3,473 research outputs found

    Thinking and practice in primary science classrooms : a case study

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    This thesis presents a case study of the thinking and practice of an experienced primary teacher as he planned and taught a term's science topic on toys with his class of 9-10 year olds. The teacher planned the topic as a series of activities intended to promote investigation and problem-solving by his pupils. Most of the time pupils worked in small groups, testing and making vehicles or models. Information about the teacher's theories and his plans for teaching the topic was collected through interviews, conversations and written notes over the school year. In the third term, when the topic was taught, his actions and thoughts in the lessons were traced through classroom observation and audiorecording. Analysis of the teacher's theories identified his beliefs and his repertoire of knowledge on which he drew in planning; his specific subject knowledge in science was related to his general theories of teaching and learning. His planning was seen to be a layered process in which he formed images of the flow of activity in each layer: the year, term, activity and lesson. The teacher's thinking during lessons, referred to as thinking-in-action, was closely related to the classroom action but involved more than thoughts about immediate interactions and decisions. The analysis of dilemmas identified by the teacher provided insights into the nature of his thinking-in-action and its influence on his theories. The relationship of thinking and practice in this case of teaching was compared to Schon's (1983.1987) account of the reflective practice of professionals, particularly to his concept of reflection-in-action. A model was developed within which a teacher's theories, planning and thinking-in-action can be related to one another and to action in a particular situation. Implications for research into teachers' thinking, for primary science and technology, and for the professional development of teachers are discussed

    The search for novel analgesics: re-examining spinal cord circuits with new tools

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    In this perspective, we propose the absence of detailed information regarding spinal cord circuits that process sensory information remains a major barrier to advancing analgesia. We highlight recent advances showing that functionally discrete populations of neurons in the spinal cord dorsal horn play distinct roles in processing sensory information. We then discuss new molecular, electrophysiological, and optogenetic techniques that can be employed to understand how dorsal horn circuits process tactile and nociceptive information. We believe this information can drive the development of entirely new classes of pharmacotherapies that target key elements in spinal circuits to selectively modify sensory function and blunt pain

    The steady-state repertoire of human SCF Ubiquitin ligase complexes does not require ongoing Nedd8 conjugation

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    The human genome encodes 69 different F-box proteins (FBPs), each of which can potentially assemble with Skp1-Cul1-RING to serve as the substrate specificity subunit of an SCF ubiquitin ligase complex. SCF activity is switched on by conjugation of the ubiquitin- like protein Nedd8 to Cul1. Cycles of Nedd8 conjugation and deconjugation acting in conjunction with the Cul1-sequestering factor Cand1 are thought to control dynamic cycles of SCF assembly and disassembly, which would enable a dynamic equilibrium between the Cul1- RING catalytic core of SCF and the cellular repertoire of FBPs. To test this hypothesis, we determined the cellular composition of SCF complexes and evaluated the impact of Nedd8 conjugation on this steady-state. At least 42 FBPs assembled with Cul1 in HEK 293 cells, and the levels of Cul1-bound FBPs varied by over two orders of magnitude. Unexpectedly, quantitative mass spectrometry revealed that blockade of Nedd8 conjugation led to a modest increase, rather than a decrease, in the overall level of most SCF complexes. We suggest that multiple mechanisms including FBP dissociation and turnover cooperate to maintain the cellular pool of SCF ubiquitin ligases

    The genus Cladophora Kutzing (Ulvophyceae) as a globally distributed ecological engineer

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    The green algal genus Cladophora forms conspicuous nearshore populations in marine and freshwaters worldwide, commonly dominating peri-phyton communities. As the result of human activities, including the nutrient pollution of nearshore waters, Cladophora-dominated periphyton can form nuisance blooms. On the other hand, Cladophora has ecological functions that are beneficial, but less well appreciated. For example, Cladophora has previously been characterized as an ecological engineer because its complex structure fosters functional and taxonomic diversity of benthic microfauna. Here, we review classic and recent literature concerning taxonomy, cell biology, morphology, reproductive biology, and ecology of the genus Cladophora, to examine how this alga functions to modify habitats and influence littoral biogeochemistry. We review the evidence that Cladophora supports large, diverse populations of microalgal and bacterial epiphytes that influence the cycling of carbon and other key elements, and that the high production of cellulose and hydrocarbons by Cladophora-dominated periphyton has the potential for diverse technological applications, including wastewater remediation coupled to renewable biofuel production. We postulate that well-known aspects of Cladophora morphology, hydrodynamically stable and perennial holdfasts, distinctively branched architecture, unusually large cell and sporangial size and robust cell wall construction, are major factors contributing to the multiple roles of this organism as an ecological engineer

    What is Wrong with Water Barometers?

