101 research outputs found

    Microbial Similarity between Students in a Common Dormitory Environment Reveals the Forensic Potential of Individual Microbial Signatures.

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    The microbiota of the built environment is an amalgamation of both human and environmental sources. While human sources have been examined within single-family households or in public environments, it is unclear what effect a large number of cohabitating people have on the microbial communities of their shared environment. We sampled the public and private spaces of a college dormitory, disentangling individual microbial signatures and their impact on the microbiota of common spaces. We compared multiple methods for marker gene sequence clustering and found that minimum entropy decomposition (MED) was best able to distinguish between the microbial signatures of different individuals and was able to uncover more discriminative taxa across all taxonomic groups. Further, weighted UniFrac- and random forest-based graph analyses uncovered two distinct spheres of hand- or shoe-associated samples. Using graph-based clustering, we identified spheres of interaction and found that connection between these clusters was enriched for hands, implicating them as a primary means of transmission. In contrast, shoe-associated samples were found to be freely interacting, with individual shoes more connected to each other than to the floors they interact with. Individual interactions were highly dynamic, with groups of samples originating from individuals clustering freely with samples from other individuals, while all floor and shoe samples consistently clustered together.IMPORTANCE Humans leave behind a microbial trail, regardless of intention. This may allow for the identification of individuals based on the "microbial signatures" they shed in built environments. In a shared living environment, these trails intersect, and through interaction with common surfaces may become homogenized, potentially confounding our ability to link individuals to their associated microbiota. We sought to understand the factors that influence the mixing of individual signatures and how best to process sequencing data to best tease apart these signatures

    Microbiome profile associated with malignant pleural effusion.

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    INTRODUCTION:There is ongoing research into the development of novel molecular markers that may complement fluid cytology malignant pleural effusion (MPE) diagnosis. In this exploratory pilot study, we hypothesized that there are distinct differences in the pleural fluid microbiome profile of malignant and non-malignant pleural diseases. METHOD:From a prospectively enrolled pleural fluid biorepository, samples of MPE were included. Non-MPE effusion were included as comparators. 16S rRNA gene V4 region amplicon sequencing was performed. Exact Sequence Variants (ESVs) were used for diversity analyses. The Shannon and Richness indices of alpha diversity and UniFrac beta diversity measures were tested for significance using permutational multivariate analysis of variance. Analyses of Composition of Microbiome was used to identify differentially abundant bacterial ESVs between the groups controlled for multiple hypothesis testing. RESULTS:38 patients with MPE and 9 with non-MPE were included. A subgroup of patients with metastatic adenocarcinoma histology were identified among MPE group (adenocarcinoma of lung origin (LA-MPE) = 11, breast origin (BA-MPE) = 11). MPE presented with significantly greater alpha diversity compared to non-MPE group. Within the MPE group, BA-MPE was more diverse compared to LA-MPE group. In multivariable analysis, ESVs belonging to family S24-7 and genera Allobaculum, Stenotrophomonas, and Epulopiscium were significantly enriched in the malignant group compared to the non-malignant group. CONCLUSION:Our results are the first to demonstrate a microbiome signature according to MPE and non-MPE. The role of microbiome in pleural effusion pathogenesis needs further exploration

    Sex-specific effects of microbiome perturbations on cerebral Aβ amyloidosis and microglia phenotypes.

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    We demonstrated that an antibiotic cocktail (ABX)-perturbed gut microbiome is associated with reduced amyloid-β (Aβ) plaque pathology and astrogliosis in the male amyloid precursor protein (APP)SWE /presenilin 1 (PS1)ΔE9 transgenic model of Aβ amyloidosis. We now show that in an independent, aggressive APPSWE/PS1L166P (APPPS1-21) mouse model of Aβ amyloidosis, an ABX-perturbed gut microbiome is associated with a reduction in Aβ pathology and alterations in microglial morphology, thus establishing the generality of the phenomenon. Most importantly, these latter alterations occur only in brains of male mice, not in the brains of female mice. Furthermore, ABX treatment lead to alterations in levels of selected microglial expressed transcripts indicative of the "M0" homeostatic state in male but not in female mice. Finally, we found that transplants of fecal microbiota from age-matched APPPS1-21 male mice into ABX-treated APPPS1-21 male restores the gut microbiome and partially restores Aβ pathology and microglial morphology, thus demonstrating a causal role of the microbiome in the modulation of Aβ amyloidosis and microglial physiology in mouse models of Aβ amyloidosis

    Microbial and metabolic succession on common building materials under high humidity conditions.

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    Despite considerable efforts to characterize the microbial ecology of the built environment, the metabolic mechanisms underpinning microbial colonization and successional dynamics remain unclear, particularly at high moisture conditions. Here, we applied bacterial/viral particle counting, qPCR, amplicon sequencing of the genes encoding 16S and ITS rRNA, and metabolomics to longitudinally characterize the ecological dynamics of four common building materials maintained at high humidity. We varied the natural inoculum provided to each material and wet half of the samples to simulate a potable water leak. Wetted materials had higher growth rates and lower alpha diversity compared to non-wetted materials, and wetting described the majority of the variance in bacterial, fungal, and metabolite structure. Inoculation location was weakly associated with bacterial and fungal beta diversity. Material type influenced bacterial and viral particle abundance and bacterial and metabolic (but not fungal) diversity. Metabolites indicative of microbial activity were identified, and they too differed by material

    Decreased microbial co-occurrence network stability and SCFA receptor level correlates with obesity in African-origin women.

