1,575 research outputs found

    Efficient data representation for XML in peer-based systems

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    Purpose - New directions in the provision of end-user computing experiences mean that the best way to share data between small mobile computing devices needs to be determined. Partitioning large structures so that they can be shared efficiently provides a basis for data-intensive applications on such platforms. The partitioned structure can be compressed using dictionary-based approaches and then directly queried without firstly decompressing the whole structure. Design/methodology/approach - The paper describes an architecture for partitioning XML into structural and dictionary elements and the subsequent manipulation of the dictionary elements to make the best use of available space. Findings - The results indicate that considerable savings are available by removing duplicate dictionaries. The paper also identifies the most effective strategy for defining dictionary scope. Research limitations/implications - This evaluation is based on a range of benchmark XML structures and the approach to minimising dictionary size shows benefit in the majority of these. Where structures are small and regular, the benefits of efficient dictionary representation are lost. The authors' future research now focuses on heuristics for further partitioning of structural elements. Practical implications - Mobile applications that need access to large data collections will benefit from the findings of this research. Traditional client/server architectures are not suited to dealing with high volume demands from a multitude of small mobile devices. Peer data sharing provides a more scalable solution and the experiments that the paper describes demonstrate the most effective way of sharing data in this context. Social implications - Many services are available via smartphone devices but users are wary of exploiting the full potential because of the need to conserve battery power. The approach mitigates this challenge and consequently expands the potential for users to benefit from mobile information systems. This will have impact in areas such as advertising, entertainment and education but will depend on the acceptability of file sharing being extended from the desktop to the mobile environment. Originality/value - The original work characterises the most effective way of sharing large data sets between small mobile devices. This will save battery power on devices such as smartphones, thus providing benefits to users of such devices

    Users` experiences of heroin and methadone treatment

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    The present study, conducted in 2003, Melbourne, Australia, examined and compared how different personal and social resources related to participants\u27 use of both heroin and methadone, as well as their experiences of stigma and program regulation, and their evaluation of methadone treatment. In-depth interviews were conducted with 10 participants (five men, five women) aged between 25 and 42. Participants who had diverse personal and social circumstances were purposefully sought. Findings showed that users with &ldquo;non-addict&rdquo; or &ldquo;functional&rdquo; self-concepts had more resources and supportive social relationships that assisted them to develop realistic treatment expectations, avoid the stigma associated with methadone, and focus on the benefits of the treatment. Conversely, &ldquo;conflicted&rdquo; users with limited resources, few social connections, and negative self-concept saw methadone as an addiction, and as a highly stigmatizing and disempowering intervention. Social policies that differentiate users and address ways of improving users\u27 personal and social resources are now needed.<br /

    Introducing risk management into the grid

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    Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are explicit statements about all expectations and obligations in the business partnership between customers and providers. They have been introduced in Grid computing to overcome the best effort approach, making the Grid more interesting for commercial applications. However, decisions on negotiation and system management still rely on static approaches, not reflecting the risk linked with decisions. The EC-funded project "AssessGrid" aims at introducing risk assessment and management as a novel decision paradigm into Grid computing. This paper gives a general motivation for risk management and presents the envisaged architecture of a "risk-aware" Grid middleware and Grid fabric, highlighting its functionality by means of three showcase scenarios

    In situ imaging of microstructure formation in electronic interconnections

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    The development of microstructure during melting, reactive wetting and solidification of solder pastes on Cu-plated printed circuit boards has been studied by synchrotron radiography. Using Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu and Sn-0.7Cu/Cu as examples, we show that the interfacial Cu6Sn5 layer is present within 0.05 s of wetting, and explore the kinetics of flux void formation at the interface between the liquid and the Cu6Sn5 layer. Quantification of the nucleation locations and anisotropic growth kinetics of primary Cu6Sn5 crystals reveals a competition between the nucleation of Cu6Sn5 in the liquid versus growth of Cu6Sn5 from the existing Cu6Sn5 layer. Direct imaging confirms that the β-Sn nucleates at/near the Cu6Sn5 layer in Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu joints

