27 research outputs found

    Condition Based Maintenance Optimization of Multi-Equipment Manufacturing Systems by Combining Discrete Event Simulation and Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms

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    Modern industrial engineers are continually faced with the challenge of meeting increasing demands for high quality products while using a reduced amount of resources. Since systems used in the production of goods and deliveries of services constitute the vast portion of capital in most industries, maintenance of such systems is crucial (Oyarbide-Zubillaga, Goti, & Sánchez 2008). Several studies compiled by Mjema (2002) show that maintenance costs represent from 3 to 40 % out of the total product cost (with an average value of a 28%). Within maintenance, the Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) techniques are very important. Nevertheless, and comparing it to the Preventive Maintenance (PM) optimization problem, relatively few papers related to CBM have been developed: According to Aven (1996), one of the reasons to justify this fact is that CBM models are usually by its nature rather sophisticated compared to the more traditional replacement models. Within this maintenance strategy, Das & Sarkar (1999) distinguish two CBM subtypes, On-Condition Maintenance (OCM) and Condition Monitoring (CMT). OCM is based on periodic inspections, while CMT performs a continuous monitoring on the hardware through instrumentation. Considering the described context, this paper focuses on the problem of CMT optimisation in a manufacturing environment, with the objective of determining the optimal CMT deterioration levels beyond which PM activities should be applied under cost and profit criteria in a multi-equipment system. The initiative considers the interaction of production, work in process material, quality and maintenance aspects. In this work the suitability of discrete event simulation to model or modify complex system models is combined with the aptitude that multiobjective evolutionary algorithms have shown to deal with multiobjective problems to develop a maintenance management and optimisation approach. An application case where the activities applied on a system that produces hubcaps for the car maker industry is performed, showing the quantitative benefits of adopting the detailed approach

    Application of the k-Prototype Clustering Approach for the Definition of Geostatistical Estimation Domains

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    The definition of geostatistical domains is a stage in the estimation of mineral resources, in which a sample resulting from a mining exploration process is divided into zones that show homogeneity or minimal variation in the main element of interest or mineral grade, having geological and spatial meaning. Its importance lies in the fact that the quality of the estimation techniques, and therefore, the correct quantification of the mineral resource, will improve in geostatistically stationary areas. The present study seeks to define geostatistical domains of estimation for a mineral grade, using a non-traditional approach based on the k-prototype clustering algorithm. This algorithm is based on the k-means paradigm of unsupervised machine learning, but it is exempt from the one-time restriction on numeric data. The latter is especially convenient, as it allows the incorporation of categorical variables such as geological attributes in the grouping. The case study corresponds to a hydrothermal gold deposit of high sulfidation, located in the southern zone of Peru, where estimation domains are defined from a historical record of data recovered from 131 diamond drill holes and 37 trenches. The characteristics directly involved were the gold grade (Au), silver grade (Ag), type of hydrothermal alteration, and type of mineralization. The results obtained showed that clustering with k-prototypes is an efficient approach and can be used as an alternative or complement to the traditional methodology.This research was funded by the Basque Government. Project reference numbers: 1456-22 and ZE-2020/00005

    Modeling the Municipal Waste Collection Using Genetic Algorithms

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    Calculating adequate vehicle routes for collecting municipal waste is still an unsolved issue, even though many solutions for this process can be found in the literature. A gap still exists between academics and practitioners in the field. One of the apparent reasons why this rift exists is that academic tools often are not easy to handle and maintain by actual users. In this work, the problem of municipal waste collection is modeled using a simple but efficient and especially easy to maintain solution. Real data have been used, and it has been solved using a Genetic Algorithm (GA). Computations have been done in two different ways: using a complete random initial population, and including a seed in this initial population. In order to guarantee that the solution is efficient, the performance of the genetic algorithm has been compared with another well-performing algorithm, the Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS). Three problems of different sizes have been solved and, in all cases, a significant improvement has been obtained. A total reduction of 40% of itineraries is attained with the subsequent reduction of emissions and costs.This research was funded by Fundación BBK, partner of the Deusto Digital Industry Chair

    Identifying the Future Skills Requirements of the Job Profiles Related to Sustainability in the Engineering Sector

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    The field of engineering has undergone significant evolution over the time. With the advent of newindustrial revolutions and the growing importance of sustainability, the skills necessary to excel as anengineer have changed drastically. To be a competent engineer in the future, and to achieve thepsychological wellbeing of a qualified and up-to-date professional, it is necessary to analyze potentialchanges that may occur in the field and adapt one\u27s skills accordingly. Engineers can stay ahead of thecurve and remain relevant in an ever-changing landscape, only by anticipating and preparing forfuture developments as well as foreseeing the future skills needs. In order to address the need ofidentifying the future skill requirements for engineers, in this work, we created a skills database with astrong focus on sustainability. This database not only integrates current skills, but also foresees andestablishes the skills related to sustainability, which will be needed in the future. For this aim, webenefited from the ESCO database for selecting the engineering job profiles related to sustainabilityas well as the current skills needs of the engineers. On the other hand, we conducted a detailed deskresearch in order to analyse and identify the future skills needs for the selected engineering jobprofiles. The aim of our work is to address the lack of a skills database specifically designed for theengineering field in relation to sustainability. The database is intended to provide end -users withinformation on new skill requirements that may arise from future changes, such as industrial andsustainable shifts

