89 research outputs found

    Behavioral intention to have risky sex in young men and women: The role of sexual excitation and assertiveness

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    Due to the complex role of sexual excitation in risky sexual behaviors, this study aimed to disentangle this phenomenon by jointly analyzing the combined role of three forms of sexual excitation: genital and subjective, and individual´s propensity. Therefore, we examined the relationship between the components of the Dual Control Model, that is, propensity for sexual excitation/inhibition, in addition to genital and subjective arousal, and sexual assertiveness and intention to engage in casual sexual encounters in which sexual risk was implicitly or explicitly present. The sample consisted of 99 heterosexual young adults (55 men and 45 women) with ages ranging from 18 to 32 years. Participants performed an experiment in the laboratory, which involved them watching a sexual clip and then being presented with two erotic excerpts (stories) depicting casual sexual encounters in which there was an existence of implicit and explicit sexual risks. In men, the propensity for sexual inhibition was the most determining variable in preventing them from sexual risk-taking. In women, intention to engage in risky sexual behaviors was better determined by their propensity for sexual excitation and sexual assertiveness in negotiating the use of contraceptive methods. This research highlights the relevance of excitation and inhibition as a trait, in addition to subjective arousal and sexual assertiveness in intention to engage in risky sexual behaviors.This research was funded through a research project granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (number PSI 2010-15719) and a grant for the training of university teachers awarded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports (number AP2010-4843) to Reina Granados

    Programa de control de exposición a vibraciones en cuerpo entero, a ruido y ergonómico en los operarios del Quebredor OchomogoOGO LTDA.

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    The present project was carried out in the Quebrador Ochomogo LTDA, specifically in the area of heavy machinery, in the tasks of extraction, crushing and dispatch, as well as in the maintenance workshop. Due to the nature of the process, operators of heavy machinery are exposed to vibrations, noise and ergonomic risk factors. The type of research that was carried out is of applied type, since the acquired knowledge was applied and used. The methodology used in the case of vibrations will be UNE-EN ISO 2631-1-1997 for whole body exposure, in the case of noise corresponds to the INTE / ISO 9612 and the ergonomic part, tools were used for risk assessment such as REBA and RULA. The general objective of the project is to propose a program of control of exposure to vibrations, noise and ergonomic in the operators of the Quebrador Ochomogo LTDA, this in order to increase controls and prevent accidents, injuries or occupational diseases in this occupation. The obtained results reflect that the collaborators use positions that compromise the different parts of the body and that it can bring future consequences, in the case of the vibrations the highest results obtained by the measurements were 0.73 m / s2 (A (8)) and 11.10 m / s1.75 (VDV) in both cases the z-axis predominates, these operators acquire postures such as trunk and neck torsion. In noise, all employees exceed the values established by the regulations. With the different methodologies it was obtained that the collaborators are exposed to whole body vibrations, noise and ergonomic factors that can affect their health. Among the recommendations given is to inspect the correct use of the central and side mirrors, implementation of seats with shock absorbers, use of hearing protection equipment, among others

    In chichiltic tlapalli (el color rojo), recurso pictográfico en el litigio testamentario de un noble xochimilca del siglo XVI

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    En Xochimilco, años antes de terminar el siglo XVI, un noble indígena, Miguel Damián, decide ceder sus bienes bajo el nuevo sistema legal de los testamentos; sin prescindir, como muchos más, del lenguaje mesoamericano de la imagen para transmitir su mensaje. De esta forma, los códices y algunos de sus elementos como el color, serán los mecanismos para negociar y defender el patrimonio ante las nuevas transformaciones culturales que implicó el contacto con los españoles. En el códice Documento relacionado a los descendientes de Don Miguel Damián, la tonalidad roja, es una muestra palpable del lenguaje convencional indígena

    Una propuesta funcional para el desarrollo de juegos serios en la educación superior

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    104 Páginas incluye diagramasLa presente investigación busca brindarle herramientas al docente para el proceso de diseño de un juego serio. El trabajo se dirige al docente que desarrolla su labor en contextos de e-learning o educación virtual mediada por las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), debido a que se ha evidenciado su necesidad de preparación en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías. Por lo tanto, el documento explora los antecedentes teóricos de los juegos serios, las experiencias que se han desarrollado sobre este aspecto, la problemática a resolver y la implementación de una metodología adecuada para la elaboración de un juego serio. Dicha metodología está estructurada en un material educativo que indica los factores que deben ser incorporados en el diseño de este tipo de herramientas educativas. Para tal fin, se elabora un material educativo digital en línea basado en las necesidades y experiencias de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD), la cual es una institución educativa que maneja una metodología de e-learning que se inicia en el proceso de desarrollo de juegos educativos.​

    Protection of Human Rights and Barriers for People with HIV/AIDS in Colombia: An Analysis of the Legal Framework

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    People living with HIV/AIDS not only suffer in terms of physical and/or psychological health, but also frequently experience violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Although there are international treaties and a regulatory framework that legally protects people with HIV/AIDS, it is essential to determine the effectiveness of the regulatory framework in Colombia. Therefore, our main goal was to examine the legislation on HIV/AIDS in Colombia with the purpose of understanding the decrees and laws, and describing the main obstacles and barriers that people with HIV/AIDS encounter. For this purpose, we employed the method of legal interpretation and reviewed the legal regulations on HIV/AIDS, as well as the judgments of guardianship of the Constitutional Court. It is verified that there is a specific regulation on HIV/AIDS, specifically decree 559 of 19,991, decree 1543 of 1997, Law 599 of 2000, Law 972 of 2005, and Law 1220 of 2008. Although at the legislative level Colombia shows an evolution in the norm, patients with HIV/AIDS continue to be victims of human rights violations. As a result, and through the analysis of tutela judgments, it was found that the Constitutional Court recognized the violation of rights and ordered the necessary measures to be taken to guarantee the human rights and fundamental freedoms of the defendants

