184 research outputs found

    Calcium, Vitamin D, and Health

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    Calcium is the main mineral in the body [...]

    El dopatge en els Jocs Olímpics d'estiu (1968-2008)

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    Introducció i objectius: L’ús de substàncies, fàrmacs i mètodes per millorar el rendiment en el treball o en el món esportiu data de fa segles. Però va ser a partir dels Jocs Olímpics de Mèxic (1968) quan el Comitè Olímpic Internacional va començar a fer controls antidopatge. L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi és analitzar l’evolució dels resultats dels controls antidopatge des del 1968 fins ara.Mètodes: S’ha revisat l’evolució dels casos positius dels Jocs Olímpics d’estiu a través del lloc web oficial del Comitè Olímpic Internacional i l’Agència Mundial Antidopatge, que han estat contrastats amb documents de premsa especialitzada. Resultats: El nombre total de controls antidopatge és de 21.849, i sancionats 94. El nombre més gran de positius (26) va tenir lloc a Atenes 2004. Contràriament, a Moscou 1980 no se’n va trobar cap. A Montreal 1976 es va trobar el percentatge més elevat de positius per controls realitzats (1,40%). Europa és el continent més sancionat per dopatge (62,67%) i els agents anabòlics la substància més utilitzada (46 sancions). El percentatge d’esportistes sotmesos a proves antidopatge ha augmentat considerablement els darrers anys (1996: 18,64%; 2008: 42,86%).Conclusions: A partir del 1980 i fins avui, el nombre de controls antidopatge ha augmentat. La creació de l’Agència Mundial Antidopatge i la seva política de controls podria explicar la disminució del nombre de sancionats en els Jocs Olímpics de Beijing 2008

    El dopaje en los Juegos Olímpicos de verano (1968-2008)

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    Introducción y objetivos: El uso de sustancias, fármacos y métodos para mejorar el rendimiento en el trabajo o en el mundo deportivo data de hace siglos. Sin embargo, fue a partir de los Juegos Olímpicos de México (1968) cuando el Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI) comenzó a realizar controles antidopaje. El principal objetivo de este estudio es analizar la evolución de los resultados de los controles antidopaje desde 1968 hasta la actualidad. Métodos: Se ha revisado la evolución de los casos positivos de los Juegos Olímpicos de verano a través de la página Web Oficial del COI y la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje, siendo contrastados con documentos de prensa especializada. Resultados: El número total de controles antidopaje fue de 21.849, siendo sancionados 94. El mayor número de positivos (26) tuvo lugar en Atenas 2004. Por el contrario, en Moscú 1980 no se encontró ninguno. En Montreal 1976 se halló el mayor porcentaje de positivos por controles realizados (1,40%). Europa es el continente más sancionado por dopaje (62,67%) y los agentes anabolizantes la sustancia más empleada (46 sanciones). El porcentaje de deportistas sometidos a pruebas antidopaje ha aumentado considerablemente en los últimos años (1996: 18,64%; 2008: 42,86%). Conclusiones: A partir de 1980 y hasta la actualidad, el número de controles antidopaje ha aumentado. La creación de la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje y su política de controles podría explicar la disminución del número de sancionados en los Juegos Olímpicos en Beijing 2008

    Prospective physical fitness status and development of cardiometabolic risk in children according to body fat and lifestyle behaviours: The IDEFICS study

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    Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Grant/Award Number: FJCI-2017-34967; Sixth Framework Programme, Grant/Award Number: 016181 FOODThis work was done as part of the IDEFICS study (www.idefics.eu). We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the European Community within the Sixth RTD Framework Programme Contract No. 016181 (FOOD).Background Elevated cardiometabolic risk (CMR) is an important factor for cardiovascular diseases later in life while physical fitness seems to decrease CMR. Objective Thus, the aim of the present study is to assess the association between muscular fitness (MF) and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) on CMR in European children, both cross-sectional and longitudinally. Methods A total of 289 children (49.5% males) from eight European countries, aged 6 to 9, with longitudinal information on blood pressure, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, homoeostasis model assessment, body mass index, data on fitness level, objectively measured physical activity (PA), diet quality, and total screen time were included. A CMR score was calculated and dichotomized. MF and CRF were also dichotomized. Cross-sectional and longitudinal multilevel logistic regressions adjusting for lifestyle behaviours were performed. Results Reaching a high level of MF during childhood as well as remaining in that level over-time were associated with an 82% and 62% lower probability of high CMR at follow-up, respectively. Also, children who became top CRF over time, showed a 77% lower probability (P < 0.05) of being in the highest CMR quartile at follow-up, independently of sociodemographic and lifestyle indicators. Conclusions A high MF at early childhood and during childhood reduces the odds of having CMR. Same occurs with the improvement of CRF during childhood. These findings highlight the importance of enhancing fitness to avoid CMR already in children.Instituto de Salud Carlos III Spanish Government European Commission FJCI-2017-34967European Commission 016181 FOO

