101 research outputs found

    Ponašanje nalik ADHD-u u potomaka ženki štakora izloženih niskim dozama klorpirifosa prije trudnoće

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    The aim of this study was to investigate how chronic low-dose chlorpyrifos exposure of female Wistar rats before and during pregnancy affects behavioural parameters in their offspring. Four months before pregnancy, we exposed three groups of rats to chlorpyrifos doses of 5, 10, and 15 mg kg-1 body weight every day for 30 days, whereas one group received a single 30 mg kg-1 dose on gestational day 6. When the offspring of the exposed rats grew up, we studied their anxiety rate, motor activity, and cognitive abilities using the respective behavioural tests: open field test, dark/light box, and the extrapolation escape test. The offspring of rats exposed before pregnancy had significantly higher activity rate than controls, and even showed motor agitation and hyperactivity signs. The offspring of rats exposed to the single dose had difficulties solving the extrapolation escape test and showed poorer short- and long-term memory performance. This confirmed that even pre-pregnancy chlorpyrifos exposure can cause neurobehavioral consequences in offspring. Even though the mechanisms of the observed changes remain unclear and need further investigation, these data seem alarming and may serve as an important argument for revising the terms of safe pesticide use.Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati kako izloženost ženki Wistar štakora niskim, kroničnim dozama klorpirifosa prije i tijekom trudnoće utječe na parametre ponašanja njihovih potomaka. Četiri mjeseca prije trudnoće tri su skupine štakorica 30 dana primale klorpirifos u dnevnim dozama od 5, 10 i 15 mg kg-1 tjelesne mase, a jedna je skupina primila jednokratnu dozu od 30 mg kg-1 šestog dana gestacije. Kad je mladunčad odrasla, bihevioralnim testovima otvorenog polja, testom tamne/svijetle komore i ekstrapolacijskim testom bijega izmjerili smo njihovu razinu tjeskobe, motoričke aktivnosti i kognitivne sposobnosti. Mladunci ženki izloženih prije trudnoće iskazali su značajno više razine aktivnosti od kontrolne skupine, napose motoričku agitaciju i znakove hiperaktivnosti. Mladunci ženki izloženih jednokratnoj dozi imali su poteškoća u rješavanju ekstrapolacijskoga testa bijega te su iskazali slabije kratkoročno i dugoročno pamćenje. Naši su rezultati pokazali da izloženost klorpirifosu prije trudnoće može uzrokovati neurobihevioralne poremećaje u mladunčadi. Premda istraživanjem nismo uspjeli utvrditi mehanizme uočenih promjena, ova su saznanja uznemirujuća i mogu poslužiti kao snažan argument za ponovno promišljanje o ograničenjima u primjeni pesticida

    Гендерна проблематика в сучасних філософських текстах українських дослідників (Gender Problems in Modern Philosophicstudies in the Texts of Ukrainian Scientists)

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    У статті аналізується стан досліджень з філософії генде- ру та фемінізму у сучасній вітчизняній філософії. Акцентується увага на недоліках, досягненнях та перспективах досліджень з вказаної проблематики. Проводяться аналогії з наявними західноєвропейськими дослідженнями з вказаної тематики. (The state of study of the philosophy of gender and feminism in the modern Ukrainian philosophy is analyzed. The main attention is paid to the lacks, achievements as well as perspectives of the studies of these problems. The comparisons to the actual WestEuropean studies of the theme are also done. Gender studies entered the Ukrainian scientific discourse in the post-soviet time, so they already have own history. This history man can denote as a separate way of studies under the conditional name «Gender and Feminist thought of the time of modern independent Ukraine». It is necessary to underline, that in Ukrainian scientific space gender and feminist studies are formed as two independent subjects, meanwhile in the West-European humanitarian discourse gender studies are part the feminist discourse. It can be explained not at least with the fact that in the humanities of soviet time there was no such subject of scientific analysis as Feminism at all. During the years of Independence gender problems became the themes of the dissertations, but their part in the common mass of the promoted scientific works stays small. With the Ukrainians’ choice of the European Integration as well as in wider civilization context which lead to the implementation of gender problems in the studying in Ukraine it is necessary to do an overview of all done to this subject in the Ukrainian humanitarian discourse, in particular in the philosophic texts of the Ukrainian researchers. In this article we don’t put an aim to do a full review of the existing works, because it was already partly done by its author in the row of her previous publications, but accentuate the main tendencies in the studying of gender questions.