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    Every student who studies atmospheric pressure in physics or chemistry learns the principles behind the construction of barometers. Cistern barometers, such as those found in most laboratories, consist of a long glass tube containing an inverted column of liquid having an open end in a cistern of the liquid. Students learn that the column of liquid is supported by air pressure and is equal in weight to a column of air of the same diameter

    High Gaussicity feedhorns for sub-/ millimeter wave applications

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    In feedhorn design, the power coupling to the fundamental free-space LG00 mode, or Gaussicity, is a good proxy for high performance, particularly the sidelobe and cross-polar levels and the near-field behavior. Gaussicity can be maximized by ensuring that the first few horn modes reach the aperture with the appropriate phase and amplitude relationship. We present two feedhorn designs for which the Gaussicity was maximized in order to achieve high performance. The first is a 94 GHz corrugated horn with a tanh-linear profile, manufactured by electroforming, which achieves a Gaussicity of 99.92% at band center and sidelobes at the -60 dB level. The second is a 340 GHz smooth-walled spline horn which achieves a Gaussicity of >99.2% over a 10% bandwidth, sidelobes below -30 dB and excellent near-field behavior. This design has been successfully fabricated in E-plane split block suitable for low volume manufacture, for example for imaging arrays.Postprin

    Large cross-effect dynamic nuclear polarisation enhancements with kilowatt inverting chirped pulses at 94 GHz

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    This work was supported by UK Research Council EPSRC research grant EP/R13705/1 and Wellcome Trust 099149/Z/12/Z.Dynamic nuclear polarisation (DNP) is a process that transfers electron spin polarisation to nuclei by applying resonant microwave radiation, and has been widely used to improve the sensitivity of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Here we demonstrate new levels of performance for static cross-effect proton DNP using high peak power chirped inversion pulses at 94 GHz to create a strong polarisation gradient across the inhomogeneously broadened line of the mono-radical 4-amino TEMPO. Enhancements of up to 340 are achieved at an average power of a few hundred mW, with fast build-up times (3 s). Experiments are performed using a home-built wideband kW pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometer operating at 94 GHz, integrated with an NMR detection system. Simultaneous DNP and EPR characterisation of other mono-radicals and biradicals, as a function of temperature, leads to additional insights into limiting relaxation mechanisms and give further motivation for the development of wideband pulsed amplifiers for DNP at higher frequencies.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Designer Reagents for Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics: Clickable Cross-Linkers for Elucidation of Protein Structures and Interactions

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    We present novel homobifunctional amine-reactive clickable cross-linkers (CXLs) for investigation of three-dimensional protein structures and protein–protein interactions (PPIs). CXLs afford consolidated advantages not previously available in a simple cross-linker, including (1) their small size and cationic nature at physiological pH, resulting in good water solubility and cell-permeability, (2) an alkyne group for bio-orthogonal conjugation to affinity tags via the click reaction for enrichment of cross-linked peptides, (3) a nucleophilic displacement reaction involving the 1,2,3-triazole ring formed in the click reaction, yielding a lock-mass reporter ion for only clicked peptides, and (4) higher charge states of cross-linked peptides in the gas-phase for augmented electron transfer dissociation (ETD) yields. Ubiquitin, a lysine-abundant protein, is used as a model system to demonstrate structural studies using CXLs. To validate the sensitivity of our approach, biotin-azide labeling and subsequent enrichment of cross-linked peptides are performed for cross-linked ubiquitin digests mixed with yeast cell lysates. Cross-linked peptides are detected and identified by collision induced dissociation (CID) and ETD with linear quadrupole ion trap (LTQ)-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) and LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometers. The application of CXLs to more complex systems (e.g., in vivo cross-linking) is illustrated by Western blot detection of Cul1 complexes including known binders, Cand1 and Skp2, in HEK 293 cells, confirming good water solubility and cell-permeability

    Compact corrugated feedhorns with high Gaussian coupling efficiency and -60 dB sidelobes

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    We demonstrate that very high performance, extremely compact, scalar corrugated feedhorns can be designed and constructed by optimizing the excitation and phasing of the HE11, HE12 and HE13 modes near the throat of the horn whilst limiting excitation of higher order modes. We present the design and measurement of two families of dual-profiled horn, both with a directivity of 20 dBi that couple with very high efficiency to a fundamental Gaussian mode. The first was optimized for sidelobe performance and features sidelobes approaching -60 dB for a horn length of only 15.6λ. The second was designed to minimize horn length and achieves sidelobe levels below -35 dB for a horn which is only 4.8λ long. The horns exhibit excellent coupling to the fundamental free-space Gaussian mode, with LG00 power coupling of 99.92% and 99.75% respectively. We demonstrate excellent agreement between simulation and experiment at 94 GHz and simulate the performance over a 20% bandwidth. High performance compact scalar horns are of interest because they reduce manufacturing risk at high frequencies, and reduce size and weight at lower frequencies, which can be important in horn arrays and space applications, where horn arrays often have serious weight and size restrictions.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Testing Assumptions in Deliberative Democratic Design: A Preliminary Assessment of the Efficacy of the Participedia Data Archive as an Analytic Tool

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    At smaller social scales, deliberative democratic theory can be restated as an input-process-output model. We advance such a model to formulate hypotheses about how the context and design of a civic engagement process shape the deliberation that takes place therein, as well as the impact of the deliberation on participants and subsequent policymaking. To test those claims, we extract and code case studies from Participedia.net, a research platform that has adopted a self-directed crowd-sourcing strategy to collect data on participatory institutions and deliberative interventions around the world. We explain and confront the challenges faced in coding and analyzing the Participedia cases, which involves managing reliability issues and missing data. In spite of those difficulties, regression analysis of the coded cases shows compelling results, which provide considerable support for our general theoretical model. We conclude with reflections on the implications of our findings for deliberative theory, the design of democratic innovations, and the utility of Participedia as a data archive