10 research outputs found

    Deconstructing a pastoralists' network to evaluate climate adaptation in the sector : a case study of Narok, Kenya

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    This work was carried out under the Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA), with financial support from the UK Government’s Department for International Development (DfID) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada.This study seeks to deconstruct the pastoralist network of Narok County in Kenya to clearly identify the role of each actor and document inherent challenges in relation to adaptation knowledge transmission. To accomplish this, we use the Ecosystem Service Governance (ESG) approach, which primarily uses mathematical indices based on social network theory to analyse Narok’s pastoral resource governance. In particular, we chose centralisation and structural hole indices to reveal major network actors and missing links that are hindering information flows across the network. To strengthen the analytical aspect of this approach, additional secondary data such as monetary value may be included. Social network analysis (SNA) revealed eight key actors responsible for linking most of the actors in Narok

    Decolonizing climate change–heritage research

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    Climate change poses a threat to heritage globally. Decolonial approaches to climate change–heritage research and practice can begin to address systemic inequities, recognize the breadth of heritage and strengthen adaptation action globally.DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: The underlying dataset for Fig. 1a is available open access from the supplemental material in ref. 5, and datasets for Fig. 1b,c from the UNESCO World Heritage List 2021 in ref. 32.The UK government’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada; the FLAIR Fellowship Programme: a partnership between the African Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society funded by the UK government’s Global Challenges Research Fund; the Mapping Africa’s Endangered Archaeological Sites and Monuments project funded by Arcadia — a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin; the Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Training Scheme, hosted by Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute at the University of Southampton.https://www.nature.com/nclimatehj2023Historical and Heritage Studie

    Déclaration sur l’approche par l’archéologie sociale du changement climatique

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    Manifiesto sobre Arqueología Social del Cambio Climático aprobado en la Cumbre SACC celebrada en Kiel. Aprobado y firmado el 6 de septiembre de 2021.[ES] El SACC es un grupo independiente, constituido en Kiel, de investigadores e investigadoras que trabajan sobre cambio climático. El objetivo de SACC es reunir científicos y científicas internacionales y representantes de importantes organizaciones internacionales de las áreas de arqueología, paleoecología y gestión del patrimonio para con el fin de discutir y evaluar la contribución de la investigación arqueológica y paleo-ecológica para comprender la interrelación entre el cambio social, el cultural, el ecológico y el climático. Pretendemos resaltar cómo la arqueología, a través del estudio de la conducta adaptativa en el pasado, es capaz de reforzar tanto la resiliencia socio-ecológica de nuestras sociedades, como su capacidad adaptativa ante el actual cambio climático. Además, pretendemos contribuir a la comprensión del impacto del cambio climático en los yacimientos y sitios arqueológicos y patrimoniales, así como en los paisajes culturales, los museos, las colecciones y archivos patrimoniales. SACC celebrará cumbres cada dos años y emitirá una declaración o manifiesto al término de cada una de ellas. S ACC está organizada por un comité interino presidido por las personas convocantes del SACC 1.[EN] SACC is an independent group of researchers working on climate change in the past constituted in Kiel. The aim of SACC is to bring together international scientists and representatives of important international organisations in the fields of archaeology, paleoecology and heritage management to discuss and evaluate the contribution of archaeological and paleo-ecological research to understand the link between social, cultural, ecological and climatic change; and to highlight how archaeology, through the study of past adaptive behaviour, is able to enhance socio-ecological resilience of societies as well as their adaptive capacity to current climate change; furthermore, to contribute to the understanding of the impact of climate change on archaeological and heritage sites as well as on cultural landscapes, museums, collections, and archives. SACC will hold its summit every second year with a declaration at the end of each summit. SACC is organized by a steering committee chaired by the SACC 1 organisers.[FR] Le SACC est un groupe indépendant de chercheurs travaillant sur le changement climatique dans le passé, qui s’est formé à Kiel. L’objectif du S ACC est de réunir des scientifiques internationaux et des représentants d’organisations internationales importantes dans les domaines de l’archéologie, de la paléoécologie et de la gestion du patrimoine. Il a pour objectif de discuter et d’évaluer la contribution de la recherche archéologique et paléo-écologique à la compréhension du lien entre les changements sociaux, culturels, écologiques et climatiques et de souligner comment l’archéologie, par l’étude du comportement adaptatif du passé, est capable d’améliorer la résilience socioécologique des sociétés ainsi que leur capacité d’adaptation au changement climatique actuel. En outre, il contribue à la compréhension de l’impact du changement climatique sur les sites archéologiques et patrimoniaux ainsi que sur les paysages culturels, les musées, les collections et les archives. Le SACC tiendra son conseil tous les deux ans avec une déclaration à la fin de chaque conseil. Il est organisé par un comité de pilotage présidé par les organisateurs de SACC 1.Peer reviewe

