9 research outputs found

    Psychology in Education and Health- Proceedings of the II Leipzig-Évora Scientific Meeting in Psychology

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    This ebook contains several papers on the application applied psychology in education, health and well-being, personality,family interactions and emotional and epistemological development.The aim of this volume is to inform the scientific community on the research on Psychology mainly made at Évora and Leipzig Universities, but also in other contexts like Mexico or Brazil.FC

    Psychology in Education and Health. Proceedings of the III Leipzig-Evora Scientific Meeting in Psychology

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    The phenomena of achievement motivation is one of the most important among studied by psychology as far as its study approaches of scientists to the answer to the question about motivation forces of human behavior and activity. Motivation for achievement consists of two main components - adaptive and transcendent vectors. Based on the empirical studies carried out, the authors obtained results that became the basis for the assumption that the motivation of achievement among people who are conditionally called healthy is fundamentally different from the motivation of achievement among people with mental pathology. There is a non-linear link between mental health, mental disorders and adaptation, transcendence. Mental health requires a balance of these two components of the motivational sphere

    Tuning the Bioactive Properties of Dunaliella salina Water Extracts by Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction

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    (1) Background: Microalgae are promising feedstock for obtaining valuable bioactive compounds. To facilitate the release of these important biomolecules from microalgae, effective cell disruption is usually necessary, where the use of ultrasound has achieved considerable popularity as an alternative to conventional methods. (2) Methods: This paper aims to evaluate the use of ultra- sound technology in water medium as a green technology to recover high added-value compounds from Dunaliella salina and improve its sensory profile towards a high level of incorporation into novel food products. (3) Results: Among the variables, the solid concentration and extraction time have the most significant impact on the process. For the extraction of protein, or fat, the most influential factor is the extraction time. Total polyphenols are only significantly affected by the extraction time. The antioxidant capacity is strongly affected by the solid to liquid ratio and, to a small extent, by the extraction time. Ultrasound-assisted extraction improves the overall odor/aroma of D. salina with good acceptability by the panelists. (4) Conclusions: The application of ultrasonic-assisted extraction demonstrates a positive overall effect on enhancing the sensory profile, particularly the odor of microalgal biomass, while the bioactive properties are preserved. Notably, the intense sea/fish odors are reduced, while earthy and citrus notes become more prominent, resulting in an improved overall sensory profile score. This is the first time, to our knowledge, that this innovative, green, and efficient technology has been used to upgrade the aroma profile of microalgae.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Influence of Family Support According to Gender in the Portuguese Language Course Achievement

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    Several factors like pupils’ characteristics, school conditions and family context have been pointed out in the literature as being linked to academic achievement. Regarding the latter, family socio-economic status and parental support have been identified as determining variables on success at school. The current study analyses the influence of family support on the achievement of school children in their native language [Portuguese language course (PLC)]. Participants were 885 students attending PLC on basic and secondary schools (6th and 9th school grades) (ISCED 1); 418 boys and 467 girls, ranged between 10 and 18 years of age (M = 12.99). School achievement was assessed using year-end classifications in PLC. Family support was assessed using the Family Support-Context Variables Questionnaire. A regression analysis showed that students’ perception about instrumental and affective family support in school life was positively related to their Portuguese grades. However, different predictive values were revealed according to gender. Girls’ Portuguese languge couse classification seemed to depend on affective variables like their perception of affective parental support and affective attitudes toward the PLC, while boys’ results seemed to be influenced by instrumental variables, such as the perception of instrumental support from parents and boys’ attitudes toward the utility of learning Portuguese language. These results supported those of other studies, showing the need to take gender differences into account in educational interventions, especially during early adolescence. In conclusion, the study shows an influence of parental support on PLC achievement. Such influence differs according to gender, with girls being more sensitive to the affective dimension of parental support and boys to the instrumental one

    A proposed lectin-mediated mechanism to explain the in vivo antihyperglycemic activity of γ-conglutin from Lupinus albus seeds

