160 research outputs found

    The development of a framework for a design for safety BIM tool

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    Identificación de las larvas de peces mediante MtDNA en la parte sur de la Gran Barrera de Coral, Australia

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    Planktonic larvae were captured above a shallow coral reef study site on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) around spring-summer new moon periods (October-February) using light trap or net capture devices. Larvae were identified to the genus or species level by comparison with a phylogenetic tree of tropical marine fish species using mtDNA HVR1 sequence data. Further analysis showed that within-species HVR1 sequence variation was typically 1-3%, whereas between-species variation for the same genus ranged up to 50%, supporting the suitability of HVR1 for species identification. Given the current worldwide interest in DNA barcoding and species identification using an alternative mtDNA gene marker (cox1), we also explored the efficacy of different primer sets for amplification of cox1 in reef fish, and its suitability for species identification. Of those tested, the Fish-F1 and -R1 primer set recently reported by Ward et al. (2005) gave the best results.Las larvas estudiadas fueron capturadas en el plancton de una zona coralina somera en la Gran Barrera de Coral en períodos de luna-nueva de la estación primavera-verano (octubre-febrero). Su captura se realizó mediante trampas de luz o redes de plancton. Las larvas fueron identificadas a nivel de género o especie por la comparación de un árbol filogenético de especies de peces tropicales marinas usando datos de la secuencia HVR1 del DNA mitocondrial. El análisis adicional demostró que, para una misma especie, la variación de la secuencia HVR1 era típicamente 1-3%, mientras que entre especies del mismo género la variación fue de hasta 50%, apoyando la conveniencia del uso del HVR1 para la identificación a nivel específico. Dado el interés mundial actual en el “código de barras genético” y en la identificación de especies usando otro marcador genético de DNA mitochondrial, el cox1, se exploró también la eficacia de diversos “primers” para la amplificación del cox1 en peces de los arrecifes, y su conveniencia para la identificación específica. De los “primers” probados, el Fish-F1 y el -R1 set recientemente reportado por Ward et al. (2005) dieron los mejores resultados

    Industrial R&D expenditure: its determinants and propensity of technology transfer of top ten companies in Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan

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    Global research and development (R&D) spending has increased in recent years as the need for new technologies has grown and structural changes in the market have become evident. R&D and its transfer into the commercial sector have an important relationship. This paper analyzes the relationship between industrial R&D expenditure and how it affects technology transfer in Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan. The research is based on the analysis of secondary data from published annual reports followed by a quantitative analysis of primary data using survey questionnaires. The research finds that the bulk of R&D expenditure was from the top ten organizations and the top five industries for each country. The findings also reveal that an organization’s readiness in terms of technology and people capabilities is still weak in Malaysia and Singapore. The findings also indicate that there is a relationship between industrial R&D expenditure and the propensity of technology transfer in Taiwan

    Method to reduce microbial bloom in poultry hatchery

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    Spore forming bacteria and Lactic Acid Bacteria for application in poultry hatcher cabinets to alter the bacterial bloom towards a more beneficial microbiota, positively affecting performance parameters such as mortality, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio throughout production

    Examining the Effect of Perceived Responsibility on Online Bystander Intervention, Target Hardening, and Inaction

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    Failure to take responsibility for intervening has been identified as a primary barrier to bystander intervention. Building on these findings, we examine how perceptions of responsibility affect responses to witnessing victimization in the online realm—a topic that has received limited attention. Using a maximum-likelihood selection model, we analyze data from the Pew American Trends Panel (N = 3709) to estimate the effects of respondents’ perceptions of the role different groups should play in addressing online harassment on their likelihood to engage in intervention, target hardening, or inaction in response to witnessing online harassment, conditioned upon their likelihood of having witnessed such behavior. Findings indicate that the greater role respondents believe online users should have in addressing online harassment, the more likely they are to intervene. (b = .310). The greater role respondents believe law enforcement or elected officials should have in addressing online harassment, the less likely they are to intervene (b = −.135 and −.072, respectively). These findings have implications for future efforts to curb online harassment through users’ crime prevention efforts

    Method to reduce microbial bloom in poultry hatchery

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    Spore forming bacteria and Lactic Acid Bacteria for application in poultry hatcher cabinets to alter the bacterial bloom towards a more beneficial microbiota, positively affecting performance parameters such as mortality, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio throughout production

    Examining the Effect of Perceived Responsibility On Online Bystander Intervention, Target Hardening, and Inaction

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    Failure to take responsibility for intervening has been identified as a primary barrier to bystander intervention. Building on these findings, we examine how perceptions of responsibility affect responses to witnessing victimization in the online realm—a topic that has received limited attention. Using a maximum-likelihood selection model, we analyze data from the Pew American Trends Panel (N = 3709) to estimate the effects of respondents’ perceptions of the role different groups should play in addressing online harassment on their likelihood to engage in intervention, target hardening, or inaction in response to witnessing online harassment, conditioned upon their likelihood of having witnessed such behavior. Findings indicate that the greater role respondents believe online users should have in addressing online harassment, the more likely they are to intervene. (b = .310). The greater role respondents believe law enforcement or elected officials should have in addressing online harassment, the less likely they are to intervene (b = −.135 and −.072, respectively). These findings have implications for future efforts to curb online harassment through users’ crime prevention efforts


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    Pada ruas jalan Tol 2 Manado - Bitung dibuat jalan diatas permukaan yang miring dan berlereng, sehingga perlu dilakukan penimbunan untuk mengatur elevasi tanah agar aman dan sesuai desain perencanaan agar lereng terhindari dari kelongsoran, untuk itu perlu dilakukan analisa faktor keamanan  lereng dan dibuat perkuatan pada lereng. Pada penelitian ini dianalisa kestabilan lereng dan didesain perkuatan pada lereng dengan metode Mechanically Stabilized Earth MSE, menggunakan software Slide V.6.005 dengan panjang perkuatan 0,7 He / 8,4 m tinggi dinding 12 m dan jarak vertikal antar perkuatan 0.6 m, material perkuatan yaitu geogrid UX 1100, UX 1400, UX 1500, UX 1600, UX 1700, UX 1800.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa lereng eksisting pada ruas jalan tol 2 Manado - Bitung STA 9+745 aman karena memiliki faktor keamanan lebih dari 1. Dalam desain dinding MSE dengan jarak antara perkuatan 0,6 m dan menggunakan 20 lapis perkuatan, didapat nilai faktor keamanan untuk metode bishop simpilified 1.607, metode ordinary/fellenius 1.533, dan metode janbu simplified 1.507, Faktor keamanan desain yang direncanakan aman dan memenuhi syarat karena memiliki nilai diatas 1.3. Kata kunci : Lereng, Desain Dinding MSE, Software Slide V.6.005

    Design hazard identification and the link to site experience

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    The training, development and routes to charteredship of building design engineers have undergone a major transformation in recent years. Additionally, the duration and quality of site experience being gained by designers is reducing. While accident causation is often complex, previous research shows a potential link between design and construction accidents. The effectiveness of the UK’s Construction (Design and Management) (CDM) Regulations is being questioned, and designers regularly do not recognise the impact they can make on site safety. A newly developed hazard perception test was used to determine if students and design practitioners are able to identify hazards in designs and to establish if site experience impacts hazard identification. The results of the tests show an association between the ability to identify and mitigate hazards and possession of site experience. The results provide empirical evidence that supports previous anecdotal evidence. The results also question if the design engineers of today are suitably equipped to fulfil the designer’s responsibilities under the CDM Regulations
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