    Optimal Maintenance Thresholds to Perform Preventive Actions by Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

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    [EN] Maintenance has always been a key activity in the manufacturing industry because of its economic consequences. Nowadays, its importance is increasing thanks to the Industry 4.0 or fourth industrial revolution. There are more and more complex systems to maintain, and maintenance management must gain efficiency and effectiveness in order to keep all these devices in proper conditions. Within maintenance, Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) programs can provide significant advantages, even though often these programs are complex to manage and understand. For this reason, several research papers propose approaches that are as simple as possible and can be understood by users and modified by experts. In this context, this paper focuses on CBM optimization in an industrial environment, with the objective of determining the optimal values of preventive intervention limits for equipment under corrective and preventive maintenance cost criteria. In this work, a cost-benefit mathematical model is developed. It considers the evolution in quality and production speed, along with condition based, corrective and preventive maintenance. The cost-benefit optimization is performed using a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm. Both the model and the optimization approach are applied to an industrial case.This research was funded by the HAZITEK call of the Basque Government, project acronym HORDAGO.Goti, A.; Oyarbide-Zubillaga, A.; Alberdi, E.; Sánchez Galdón, AI.; Garcia-Bringas, P. (2019). Optimal Maintenance Thresholds to Perform Preventive Actions by Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms. Applied Sciences. 9(15). https://doi.org/10.3390/app915306891

    Analysis of the Air Quality of the Basque Autonomous Community Using Spatial Interpolation

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    This work presents the results obtained from a spatial modeling and analysis process on pollutants measured in the air through forty-three monitoring stations located in the three provinces of the Basque Autonomous Community (Spain). The pollutants measured correspond to the set of nitrogen oxides (nitric oxide, NO; nitrogen dioxide, NO 2 ; and nitrogen oxides, NO x ) and atmospheric particulate matter with a diameter less than or equal to 10 micrometers (PM 10 ). The objective of this work was to generate a map of the pollutants that exhaustively covers the entire area of the Basque Autonomous Community using geostatistical techniques, in such a way that it serves as a basis for short and midterm environmental studies

    Optimal Maintenance Thresholds to Perform Preventive Actions by Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

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    Maintenance has always been a key activity in the manufacturing industry because of its economic consequences. Nowadays, its importance is increasing thanks to the Industry 4.0 or fourth industrial revolution. There are more and more complex systems to maintain, and maintenance management must gain efficiency and effectiveness in order to keep all these devices in proper conditions. Within maintenance, Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) programs can provide significant advantages, even though often these programs are complex to manage and understand. For this reason, several research papers propose approaches that are as simple as possible and can be understood by users and modified by experts. In this context, this paper focuses on CBM optimization in an industrial environment, with the objective of determining the optimal values of preventive intervention limits for equipment under corrective and preventive maintenance cost criteria. In this work, a cost-benefit mathematical model is developed. It considers the evolution in quality and production speed, along with condition based, corrective and preventive maintenance. The cost-benefit optimization is performed using a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm. Both the model and the optimization approach are applied to an industrial case.This research was funded by the HAZITEK call of the Basque Government, project acronym HORDAGO

    Validation of Real Case Solving (RCS) Methodology as an Efficient Engineering Learning Tool

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    In recent times, new learning methodologies known as student-based methodologies have been introduced to simplify the learning process for the students and facilitate the acquisition of skills for them. Among them, problem based learning (PBL) and project-based learning (PjBL) are widely used methods in the world of education. Real case solving (RCS) is a variant of the PBL where students solve real cases through the application of the PBL methodology. RCS seems to be a relevant approach for educators, but it has an apparently limited implementation degree at the academic level. This article presents the successful implementation of four different RCS approaches in the lecturing process in five different classes in the engineering degree of University of Deusto. The initiative has been analyzed both quantitative and qualitatively; the overall performance and success rate of the students were compared with the ones acquired from conventional teaching methods. The results were found to be promising, demonstrating a significantly better performance than the traditional teaching methodologies. The successful results encouraged the university to continue working further in this direction.This research was funded by the X. INNOVATION IN TEACHING CALL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEUSTO, project “Application and potential validation of the Real Case Solving methodology as method for relevant learning at the Faculty of Engineering”, and by the BBK Foundation

    Mechanical Behavior Modeling of Containers and Octabins Made of Corrugated Cardboard Subjected to Vertical Stacking Loads

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    The aim of this paper is to characterize the mechanical behavior of corrugated cardboard boxes using simple models that allow an approach to the load capacity and the deformation of the boxes. This is very interesting during a box design stage, in which the box does not exist yet. On the one hand, a mathematical model of strength and deformation of boxes with different geometry is obtained from experiments according to the Box Compression Test and Edge Crush Test standards. On the second hand, a finite element simulation is proposed in which only the material elastic modulus in the compression direction is needed. For that, corrugated cardboard sheets are glued to build billets for testing, and an equivalent elastic modulus is obtained. This idea arises from the fact that the collapse of the box is given by the local bucking of the corrugated cardboard panels, due to the slenderness itself, and the properties in the compression direction are predominant. As a result, the numerical models show satisfactory agreement with experiments, concluding that it is an adequate methodology to simulate in a simple and efficient way this type of boxes built with corrugated cardboard.This research was funded by the Deusto Digital Industry Chair