207 research outputs found

    Linear and non-linear perturbations in dark energy models

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    I review the linear and second-order perturbation theory in dark energy models with explicit interaction to matter in view of applications to N-body simulations and non-linear phenomena. Several new or generalized results are obtained: the general equations for the linear perturbation growth; an analytical expression for the bias induced by a species-dependent interaction; the Yukawa correction to the gravitational potential due to dark energy interaction; the second-order perturbation equations in coupled dark energy and their Newtonian limit. I also show that a density-dependent effective dark energy mass arises if the dark energy coupling is varying.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev; v2: added a ref. and corrected a typ

    Mouse Pancreatic Endocrine Cell Transcriptome Defined in the Embryonic Ngn3-Null Mouse

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    OBJECTIVEβ€”To document the transcriptome of the pancreatic islet during the early and late development of the mouse pancreas and highlight the qualitative and quantitative features of gene expression that contribute to the specification, growth, and differentiation of the major endocrine cell types. A further objective was to identify endocrine cell biomarkers, targets of diabetic autoimmunity, and regulatory pathways underlying islet responses to physiological and pathological stimuli

    Electromechanical Behavior of Al Al2O3 Multilayers on Flexible Substrates Insights from In Situ Film Stress and Resistance Measurements

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    A series of Al and Al Al2O3 thin film multilayer structures on flexible polymer substrates are fabricated with a unique deposition chamber combining magnetron sputtering Al and atomic layer deposition ALD, Al2O3 , nominal thickness 2.4 9.4 nm without breaking vacuum and thoroughly characterized using transmission electron microscopy TEM . The electromechanical behavior of the multilayers and Al reference films is investigated in tension with in situ X ray diffraction XRD and four point probe resistance measurements. All films exhibit excellent interfacial adhesion, with no delamination in the investigated strain range 12 . For the first time, an adhesion promoting naturally forming amorphous interlayer is confirmed for thin films sputter deposited onto polymers under laboratory conditions. The evolution of Al film stresses and electrical resistance reveal changes in the deformation behavior as a function of oxide thickness. Strengthening of Al is observed with increasing oxide thickness. Significant embrittlement can be avoided for oxide layer thicknesses amp; 8804;2.4 n

    Recent Advances and Prospects in the Differentiation of Pancreatic Cells From Human Embryonic Stem Cells

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    Recent studies with human embryonic stem (hES) cells have established new protocols for substantial generation of pancreatic progenitors from definitive endoderm. These findings add to the efficient derivation of definitive endoderm, which is controlled by Wnt and Nodal pathways, and delineate a step forward in the quest for alternative Ξ²-cell sources. It also indicates that critical refining of the available strategies might help define a universal protocol for pancreatic differentiation applicable to several cell lines, therefore offering the possibility for transplantation of immune-matched or patient-specific hES–derived Ξ²-cells. We appraise here the fundamental role that bone morphogenetic protein, fibroblast growth factor, and retinoid signaling play during pancreas development, and describe a fundamental emergence of their combination in recent studies that generated pancreatic cells from hES cells. We finally enumerate some prospects that might improve further differentiation of the progenitor cells into functional Ξ²-cells needed in diabetes cell therapy

    Sox9-Haploinsufficiency Causes Glucose Intolerance in Mice

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    The HMG box transcription factor Sox9 plays a critical role in progenitor cell expansion during pancreas organogenesis and is required for proper endocrine cell development in the embryo. Based on in vitro studies it has been suggested that Sox9 controls expression of a network of important developmental regulators, including Tcf2/MODY5, Hnf6, and Foxa2, in pancreatic progenitor cells. Here, we sought to: 1) determine whether Sox9 regulates this transcriptional network in vivo and 2) investigate whether reduced Sox9 gene dosage leads to impaired glucose homeostasis in adult mice. Employing two genetic models of temporally-controlled Sox9 inactivation in pancreatic progenitor cells, we demonstrate that contrary to in vitro findings, Sox9 is not required for Tcf2, Hnf6, or Foxa2 expression in vivo. Moreover, our analysis revealed a novel role for Sox9 in maintaining the expression of Pdx1/MODY4, which is an important transcriptional regulator of beta-cell development. We further show that reduced beta-cell mass in Sox9-haploinsufficient mice leads to glucose intolerance during adulthood. Sox9-haploinsufficient mice displayed 50% reduced beta-cell mass at birth, which recovered partially via a compensatory increase in beta-cell proliferation early postnatally. Endocrine islets from mice with reduced Sox9 gene dosage exhibited normal glucose stimulated insulin secretion. Our findings show Sox9 plays an important role in endocrine development by maintaining Ngn3 and Pdx1 expression. Glucose intolerance in Sox9-haploinsufficient mice suggests that mutations in Sox9 could play a role in diabetes in humans