    Intravascular Large B-Cell Lymphoma (IVLBCL) Presenting with CNS Involvement in Patient with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

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    Background: Intravascular lymphoma (IVL) is a rare, often fatal disease characterized by intraluminal proliferation of lymphoid cells within blood vessels. Intravascular Large B-Cell Lymphoma (IVLBCL) is frequently found in different organs, but the skin and central nervous system (CNS) are the most affected ones.Peer reviewe

    The significance of clinico-pathological and molecular sub-groups in Malignant Rhabdoid Tumours

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    Ph. D. ThesisIntroduction Malignant Rhabdoid Tumours (MRT) are aggressive early childhood tumours characterised by biallelic inactivation of SMARCB1. Having the potential to arise in an array of distinct tissues (CNS-located atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumours, ATRT; extra-cranial rhabdoid tumours, ECRT) they are often treated as distinct entities therapeutically and in clinical/biological studies although emerging sub-groups of MRT have provided new understanding of the disease heterogeneity. Lack of consensus on sub-group number and biology can be seen as a hurdle to future studies. Methods Gene expression and methylation array profiling of primary MRT was performed on clinico-pathologically annotated tumour profiles from UK cancer centres and combined with published MRT data in a meta-analysis. To characterise the common biological features of MRT, regardless of location, differential expression, methylation, gene and pathway analyses were compared to other paediatric embryonal tumour expression and methylation profiles (i.e. Medulloblastoma, Ewings Sarcoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Wilms tumour and Neuroblastoma). Survival analysis was carried out on UK MRT samples to identify novel DNA methylation markers associated with disease outcome. Based on evidence suggesting immune system involvement in at least one MRT subgroup, “methylCibersort” a novel in-silico method was used to estimate immune cell infiltration in a large cohort of pan-CNS tumours including MRT. Results Clustering all MRT together recapitulates the subgroups observed in ATRT alone; broadly overlapping with recently published ATRT and ECRT subgroup models. A putative expanded subgrouping model encompassing all MRT highlights additional heterogeneity and defines novel subgroup characteristics. Subgroup differences were shown to better explain differences in MRT biology than tumour location alone. Survival analysis identified a number of novel survival associations with DNA methylation state. Immune infiltration estimation using methylCibersort identified differences in immune interactions across a large dataset of different CNS tumours, and presented novel prognostic feature. Conclusion MRT is a complex disease owing both to the rarity of the tumour, resulting in lack of comprehensive genomic profiling, and heterogeneity observed in the tumour biology. This thesis presents evidence to support the definition of MRT as a related tumour type with differences arising due to disease subgroups. In addition, a meta-analysis comparing published subgrouping schemes seeks to direct future research by providing a subgroup consensus encompassing all MRT. Novel survival associations and immune infiltration estimates provide new avenues for further research

    Вплив введення низьких доз хлорпірифосу до та під час вагітності на постнатальний розвиток другого покоління щурів

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    Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate pesticide. The main mechanism of its toxicity is acetylcholinesterase inhibition, causing neurological disorders, but it may also affect other body systems. Recently, the effects of pesticide exposure to mothers on deviations in their offspring development are studied actively. In this study, we investigated the effects of chronic chlorpyrifos intoxication of females before fertilization and a single injection of sub-toxic dose of the pesticide at the first trimester of pregnancy on the survival rate of the offspring and parameters of its development at the first 30 postnatal days (weight gain rate, Quetelet body mass index). According to the results, exposure to the highest of presented doses (15 mg / kg daily for 30 days, 4 months prior to pregnancy) caused a statistically significant (compared to control) pups survival decrease, and also a decrease in their body mass indexes, along with a high growth rate. In the other experimental groups, there were similar but less prominent tendencies.Досліджено вплив хронічного введення самицям щурів низьких доз хлорпірифосу до запліднення, а також одноразового введення його субтоксичної дози під час вагітності на виживання та параметри раннього постнатального розвитку потомства (темп набору маси, індекс Кетле). У потомстві самиць, інтоксикованих хлорпірифосом, спостерігалася нижча частка виживання, а також статистично достовірні відмінності за обома індексами маси тіла