    Mobile learning y gamificación en la didáctica de las ciencias experimentales. Diseño de una experiencia innovadora y su aplicación en secundaria

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    El aprendizaje móvil (m-learning) es una metodología en auge que ofrece grandes beneficios en la didáctica, como así lo avalan múltiples autores (Wagner, 2005 y Kukulskab-Hume, 2007) e informes (ISEA, 2009 y JISC Mobile Learning, 2012). La mayor parte de la bibliografía que podemos encontrar, se centra en el ámbito universitario, sin embargo, muchos de estos estudios son plenamente extrapolables a la educación secundaria. A lo largo de este trabajo, vamos a tratar de mostrar las ventajas pedagógicas que nos ofrecen los dispositivos móviles, haciendo especial hincapié en aquellas que pueden tener una mayor relevancia en la docencia de las ciencias experimentales, y en el nivel educativo que nos ocupa. El otro pilar en el que nos vamos a apoyar es la gamificación. Este concepto se define como la aplicación de dinámicas de juego en entornos no lúdicos, con el fin de que los participantes muestren un aumento en la motivación, en la capacidad de esfuerzo y de atención, así como en otras cualidades que generalmente se potencian jugando. Se presenta este documento, dentro de un marco de inicio a la investigación educativa, como una propuesta innovadora que pretende acercar el m-learning y la gamificación a los centros de secundaria. Con tal fin, proponemos el diseño y puesta en práctica de una serie de dinámicas enfocadas a mejorar algunos aspectos didácticos generales (aumentar la participación del alumnado, fomentar el trabajo continuo, favorecer un aprendizaje ubicuo, etc.), y otros más concretos de la asignatura de Biología y Geología (detección de ideas previas, trabajar con el método científico, relacionar los aprendizajes con sus aplicaciones e implicaciones, desarrollar la capacidad argumentativa del alumnado, etc.). Para ello, vamos a realizar en primer lugar, una incursión bibliográfica que determine el marco teórico sobre el que se fundamenta la investigación, y en el que apoyar la propuesta de innovación. Posteriormente, explicaremos el diseño llevado a cabo, así como los resultados de la puesta en práctica de la experiencia. En último lugar, se realizará una pequeña valoración, principalmente cualitativa, que nos indique aquellos aspectos de la propuesta que parecen tener mejores resultados, con el objetivo de poder reorientar una investigación futura de mayor alcance

    Cardiorespiratory fitness and bone turnover markers in adults with metabolic syndrome: the mediator role of inflammation

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    The relationship between inflammatory markers and bone turnover in adults is well known, whilst a negative association between cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and inflammatory markers has also been described. Hence, we tested whether the association between CRF and bone turnover markers is mediated by inflammatory markers in adults with metabolic syndrome. A total of 81 adults (58.5±5.0 yrs, 62.7% women) were included in the analysis. CRF was measured by the six-minute walking test. Serum interleukine (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor alpha, high-sensitivity c-reactive protein (hsCRP) and vascular endothelial growth factor, collagen type I cross-linked C-telopeptide, procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide (P1NP) and total osteocalcin were assessed using a sensitive ELISA kit. Body composition was assessed by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Partial correlation was used to test the relationship between CRF, inflammatory markers and bone turnover markers, controlling for sex, lean mass and fat mass. Boot-strapped mediation procedures were performed and indirect effects with confidence intervals not including zero were interpreted as statistically significant. CRF was positively correlated with P1NP levels (r=0.228, p=0.044) and osteocalcin levels (r=0.296, p=0.009). Furthermore, CRF was positively correlated with IL-1β levels (r=0.340, p=0.002) and negatively correlated with hsCRP levels (r=-0.335, p=0.003), whereas IL-1β levels were positively correlated with P1NP levels (r=0.245, p=0.030) and hsCRP levels were negatively correlated with P1NP levels (r=-0.319, p=0.004). Finally, the association between CRF and P1NP levels was totally mediated by hsCRP (PM=39.9). Therefore, CRF benefits on bone formation could be dependent on hsCRP concentrations in this population.Heart and Diseases Foundation (Fondation 234 Coeur et Artères) 59200 Loos, Franc

