54 research outputs found

    Planejamento e Controle da Produção (PCP)

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    A prognosis system for colorectal cancer

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    The level of uncertainty and incompleteness in the information upon which healthcare professionals have to make judgments has been a subject of discussion in the past, and more nowadays, with the advent of the so-called Clinical Decision Support Systems. This work addresses uncertainty in the postoperative prognosis for colorectal cancer. The interdependence and synergistic effect of different clinical features comes into play when it is necessary to predict how a patient will react to this type of surgery. Using a probabilistic based knowledge representation, a decision support system was conceived in order to provide support for physicians under these circumstances, in particular to surgeons. The solution proposed is based on machine learning on records of cancer patients, incorporating explicit knowledge of experts about the domain. To facilitate access and thus increase its dissemination in the healthcare community, the system is integrated in a wider platform available through a web application.(undefined


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    Patients with eating disorders present severe and challenging conditions and always require a lot of nutritional care. The objective of this study aims to explore ways to handle patients with eating disorders, enhancing the difficulties in rehabilitating such patients in order for them to adopt balanced eating habits. The methodology used was a description procedure and approaches when assisting these patients. In conclusion there is still a lot to be done in terms of approaches in cases involving patients with eating disorders, so the only alternative to address such cases is a team work involving several health professionals so as to support these patients and their families.Os portadores de transtornos alimentares caracterizam-se por apresentarem quadros graves, desafiadores e sempre exigem muita dedicação do profissional de saúde. O objetivo desse relato foi explorar o manejo de portadores de distúrbios da conduta alimentar, salientando as dificuldades em se reabilitar esse paciente para se alimentar de forma equilibrada. Há muito que se progredir nas abordagens de doenças psiquiátricas como essas que envolvem complicações nutricionais de ampla complexidade, porém o trabalho interdisciplinar desenvolvido por equipe é a melhor alternativa para se tratar esses doentes e suas famílias, que demandam tantos cuidados da equipe

    Efeito da radiação emitida por telefones móveis na via de sinalização das MAPK de células da hipófise de ratos

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    Nos últimos anos, o sistema de telecomunicação móvel tem crescido significativamente, de modo que um sexto da população mundial utiliza telefones móveis. Tais aparelhos e estações de base emitem rádio-frequência ou micro-ondas. Sabe-se que a exposição a esses tipos de radiação pode afetar diretamente a saúde, modificando, por exemplo, a cascata de sinalização das MAPK’s (proteínas quinases ativadas por mitógeno). Essa cascata atua no controle de vários processos celulares, incluindo diferenciação, proliferação, apoptose, síntese e secreção de hormônios. Neste trabalho, foram avaliados, por western blotting, os níveis de expressão das enzimas ERK 1 e ERK 2 (quinase regulada por sinais extracelulares) da hipófise de ratos wistar machos de 60 dias, expostos à radiação emitida por aparelhos celulares (1800MHz), e constatamos um aumento significativo da expressão destas enzimas. Estes resultados demonstram que este tipo de radiação é capaz de alterar a cascata de sinalização das MAPK’s, o que pode afetar o funcionamento das células hipofisárias de ratos Wistar


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    Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are eating disorders characterized by voluntary abstention and compulsive ingestion of food, followed by purgative methods, respectively. Both pathologies are related, once they present symptoms in common: a prevalent idea involving excessive preoccupation about weight, a distortion of body image, and a pathological fear of gaining weight. Generally, the profile of patients with eating disorders is: white female adolescents who have a high social, cultural and economic status. However, increasingly, such conditions have been involving other classes, including male Afro adolescents; pre-teens and patients who have lower social, cultural and economic status. As for the etiopathogeny of anorexia nervosa, there is not only one etiology behind it. A multifactor model is believed to exist, including family, social, cultural, psychological, economic, genetic, and biological factors. In this study we show how such conditions start, criteria for diagnoses, clinical differences between bulimia and anorexia, underling clinical complications, diagnoses differentials, related psychiatric comorbidities, progress, and follow up of such disorders. Considering the high prevalence and morbidity of such syndromes a better understanding of their manifestations and related complications is mandatory to reach early diagnoses. This way, patients will not seek treatment only when they already exhibit severe conditions.A anorexia e bulimia nervosas são distúrbios da conduta alimentar caracterizados por abstenção voluntária de alimentos e pela ingestão compulsiva, seguida de métodos purgativos, respectivamente. Essas duas patologias estão intimamente relacionadas por apresentarem sintomas em comum: uma idéia prevalente envolvendo a preocupação excessiva com o peso, distorção da imagem corporal e um medo patológico de engordar. Geralmente, o perfil dos pacientes portadores de transtornos alimentares é: adolescentes do sexo feminino, raça branca, e alto nível sócio econômico cultural. Porém, o que se tem observado, é que esse grupo é cada vez mais heterogêneo, sendo realizado diagnóstico em adolescentes do sexo masculino, raça negra, pré adolescentes e pacientes com nível sócio econômico cultural baixo. Quanto à etiopatogenia, não há uma única etiologia responsável pela anorexia nervosa. Acredita-se no modelo multifatorial, com contribuição de fatores biológicos, genéticos, psicológicos, socioculturais e familiares. Neste trabalho apresentamos como se inicia o quadro de transtorno alimentar, critérios diagnósticos, diferenças clínicas entre anorexia e bulimia, complicações clínicas inerentes, diagnóstico diferencial, comorbidades psiquiátricas associadas e acompanhamento e evolução desses transtornos. Considerando a elevada prevalência dessas síndromes associada à alta morbidade, preconiza-se o melhor conhecimento de suas manifestações clínicas, bem como complicações associadas para que o diagnóstico possa ser realizado mais precocemente evitando assim que essas pacientes cheguem para o tratamento apenas quando seu estado já esteja grave