    Гражданское общество как один из решающих факторов консолидации украинства постколониального периода

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню громадянського суспільства як згуртувального чинника сучасного українського соціуму. Авторка доводить, що саме громадянське суспільство стало головним фактором впливу на консолідаційні процеси в  постколоніальній Україні, яка опинилась у стані загрозливої державності через агресивні дії з боку Росії. Також розглянуто історичні приклади демократичних перетворень, що впливали на процес виникнення та розвитку громадянського суспільства на етнічних українських землях. Наголошується на тому факті, що в українській історії було чимало викликів, які сприяли зародженню громадянського суспільства на цих територіях. Одним із найяскравіших прикладів стало утвердження у цілій низці міст на автентичних українських землях магдебурзького права. Акцентовано увагу на тих дослідженнях українських філософів, які розглядали вплив магдебурзького права на формування громадянської активності та світогляду вільної особистості. У статті також проаналізовано основні концептуальні моделі громадянського суспільства, вироблені на сьогодні світовою філософією. Наголошується на значенні філософсько-світоглядної компоненти у процесі розвитку та функціонування громадянського суспільства в Україні. Робиться висновок, що найефективнішим консолідуючим чинником для сучасного українського соціуму є функціонування громадянського суспільства та його інституцій.The actual problem of the modern Ukrainian society has been considered in the article. Civil society’s development is a major factor in the consolidation of the community. The consolidation of the Ukrainian postcolonial community is a crucial condition for its further existence as the state. Hybrid War of Russia against Ukraine is threatening its national integrity. The actuality of the issue is determined also by the tasks of the implementation of the stable democracy in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to prove that civil society today is the most important factor, which is uniting the Ukrainian society. Today there are several concepts of the civil society. Many historical challenges have led to the creation of the civil society in these lands. For example, the establishment of the Magdeburg Law on ethnic Ukrainian lands united the cities’ public societies. Principles of life organisation by the Magdeburg Law were organic for Ukrainians. This was caused by a number of factors. In particular, it was the Ukrainian mentality. The Russian colonization of Ukraine destroyed the democratic principles of life in these lands, crashed civil solidarity and influenced the mentality of people. The phenomenon of the civil society is complex and multifaceted. Civil society is a space of the initiative of free citizens and NGOs, independent from the state and business. They willingly assume the responsibility for their maintenance of the social life outside the state and business. Civil society plays special role in postcolonial communities of the transition type. The Ukrainian society is such community now. The events of the Revolution of Dignity, and then the war in the eastern Ukraine have shown that the civil activity of the population by itself, the ability to act effectively and integrally created the conditions for preservation of the independent Ukrainian state. The consolidation of the Ukrainians in the most dangerous times of confrontation with the Kremlin’s neo-empire helped the nation to survive. The philosophical and worldview basis of a modern civil society is the priority of the individual over the state. Civil society is based on the consideration of the individual initiative and on the respect for the individual. The following conclusions have been made in the article: 1) the most effective consolidating factor for the modern Ukrainian society is the functioning of the civil society and its institutions; 2) the process of the identification is extremely important for the consolidation of a community; 3) basis of the civil consolidation process are vital common values.Статья посвящена исследованию гражданского общества как объединяющего фактора для современного украинского социума. Автор статьи доказывает, что именно гражданское общество стало главным фактором влияния на консолидирующие процессы в постколониальной Украине в условиях опасности для существования украинской государственности со стороны России. Также рассмотрены исторические примеры демократических превращений, которые влияли на процесс возникновения и развития гражданского общества на этнических украинских землях. Акцентируется внимание на том, что в украинской истории было немало вызовов, которые содействовали зарождению гражданского общества на этих землях. Одним из ярких примеров стало утверждение в целом ряде городов магдебургского права. Акцентировано внимание на тех исследованиях украинских философов,  которые рассматривали влияние магдебургского права на формирование гражданской  активности и мировоззрения свободной личности. В статье также проанализированы основные концептуальные модели гражданского общества, выработанные мировой философией. Акцентируется внимание на философско-мировоззренческой компоненте в процессе развития и функционирования гражданского общества в Украине. Делается вывод, что наиболее эффективным консолидирующим фактором для современного украинского социума является функционирование гражданского общества и его институтов