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    We compared the gut microbial populations in 100 women, from rural Ghana and urban US [50% lean (BMI < 25 kg/m2) and 50% obese (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2)] to examine the ecological co-occurrence network topology of the gut microbiota as well as the relationship of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) with obesity. Ghanaians consumed significantly more dietary fiber, had greater microbial alpha-diversity, different beta-diversity, and had a greater concentration of total fecal SCFAs (p-value < 0.002). Lean Ghanaians had significantly greater network density, connectivity and stability than either obese Ghanaians, or lean and obese US participants (false discovery rate (FDR) corrected p-value ≤ 0.01). Bacteroides uniformis was significantly more abundant in lean women, irrespective of country (FDR corrected p < 0.001), while lean Ghanaians had a significantly greater proportion of Ruminococcus callidus, Prevotella copri, and Escherichia coli, and smaller proportions of Lachnospiraceae, Bacteroides and Parabacteroides. Lean Ghanaians had a significantly greater abundance of predicted microbial genes that catalyzed the production of butyric acid via the fermentation of pyruvate or branched amino-acids, while obese Ghanaians and US women (irrespective of BMI) had a significantly greater abundance of predicted microbial genes that encoded for enzymes associated with the fermentation of amino-acids such as alanine, aspartate, lysine and glutamate. Similar to lean Ghanaian women, mice humanized with stool from the lean Ghanaian participant had a significantly lower abundance of family Lachnospiraceae and genus Bacteroides and Parabacteroides, and were resistant to obesity following 6-weeks of high fat feeding (p-value < 0.01). Obesity-resistant mice also showed increased intestinal transcriptional expression of the free fatty acid (Ffa) receptor Ffa2, in spite of similar fecal SCFAs concentrations. We demonstrate that the association between obesity resistance and increased predicted ecological connectivity and stability of the lean Ghanaian microbiota, as well as increased local SCFA receptor level, provides evidence of the importance of robust gut ecologic network in obesity

    Detecting Personal Microbiota Signatures at Artificial Crime Scenes

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    When mapped to the environments we interact with on a daily basis, the 36 million microbial cells per hour that humans emit leave a trail of evidence that can be leveraged for forensic analysis. We employed 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing to map unique microbial sequence variants between human skin and building surfaces in three experimental conditions: over time during controlled and uncontrolled incidental interactions with a door handle, and during multiple mock burglaries in ten real residences. We demonstrate that humans (n = 30) leave behind microbial signatures that can be used to track interaction with various surfaces within a building, but the likelihood of accurately detecting the specific burglar for a given home was between 20-25%. Also, the human microbiome contains rare microbial taxa that can be combined to create a unique microbial profile, which when compared to 600 other individuals can improve our ability to link an individual ‘burglar’ to a residence. In total, 5,512 discriminating, non-singleton unique exact sequence variants (uESVs) were identified as unique to an individual, with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 568, suggesting some people maintain a greater degree of unique taxa compared to our population of 600. Approximate 60-77% of the unique exact sequence variants originated from the hands of participants, and these microbial discriminators spanned 36 phyla but were dominated by the Proteobacteria (34%). A fitted regression generated to determine whether an intruder’s uESVs found on door handles in an office decayed over time in the presence or absence of office workers, found no significant shift in proportion of uESVs over time irrespective of the presence of office workers. While it was possible to detect the correct burglars’ microbiota as having contributed to the invaded space, the predictions were very weak in comparison to accepted forensic standards. This suggests that at this time 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing of the built environment microbiota cannot be used as a reliable trace evidence standard for criminal investigations

    Mice Fed an Obesogenic Western Diet, Administered Antibiotics, and Subjected to a Sterile Surgical Procedure Develop Lethal Septicemia with Multidrug-Resistant Pathobionts

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    Despite antibiotics and sterile technique, postoperative infections remain a real and present danger to patients. Recent estimates suggest that 50% of the pathogens associated with postoperative infections have become resistant to the standard antibiotics used for prophylaxis. Risk factors identified in such cases include obesity and antibiotic exposure. To study the combined effect of obesity and antibiotic exposure on postoperative infection, mice were allowed to gain weight on an obesogenic Western-type diet (WD), administered antibiotics and then subjected to an otherwise recoverable sterile surgical injury (30% hepatectomy). The feeding of a WD alone resulted in a major imbalance of the cecal microbiota characterized by a decrease in diversity, loss of Bacteroidetes, a bloom in Proteobacteria, and the emergence of antibiotic-resistant organisms among the cecal microbiota. When WD-fed mice were administered antibiotics and subjected to 30% liver resection, lethal sepsis, characterized by multiple-organ damage, developed. Notable was the emergence and systemic dissemination of multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathobionts, including carbapenem-resistant, extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Serratia marcescens, which expressed a virulent and immunosuppressive phenotype. Analysis of the distribution of exact sequence variants belonging to the genus Serratia suggested that these strains originated from the cecal mucosa. No mortality or MDR pathogens were observed in identically treated mice fed a standard chow diet. Taken together, these results suggest that consumption of a Western diet and exposure to certain antibiotics may predispose to life-threating postoperative infection associated with MDR organisms present among the gut microbiota. IMPORTANCE Obesity remains a prevalent and independent risk factor for life-threatening infection following major surgery. Here, we demonstrate that when mice are fed an obesogenic Western diet (WD), they become susceptible to lethal sepsis with multiple organ damage after exposure to antibiotics and an otherwise-recoverable surgical injury. Analysis of the gut microbiota in this model demonstrates that WD alone leads to loss of Bacteroidetes, a bloom of Proteobacteria, and evidence of antibiotic resistance development even before antibiotics are administered. After antibiotics and surgery, lethal sepsis with organ damage developed in in mice fed a WD with the appearance of multidrug-resistant pathogens in the liver, spleen, and blood. The importance of these findings lies in exposing how the selective pressures of diet, antibiotic exposure, and surgical injury can converge on the microbiome, resulting in lethal sepsis and organ damage without the introduction of an exogenous pathogen
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