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    Experiments conducted in vitro and in vivo, as well as clinical trials for hypoglycemic therapeutics, support the hypoglycemic properties of the lectin γ-conglutin, a Lupinus seed storage protein, by a mechanism not yet been clarified. Structural studies established that binding of γ-conglutin, in native and denatured form, to insulin occurs by a strong binding that resists rupture when 0.4 M NaCl and 0.4 M galactose are present, suggesting that strong electrostatic interactions are involved. Studies on binding of γ-conglutin in native and denatured form to HepG2 membrane glycosylated receptors were conducted, which reveal that only the native form of γ-conglutin with lectin activity is capable of binding to these receptors. Glycosylated insulin receptors were detected on purified HepG2 cell membranes and characterized by 1D and 2D analyses. Preclinical assays with male mice (CD-1) indicated that native and denatured γ-conglutins display antihyperglycemic effect, decreasing glucose in blood comparable after 120 min to that exhibited by the animal group treated with metformin, used to treat T2D and used as a positive control. Measurement of organ injury/functional biomarkers (hepatic, pancreatic, renal, and lipid profile) was comparable to that of metformin treatment or even better in terms of safety endpoints (pancreatic and hepatic biomarkers)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Psychology in Education and Health - Proceedings of the III Leipzig-Evora Scientific Meeting in Psychology

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    The ebook contains several papers on the application of Psychology in the fields of education, Public health, Psychological disorders, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation child development, and social issues. The main areas of research and application in modern Psychology are here represented, like . Psychological disorders – New developments in intervention and assessment . Neuropsychological rehabilitation . Lifelong challenges in family and community . Early intervention in Portuguese speaking countries . Academic achievement and wellbeing . Challenging heterosexism and gender role culture in educational environments. The aim of this volume is to inform other scientists on the current developments of research on Psychology in the universities of Evora and Leipzig and the developments of research on such topics in different countries (Portugal, Germany, Brazil, Mozambique & S. Tomé Príncipe).FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    Atividade hipoglicemiante da у-conglutina (Lupinus albus): antevisão de um possível mecanismo de ação via lectina

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    Tese de mestrado, Qualidade Alimentar e Saúde, 2020, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia.A у-conglutina, é uma proteína com atividade de lectina, extraída da semente seca do Lupinus albus, estando descrita por ter efeito hipoglicemiante, em modelo animal e na espécie humana. Neste trabalho, explorou-se a competência de lectina desta proteína, para explicar uma possível relação, com o seu efeito hipoglicemiante. Os resultados revelam que a у-conglutina liga-se in vitro, à insulina humana e aos receptores glicosilados das HepG2 (células dos hepatócitos humanos), podendo significar que a у-conglutina poderá ligar-se aos receptores membranares da insulina das células HepG2, por um mecanismo via lectina, podendo apresentar uma ação mimética à da insulina ajudando na recaptação da glucose. Foi igualmente comprovada in vivo o seu efeito hipoglicemiante quando administrada em ratinhos (60 mg/kg), na sua forma nativa. Estudos sobre a y-conglutina desnaturada e a repercussão na atividade de lectina, resultaram em resultados inesperados nos ensaios in vivo, uma vez que a administração da у-conglutina desnaturada em ratinhos (60 mg/kg) apresentou, tal com a y-conglutina nativa, um efeito hipoglicemiante. Este efeito hipoglicemiante da у-conglutina desnaturada, revelou ser mais intenso nos primeiros 30 min, comparativamente ao efeito causado pela у-conglutina na sua forma nativa, para o mesmo período de tempo. Do mesmo modo, a у-conglutina desnaturada liga-se à insulina humana em ensaios in vitro, o que contraria os dados existentes na literatura.у-Conglutin, a lectin like protein extracted from the dry seed of Lupinus albus, is well known for its hypoglycemic effect on human and animal models. In this work we explored if у-conglutin being a lectin has a possible relationship with its hypoglycemic effect. The results showed that у-conglutin links to the human insulin in in vitro assays and that this protein links to the glycosylated receptors of the human hepatocyte cells (HepG2) membrane. These findings could mean that у-conglutin links to the insulin receptor, by a lectin mechanism, and could have a mimetic action of this hormone helping in the recapture of glucose. We also proved, in in vivo assays, the hypoglycemic effect of у-conglutin when administrated to mice’s (60 mg/kg) when the native structure was preserved. We also studied the repercussion in the lectin activity of у-conglutin when this protein was denaturated. We had some unexpected results in in vivo assays because the administration of denaturated у-conglutin to mice’s (60 mg/kg) led to a hypoglycemic effect, just like у-conglutin in her native form. In the first 30 minutes, this effect was more intense for the у-conglutin denaturated than the у-conglutin in native form. The unexpected results don’t stop here since у-conglutin denaturated also binds to the human insulin in vitro assays, results that go against other data showed.Com o patrocínio do Instituto Superior de Agronomi