    Investigating the suitability of carbon nanotube reinforced polymer in transcatheter valve applications

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    The current delivery size of transcatheter aortic valves, limited by the thickness of their pericardial leaflets, correlates with a high prevalence of major vascular complications. Polyurethane valves can be developed to a fraction of the thickness of pericardial valves through the addition of carbon nanotubes to reinforce their leaflets. This study investigates the suitability of a novel carbon nanotube reinforced leaflet to reduce the delivery profile of transcatheter aortic valves. Carbon nanotube polyurethane composites were developed with thicknesses of 50 Îźm and their mechanical properties were determined in relation to various environmental effects. The composites demonstrated improvements to the material stiffness, particularly at increasing strain rates compared to the neat polymer. However, increasing nanotube concentrations significantly decreased the fatigue life of the composites. Key findings highlighted a potential for carbon nanotube reinforcement in valve replacement which experience very high strain rates during the cardiac cycle. Further testing is needed to achieve a strong nanotube-matrix interface which will prolong the cyclic fatigue life and further strengthen tensile properties. Testing on the durability and haemocompatibility of these composite heart valves are ongoing

    The influence of primary Cu6Sn5 size on the shear impact properties of Sn-Cu/Cu BGA Joints

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    A method is presented to control the size of primary Cu6Sn5 in ball grid array (BGA) joints while keeping all other microstructural features near-constant, enabling a direct study of the size of primary Cu6Sn5 on impact properties. For Sn-2Cu/Cu BGA joints, it is shown that larger primary Cu6Sn5 particles have a clear negative effect on the shear impact properties. Macroscopic fracture occurred by a combination of the brittle fracture of embedded primary Cu6Sn5 rods and ductile fracture of the matrix βSn. Cleavage of the Cu6Sn5 rods occurred mostly along (0001) or perpendicular to (0001) with some crack deflection between the two. The deterioration of shear impact properties with increasing Cu6Sn5 size is attributed to (1) the larger microcracks introduced by the brittle fracture of larger embedded Cu6Sn5 crystals, and (2) the less numerous and more widely spaced rods when the Cu6Sn5 crystals are larger, which makes them poor strengtheners

    Lockdown literacies and semiotic assemblages: academic boundary work in the Covid-19 crisis

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    In March 2020, populations were forced into home quarantine to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Universities moved the majority of their operations to homeworking, with profound implications for students, academics, and professional services staff. This paper analyses interview and visual data collected as part of a study on the impact of ‘moving online’ on staff at a large UK university. Drawing on sociomaterial perspectives, it considers the status and role of academics’ literacy practices under lockdown, focusing particularly on the ways in which a range of boundaries are negotiated – spatial, temporal, material, digital, professional, personal and emotional – in a setting where conventional boundaries have been profoundly disrupted. We argue that these practices form part of emergent, restless and shifting semiotic assemblages. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of this conceptual shift for academic work, meaning-making and academic subjectivities, in lockdown and beyond

    Nucleation and twinning in tin droplet solidification on single crystal intermetallic compounds

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    βSn nucleation is a key step in the formation of microstructure in electronic solder joints. Here, the heterogeneous nucleation of βSn is studied in undercooled tin droplets spread on the facets of various intermetallic compounds (IMCs). Nucleation undercoolings are measured in solidifying droplets and are linked to orientation relationships (ORs) measured by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Preferred ORs developed on all IMCs studied. For the more potent nucleants (ιCoSn3, IrSn4, PtSn4, PdSn4) the ORs represent relatively simple atomic matches. ORs with lower potency nucleants (Cu6Sn5, Ag3Sn, Ni3Sn4) had more complex atomic matches that are explored based on matching of the closest packed atomic rows. βSn solidification twinning is shown to be more complex than has been reported previously: both nucleation on an IMC facet and cyclic twinning of that grain occurred in many droplets on Cu6Sn5, Ag3Sn, Ni3Sn4; in all twinned droplets the Sn twinning axis occurred along a direction on the IMC with the lowest linear atomic disregistry; and interrelated cyclic twins formed consisting of up to five rings of cyclic twins all related by shared Sn axes
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