9,782 research outputs found

    Process for synthesizing enediynes

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    A process for synthesizing enediynes is provided. Specifically, the formed enediynes contain a hex-3-ene-1,5-diynyl group. Production of the enediynes involves adding a base to a propargylic halide in the presence of a chelating agent, which causes a carbenoid coupling-elimination sequence of the propargylic halides. A carbenoid destabilizing agent can also be added to the reaction mixture in order to enhance yield. Acyclic and cyclic enediynes can be synthesized according to this process. The enediynes are useful compounds that can be used in a variety of applications including use in the production of anti-tumor agents

    Magnetoelectric Jones Dichroism in Atoms

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    The authors suggest that atomic experiments measuring the interference between magnetic-dipole and electric-field-induced electric-dipole transition amplitudes provide a valuable system to study magnetoelectric Jones effects.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    A SQUAMOSA MADS-box gene involved in the regulation of anthocyanin accumulation in bilberry fruits

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    Anthocyanins are important health promoting phytochemicals that are abundant in many fleshy fruits. Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) is one of the best sources of these compounds. Here we report on the expression pattern and functional analysis of a SQUAMOSA (SQUA) class MADS-box transcription factor, VmTDR4, associated with anthocyanin biosynthesis in bilberry. Levels of VmTDR4 expression were spatially and temporally linked with colour development and anthocyanin-related gene expression. Virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) was used to suppress VmTDR4 expression in bilberry resulting in substantial reduction in anthocyanin levels in fully ripe fruits. Chalcone synthase was used a positive control in the VIGS experiments. Additionally, in sectors of fruit tissue in which the expression of the VmTDR4 gene was silenced, the expression of R2R3 MYB family transcription factors related to the biosynthesis of flavonoids were also altered. We conclude that VmTDR4 plays an important role in the accumulation of anthocyanins during normal ripening in bilberry; probably through direct or indirect control of transcription factors belonging to the R2R3 MYB family

    Searching for gravitational waves from the Crab pulsar - the problem of timing noise

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    Of the current known pulsars, the Crab pulsar (B0531+21) is one of the most promising sources of gravitational waves. The relatively large timing noise of the Crab causes its phase evolution to depart from a simple spin-down model. This effect needs to be taken in to account when performing time domain searches for the Crab pulsar in order to avoid severely degrading the search efficiency. The Jodrell Bank Crab pulsar ephemeris is examined to see if it can be used for tracking the phase evolution of any gravitational wave signal from the pulsar, and we present a method of heterodyning the data that takes account of the phase wander. The possibility of obtaining physical information about the pulsar from comparisons of the electromagnetically and a gravitationally observed timing noise is discussed. Finally, additional problems caused by pulsar glitches are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of the 5th Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, Pisa, Italy, 6-11 July 200

    Quantum Vacuum Contribution to the Momentum of the Dielectric Media

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    Momentum transfer between matter and electromagnetic field is analyzed. The related equations of motion and conservation laws are derived using relativistic formalism. Their correspondence to various, at first sight self-contradicting, experimental data (the so called Abraham-Minkowski controversy) is demonstrated. A new, Casimir like, quantum phenomenon is predicted: contribution of vacuum fluctuations to the motion of dielectric liquids in crossed electric and magnetic fields. Velocities about 50nm/s50nm/s can be expected due to the contribution of high frequency vacuum modes

    Towards real-time classification of astronomical transients

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    Exploration of time domain is now a vibrant area of research in astronomy, driven by the advent of digital synoptic sky surveys. While panoramic surveys can detect variable or transient events, typically some follow-up observations are needed; for short-lived phenomena, a rapid response is essential. Ability to automatically classify and prioritize transient events for follow-up studies becomes critical as the data rates increase. We have been developing such methods using the data streams from the Palomar-Quest survey, the Catalina Sky Survey and others, using the VOEventNet framework. The goal is to automatically classify transient events, using the new measurements, combined with archival data (previous and multi-wavelength measurements), and contextual information (e.g., Galactic or ecliptic latitude, presence of a possible host galaxy nearby, etc.); and to iterate them dynamically as the follow-up data come in (e.g., light curves or colors). We have been investigating Bayesian methodologies for classification, as well as discriminated follow-up to optimize the use of available resources, including Naive Bayesian approach, and the non-parametric Gaussian process regression. We will also be deploying variants of the traditional machine learning techniques such as Neural Nets and Support Vector Machines on datasets of reliably classified transients as they build up

    Moving away from flat solar panels to PVtrees : exploring ideas and people's perceptions

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    Photovoltaic Trees (PVTrees) are artificial solar structures that look like sculptural trees and exist from small scale (size of a bonsai tree) to large scale (about the size of a wind turbine). The aesthetics of solar trees differ and they have been designed to provide different means of power to different urban and built environments. These range from powering mobile phones, electric cars, buildings and street lights covering small and large scale areas (one or a forest of PVTrees). This study brought together a research team of physicists and designers and to conduct focus groups with design based methods and prototyping (clustering of ideas, sketching and modelling) along with a computational 3D PVTree design tool. The focus groups consisted of capturing a) people's perception on PVTrees, idea generations and development of the 3D model and b) further discussion and evaluation of insights. A public exhibition followed to capture public perception on design concepts using 3D models, and a voting exercise. Overall it was found that PVTrees were received positively by the public with desires for them to be multifunctional by providing power yet also having a secondary function e.g. a shelter or seat. The paper details this, considerations for concept development, and the future direction of research in the area

    ‘Superbull’ males : what role do they play and what drives their appearance within the Doryteuthis gahi Patagonian Shelf population?

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    This work was funded by the Falkland Islands Government. Thanks are due to FCT/MCTES for financial support to CESAM (UID/AMB/50017/2019) through national funds and ERDF co-financing, under the Partnership Agreement for the PT2020 and Compete 2020 programs. This work was funded by the Falkland Islands Government. The study was conducted using E.U. Copernicus Marine Service Information. We are grateful to the scientific observers from the Falkland Islands fisheries department for sample collection and to the director of fisheries, John Barton, for supporting this work.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
