1,333 research outputs found

    Um software para extração de ESTs, CONTIGS e SINGLETS do CAFEST.

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    Uma das dificuldades encontrada atualmente para os usuários da base de dados do Projeto Brasileiro do Genoma Café (CafEST) é a dificuldade em extrair manualmente todas as sequências armazenadas em seus projetos, no sistema Gene Projects. A partir dessa necessidade, foi desenvolvido um software para fazer a automatização do processo. Desta forma, o usuário do CafEST passa a dispor da comodidade de apenas informar ao programa quais projetos ele deseja que tenham as ESTs, contigs ou singlets extraídos. O programa consiste em dois scripts, um para fazer a extração das ESTs e outro para fazer a extração dos contigs e dos singlets. Os dois scripts retiram do CafEST apenas as ESTs, os contigs e singlets e salvam cada um desses em um arquivo do tipo FASTA. Isto facilita o uso dos mesmos em outras bases de dados e/ou ferramentas de bioinformátic

    Effect of flint corn processing method and roughage level on finishing performance of Nellore-based cattle

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    Citation: Caetano, M., Goulart, R. S., Silva, S. L., Drouillard, J. S., Leme, P. R., & Lanna, D. P. D. (2015). Effect of flint corn processing method and roughage level on finishing performance of Nellore-based cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 93(8), 4023-4033. doi:10.2527/jas2015-9051This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of flint corn processing method (CPM) and level of NDF from roughage (rNDF) on performance, carcass characteristics, and starch utilization by finishing Nellore-based cattle fed high-concentrate, flint corn-based diets. In this study, 112 Nellore type bulls (initial BW 384.07 +/- 29.53 kg and 24-36 mo of age) were individually fed using Calan gates or individual pens. The animals were used in a randomized complete block design in a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement with 2 CPM, high-moisture flint corn (HMC) or finely ground dry flint corn (FGC), with 1 of 4 levels of rNDF, 3, 8, 13, and 18% (DM basis), using sugarcane silage (SS) as roughage. Bulls were adapted to the finishing diet over a 21-d period and fed for a total of 81 d. Fecal starch (FS) concentration was determined on d 46 and 74 of the feeding period. There was a quadratic effect of rNDF on final BW (P < 0.01) and ADG (P = 0.01). Optimal concentrations of rNDF were estimated using the first derivative of second order polynomials, indicating that final BW and ADG were maximized with 13.3 and 13.0% rNDF, respectively. An interaction was observed between CPM and rNDF (P = 0.05) for DMI, with peak DMI occurring at 11.3 and 13.7% rNDF with FGC and HMC, respectively. Cattle fed HMC had 13.9% greater G:F (P < 0.01) compared with those fed FGC (0.172 vs. 0.151, respectively). There were quadratic effects of rNDF on HCW (P = 0.04) and ME intake (P < 0.01); heaviest carcass weights were estimated, in both cases, to be achieved with 12.8% rNDF. A quadratic effect of rNDF for renal, pelvic, and inguinal fat weight (P = 0.04) was observed, with a peak estimated to occur at 12.6% rNDF. An interaction between CPM and rNDF also was observed for FS (P < 0.05). Bulls fed FGC with 3% rNDF had greater FS content, and FS linearly decreased as concentration of rNDF increased. For bulls fed HMC, FS was 3.0% of DM and was unaffected by rNDF in the diet. Lower FS from bulls fed HMC suggests that availability of starch from flint corn was greater than that of FGC. For Nellore-based cattle fed a flint corn-based diet containing SS and 8% whole lint cottonseed, performance was optimized with 12.8% rNDF. In the absence of cottonseed addition to diets, optimal performance would be expected with about 14.5% rNDF

    Ocorrência de adultos de Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) em pontos comerciais na área urbana de Vacaria-RS.

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    Este estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a ocorrência de exemplares adultos de D. suzukii nas proximidades de mercados de comercialização de frutas em área urbana

    Occurrence and quantification of drosophila suzukii in the urban area of Vacaria, RS.