    Retinoic Acid Promotes the Generation of Pancreatic Endocrine Progenitor Cells and Their Further Differentiation into Ξ²-Cells

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    The identification of secreted factors that can selectively stimulate the generation of insulin producing Ξ²-cells from stem and/or progenitor cells represent a significant step in the development of stem cell-based Ξ²-cell replacement therapy. By elucidating the molecular mechanisms that regulate the generation of Ξ²-cells during normal pancreatic development such putative factors may be identified. In the mouse, Ξ²-cells increase markedly in numbers from embryonic day (e) 14.5 and onwards, but the extra-cellular signal(s) that promotes the selective generation of Ξ²-cells at these stages remains to be identified. Here we show that the retinoic acid (RA) synthesizing enzyme Raldh1 is expressed in developing mouse and human pancreas at stages when Ξ²-cells are generated. We also provide evidence that RA induces the generation of Ngn3+ endocrine progenitor cells and stimulates their further differentiation into Ξ²-cells by activating a program of cell differentiation that recapitulates the normal temporal program of Ξ²-cell differentiation

    The developmental regulator Pax6 is essential for maintenance of islet cell function in the adult mouse pancreas

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    The transcription factor Pax6 is a developmental regulator with a crucial role in development of the eye, brain, and olfactory system. Pax6 is also required for correct development of the endocrine pancreas and specification of hormone producing endocrine cell types. Glucagon-producing cells are almost completely lost in Pax6-null embryos, and insulin-expressing beta and somatostatin-expressing delta cells are reduced. While the developmental role of Pax6 is well-established, investigation of a further role for Pax6 in the maintenance of adult pancreatic function is normally precluded due to neonatal lethality of Pax6-null mice. Here a tamoxifen-inducible ubiquitous Cre transgene was used to inactivate Pax6 at 6 months of age in a conditional mouse model to assess the effect of losing Pax6 function in adulthood. The effect on glucose homeostasis and the expression of key islet cell markers was measured. Homozygous Pax6 deletion mice, but not controls, presented with all the symptoms of classical diabetes leading to severe weight loss requiring termination of the experiment five weeks after first tamoxifen administration. Immunohistochemical analysis of the pancreata revealed almost complete loss of Pax6 and much reduced expression of insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin. Several other markers of islet cell function were also affected. Notably, strong upregulation in the number of ghrelin-expressing endocrine cells was observed. These findings demonstrate that Pax6 is essential for adult maintenance of glucose homeostasis and function of the endocrine pancreas

    Formin1 Mediates the Induction of Dendritogenesis and Synaptogenesis by Neurogenin3 in Mouse Hippocampal Neurons

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    Neurogenin3, a proneural transcription factor controlled by Notch receptor, has been recently shown to regulate dendritogenesis and synaptogenesis in mouse hippocampal neurons. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms involved in these actions of Ngn3. We have used a microarray analysis to identify Ngn3 regulated genes related with cytoskeleton dynamics. One of such genes is Fmn1, whose protein, Formin1, is associated with actin and microtubule cytoskeleton. Overexpression of the Fmn1 isoform-Ib in cultured mouse hippocampal neurons induced an increase in the number of primary dendrites and in the number of glutamatergic synaptic inputs at 4 days in vitro. The same changes were provoked by overexpression of Ngn3. In addition downregulation of Fmn1 by the use of Fmn1-siRNAs impaired such morphological and synaptic changes induced by Ngn3 overexpression in neurons. These results reveal a previously unknown involvement of Formin1 in dendritogenesis and synaptogenesis and indicate that this protein is a key component of the Ngn3 signaling pathway that controls neuronal differentiation
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