damage response (DDR). DNA tumor viruses such as Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) are known to interact extensively with the DDR during the course of their replicative cycles. Here we show that during lytic amplification of KSHV DNA, the Ku70/80 heterodimer and the MRN complex consistently colocalize with viral genomes in replication compartments (RCs), whereas other DSB repair proteins form foci outside RCs. Depletion of MRE11 and abrogation of its exonuclease activity negatively impact viral replication, while in contrast, knockdown of Ku80 and inhibition of the DNA-PK enzyme, which are involved in nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) repair, enhance amplification of viral DNA. Although the recruitment of DSB-sensing proteins to KSHV RCs is a consistent occurrence across multiple cell types, activation of the ATM-CHK2 pathway during viral replication is a cell line-specific event, indicating that recognition of viral DNA by the DDR does not necessarily result in activation of downstream signaling pathways. We have also observed that newly replicated viral DNA is not associated with cellular histones. Since the presence and modification of these DNA-packaging proteins provide a scaffold for docking of multiple DNA repair factors, the absence of histone deposition may allow the virus to evade localization of DSB repair proteins that would otherwise have a detrimental effect on viral replication. IMPORTANCE Tumor viruses are known to interact with machinery responsible for detection and repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in DNA, although detail concerning how Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) modulates these cellular pathways during its lytic replication phase was previously lacking. By undertaking a comprehensive assessment of the localization of DSB repair proteins during KSHV replication, we have determined that a DNA damage response (DDR) is directed to viral genomes but is distinct from the response to cellular DNA damage. We also demonstrate that although recruitment of the MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 (MRN) DSB-sensing complex to viral genomes and activation of the ATM kinase can promote KSHV replication, proteins involved in nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) repair restrict amplification of viral DNA. Overall, this study extends our understanding of the virus-host interactions that occur during lytic replication of KSHV and provides a deeper insight into how the DDR is manipulated during viral infection. </jats:p

    Default in plasma and intestinal IgA responses during acute infection by Simian Immunodeficiency Virus.

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    International audienceABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Conflicting results regarding changes in mucosal IgA production or in the proportions of IgA plasma cells in the small and large intestines during HIV-infection have been previously reported. Except in individuals repeatedly exposed to HIV-1 but yet remaining uninfected, HIV-specific IgA are frequently absent in mucosal secretions from HIV-infected patients. However, little is known about the organization and functionality of mucosal B-cell follicles in acute HIV/SIV infection during which a T-dependent IgA response should have been initiated. In the present study, we evaluated changes in B-cell and T-cell subsets as well as the extent of apoptosis and class-specific plasma cells in Peyer's Patches, isolated lymphoid follicles, and lamina propria. Plasma levels of IgA, BAFF and APRIL were also determined. RESULTS: Plasma IgA level was reduced by 46 percent by 28 dpi and no IgA plasma cells were found within germinal centers of Peyer's Patches and isolated lymphoid follicles. This lack of a T-dependent IgA response occurs although germinal centers remained functional with no sign of follicular damage, but a prolonged survival of follicular CD4+ T-cells and normal generation of IgG plasma cells is observed. Whereas the average plasma BAFF level was increased by 4.5-fold and total plasma cells were 1.7 to 1.9-fold more numerous in the lamina propria, the relative proportion of IgA plasma cells in this effector site was reduced by 19 percent (duodemun) to 35 percent (Ileum) at 28 dpi. CONCLUSION: Our data provide evidence that SIV is unable to initiate a T-dependent IgA response during the acute phase of infection and favors the production of IgG (ileum) or IgM (duodenum) plasma cells at the expense of IgA plasma cells. Therefore, an early and generalized default in IgA production takes place during the acute of phase of HIV/SIV infection, which might impair not only a virus-specific antibody response but also IgA responses to other pathogens and vaccines as well. Understanding the mechanisms that impair IgA production during acute HIV/SIV infection is crucial to improve virus-specific response in mucosa and control microbial translocation
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