    Neurosyphilis Mimicking Herpes Simplex Encephalitis on Magnetic Resonance Imaging : A Case Report

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    Publisher Copyright: © Am J Case Rep.Objective: Rare disease Background: Neurosyphilis is a central nervous system infection caused by Treponema pallidum, that can develop at any time after the initial infection. The clinical signs of neurosyphilis are very variable, as well as its radiological features, and it is a diagnostic challenge. Knowledge of clinical symptoms and correct laboratory diagnostics, combined with routine radiological examination and additional diagnostic tools, such as high-resolution, threedimensional FLAIR sequence, T2-weighted, and T1-weighted contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are key to making an accurate diagnosis of neurosyphilis. Case Report: We present the clinical case of a patient who presented a 1-year history of vague clinical symptoms and was misdiagnosed with herpes simplex virus (HSV) encephalitis. Initial head MRI revealed extensive cerebral white matter lesions with cortical contrast enhancement, mainly of anterior and medial parts of the left temporal lobe, as typically seen in HSV encephalitis. Empirical therapy with acyclovir was started until a diagnosis of syphilis was confirmed with laboratory findings. Later, the therapy was changed to penicillin G. The patient’s condition improved after receiving targeted treatment. A control MRI scan was performed, and previously detected changes in the brain had decreased significantly. Conclusions: MRI is the imaging of choice to support the diagnosis of neurosyphilis. Our findings suggest that neuroimaging can play an important role in indicating suspicion of syphilitic encephalitis. Enhancement of the anterior and medial parts of the temporal lobe is an atypical imaging finding, and it can simulate an infection with HSV. Early treatment is critical to a positive outcome.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    What are the organizational and economic principles of organic farming in the context of sustainable development? Case of Ukraine

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    The development of organic agriculture is a long-term global trend; with different local factors that affect the development rate. Ukraine is one of the largest food suppliers in the world and this also applies to organic production. The evaluation of organic production at Skvyra Organic Research Station was conducted in 2015-2020 on 40 ha land; focusing on the economic performance of the enterprise and the specialization of production. The systematic approach and dialectical method of cognition were used to identify the key factors in the development of organic farming. The purpose of the study is an organizational and economic analysis of a state enterprise that is making a gradual transition from intensive to organic production, in order to determine the main principles that stimulate the development of organic production, and to overcome the challenges faced by the enterprise on the way to the introduction of organic production. The results indicate that the enterprise is profitable but does not operate up to its potential. The key issues were identified in the lack of focus on marketable crops, efficiency of labour, crop production, and management. The enterprise is negatively affected by the current legal framework and insufficient financial stability. The enterprises income consists of selling crops (i.e. cereals, legumes) and service-to-business (i.e. laboratory testing), with no state funding. Further results show the relation of the production and specialization with climatic, natural, biological and socio-economic factors. To improve the organisational and economic framework for the development of organic production, Ukrainian enterprises should focus on cost-effective products. Furthermore, competition between agricultural enterprises should support deeper specialization and production of competitive products, contributing to the profitability and economic stability of producer

    Invasion of Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch in the forest-steppe of Ukraine

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    Research needs of adaptation mechanisms of invasive alien species arises in connection with the naturalization of species of the genus Parthenocissus Planch in forest ecosystems of Ukraine. The results showed that P. quinquefolia has a wide range of values of edaphic and climatic factors. The populations of P. quinquefolia differ according to the degree of anthropogenic transformation of the ecotope, the ecological conditions formed, and the allocation of coenotics. The biomorphological characteristics of the species variability are shown on the gradient of anthropogenic transformation. Diagnostic parameters of P. quinquefolia under the conditions of anthropogenic transformation are the number of crotches of the tendrils and the length of the tendrils. The number of flowers per plant is characterized by the highest level of variation and belongs to the V class of variability. The smallest plasticity is characterized by the diameter of the stem. Vitality analysis indicated that cenopopulations of P. quinquefolia belong to the equilibria or prosperous population types, regardless of the intensity of the anthropogenic factor