10 research outputs found

    Translation and silencing in RNA granules: a tale of sand grains

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    The transcriptome at the synapse consists of thousands of messengers encoding several cellular functions, including a significant number of receptors and ion channels and associated proteins. The concerted translational regulation of all these molecules contributes to the dynamic control of synaptic strength. Cumulative evidence supports that dendritic RNA granules and mRNA-silencing foci play an important role in translational regulation. Several relevant RBPs -FMRP; FUS/TLS;TDP-43; Staufen; Smaug; Pumilio; CPEB; HuD; ZBP1; and DDX6 among others -form granules that contain dormant mRNAs repressed by multiple pathways. Recent reports indicate that dendritic granules may contain stalled polysomes, and furthermore, active translation may occur in association with RNA granules. Here, we discuss the molecules and pathways involved in this continuum of RNA granules that contain masked mRNAs, mRNAs trapped in inactive polysomes or mRNAs engaged in translation

    A Monoclonal Antibody against p53 Cross-Reacts with Processing Bodies

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    The p53 tumor suppressor protein is an important regulator of cell proliferation and apoptosis. p53 can be found in the nucleus and in the cytosol, and the subcellular location is key to control p53 function. In this work, we found that a widely used monoclonal antibody against p53, termed Pab 1801 (Pan antibody 1801) yields a remarkable punctate signal in the cytoplasm of several cell lines of human origin. Surprisingly, these puncta were also observed in two independent p53-null cell lines. Moreover, the foci stained with the Pab 1801 were present in rat cells, although Pab 1801 recognizes an epitope that is not conserved in rodent p53. In contrast, the Pab 1801 nuclear staining corresponded to genuine p53, as it was upregulated by p53-stimulating drugs and absent in p53-null cells. We identified the Pab 1801 cytoplasmic puncta as P Bodies (PBs), which are involved in mRNA regulation. We found that, in several cell lines, including U2OS, WI38, SK-N-SH and HCT116, the Pab 1801 puncta strictly colocalize with PBs identified with specific antibodies against the PB components Hedls, Dcp1a, Xrn1 or Rck/p54. PBs are highly dynamic and accordingly, the Pab 1801 puncta vanished when PBs dissolved upon treatment with cycloheximide, a drug that causes polysome stabilization and PB disruption. In addition, the knockdown of specific PB components that affect PB integrity simultaneously caused PB dissolution and the disappearance of the Pab 1801 puncta. Our results reveal a strong cross-reactivity of the Pab 1801 with unknown PB component(s). This was observed upon distinct immunostaining protocols, thus meaning a major limitation on the use of this antibody for p53 imaging in the cytoplasm of most cell types of human or rodent origin

    Drosophila Genome-Wide RNAi Screen Identifies Multiple Regulators of HIF–Dependent Transcription in Hypoxia

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    Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) are a family of evolutionary conserved alpha-beta heterodimeric transcription factors that induce a wide range of genes in response to low oxygen tension. Molecular mechanisms that mediate oxygen-dependent HIF regulation operate at the level of the alpha subunit, controlling protein stability, subcellular localization, and transcriptional coactivator recruitment. We have conducted an unbiased genome-wide RNA interference (RNAi) screen in Drosophila cells aimed to the identification of genes required for HIF activity. After 3 rounds of selection, 30 genes emerged as critical HIF regulators in hypoxia, most of which had not been previously associated with HIF biology. The list of genes includes components of chromatin remodeling complexes, transcription elongation factors, and translational regulators. One remarkable hit was the argonaute 1 (ago1) gene, a central element of the microRNA (miRNA) translational silencing machinery. Further studies confirmed the physiological role of the miRNA machinery in HIF–dependent transcription. This study reveals the occurrence of novel mechanisms of HIF regulation, which might contribute to developing novel strategies for therapeutic intervention of HIF–related pathologies, including heart attack, cancer, and stroke

    Dynein and kinesin regulate stress-granule and P-body dynamics

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    Stress granules (SGs) and P-bodies (PBs) are related cytoplasmic structures harboring silenced mRNAs. SGs assemble transiently upon cellular stress, whereas PBs are constitutive and are further induced by stress. Both foci are highly dynamic, with messenger ribonucleoproteins (mRNPs) and proteins rapidly shuttling in and out. Here, we show that impairment of retrograde transport by knockdown of mammalian dynein heavy chain 1 (DHC1) or bicaudal D1 (BicD1) inhibits SG formation and PB growth upon stress, without affecting protein-synthesis blockage. Conversely, impairment of anterograde transport by knockdown of kinesin-1 heavy chain (KIF5B) or kinesin light chain 1 (KLC1) delayed SG dissolution. Strikingly, SG dissolution is not required to restore translation. Simultaneous knockdown of dynein and kinesin reverted the effect of single knockdowns on both SGs and PBs, suggesting that a balance between opposing movements driven by these molecular motors governs foci formation and dissolution. Finally, we found that regulation of SG dynamics by dynein and kinesin is conserved in Drosophila

