15 research outputs found

    The impact of algal toxicity on life-cycle impact assessment of plastic additives and the potential of using QSAR predictions to fill the algae data gap

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    Purpose There is a need to find a quick way to assess the impacts of the growing amount of globally manufactured and emitted chemical substances. This paper evaluates the use of Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships (QSAR) for predicting environmental effects of plastic additives in Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA). It also evaluates the impact on so called Characterization Factors (CF) when including toxicity on algae as opposed to only chordate and arthropod. Method A review concluded that few (39) toxicity data for algae (experimental and QSAR predicted) were available for the 159 plastic additives of concern. To fill the data gap, a QSAR for algal toxicity was constructed that was able to predict toxicity for 54 substances. CFs were calculated and assessed based on; 1. QSAR predicted data for arthropod and chordate, 2. QSAR predicted data for arthropod, chordate and algae and 3. Experimental data for all three phyla. Results and discussion CFs could be calculated considering algal toxicity for totally 97 out of the 159 substances. Algae were overall less sensitive to the substances leading to lower CFs when it was included. The correlation between the effect data of algae and the other two phyla was very small resulting in an altered internal rank when algal data was included. Conclusions & recommendations - The sensitivity of the species varied both between phyla and between substances. - The inclusion of algal effect data did alter the internal rank of the resulting CFs although not extensively. - Algae generally exhibited lower sensitivity to the additives. Not including algae in LCIA studies might therefore result in more conservative CFs.AnvĂ€ndning av QSAR vid screening av kemikalier - besparar oss tid, pengar och djurs lidande Spridning av kemikalier i miljön Ă€r ett vĂ€xande globalt problem. För att snabbt kunna minska eller byta ut de kemikalier som utgör störst hot mot mĂ€nniskor och miljö mĂ„ste man först identifiera de mest skadliga. Detta Ă€r dock ingen enkel uppgift eftersom modellerna man anvĂ€nder krĂ€ver stora mĂ€ngder data som ofta inte finns tillgĂ€nglig. QSAR-metodik kan vara en lösning pĂ„ problemet. KaraktĂ€riseringsmodeller som anvĂ€nds för att ge ett mĂ„tt pĂ„ kemikaliers ”giftighet” krĂ€ver en mĂ€ngd fysiokemisk data som t.ex. vattenlöslighet, molekylvikt, nedbrytningshastiget m.m. ”USEtox” som Ă€r den modell som anvĂ€nts i den hĂ€r studien krĂ€ver dessutom uppgifter pĂ„ toxicitet för arter inom minst tre olika fyla (stammar). För akvatisk toxicitet vill man, baserat pĂ„ EU-direktiv, helst anvĂ€nda fisk, djurplankton och alger. Det har dock visat sig vara ont om akvatisk toxicitetsdata, speciellt pĂ„ alger. Det Ă€r hĂ€r anvĂ€ndandet av QSAR-modeller kommer in. QSAR stĂ„r för Quantitative stucture-activity relationship och bygger pĂ„ antagandet att kemikalier med liknande struktur har liknande aktivitet. Inom toxikologin anvĂ€nder man sig av QSAR genom att ”trĂ€na” modeller med vĂ€rden pĂ„ kemikalier med kĂ€nda toxiska effekter och sedan lĂ„ta modellerna förutspĂ„ effekten hos andra kemikalier. Metoden kan spara bĂ„de tid och pengar samt minska behoven av att testa pĂ„ djur. Studien som gjorts hade följaktligen tvĂ„ syften; det ena var att se hur vĂ€l QSAR prediktioner kan ersĂ€tta testade toxicitetsvĂ€rden, det andra var att se hur viktigt det egentligen Ă€r att inkludera algdata eftersom den Ă€r sĂ„ otillrĂ€cklig. Studien En jĂ€mförande studie gjordes pĂ„ 159 kemikalier som anvĂ€nds som tillsatser i plast. Med hjĂ€lp av tre olika dataset togs karaktĂ€riserings faktorier (KF), som alltsĂ„ Ă€r ett sammanlagt mĂ„tt pĂ„ ”giftighet”, fram i USEtox modellen. Dataset (DS) 1 och 2 innehöll toxicitetsdata framtagen med QSAR; DS 1; utan alg och DS 2; med alg. DS 3 innehöll experimentellt framtagen data. Först jĂ€mfördes KF som baserat pĂ„ DS 1 och 2 (med och utan algdata) och sedan jĂ€mfördes dessa med KF som baserats pĂ„ experimentell data (DS 3). Resultaten visade att dĂ„ algdata var inkluderad blev KF generellt lĂ€gre, alltsĂ„ kemikalien fick en lĂ€gre prioritering jĂ€mfört vad den fick utan algdata. Man kunde ocksĂ„ se att grunden till detta var att alg generellt klarade högre doser av de flesta av kemikalierna Ă€n de andra arterna. NĂ€r KF som baserats pĂ„ experimentella vĂ€rden jĂ€mfördes med KF baserade pĂ„ QSAR visade det sig att det fanns positiva samband samt att QSAR-baserade vĂ€rden dĂ€r alg var inkluderad var mer lika de KF som baserats pĂ„ experimentella vĂ€rden. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att kĂ€nsligheten mellan arter och fyla kan skilja sig Ă„t och belyser vikten av att inkludera arter med olika biologi för att kunna göra korrekta bedömningar och prioriteringar för kemikalier. Den visar ocksĂ„ att QSAR tycks vara ett bra alternativ dĂ„ experimentell data inte finns tillgĂ€nglig. Det krĂ€vs dĂ€remot mer omfattande studier för att kunna dra nĂ„gra sĂ€kra slutsatser. Hur bra prediktioner en QSAR-modell gör beror ocksĂ„ pĂ„ om det Ă€r en generell modell eller mer specifik. De mer specifika modellerna gör oftast mer sĂ€kra bedömningar men kan Ă„ andra sidan inte anvĂ€ndas för sĂ„ varierande Ă€mnen