    Bipolar versus unipolar energy in the surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation in patients with mitral valve surgery

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    Objective: To evaluate the presence of sinus rhythm or atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients who had mitral valve surgery with concomitant surgical ablation of AF, by unipolar or bipolar radiofrequency. Methods: Adults patients who had mitral valve replacement or mitral valvuloplasty with concomitant surgical ablation of AF, either by unipolar or bipolar radiofrequency, were consecutively included between the 2008 and 2012. Surgery was done by conventional median sternotomy. Results: A total of 99 patients were included; 20 (20.2%) had surgical ablation by unipolar energy and 79 (79.8%) by bipolar energy. There were 76 (76.8%) women, and mean age± SD was 51 ±11 years.  The median duration of AF before surgery was 41 months. Type of AF was paroxysmal in 21 (21%), persistent in 11 (11%), and long-standing persistent in 67 (67%). Mean left atrium size in the preoperative period was 5.54 ± 0.82 cm. Mean left ventricular ejection fraction was 58±12.4%. Types of mitral valve surgery were valvuloplasty (n=10), mechanical valve replacement in 30, and bioprosthesis replacement in 59. Concomitant tricuspid annuloplasty was performed in 39 patients. Thirty- day mortality was 8/99 (8%). Mean follow-up time was 1274 days (3.49 years). Survival was 92%. After 4 years no patient who had had unipolar ablation was in sinus rhythm, whilst 67% of those who had bipolar energy ablation were in sinus rhythm (p<0.001). Conclusion: The use of bipolar energy is superior to unipolar energy in the surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation in patients submitted to mitral valve surgery

    Satellite Cells: Regenerative Mechanisms and Applicability in Muscular Dystrophy

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    The satellite cells are long regarded as heterogeneous cell population, which is intimately linked to the processes of muscular recovery. The heterogeneous cell population may be classified by specific markers. In spite of the significant amount of variation amongst the satellite cell populations, it seems that their activity is tightly bound to the paired box 7 transcription factor expression, which is, therefore, used as a canonical marker for these cells. Muscular dystrophic diseases, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy, elicit severe tissue injuries leading those patients to display a very specific pattern of muscular recovery abnormalities. There have been works on the application of precursors cells as a therapeutic alternative for Duchenne muscular dystrophy and initial attempts have proven the cells inefficient; however later endeavours have proposed solutions for the experiments improving significantly the results. The presence of a range of satellite cells populations indicates the existence of specific cells with enhanced capability of muscular recovery in afflicted muscles

    Gêneses urbanas do colonialismo: síntese de encontros culturais

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    Investigações sobre a gênese das vilas litorâneas de Cananeia, Iguape, São Vicente, Santos, São Sebastião e Ubatuba, no atual estado de São Paulo, evidenciam a significativa contribuição das sociedades indígenas nas ocupações do colonialismo. Presentes alguns séculos antes da chegada dos europeus, elas elegeram essa frente atlântica como habitat, estabelecendo em nichos ecológicos seus lugares de vivência. Tais escolhas balizaram as futuras instalações. Uma recorrência simboliza o encontro cultural entre indígenas e europeus: a articulação do módulo espacial da Matriz com a contiguidade da "rua direita"