    A produção textual nas aulas de língua portuguesa: as realidades do Brasil e de Portugal

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    Este trabalho é parte do estudo vinculado ao projeto intitulado "O Ensino de Língua Portuguesa no Brasil e em Portugal: bases epistemológicas, objetivos e conteúdos", coordenado pelas Profas. Dras. Vânia Cristina Casseb Galvão da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) e Madalena Dias Teixeira do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém / Universidade de Lisboa (IPS/UL), o qual, por sua vez, integra um projeto maior "O ensino de língua portuguesa no mundo", desenvolvido no âmbito do I e do II Simpósio Mundial de Estudos de Língua Portuguesa X SIMELP, realizado em 2008 em São Paulo/Brasil, e, em 2009, em Évora/ Portugal. O principal objetivo do primeiro projeto é investigar, descrever e analisar o ensino de Língua Portuguesa no Brasil e em Portugal, para que futuramente se desenvolvam propostas didáticas que contribuam para o aumento do sucesso escolar nos dois países. Para isso, o desenvolvimento de competências de oralidade, de leitura, de gramática e de escrita serão amplamente analisadas. Desses domínios, a última é a que mais nos interessa, uma vez que a escrita permite uma identificação própria, a comunicação com os outros, a descoberta e a compreensão do mundo que nos rodeia. Com base nesse amplo escopo, objetivamos oferecer um panorama da produção textual, no Ensino Fundamental, das realidades brasileira e portuguesa. Para isso, observamos aulas de Língua Portuguesa nesses dois contextos para sabermos como o professor prepara o aluno para a tarefa da escrita. Partimos da hipótese de que as mudanças propostas pelos documentos oficiais brasileiros não foram tão significativas a ponto de fazerem com que houvesse uma nova concepção de texto no cenário escolar, ou seja, acreditamos que o texto ainda não se configura como objeto de ensino nas aulas de LP. Acreditamos, ainda, que apesar de boas propostas para se trabalhar a escrita em sala de aula, os métodos utilizados pelos professores são ultrapassados e o texto continua sendo usado simplesmente como suporte para a transmissão dos conteúdos que interessam à instituição escolar. O caso português apresenta mudanças, potenciadas neste momento por um programa de formação continua nacional, de professores de português- Programa Nacional de Ensino do Português (PNEP), que se traduzem, quer em termos científicos, quer em termos pedagógicos, no Novo Programa de Português, que será implementado em Portugal no próximo ano letivo. A descrição e a problematização do ensino da produção de textos no primeiro e no segundo ciclos da Educação Básica brasileira e portuguesa, a partir de uma base teórica sociodiscursiva, permitiram que constatássemos que a produção textual tem papel pouco significativo em ambos os contextos observados, embora já seja possível perceber sinais de evolução.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    From the gaps/needs to the e+ qolmi course

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    The ENABLIN+ project is a European partnership within the Leonardo Life Long Learning Programme. The project´s aim is to develop a system of in-service training, interdisciplinary, where professionals and parents learn together, with the aim of enhancing quality of life of the children with very complex and intensive support needs. ENABLIN+ focus on the improvement of inclusion, communication, behaviour management, activation and learning, and support for daily life care. In this paper we present the basic assumptions that we follow to develop the E+QoLMI: ENABLIN+ Quality of Life – course of mediators for inclusion. We began with a diagnosis about the needs felt by 208 professionals from different fields, working with CISN child. The data was collected with the application of one online questionnaire, and based on the identified needs it was designed the course E+QoLMI: ENABLIN+ Quality of Life – course of mediators for inclusion, which is described in this work