27 research outputs found

    The Dark Side of Mindfulness: Workplace Socialization, Neoliberalism and the Self

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    Purpose: The aim of our paper is to analyze the role of mindfulness in organizational socialization, particularly how these techniques are mobilized by corporations to reshape employees’ subjectivities. Design/Methodology/Approach: Mindfulness is a process of awareness to moment-to-moment experience, allowing subjects to deal with emotions, sensations and thoughts in a non-judgmental way (Kabat–Zinn, 1991). Mindfulness has been characterized as the new opiate of the masses (Dawson and Turnbull, 2006) and the flagship technology of the self of neoliberal capitalism (Zizek, 2005), adjusting individuals “to the very conditions that cause their problems” (Purser, 2019, p.5). Over the past decade, several mindfulness interventions, such as MBSR (Mindfulness-based-stress reduction), have been implemented in corporate settings, aiming to improve employees’ resilience, flexibility, well-being and self-control. Recognizing that neoliberal selfhood requires individuals to rely on self-regulation devices to enhance their health and happiness, mindfulness interventions are emblematic examples of organizational socialization, as workers should undergo a set of performances to control, manage and regulate their affective states, thus increasing their productivity. By the “dark side of mindfulness”, we refer to the ways in which these practices are promoted, disseminated and applied to reconfigure workers’ subjectivities, leading to new articulations of neoliberal governmentalities coupling technologies of the self, affect and efficiency. Mindfulness becomes a disciplinary tool of self-control that aims at maximizing productivity through the moment-to-moment management of affect. Our paper draws on a qualitative methodology, including the thematic analysis of 44 papers published in the Harvard Business Review, and the examination of a specific mindfulness program carried out by the big tech corporation Amazon, which generated controversy. Findings: Our empirical findings are organized around four main themes: corporate mindfulness as an expansion of neoliberal selfhood; mindfulness and the ability to turn inner work into a driver of productivity; corporate mindfulness as an epiphenomenon of late capitalism; mindfulness as a technofix. Research Limitations: Our paper relies on a relatively limited data set, and by extending our research into a wider range of journals it would have been possible to identify alternative themes. Moreover, our theoretical framework (stemming from the neoliberal critique) may overshadow relevant phenomenological and embodied aspects. Theoretical and practical implications: This paper contributes to scholarship within Social Studies of Mindfulness and Organization Studies, unpacking the contemporary articulations of mindfulness, neoliberalism, affect and governmentality

    The Online Communication of Art-Based Education Organisations Working with Underage Refugees and Migrants in Europe

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    UIDB/00472/2020 UIDP/00472/2020 EXPL/SOC-SOC/0504/2021Communication is one of the critical issues organisations working with migrants and refugees in Europe must face. Our research question is how do art-based education organisations’ projects working with underage migrants and refugees communicate online? There is a gap concerning three key discursive approaches that we wish to tackle when communicating about these populations: miserabilism, even-image, and gender-neutrality. We propose to analyse them by focusing the research on a case study of two music organisations in two different European countries – the Swedish Dream Orchestra and El Sistema Greece. Through a multimodal critical discourse analysis of their digital communication, the results show that both organisations use their multicultural contexts as an asset to persuade people to join the orchestra (as volunteers, as teachers) and to make donations. However, they do not present intercultural and transcultural alternative approaches. These findings are important to question the choices made when communicating about such ethically and emotionally-charged social phenomenon as the social inclusion of underage migrants and refugees through art-based educational projects in Europe.publishersversionpublishe

    Daughters of Rock and Moms Who Rock: Rock Music as a Medium for Family Relationships in Portugal

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    This article discusses the role of rock musicking as a medium for family relationships. Drawing on qualitative data from interviews with women who self-identify as rock music lovers, it analyses intergenerational rock musicking processes and informal learning. Music, together with other activities, aesthetic materials, technologies and narratives, is an essential element in family relationships and part of the parenting cultural toolkit, both for fathers, as the daughters remember and describe them, and for the mothers themselves. For women rock fans who become mothers, rock music articulates more empowering versions of maternal subjectivities, and specific settings – such as car journeys – can constitute “music asylums”. Taking two dyadic family relationships (father-daughter; mother-children), I argue that family and domestic spaces are relevant when analyzing everyday rock musicking.Este artigo analisa o papel do “musicar” rock como mediador de relações familiares. A partir de entrevistas com mulheres que se identificam como amantes de rock, analisam‑se processos intergeracionais deste “musicar” e a sua aprendizagem informal. A música, em combinação com outras atividades e materiais estéticos, tecnologias e narrativas, é constitutiva de relações familiares; bem como parte integrante da “caixa de ferramentas culturais” de pais – tal como estas filhas os descrevem e relembram – e mães. Para as fãs de rock que se tornam mães, a música rock articula versões de subjetividade maternal que são mais capacitantes (empoderadoras); e contextos específicos – viagens de carro – constituem-se como “asilos musicais”. A partir de duas díades familiares (pai‑filha; mãe‑filhos/as) demonstro como a família e o espaço doméstico são fundamentais na análise do musicar rock quotidiano.Cet article se penche sur le rôle du “musiquer” rock comme médiateur de relations familiales. À partir d’interviews avec des femmes qui s’identifient comme fans de rock, nous analysons des processus intergénérationnels de ce “musiquer” et son apprentissage informel. La musique, alliée à d’autres activités et matières esthétiques, technologiques et narratives, est constitutive de relations familiales; tout autant que partie intégrante de la “boîte à outils culturels” de pères – comme ces filles les décrivent et se souviennent d’eux – et de mères. Pour les fans de rock qui deviennent mères, la musique rock articule des versions de subjectivité maternelle qui sont plus capacitances (autonomisantes); et des contextes spécifiques – voyages en voiture – se constituent comme “asiles musicaux”. À partir de deux dyades familiales (père‑fille; mère‑fils/filles) nous démontrons combien la famille et l’espace domestique sont fondamentaux dans l’analyse du “musiquer” rock quotidien