    Epidemiology of injuries in First Division Spanish football

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    Abstract The aim was to examine the injuries sustained by Spanish football players in the First Division and to compare injury-related variables in the context of both competition and training. The injury data were prospectively collected from 16 teams (427 players) using a specific web-based survey during the 2008/2009 season. A total of 1293 injuries were identified (145 were recurring injuries). The overall injury incidence was 5.65 injuries per 1000 h of exposure. Injuries were much more common during competition than during training (43.53 vs. 3.55 injuries per 1000 h of exposure, P menor que 0.05). Most of the injuries (89.6%) involved the lower extremities, and overuse (65.7%) was the main cause. Muscle and tendon injuries were the most common types of injury (53.8%) among the players. The incidence of training injuries was greater during the pre-season and tended to decrease throughout the season, while the incidence of competition injuries increased throughout the season (all P menor que 0.05). In conclusion, the results of this study suggest the need for injury prevention protocols in the First Division of the Spanish Football League to reduce the number of overuse injuries in the muscles and tendons in the lower extremities. In addition, special attention should be paid during the pre-season and the competitive phase II (the last four months of the season) in order to prevent training and competition injuries, respectively

    Speed, agility, and musculoskeletal fitness are independently associated with areal bone mineral density in children

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    Background: There is still little understanding of the associations between physical fitness variables and bone health in children taking into account key confounders. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the associations between performance in tests of speed, agility, and musculoskeletal fitness (power of the upper and lower limbs) with bone mass of different regions in children, considering the adjustment to maturity-offset, lean percentage, and sex. Methods: Cross-sectional study design: the sample consisted of 160 children aged 6–11 years. The physical fitness variables tested were 1) speed, assessed with the running test at a maximum speed of 20 m; 2) agility, assessed through the 4×4-m square test; 3) lower limb power, assessed using the standing long jump test, and 4) upper limb power, assessed using the 2-kg medicine ball throw test. Areal bone mineral density (aBMD) was obtained from the analysis of body composition by dualenergy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Simple and multiple linear regression models were performed using the SPSS software. Results: In the crude regression analyses, the results indicated a linear relationship between all the physical fitness variables and aBMD in all body segments, but maturity-offset, sex, and lean mass percentage seemed to have an effect on these relationships. Except for the upper limb power, the other physical capacities (speed, agility, and lower limb power) were associated with aBMD in at least three body regions in the adjusted analyses. These associations occurred in the spine, hip, and leg regions, and the aBMD of the legs presented the best association magnitude (R2 ). Conclusion: There is a significant association between speed, agility, and musculoskeletal fitness, specifically the lower limb power and aBMD. That is, the aBMD is a good indicator of the relationship between fitness and bone mass in children, but it is essential to consider specific fitness variables and skeletal regions

    Diacutaneous fibrolysis intervention in patients with mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome may avoid severe cases in elderly: A randomized controlled trial

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    Producción CientíficaBackground: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) mainly affects adults of working age. The prevalence of severe cases is higher in elderly patients (>65 years old). Clinical guidelines recommend conservative treatment as the best option in the initial stages of CTS to avoid severe cases. Diacutaneous Fibrolysis (DF) has demonstrated to improve nerve conduction studies and mechanosensitivity. The main purpose was to quantify changes in the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the median nerve, transversal carpal ligament (TCL) thickness, numbness intensity, and the subjective assessment of clinical change after DF treatment in patients with CTS. Methods: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial was designed. A number of 44 patients (60 wrists) with CTS were randomized to the DF group or the sham group. CSA and TCL thickness variables were registered by ultrasound. Clinical variables were assessed by the visual analogue scale and GROC scale. SPSS version 24.0 for MAC was used for statistical analysis. The group by time interaction between groups was analyzed using two-way repeated measures analysis of variance. Results: The DF group reduced CSA with a mean of 0.45 mm2 (IC 95% 0.05 to 0.86) and TCL thickness with a mean reduction of 0.4 mm (IC 95% 0.6 to 2.1) compared to the sham group (p < 0.01, p < 0,03, respectively). Additionally, the DF group decreased the numbness intensity with a mean reduction of 3.47 (IC 95% 2.50 to 4.44, p < 0.01) and showed a statistically significant improvement on the GROC scale (p < 0.01). Conclusions: DF treatment may significantly reduce CSA and TCL thickness, numbness intensity, and improved clinical perspective. DF applied in patients with mild to moderate CTS may prevent the progression of the disease as they age