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    Drosophila suzukii, also called spotted-wing drosophila (SWD), is a fruit fly which originated in South-eastern Asia. This fly damages small fruits and usually disperses via passive transport in host fruits. Thus, tracking its occurrence is important in that it allows control strategies to be directed to urban areas as well. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of D. suzukii adults inside and nearby 14 commercial establishments that sell fruits in the urban area of Vacaria, RS, at 2014 and 2016. SWD adults were captured by means of PET bottle traps baited with pure apple vinegar. A total Occurrence and quantification of Drosophila suzukii in the urban area of Vacaria, RS Regis S.S dos Santos et al. 589 Rev. Elet. Cient. UERGS, v. 3, n. 3, p. 588-599, 2017 of 23 flies (15 females and 8 males) and 51 flies (29 females and 22 males) were sampled in 2014 and 2016 respectively. On both occasions, the spotted-wing drosophila was detected in 64.3% of the establishments. In 2016 specifically, 13 females were collected at a sampling point inside a supermarket. The results show that control strategies should take into account the presence of the spotted-wing drosophila in urban areas, especially inside commercial stablishments, since this pest may be causing damage to fruits via crosscontamination. Keywords: Distribution. Fruit Trade. Infestation. Control Strategies. Cross-Contamination. Drosophila suzukii ou SWD é uma mosca das frutas nativa do sudeste da Ásia que danifica pequenos frutos, cuja dispersão é atribuída ao transporte passivo em frutas hospedeiras. O conhecimento sobre a ocorrência de SWD em ambientes urbanos é importante, pois permite que estratégias de controle também sejam direcionadas para as áreas urbanas. Neste contexto, foi avaliada a ocorrência de adultos SWD no entorno e interior de 14 mercados de frutas na área urbana do município de Vacaria, RS, nos anos de 2014 e 2016. Adultos de SWD foram monitorados com armadilhas feitas a partir de garrafas PET com vinagre de maçã puro como atrativo. Um total de 23 (15 fêmeas e 8 machos) e 51 (29 fêmeas e 22 machos) indivíduos foram amostrados em 2014 e 2016, respectivamente. Em ambos os anos, em 64,3 % dos pontos avaliados houve ocorrência de SWD. Em 2016, num ponto amostral foram coletadas 13 fêmeas no interior do mercado. Os resultados mostram que estratégias de controle para SWD devem levar em conta a sua ocorrência em áreas urbanas, especialmente no interior dos mercados, pois a praga pode estar causando danos nas frutas por infestação cruzada. Palavras-chave: Distribuição. Comércio De Frutas. Infestação. Estratégia De Controle. Infestação Cruzada

    Formal analogies between gravitation and electrodynamics

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    We develop a theoretical framework that allows us to compare electromagnetism and gravitation in a fully covariant way. This new scenario does not rely on any kind of approximation nor associate objects with different operational meaning as it's sometime done in the literature. We construct the electromagnetic analogue to the Riemann and Weyl tensors and develop the equations of motion for these objects. In particular, we are able to identify precisely how and in what conditions gravity can be mapped to electrodynamics. As a consequence, many of the gemometrical tools of General Relativity can be applied to Electromagnetism and vice-versa. We hope our results would shed new light in the nature of electromagnetic and gravitational theories.Comment: 9pages, submitted to General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Seletividade de produtos fitossanitários utilizados na cultura da soja para pupas de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae).