    Validación de la Versión Española de la Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX) usando medidas autoinformadas y psicofisiológicas

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    Assessment of sexual response and sexual functioning through self-reported measures is of relevance in the area of sexual health. The goal was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX) in a sample of 1,105 individuals divided into two subsamples to examine and confirm the factorial structure. To evaluate both psychophysiological and subjective sexual arousal, we considered, from the total sample, 49 participants who took part in a second phase of the study. They were exposed to sexual films and they also answered the Spanish version of the ASEX, Massachusetts General Hospital Sexual Functioning Questionnaire, Sexual Opinion Survey-6, and Sexual Inhibition/Sexual Excitation Scales-Short Form. Results showed that ASEX has an unidimensional structure, good internal consistency, and construct, convergent, and discriminant validity. The scale examined it is useful measure for the assessment of sexual functioning for both clinical and research purposes.La evaluación de la respuesta sexual y el funcionamiento sexual a través de medidas autoinformadas es relevante en el área de la salud sexual. El objetivo fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX) en una muestra de 1.105 individuos, divididos en dos submuestras para explorar y confirmar la estructura factorial. Para evaluar la activación sexual subjetiva y psicofisiológica, de la muestra total se seleccionaron 49 sujetos, los cuales participaron en una segunda fase del estudio. Estos últimos participantes visualizaron un vídeo con contenido sexual explícito, completaron las versiones españolas del ASEX, Massachusetts General Hospital Sexual Functioning Questionnaire, Sexual Opinion Survey-6 y Sexual Inhibition/Sexual Excitation Scales-Short Form. Tras los resultados se comprueba que el ASEX tiene una estructura unidimensional, buena consistencia interna y validez de constructo, convergente y discriminante. La escala examinada es útil para la evaluación del funcionamiento sexual, tanto con fines clínicos como de investigación

    Self-Esteem, Attitudes toward Love, and Sexual Assertiveness among Pregnant Adolescents

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    Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the first author.The authors acknowledge the collaboration of participants who took part in the study.Adolescence is a stage of growth and development of great relevance. Unplanned teenage pregnancies can be considered a global public health problem due to the high impact on the present and future of these young people, as well as their possible offspring. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between self-esteem, attitudes toward love, and sexual assertiveness among pregnant and non-pregnant teenagers. We also considered whether their pregnancy was planned or not. The study was conducted with 225 women from Ecuador (34.2% pregnant; Mean age = 16; SD = 1.15). We administered self-reported measures such as the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the Love Attitudes Scale, and the Sexual Assertiveness Scale between 2018 and 2019. Self-esteem was higher in adolescents with a planned pregnancy than in those women whose pregnancy was not planned. Pregnant women reported greater acceptance and endorsement of beliefs related to the myth of “soulmate” in comparison to non-pregnant women. Sexual assertiveness related to the negotiation of the use of contraceptive methods was greater in non-pregnant adolescents than in pregnant girls. We discuss the implications of our findings in terms of sexual education and prevention in the sex education field. This study shows differences in self-esteem, attitudes toward love, and sexual assertiveness between pregnant and non-pregnant adolescents

    Sexually Explicit Material and Its Relationship with Sociodemographic Variables, Sexual Satisfaction, and Relationship Satisfaction in a Spanish Sample

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    Previous research that has examined the use of sexually explicit material (SEM) in the Spanish population and its relationship with sociodemographic variables, sexual satisfaction, and satisfaction with the relationship are practically non-existent. Therefore, the main goal was to analyze the pattern of use of SEM (frequency, format, context, content, and purpose of its use) and its relationship with sociodemographic variables (sex, age, sexual orientation, educational level, religiosity, status of partner, number of sexual partners, and age of first exposure to SEM), sexual satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction. The sample consisted of 221 participants, with an average age equal to 29.88 years (SD = 9.73) and of Spanish nationality. All participants completed a sociodemographic questionnaire, as well as the Spanish adaptations of the Sexual Media Questionnaire, Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction, and Global Measure of Relationship Satisfaction. Based on the results, it was found that men use SEM more frequently than women, that the age of first exposure is 14 years old, the most used pattern of SEM is internet websites with sexual content in which adult men and women appear, and the way to visualize it is alone as private stimulation. In addition, it was shown that a higher frequency of SEM use implies a decrease in sexual satisfaction and vice versa, while there is no association between the frequency of SEM use and satisfaction with the relationship. The importance of considering the use of SEM, both in research on sexual satisfaction and in clinical practice, is discussed

    Validation of the Spanish Version of the Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX) Using Self-Reported and Psychophysiological Measures

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    Assessment of sexual response and sexual functioning through self-reported measures is of relevance in the area of sexual health. The goal was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX) in a sample of 1,105 individuals divided into two subsamples to examine and confirm the factorial structure. To evaluate both psychophysiological and subjective sexual arousal, we considered, from the total sample, 49 participants who took part in a second phase of the study. They were exposed to sexual films and they also answered the Spanish version of the ASEX, Massachusetts General Hospital Sexual Functioning Questionnaire, Sexual Opinion Survey-6, and Sexual Inhibition/Sexual Excitation Scales-Short Form. Results showed that ASEX has an unidimensional structure, good internal consistency, and construct, convergent, and discriminant validity. The scale examined it is useful measure for the assessment of sexual functioning for both clinical and research purposes.This research has been funded through the Research Projects PSI2010-15719 (Ministry of Science and Innovation) and PSI2014-25035-R (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness)