655 research outputs found

    Phishing prediction in e-banking using data mining techniques

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    Phishing is a form of electronic identity stealing in which a mixture of social engineering and web site spoofing techniques is used to trap a user into useful confidential information with financially viable value in e-banking. In detecting and identifying e banking phishing websites, Classification Data Mining (DM) Techniques can be a very useful tool. In this paper, we considered and implemented six different classification algorithm and techniques to extract the phishing training data sets criteria to classify their legitimacy in e-banking. We also compared their performances, accuracy, number of rules generated and speed. The experimental results demonstrated the feasibility of using Associative Classification techniques in real e-banking applications and its better performance as compared to other traditional classification algorithms. We present a novel approach to overcome the difficulty and complexity in detecting and predicting ebanking phishing website. We proposed an intelligent resilient and effective model that is based on using association and classification Data Mining algorithms. These algorithms were used to characterize and identify all the factors and rules in order to classify the phishing website and the relationship that correlate them with each other. The rules generated from the associative classification model showed the relationship between some important characteristics like URL and Domain Identity and Security and Encryption criteria in the final phishing detection rate

    Crop Protection to Outsmart Climate Change for Food Security & Environmental Conservation

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    Pearl millet is an important source of energy and nutrition for millions of people in the drylands of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Recently, blast, also known as leaf spot, caused by Magnaporthe grisea (Anamorph: Pyricularia grisea) has emerged as a serious threat to pearl millet cultivation causing substantial yield loss. Seeds tend to contain several storage proteins, some have an inhibitory action against plant pathogens. The present study aimed to identify the defense proteins in seed extrudes of ten pearl millet blast differential lines and investigate their protective effect against growth of Pyricularia grisea (Pg 45, Patancheru isolate). The biochemical observations of seed extrudes revealed the presence of plant defense linked hydrolytic enzymes chitinases (12-18 units/ml), β-1,3 glucanases (16-48 units/mg protein) as well as cysteine protease inhibitors (57-123 PI units/mg protein) among the tested lines. The pre-treatment of P. grisea media with respective line seed extrudes resulted in significant reduction (22-40%; p<0.001) of fungal radial growth and fungal dry weight (20-77%; p<0.001). The effective concentration for the 50% fungal growth inhibition (EC50) was identified as 400 and 600 μg/ml for resistant lines IP 21187 and ICMR 06444, respectively. Further, the seed extrudes were able to significantly retard the spore germination (by 18 h) and initial growth (by 48 h) of Pg 45 by 24-83%. These findings suggest that the identified proteins are playing synergistic role in pearl millet defense against blast pathogen, Pg 45 and provide the basis to explore the novel biological control strategies in plant defense

    Maternal periodontitis and its influence on duration of gestation and fetal birth weight

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    Background: There has been a lot of interest in knowing the effects of oral health on adverse pregnancy outcomes like preterm births and low birth weight. Studies have yielded contradicting results and there are lot of confounding issues that blur the picture.  Aim of the study is to determine the prevalence of periodontitis is pregnant population and determine the effect of periodontitis on preterm births and low birth weight.Methods: This was a cross sectional study of singleton pregnant women attending ante-natal checkups with oral interview and clinical examination. Oral examination was done at the beginning of third trimester of pregnancy. They were followed up to delivery to note the duration of gestation, birth weight of babies.Results: The prevalence of periodontitis was 22% with 90.9% having mild and 9.1% having moderate periodontitis. Maternal education (high school and above) was associated with lower prevalence of periodontitis (p=0.042). There was no difference in the birth weights between the group with and without periodontitis (2.9±0.41kgs vs 2.74±0.36kgs, p=0.11). The incidence of low birth weights was also similar (p=0.22). The average gestational age was slightly less in the group with periodontitis (38 weeks 3 days vs 37 weeks 5 days) but the rates of preterm births were similar between the two groups (p=0.61).Conclusions: Mild/moderate periodontitis does not appear to have a significant effect on pre-term births and low birth weight. Maternal education and awareness seem to mitigate development of periodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes

    Use of infrared thermography imaging for assessing heat tolerance in high and low iron pearl millet lines

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    In the arid regions of Asia and Africa, pearl millet serves as a staple source of dietary energy and mineral micronutrients for millions of people. These regions are more vulnerable to increased temperature. The availability of rapid and efficient screening tools based on the relevant non-destructive quantifiable traits would facilitate pearl millet improvement for heat tolerance. The objective of this study was to evaluate pearl millet lines with contrast micronutrients for heat tolerance using infrared thermal imaging, a rapid proxy-canopy (panicle and flag leaf) temperature measurement. Results showed the highly significant genotypic differences between high-Fe and low-Fe genotypes for grain Fe and Zn densities and agronomic traits. Both high-Fe and low-Fe group genotypes differed significantly for panicle temperature depression (PTD) during high- vapor deficit (VPD) at stigma stage (3.0 to 6.73°C). PTD values were positive across all genotypes during stigma stage and were very low or negative during the low-VPD. Cooler canopy temperature (high-PTD) was observed during stigma stage rather than seed-set stage at higher-VPD in both high-Fe and low-Fe genotypes. The cooler temperature achieved by panicle might be helpful in maintaining stigma receptivity for longer periods in the female parents, whereas in male parents it might be helpful in maintaining pollen viability for longer periods. Flag leaf temperature (FTD) was cooler than PTD at both high-VPD and low-VPD as well in both stigma (less by 2.1°C) and grain-filling stage (less by 2.7°C), again signifying that the reproductive parts are more prone to heat stress as compared to vegetative parts. Since, thermal imaging discriminates the heat stress and non-stress canopies, this can serve as a proxy canopy temperature tool for heat stress tolerance screening in pearl millet

    A Conflict between Self and World in Philip Roth’s Portnoy’s Complaint

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    This study discerns Portnoy’s Complaint by Philip Roth concerning the struggle between self and world. Roth’s protagonists want a haven of protection and stability, or a home, from which they may interpret the world meaningfully. In addition to this, they require stability and repose in the achievement of selfhood. Their home may be their static, centred self, from which they could get meaning from their surroundings. In the novel Portnoy’s Complaint , the protagonist faces external and internal and selfversus- world conflicts. It is discovered that Portnoy conflicts with his Jewish family, a microcosm of the ethnic group to which he belongs. He incorrectly feels that his ethnicity is the core reason for his alienated feelings. In addition, he is troubled by the contradiction between his moral convictions and his sexual indulgence. His difficulties remain unanswered until the novel’s conclusion, even though he begins comprehending the actual nature of his moral issue. In his exploration of the never-ending and, maybe, the insoluble issue between man and his fundamental desires, Roth delves into the simple mind of his species to bring to light the unfathomable, grotesque, and frightening realities of human drives and experiences. This skill lends his compositions a worldwide appeal that transcends ethnic and racial distinctions. All the characters in the narrative are banished from themselves and arrive in the brave new world of choice, America, representing a domestic transgression

    Operator modeling in commerical aviation: Cognitive models, intelligent displays, and pilot's assistants

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    One of the goals of the National Aviation Safety/Automation program is to address the issue of human-centered automation in the cockpit. Human-centered automation is automation that, in the cockpit, enhances or assists the crew rather than replacing them. The Georgia Tech research program focused on this general theme, with emphasis on designing a computer-based pilot's assistant, intelligent (i.e, context-sensitive) displays, and an intelligent tutoring system for understanding and operating the autoflight system. In particular, the aids and displays were designed to enhance the crew's situational awareness of the current state of the automated flight systems and to assist the crew's situational awareness of the current state of the automated flight systems and to assist the crew in coordinating the autoflight system resources. The activities of this grant included: (1) an OFMspert to understand pilot navigation activities in a 727 class aircraft; (2) an extension of OFMspert to understand mode control in a glass cockpit, Georgia Tech Crew Activity Tracking System (GT-CATS); (3) the design of a training system to teach pilots about the vertical navigation portion of the flight management system -VNAV Tutor; and (4) a proof-of-concept display, using existing display technology, to facilitate mode awareness, particularly in situations in which controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) is a potential

    Genetic Detection of Chromosomal Interchanges and its Consequence on Plant Breeding: a Review

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    Chromosomal interchanges are of primary interest because of the opportunities they offer for the study of chromosome behavior and crossing over. The great volume of work which has already been done on crossing over and on translocations but still lack of understanding among the graduates students. Hence, continue discussions and question still to be made on this terminology. This paper gives the opportunity for students to understand chromosome mechanism in which crossing over and cytological changes are often occurs. In very beginning (middle of 20th century), several study on the behavior of chromosomes such as crossing over, interchange and trisomics. But in order to link them with plant systems and breeding implications, it is necessary to review in brief since the interchange in plants are revealed so far only a small proportions but large proportion being ignored by current phase of crop improvement scientists. Since interchange is being a good cytogenetic markers are useful in genetic and basic investigation studies in cytology. Hence this has some practical applications on ploidy breeding programme which is re-patterning or alteration of basic chromosome number of a species and also an important evolutionary mechanism of species and they are poorly understood (Jauhar, 1971). However, a comprehensive explanation of translocation role in evolutionary aspects of a species is lengthy profession so that, my paper will explains the basics and applied aspects of interchange in plants in briefly

    Is Fortification or Bio Fortification of Staple Food Crops will Offer a Simple Solution to Complex Nutritional Disorder in Developing Countries?

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    Large segment of global populations, especially in developing countries is currently at risk from one or more micronutrient deficiency, so called malnutrition. This could be due to our current food systems are fail to provide enough balanced dietary nutrients to meet all the nutritional requirements of every individual, especially resource-poor women and children in the developing countries. A variety of interventions have been used to address micronutrient malnutrition so far such as pharmaceutical supplementation, industrial fortifications and dietary diversification. However, success of supplementation and fortification in developing countries remains challenges due to poor infrastructure, delivery system, more often it need sustained investment year-after-year. Of course dietary diversity is an immediate issue of diverse food affordability since a sharp increase in food prices will have a large impact on rural-poor households’ who’s represent the most segment of malnourished population. Researchers now focusing an food based intervention so called biofortification (developing a cultivars with elevated micronutrients in their edible parts through convetional breeding or biotechnology) is found to be sustainable intervention, even if external support fails, biofortification will continue to combat multiple micronutrient deficiency simultaneously generation after generations. Though this strategy is not an Einstein idea but it was a pessimistic view for longtime among the community, however, with the advent of modern and advanced technology we deliberately believes it can be made successful in optimistic way by transforming the dynamic results into reality. Therefore, present view and optimism are more towards the biofortification of staples for better human nutrition to acieve appropriate nutrient level in the biofortifed cultivars and further research is required to upscale at the global level to prove as an effective strateg

    Quality of symptom elicitation in an epidemiological survey on tuberculosis

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    The quality of symptom elicited by health workers in an epidemiological survey on tuberculosis was assessed by again subjecting a 10% random sample of the persons interviewed, by the supervisory staff, independently. Three thousand four hundred and forty nine persons were thus interviewed twice. The overall estimates for overdiagnosis and under-diagnosis in the elicitation of symptoms by health workers were to the extent of 16% and 8% respectively, with minimal yield of sputum positivity from the discordant groups of persons. The additional load of 16% for sputum examination can thus be considerably reduced if health workers are well trained in symptom-elicitationscreening of the population and their work is monitored through spot supervisory checks