    Mammalian Staufen 1 is recruited to stress granules and impairs their assembly

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    Stress granules are cytoplasmic mRNA-silencing foci that form transiently during the stress response. Stress granules harbor abortive translation initiation complexes and are in dynamic equilibrium with translating polysomes. Mammalian Staufen 1 (Stau1) is a ubiquitous double-stranded RNA-binding protein associated with polysomes. Here, we show that Stau1 is recruited to stress granules upon induction of endoplasmic reticulum or oxidative stress as well in stress granules induced by translation initiation blockers. We found that stress granules lacking Stau1 formed in cells depleted of this molecule, indicating that Stau1 is not an essential component of stress granules. Moreover, Stau1 knockdown facilitated stress granule formation upon stress induction. Conversely, transient transfection of Stau1 impaired stress granule formation upon stress or pharmacological initiation arrest. The inhibitory capacity of Stau1 mapped to the amino-terminal half of the molecule, a region known to bind to polysomes. We found that the fraction of polysomes remaining upon stress induction was enriched in Stau1, and that Stau1 overexpression stabilized polysomes against stress. We propose that Stau1 is involved in recovery from stress by stabilizing polysomes, thus helping stress granule dissolution

    Staufen Recruitment into Stress Granules Does Not Affect Early mRNA Transport in Oligodendrocytes

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    Staufen is a conserved double-stranded RNA-binding protein required for mRNA localization in Drosophila oocytes and embryos. The mammalian homologues Staufen 1 and Staufen 2 have been implicated in dendritic RNA targeting in neurons. Here we show that in rodent oligodendrocytes, these two proteins are present in two independent sets of RNA granules located at the distal myelinating processes. A third kind of RNA granules lacks Staufen and contains major myelin mRNAs. Myelin Staufen granules associate with microfilaments and microtubules, and their subcellular distribution is affected by polysome-disrupting drugs. Under oxidative stress, both Staufen 1 and Staufen 2 are recruited into stress granules (SGs), which are stress-induced organelles containing transiently silenced messengers. Staufen SGs contain the poly(A)-binding protein (PABP), the RNA-binding proteins HuR and TIAR, and small but not large ribosomal subunits. Staufen recruitment into perinuclear SGs is paralleled by a similar change in the overall localization of polyadenylated RNA. Under the same conditions, the distribution of recently transcribed and exported mRNAs is not affected. Our results indicate that Staufen 1 and Staufen 2 are novel and ubiquitous SG components and suggest that Staufen RNPs are involved in repositioning of most polysomal mRNAs, but not of recently synthesized transcripts, during the stress response

    Smaug1 membrane-less organelles respond to AMPK and mTOR and affect mitochondrial function

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    © 2022 Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.Smaug is a conserved translational regulator that binds numerous mRNAs, including nuclear transcripts that encode mitochondrial enzymes. Smaug orthologs form cytosolic membrane-less organelles (MLOs) in several organisms and cell types. We have performed single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assays that revealed that SDHB and UQCRC1 mRNAs associate with Smaug1 bodies in U2OS cells. Loss of function of Smaug1 and Smaug2 (also known as SAMD4A and SAMD4B, respectively) affected both mitochondrial respiration and morphology of the mitochondrial network. Phenotype rescue by Smaug1 transfection depends on the presence of its RNA-binding domain. Moreover, we identified specific Smaug1 domains involved in MLO formation, and found that impaired Smaug1 MLO condensation correlates with mitochondrial defects. Mitochondrial complex I inhibition upon exposure to rotenone, but not strong mitochondrial uncoupling upon exposure to CCCP, rapidly induced the dissolution of Smaug1 MLOs. Metformin and rapamycin elicited similar effects, which were blocked by pharmacological inhibition of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Finally, we found that Smaug1 MLO dissolution weakens the interaction with target mRNAs, thus enabling their release. We propose that mitochondrial respiration and the AMPK-mTOR balance controls the condensation and dissolution of Smaug1 MLOs, thus regulating nuclear mRNAs that encode key mitochondrial proteins. This article has an associated First Person interview with the first authors of the paper.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Synaptic control of local translation: the plot thickens with new characters

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