    A importância da comunicação aumentativa/alternativa em alunos com paralisia cerebral no 1º ciclo do ensino básico

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    O conceito de inclusão é explorado em diferentes contextos e situações. No âmbito da educação ganha especial relevância uma vez que surge num contexto favorável à criação de cidadãos responsáveis e solidários. Nas escolas é comum existirem alunos com diferentes níveis, com diferentes dificuldades. Os métodos de ensino utilizados nem sempre são os mais adequados para todos. O que pode resultar com um aluno não quer dizer que esteja a ajudar o outro a ter sucesso. Uma escola inclusiva preocupa-se com isso mesmo, com a inclusão. Mas é uma inclusão em todos os aspetos, não se trata de incluir apenas por estar presente, mas sim incluir, partilhar, cooperar, existir uma relação de duplo sentido. Uns aprendem com os outros. E aprender em conjunto faz com que os alunos cresçam não só intelectualmente e academicamente, mas também a nível pessoal e social. Neste trabalho explora-se a inclusão e o sucesso de alunos com Paralisia Cerebral em turmas do 1º ciclo do ensino regular associados ao recurso a instrumentos de Comunicação Aumentativa/Alternativa

    Diel variation in movement patterns and habitat use by the near-threatened cabrera vole in mediterranean farmland

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    As variações circadianas no comportamento animal e o seu impacto nas populações constituem desafios importantes em ecologia e conservação. Nesta tese documentam-se as variações circadianas no uso do habitat e padrões de movimento pelo rato de Cabrera, em habitats Mediterrânicos fragmentados. O estudo baseou-se no radio-seguimento de indivíduos em habitats dominados por herbáceas e arbustos. Os resultados indicaram que a proporção de tempo despendido em deslocações, a distância percorrida, e a selecção do tipo de vegetação, estão fortemente interrelacionados, variando consideravelmente ao longo de diferentes períodos do dia. Os ratos movimentaram-se mais frequentemente e maiores distâncias nos períodos diurnos, durante os quais as áreas dominadas por herbáceas foram usadas mais intensivamente. Durante a estação seca houve alguma tendência para a diminuição dos movimentos durante as horas mais quentes. Estes resultados são discutidos no sentido de mostrar como indicadores comportamentais podem contribuir para melhorar a gestão e conservação da espécie; ABSTRACT: Understanding the circadian variations in species behaviour and its impacts on population is a challenging topic in ecology and conservation. This thesis documents the circadian variations in habitat use and movement patterns by Cabrera voles in fragmented Mediterranean farmland. The study was based on radiotracking data of individuals living in habitat patches dominated by wet grasses and shrubs. Results indicated that the proportion of time animals spent moving, the distance moved and the selection strength of vegetation were closely linked behavioural traits, which varied considerably across the 24 hour cycle. Voles moved more frequently and over larger distances during daytime, which was when wet grasses were used more intensively. During the dry season there was some tendency for a decrease in movement activity during the hottest hours of the day. These results are used to discuss how behavioural indicators may be useful to improve conservation management of the species

    Salmonella infection as a trigger for Polyarteritis Nodosa

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    Polyarteritis nodosa is a systemic necrotizing vasculitis that typically affects medium-sized muscular arteries, with occasional involvement of small muscular arteries. Most cases of polyarteritis nodosa are idiopathic but multiple infectious agents have been associated with this disease. We present a clinical case of a 72-year-old male with fever, diarrhoea and haemodynamic instability, diagnosed with a bacterial infection caused by Salmonella Typhi. One week after clinical resolution of the infection, the patient developed purpuric lesions with ulcers, pustules and necrotic areas accompanied by testicular pain and weight loss of 5 kg over the previous 15 days. A skin biopsy was performed and it revealed typical histologic signs of polyarteritis nodosa. The aetiologic association between bacteria of the genus Salmonella and polyarteritis nodosa has been previously described in the scientific literature but seldom meeting classification criteria and with histologic confirmation

    A Investigação e a escrita: Publicar sem Perecer

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    Research and Writing: Publish do not Perish is a collection of texts published in Portuguese, based on the problematization of a five-year experience of advanced extracurricular training in information literacy, writing and scientific publication (i.e., Publish do not Perish: Survive the Stampede). It is a questioning of the role of science in a context that appears to reproduce neoliberalism and the commodification of academia. This work results from the collaboration of national and international authors who consider a diversity of theoretical and empirical fields that deal with that phenomenon. This book aims to identify and question the subsequent problems, trying to point out solutions to the growing malaise in the academic world

    Título da página electrónica: feminist.com

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    feminist.com existe desde 1995 e constitui‑se como uma comunidade online e uma organização sem fins lucrativos norte‑americana que pretende promover a consciencialização, educação e, sobretudo, o activismo das mulheres. Este site disponibiliza um imenso arquivo actualizado de informações e recursos, aspirando a ser um “Google feminista”, que aproxime mulheres, bem como as organizações que servem os seus interesses. Conta com cerca de vinte parceiros, como a Amnistia Internacional ou a Nobel W..

    Título da página electrónica: feminist.com

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    Título da página electrónica: feminist.com

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