    Deconstructing a pastoralists’ network to evaluate climate adaptation in the sector : a case study of Narok, Kenya

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    The study confirms that through its agencies (the National Drought Management Authority and the Agricultural Sector Development Support Programme) the government is actively involved in addressing challenges facing the pastoralism sector in Kenya. However, the county disaster management strategy needs to be enhanced. Through strengthening policy and diversifying current prevention and recovery strategies, these actions will reduce the probability of increasing poverty among pastoralists in in Kenya. The livestock sector in the drylands accounts for 90% of employment and more than 95% of family incomes and livelihood security.UK Government’s Department for International Development (DfID

    Water supply risks and urban responses under a changing climate: A case study of Hong Kong

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    Hong Kong is often portrayed as a water abundant city because of its location in the subtropical zone. However, Hong Kong currently imports large volumes from the Dongjiang-Shenzhen Water Supply Project (DSWS Project) due to low local freshwater availability. The water situation is becoming more complicated with the popula-tion growth, economic development and difficulties in response/management. In addition, studies show that climate change is likely to increase rainfall variability, flood and drought events and damage water supply infrastructure in Hong Kong. Hence, ensuring sufficient freshwater availability is the major water management challenge for Hong Kong. This article discusses the issues in the current water supply system and also highlights the six interrelated risks within the context of climate change, namely: drought, rainstorm/flood events, sea-level rise, water pollution, social management and policy gaps in Hong Kong. In conclusion, it suggests that for a sustainable future, Honk Kong needs to invest in improving water self-sufficiency, diversify water sources and conduct aggressive public awareness to increase individual adaptation to predicted climate change impacts

    Decolonizing climate change-heritage research

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    Climate change poses a threat to heritage globally. Decolonial approaches to climate change–heritage research and practice can begin to address systemic inequities, recognize the breadth of heritage and strengthen adaptation action globally

    Task shifting roles, interventions and outcomes for kidney and cardiovascular health service delivery among African populations: a scoping review

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    Abstract Background Human resources for health (HRH) shortages are a major limitation to equitable access to healthcare. African countries have the most severe shortage of HRH in the world despite rising communicable and non-communicable disease (NCD) burden. Task shifting provides an opportunity to fill the gaps in HRH shortage in Africa. The aim of this scoping review is to evaluate task shifting roles, interventions and outcomes for addressing kidney and cardiovascular (CV) health problems in African populations. Methods We conducted this scoping review to answer the question: “what are the roles, interventions and outcomes of task shifting strategies for CV and kidney health in Africa?” Eligible studies were selected after searching MEDLINE (Ovid), Embase (Ovid), CINAHL, ISI Web of Science, and Africa journal online (AJOL). We analyzed the data descriptively. Results Thirty-three studies, conducted in 10 African countries (South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Malawi, Rwanda, and Uganda) were eligible for inclusion. There were few randomized controlled trials (n = 6; 18.2%), and tasks were mostly shifted for hypertension (n = 27; 81.8%) than for diabetes (n = 16; 48.5%). More tasks were shifted to nurses (n = 19; 57.6%) than pharmacists (n = 6; 18.2%) or community health workers (n = 5; 15.2%). Across all studies, the most common role played by HRH in task shifting was for treatment and adherence (n = 28; 84.9%) followed by screening and detection (n = 24; 72.7%), education and counselling (n = 24; 72.7%), and triage (n = 13; 39.4%). Improved blood pressure levels were reported in 78.6%, 66.7%, and 80.0% for hypertension-related task shifting roles to nurses, pharmacists, and CHWs, respectively. Improved glycaemic indices were reported as 66.7%, 50.0%, and 66.7% for diabetes-related task shifting roles to nurses, pharmacists, and CHWs, respectively. Conclusion Despite the numerus HRH challenges that are present in Africa for CV and kidney health, this study suggests that task shifting initiatives can improve process of care measures (access and efficiency) as well as identification, awareness and treatment of CV and kidney disease in the region. The impact of task shifting on long-term outcomes of kidney and CV diseases and the sustainability of NCD programs based on task shifting remains to be determined