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de produtos fitossanitários sobre pupas de Trichogramma pretiosum. Foram conduzidos três bioensaios em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 11 tratamentos e cinco repetições. Em cada repetição, ovos de Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller, 1879) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) foram utilizados como hospedeiro alternativo, sendo aderidos em cartelas de cartolina de 1 cm2 com solução de goma arábica à 40% e oferecidos para o parasitismo por 24h. Após 168-192h do parasitismo, quando os parasitoides estavam na fase de pupa, as cartelas foram mergulhadas por cinco segundos nos tratamentos testados. Avaliou-se a sobrevivência dos indivíduos tratados e a redução na emergência dos parasitoides foi classificada segundo as normas da IOBC. Os inseticidas flufenoxurom (Cascade®) 10, diflubenzurom (Dimilin®) 20 e metoxifenozide (Intrepid 240SC®) 21,6 e 36 g i.a. ha-1 foram classificados como inócuos. Permetrina (Valon 384 CE®) 49,92; betaciflutrina 12,5 + imidacloprido 100 (Connect®) e gama-cialotrina (Stallion 150SC®) 3,75 g i.a. ha-1 foram levemente nocivos. Clorpirifós (Lorban 480BR®) 384 e espinosade (Tracer®) 24 g i.a. ha-1 foram moderadamente nocivos. Os herbicidas glifosato 720 + imazetapir 90 (Alteza®); s-metolacloro (Dual Gold®) 1920; flumioxazina (Flumyzin 500®) 60; clomazona (Gamit®) 1000; glifosato 2880 (Gliz 480SL®); dicloreto de paraquate 600 + diurom 300 (Gramocil®); glifosato 1200 (Roundup Ready®); foram classificados como inócuos e os herbicidas 2,4-D (DMA 806BR®) 1209; dicloreto de paraquate (Gramoxone®) 600; glifosato (Roundup Transorb®) 2592 g i.a. ha-1 classificados como levemente nocivos. Os fungicidas tiofanato-metílico (Cercobin 500 SC®) 400; flutriafol 60 + tiofanato-metílico 300 (Celeiro®); carbendazin (Derosal 500SC®) 250; tebuconazole (Folicur EC®) 150; flutriafol (Impact®) 125; tebuconazole 120 + trifloxistrobina 60 (Nativo®); epoxiconazole 30 + piraclostrobina 79,8 (Opera®); epoxiconazole (Opus SC®) 12,5; azoxistrobina (Priori®) 50; azoxistrobina 60 + ciproconazole 24 (Priori Xtra®) g i.a. ha-1 foram classificados como inócuos a T. pretiosum na fase de desenvolvimento avaliada (pupa). Dentre os produtos avaliados, aqueles classificados como inócuos devem ser priorizados no manejo integrado de pragas (MIP) por compatibilizar o uso do controle químico sem prejudicar o controle biológico. Do mesmo modo, os produtos classificados como moderadamente nocivos devem ser evitados sempre que possível ou substituídos por outro de menor impacto


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    This paper aims to numerically study the heat transfer in a two dimensional finned channel under laminar, incompressible and forced convective flow with adiabatic walls. The main purpose is to maximize the convection heat transfer by changing the fin’s dimensions by means of Constructal Design. Numerical computations are performed for different Bejan numbers ranging from 0.182 up to 18.2. For all simulations the Prandlt number is kept constant, Pr = 0.71. The fluid motion throughout the channel is caused by imposition of pressure difference between inlet/outlet surfaces. Concerning heat transfer, it is caused by the difference of temperature between the inlet stream of fluid and the heated fins placed at the channel surfaces. The first fin is positioned in the lower surface of the channel while the second one is placed in the upper one. The problem is submitted to three constraints, the channel area (H × L), area of two fins and occupancy areas for the fins. It is considered here that both fins have the same fraction area (ratio between the fins and occupancy areas) f = 0.2. The problem is submitted to three degrees of freedom: H/L (ratio between height and length of channel), H3/L3 and H4/L4 which represent the ratio between the height and length of the first and second fin, respectively. Here, the second fin remains unchanged, being its dimensions H4/L4 = 2.0, whereas the first one is free to modify its dimensions, H3/L3. The channel dimensions are also constant. The solutions are sought using the conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy being these ones discretized through the Finite Volume Method (FVM). Results showed the importance of Constructal Design application for thermal improvement of the problem. Thermal efficiency differences of 5 times where achieved when comparing the best and worst cases. Other important observation is concerned with the effect of ratio H3/L3 over heat transfer ratio (q) which varied significantly from a case where a pressure drop is imposed in the channel to other case where the driven force is caused by imposition of velocity field at the channel inlet