    SkogsvÄrdslagen och den biologiska mÄngfalden

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    SkogsvÄrdslagen Àr en författning som gÀller parallellt med miljöbalken. Lagen Àr uppbyggd kring att produktions- och miljömÄl ska vara likvÀrdiga. I praktiken ser det annorlunda ut dÄ produktionsintresset ofta överordnas miljöintresset, vilket resulterar i att den biologiska mÄngfalden i skogslandskapet blir lidande. SVL stÀller fÄ krav pÄ skogsÀgarna. Myndigheternas strategi Àr att med rÄdgivning och ökad kunskap hos skogsÀgarna skydda skogen. AvsÀttning av skogsmark för naturvÄrd ska i första hand ske frivilligt av skogsÀgarna, i andra hand gÄr staten in och skyddar skogen formellt. Detta Àr dyrt eftersom det inskrÀnker rÀtten att bruka marken och dÀrmed mÄste skogsÀgaren ersÀttas. Myndigheterna saknar ofta ekonomiska resurser för att skydda vÀrdefull skog. Före avverkning av skog mÄste skogsÀgaren göra en anmÀlan till skogsstyrelsen innehÄllande en redogörelse för vilka naturvÄrdsÄtgÀrder som ska vidtas, dock Àr kraven pÄ ÄtgÀrderna inte sÀrskilt höga. För att förbÀttra naturvÄrden borde det finnas krav pÄ att skogsbrukaren ska utbilda sig och det borde införas belöningar för skogsÀgare som brukar skogen pÄ ett hÄllbart sÀtt. StrÀngare straff och mer specifika bestÀmmelser skulle ocksÄ gynna den biologiska mÄngfalden

    Ventilatory Chaos Is Impaired in Carotid Atherosclerosis

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    Ventilatory chaos is strongly linked to the activity of central pattern generators, alone or influenced by respiratory or cardiovascular afferents. We hypothesized that carotid atherosclerosis should alter ventilatory chaos through baroreflex and autonomic nervous system dysfunctions. Chaotic dynamics of inspiratory flow was prospectively evaluated in 75 subjects undergoing carotid ultrasonography: 27 with severe carotid stenosis (>70%), 23 with moderate stenosis (<70%), and 25 controls. Chaos was characterized by the noise titration method, the correlation dimension and the largest Lyapunov exponent. Baroreflex sensitivity was estimated in the frequency domain. In the control group, 92% of the time series exhibit nonlinear deterministic chaos with positive noise limit, whereas only 68% had a positive noise limit value in the stenoses groups. Ventilatory chaos was impaired in the groups with carotid stenoses, with significant parallel decrease in the noise limit value, correlation dimension and largest Lyapunov exponent, as compared to controls. In multiple regression models, the percentage of carotid stenosis was the best in predicting the correlation dimension (p<0.001, adjusted R2: 0.35) and largest Lyapunov exponent (p<0.001, adjusted R2: 0.6). Baroreflex sensitivity also predicted the correlation dimension values (p = 0.05), and the LLE (p = 0.08). Plaque removal after carotid surgery reversed the loss of ventilatory complexity. To conclude, ventilatory chaos is impaired in carotid atherosclerosis. These findings depend on the severity of the stenosis, its localization, plaque surface and morphology features, and is independently associated with baroreflex sensitivity reduction. These findings should help to understand the determinants of ventilatory complexity and breathing control in pathological conditions

    Does history teaching and history teaching material break or contribute to gender schemes in society?

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    Does history teaching and history teaching material break or contribute to gender schemes in society?

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    Does women and men contribute to the fight for the swedish democratication in history text books aimed for the new curriculum Lgr 22?

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    The purpose of this thesis is to research how feminine and masculine identities are constructed in history textbooks aimed for upper primary school students through different gender constructions. We have used Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis to analyse the chapters covering the democratic development in Sweden in four different textbooks from two different publishers. Two of them are aimed at the curriculum for the compulsory school Lgr 2011, and two for the curriculum for the compulsory school Lgr 2022. We want to investigate how history textbooks aimed for the 2022 curriculum present gender structures during Sweden’s democratic development 1870-1921, compared to textbooks meant for the previous curriculum. Our findings conclude that even though more women are mentioned in the later versions and have moved from picture descriptions into the actual text, they are still presented as addition to men and not as the protagonists of the historical events.

    Does women and men contribute to the fight for the swedish democratication in history text books aimed for the new curriculum Lgr 22?

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    The purpose of this thesis is to research how feminine and masculine identities are constructed in history textbooks aimed for upper primary school students through different gender constructions. We have used Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis to analyse the chapters covering the democratic development in Sweden in four different textbooks from two different publishers. Two of them are aimed at the curriculum for the compulsory school Lgr 2011, and two for the curriculum for the compulsory school Lgr 2022. We want to investigate how history textbooks aimed for the 2022 curriculum present gender structures during Sweden’s democratic development 1870-1921, compared to textbooks meant for the previous curriculum. Our findings conclude that even though more women are mentioned in the later versions and have moved from picture descriptions into the actual text, they are still presented as addition to men and not as the protagonists of the historical events.