810 research outputs found

    R\'enyi entropy of a line in two-dimensional Ising models

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    We consider the two-dimensional (2d) Ising model on a infinitely long cylinder and study the probabilities pip_i to observe a given spin configuration ii along a circular section of the cylinder. These probabilities also occur as eigenvalues of reduced density matrices in some Rokhsar-Kivelson wave-functions. We analyze the subleading constant to the R\'enyi entropy Rn=1/(1n)ln(ipin)R_n=1/(1-n) \ln (\sum_i p_i^n) and discuss its scaling properties at the critical point. Studying three different microscopic realizations, we provide numerical evidence that it is universal and behaves in a step-like fashion as a function of nn, with a discontinuity at the Shannon point n=1n=1. As a consequence, a field theoretical argument based on the replica trick would fail to give the correct value at this point. We nevertheless compute it numerically with high precision. Two other values of the R\'enyi parameter are of special interest: n=1/2n=1/2 and n=n=\infty are related in a simple way to the Affleck-Ludwig boundary entropies associated to free and fixed boundary conditions respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. To be submitted to Physical Review

    Phase transition in the R\'enyi-Shannon entropy of Luttinger liquids

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    The R\'enyi-Shannon entropy associated to critical quantum spins chain with central charge c=1c=1 is shown to have a phase transition at some value ncn_c of the R\'enyi parameter nn which depends on the Luttinger parameter (or compactification radius R). Using a new replica-free formulation, the entropy is expressed as a combination of single-sheet partition functions evaluated at nn- dependent values of the stiffness. The transition occurs when a vertex operator becomes relevant at the boundary. Our numerical results (exact diagonalizations for the XXZ and J1J2J_1-J_2 models) are in agreement with the analytical predictions: above nc=4/R2n_c=4/R^2 the subleading and universal contribution to the entropy is ln(L)(R21)/(4n4)\ln(L)(R^2-1)/(4n-4) for open chains, and ln(R)/(1n)\ln(R)/(1-n) for periodic ones (R=1 at the free fermion point). The replica approach used in previous works fails to predict this transition and turns out to be correct only for n<ncn<n_c. From the point of view of two-dimensional Rokhsar-Kivelson states, the transition reveals a rich structure in the entanglement spectra.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    R\'enyi entanglement entropies in quantum dimer models : from criticality to topological order

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    Thanks to Pfaffian techniques, we study the R\'enyi entanglement entropies and the entanglement spectrum of large subsystems for two-dimensional Rokhsar-Kivelson wave functions constructed from a dimer model on the triangular lattice. By including a fugacity tt on some suitable bonds, one interpolates between the triangular lattice (t=1) and the square lattice (t=0). The wave function is known to be a massive Z2\mathbb Z_2 topological liquid for t>0t>0 whereas it is a gapless critical state at t=0. We mainly consider two geometries for the subsystem: that of a semi-infinite cylinder, and the disk-like setup proposed by Kitaev and Preskill [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 110404 (2006)]. In the cylinder case, the entropies contain an extensive term -- proportional to the length of the boundary -- and a universal sub-leading constant sn(t)s_n(t). Fitting these cylinder data (up to a perimeter of L=32 sites) provides sns_n with a very high numerical accuracy (10910^{-9} at t=1 and 10610^{-6} at t=0.5t=0.5). In the topological Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 liquid phase we find sn(t>0)=ln2s_n(t>0)=-\ln 2, independent of the fugacity tt and the R\'enyi parameter nn. At t=0 we recover a previously known result, sn(t=0)=(1/2)ln(n)/(n1)s_n(t=0)=-(1/2)\ln(n)/(n-1) for n1n1. In the disk-like geometry -- designed to get rid of the boundary contributions -- we find an entropy snKP(t>0)=ln2s^{\rm KP}_n(t>0)=-\ln 2 in the whole massive phase whatever n>0n>0, in agreement with the result of Flammia {\it et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 261601 (2009)]. Some results for the gapless limit RnKP(t0)R^{\rm KP}_n(t\to 0) are discussed.Comment: 33 pages, 17 figures, minor correction

    Preserving Partial Solutions while Relaxing Constraint Networks

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    International audienceThis paper is about transforming constraint net- works to accommodate additional constraints in specific ways. The focus is on two intertwined issues. First, we investigate how partial solutions to an initial network can be preserved from the potential impact of additional constraints. Second, we study how more permissive constraints, which are intended to enlarge the set of solutions, can be accommodated in a constraint network. These two problems are studied in the general case and the light is shed on their relationship. A case study is then investigated where a more permissive additional constraint is taken into account through a form of network relaxation, while some previous partial solutions are preserved at the same time

    A CSP solver focusing on FAC variables

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    International audienceThe contribution of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, it introduces a concept of FAC variables in discrete Constraint Satisfaction Prob- lems (CSPs). FAC variables can be discovered by local search techniques and powerfully exploited by MAC-based methods. On the other hand, a novel syn- ergetic combination schema between local search paradigms, generalized arc- consistency and MAC-based algorithms is presented. By orchestrating a multiple- way flow of information between these various fully integrated search compo- nents, it often proves more competitive than the usual techniques on most classes of instances


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    International audienceThis paper is concerned with a form of relaxation of constraint networks. The focus is on situations where additional constraints are intended to extend a non- empty set of preexisting solutions. These constraints require a speci c treatment since merely inserting them inside the network would lead to their preemption by more restrictive ones. Several approaches to handle these additional constraints are investigated from con- ceptual and experimental points of view

    Physically Based Rigid Registration of 3-D Free-Form Objects : application to Medical Imaging

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    The registration of 3-D objects is an important problem in computer vision and especially in medical imaging. It arises when data acquired by different sensors and/or at different times have to be fused. Under the basic assumption that the objects to be registered are rigid, the problem is to recover the six parameters of a rigid transformation. If landmarks or common characteristics % between both objects to register are not available, the problem has to be solved by an iterative method. However such methods are inevitably attracted to local minima. This paper presents a novel iterative method designed for the rigid registration of 3-D objects. Its originality lies in its physical basis: instead of minimizing an energy function with respect to the parameters of the rigid transformation (the classical approach) the minimization is achieved by studying the motion of a rigid object in a potential field. In particular, we consider the kinetic energy of the solid during the registration process, which allows it to «jump over» some local maxima of the potential energy and so avoid some local minima of that energy. We present extensive experimental results on real 3-D medical images. In this particular application, we perform the matching process with the whole segmented volumes

    Shannon and entanglement entropies of one- and two-dimensional critical wave functions

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    We study the Shannon entropy of the probability distribution resulting from the ground-state wave function of a one-dimensional quantum model. This entropy is related to the entanglement entropy of a Rokhsar-Kivelson-type wave function built from the corresponding two-dimensional classical model. In both critical and massive cases, we observe that it is composed of an extensive part proportional to the length of the system and a subleading universal constant S_0. In c=1 critical systems (Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids), we find that S_0 is a simple function of the boson compactification radius. This finding is based on a field-theoretical analysis of the Dyson-Gaudin gas related to dimer and Calogero-Sutherland models. We also performed numerical demonstrations in the dimer models and the spin-1/2 XXZ chain. In a massive (crystal) phase, S_0 is related to the ground-state degeneracy. We also examine this entropy in the Ising chain in a transverse field as an example showing a c=1/2 critical point.Comment: 23 pages, 19 figures, to be published in Physical Review